Most Prestigious Title?


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Over the years, in the wwe there have been many titles, some more important then others and some lasted longer then others, but my question is, with all the current titles, wwe, world heavyweight, U.S, Intercontinental, Tag team and diva championship, which title do you think has the most prestige to it? What makes it good and who's the champion that put value to that title, for me it would have to be the intercontinental, because let's face it, in the past few months we have seen the wwe and world title switch hands a numerous amount of times, the title is given to a champ who wasn't ready, or a champ who says the same generic stuff in his promos, now the reason I pick the intercontinental was because of Cody Rhodes, alot of great wrestlers who came before him have held the title, but he actually brought value back to it, he gave being a champion a new meaning, so with that being said, again I ask you this question, what title is the most prestigious IN YOUR OPINION, and which wrestler Effected your choice
I'm going with the easiest title. The WWE Championship. I know it gets tossed around fairly often, but being the WWE Champion means the WWE trusts you to be at the top of the brand. No other title with in the WWE holds that type of value. The WWE Championship is the most prestigious because it's arguably the top Wrestling Title in the World. Granted, there are guys in the past who haven't quite deserved any type of title reign; it's still a big accomplishment to hold the top title in the WWE. Winning the Intercontinental Championship isn't that big of an accomplishment anymore. While that can be said for any Championship nowadays, winning the WWE Championship still means alot to some people. There’s just no way I can consider a midcard title as being more prestigious or valuable than a World Title.
I agree with Hamily Guy, even though titles such as the intercontinental and tag team belts have had a lot of legends who have held them, even though the World Heavyweight title has been around longer, in respects to the WWE the WWE championship is the top. As Hamily said and they are right on the money, it means the WWE trusts you, it means that they feel you are at the top of your game and can be a face (as in front man not good guy) of the company. If this was a general wrestling thread my answer would be the WHC but sadly since it was an 'inherited' title it will never be seen in the WWE higher then their own title imo

Not to mention that the WWE is the largest and most well known wrestling company in the world, wearing the Heavyweight title of said company carries a lot of weight.
This really isn't even close. The WWE Championship is the most prestigious championship in World Wrestling Entertainment BY FAR. It's hard to even debate against that. Why? Because it's been around for about 50 years and has been the focal point of the WWE for all 50 of those years. The World Heavyweight Championship is close in terms of importance right now, but is not nearly as prestigious for many reasons. One of those is that its only been around in the WWE since 2002. Another reason is that the WWE is not nearly as selective in choosing who they trust with the WHC compared to the WWE Championship. In other words, Jack Swagger and Ziggler get WHC runs, but not WWE Championship runs. Nuff said. Sure, some belts, like the IC Title, have been around for a while too, have featured 5-Star, defining matches, and have been worn by infamous superstars, but the fact that they are not as IMPORTANT as the WWE Championship make them less prestigious in my opinion.

Basically, the WWE Championship wins in all "prestige categories" across the board. Importance, check. Longevity, check. Selectivity (which surprisingly is a word), check.

The WWE Championship is the most prestigious title in the WWE.
World Heavyweight Championship is the most prestigious title in the WWE. Reason ,It has been held by people like Shawn Michaels,Triple-H, Edge etc who were all top stars and from 2002 to 2005 the World Heavyweight Championship was THE title on the flagship show of WWE that is RAW.WWE Championship was the title of the "B" show i.e Smackdown. It is the same title that has been worn by greats like Ric Flair,Hulk Hogan Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat,Sting and has been around since the NWA/WCW days. For people saying guys like Jack Swagger,Dolph Ziggler getting WHC runs then what about The Miz winning the WWE Title? World Heavyweight Championhip hasn't been joked around like the WWE title which changed hands 8 times from Money in the Bank to Hell in a Cell.

The Storyline based around the World Heavyweight Championship actually makes sense unlike the one around the WWE Title. So in my opinion World Heavyweight Championship is the more prestigious title.

FYI :WWE Title was created in 1963, while the World Heavyweight was created in 1901.World Heavyweight Title has been around for 107 years.There is a 62 year difference between the titles.
The WWE Champiosnhio for sure.

Look at the people who have held this title,

Hogan, Savage, Flair, Undertaker, Sammartino, Austin, Hart, Michaels, Angle, Lesnar, Warrior, Rock, Cena, Orton, HHH, Kane, Jericho, Guerrero, JBL, Edge...

and the matches behind it aswell,

Austin vs Angle
Hogan Vs Savage
Michaels vs Hart
Warrior Vs Hogan
Savage Vs Flair
Angle Vs Lesnar

SOOO many to name !

Sure it's come down in prestige over the years but this is the biggest wrestling championship in the world.
The WWE belt is the top title of the flagship show and therefore, the most prestigious belt in the WWE today.

The world championship is a more prestigious title to me, as it's arguably descended from the 1948 NWA title, which (dubiously) traced its pedigree back to the days Hackenschmidt/Gotch, however for the casual fan it's whatever belt is held by the top dog on RAW.
The WWE title wins by a mile. It is the top title on the #1 wrestling show in the world(?) like it or not it's the most prestigious title in the world let alone the WWE.
WWE Title wins this easily. There was even recently a survey conducted someplace (sorrry, so source) that put the WWE Title as the 2nd most presigious sports title ever, only behind the Stanly Cup.

It is, and has been, the center of attention in the WWE for YEARS. Sure, there were a few years where the World Title was on RAW, but that was what, 3 years? It's been 6 years since then.

And to anyone picking the IC because of a hard on for Cody Rhodes, just becausse you have a title for a while, doesn't mean shit unless you defend it regularly, and against people we think have a shot. The WWE Title, as corny as it looks, is the greatest title in wrestling history. If you don't aim to win that title, GTFO.
The WWE Championship, hands down. Compared to the WHC, it's not even a question. With few exceptions, the WWE Championship is not really given to unproven wrestlers or on a whim. You can hate on the Miz all you want, but the fact is that Vince trusts him, he's over, and he (IMO) did a great job with his title run last year. The title changed hands a lot last year, but who had it?

  • The Miz - Already talked about. Trusted and well liked by the higherups. Very over.
  • John Cena - Don't need to explain. Most popular superstar since Austin.
  • CM Punk - Insanely over, amazing wrestler, has finally come into his own as a serious player. Will be for years to come.
  • Alberto del Rio - Untested, yes. I can't hugely vouch for this as I didn't really agree with it. I think ADR will be around for a while and be a perennial main eventer, but not yet.
  • Rey Mysterio - One day victory, just basically to sell the "unification" match at SummerSlam since Cena wasn't in the tournament. Perennial main eventer and one of the most respected individuals currently in the business.

Compare this to the WHC in 2011:

  • Edge - No compaints here. Edge basically is that title in my eyes.
  • Dolph Ziggler - 10 minute reign from someone who at the time wasn't even near at that level IMO. Made no sense.
  • Christian - Essentially given it to him thanks to Edge's sudden retirement; a storyline they'd be stupid to pass up. I love Christian and am glad he got the title, but do you think he would have gotten it last year had Edge stayed healthy?
  • Randy Orton - No complaints. Although I find him massively boring he's definitely World title material.
  • Mark Henry - Again, glad he got a World title in his career, but do you think they'd ever give Mark Henry the WWE Championship? I don't.
  • Big Show - 45 second reign. Has no business being a world champion at this stage in his career anyway.
  • Daniel Bryan - He's doing a great job and I like him, but again, would they run this program with the WWE Title? No way. The WWE Title is for the best of the best. D-Bry is definitely not there yet.

The WHC is more of an experimental title. The recognize its value as a prop to propel people into the main event even when they're not quite there on their own yet. The WWE Championship still maintains a tinge of prestige.

To people who are thinking that the WHC has a longer history and is therefore more prestigious, keep in mind that the NWA/WCW Championship doesn't exist anymore. The last WCW Champion was Chris Jericho when he unified them into the Undisputed Championship, and with that unification went the entire history of that belt. It's gone. The current WWE WHC shares only its looks with that belt. The WHC was created in 2002 and the first champion was Triple H.
I wasn’t going to respond, but because we’re talking about Championships, and Titles, and Belts, and Championship Title Belts, I just feel the need to throw my 12 cents in.

The WWE Championship.

The WWE Title is the Championship of the number 1 Wrestling company in the World and is featured on the number 1 Wrestling show period. There may have been a short period of time where the WWE and the World Title were on the same level, but in my opinion, the World Title never ever surpassed the WWE Title in anyway whatsoever. Just to be as clear as possible, in my opinion, of course, the short time period I’m referring to is from September 2, 2002 to June 30, 2005 and again from June 30, 2008 to April 26, 2009. In other words, if the WWE Title is on Raw and the World Title is on Smackdown, the WWE Title is the more prestigious Title. In any other scenario (WWE Title on Smackdown and the World Title on Raw or both Titles on either Raw or Smackdown), in my opinion, they are “equal”.

I understand that the World Title “has been around a few years longer” than the WWE Title. I frankly don’t care if we’re talking about the NWA Title, the WCW Title, the World Title, or even combined all 3 Titles into one. You put those up against the WWWF Title, the WWF Title, or the WWE Title, and you will still end up with the same result. The WWE Title is still the most prestigious Title out there. It’s the same reason why we are watching Raw and Smackdown and not Nitro and Thunder. It’s the same reason why the Big Gold Belt is unbranded. It’s the same reason why we have a WWE Title and a World Title, and not a WCW Title and an unbranded Attitude Era World Title.

As far as the Intercontinental and United States Championships go, well, that’s all in the name and in common sense. Even if the WWE and World Titles were to change hands once a week and the IC and US Titles change hands once a year, I would still view the WWE and World Titles as the Major Championships and the IC and US as the Minor Championships. I don’t see Sheamus talking $#!+ to Swagger or Rhodes right now, and neither do you.
World Heavyweight Championship is the most prestigious title in the WWE. Reason ,It has been held by people like Shawn Michaels,Triple-H, Edge etc who were all top stars and from 2002 to 2005 the World Heavyweight Championship was THE title on the flagship show of WWE that is RAW.WWE Championship was the title of the "B" show i.e Smackdown. It is the same title that has been worn by greats like Ric Flair,Hulk Hogan Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat,Sting and has been around since the NWA/WCW days. For people saying guys like Jack Swagger,Dolph Ziggler getting WHC runs then what about The Miz winning the WWE Title? World Heavyweight Championhip hasn't been joked around like the WWE title which changed hands 8 times from Money in the Bank to Hell in a Cell.

The Storyline based around the World Heavyweight Championship actually makes sense unlike the one around the WWE Title. So in my opinion World Heavyweight Championship is the more prestigious title.

FYI :WWE Title was created in 1963, while the World Heavyweight was created in 1901.World Heavyweight Title has been around for 107 years.There is a 62 year difference between the titles.

The facts do not lie about the World Heavyweight Title. I can agree that given its age and its lineage makes it great. However, like the WWE title it has had its share of just awful holders... Does the dame of David Arquette ring bell to anyone? Then we have the joke of a (30 minute?) reign by Ziggler... and the non-reign that was Jack Swagger. Can't blame those bad choices on the stars themselves. The WHC in WWE has been the testing of the waters to see if a wrestler can be the top man in the company.

The WWE Championship has had its share of bad reigns (No Mercy 07 ring a bell?) but the guy with the WWE title has been the face of the WWE.

I think both titles are in the same level currently.... but the WWE title is slightly higher... If this was 1992... I'd say the World Heavyweight Championship.
I am replying to this thread as the WHC title from WCW and then went to the WWE. I would have to go with the WWE. Just by who did NOT hold the title? A lot of great legends held both the WWE and World Heavyweight. People like Sting, Flair, and Ron Simmons held the WHC. Then when it was brought to WWE it to had greats hold the title. The WWE title also has legends hold it such as Macho Man, Andrea the Giant, and Bret Hart. So both belts are prestige in their own right. But there's one thing. David Arquette never held the WWE title. They should of never gave that title to him, it made the title a joke disrespected everyone that had earned it.
I pick the WWE title as the most prestigious title in the WWE. Even though I think John Cena has tainted it's value over the years by having numerous title runs that weren't necessary and turning the belt into the spinner, hub cap belt. I think the WWE title was at it's best with the winged eagle model. when a wrestler such as Bret Hart and HBK held the winged eagle title it instantly raised their profile. Now with the spinner belt when some one wins it, it's like they have just won Cena's title rather than the WWE title. I think the WWE title should stay looking the same no matter who holds it. I think it devalues it when a wrestler makes their own version of the title such as austin's smoking skull, Rock's brama bull, and especially cena's spinner belt. The WWE seem more intent on making fast money on different versions of their best title instead of building tradition and keeping the belt well respected. Hopefully it will go back to the classic winged eagle like the INC title went back to it's best respected version. Some things should just stay the same and not be disrespected with childish verisions of it such as the WWE title. Imagine if every team who won the Stanley Cup blinged it out for their own satisfaction. Wouldn't that devalue and disrespect the cup? I know the Cup has evolved over the years but now it is at it's best and should be left that way. To have the most prestigious prize in sports or sports entertainment well respected by all in it's appearance is something very special that should not by tampered with for financial gain. If WWE gets rid of everything that made the product special and respected it would the equivalent of it selling it's sole for profits. And once the sole of something is gone, so is it's true value.IMO.
The WWE Title is the most prestigious title in the WWE - and it's not even close. I find it borderline ridiculous that some people are seriously pitching other belts as more prestigious.

First off, as one poster brilliantly posted, Cody Rhodes has NOT brought back the prestige to the IC Title. He rarely defends it, and his best matches as champion came in non-title matches against Randy Orton. If the belt was so prestigious, how come Orton never asked for one of those matches to be for the belt?

Second off, the World Heavyweight Title is NOT the NWA Championship. It does NOT have roots that date back to 1901. It is simply based off a title design that was created by JCP in the mid 1980's to serve as the Heavyweight Title. When JCP became WCW and eventually broke away from the NWA, the organization maintained the design and used it for their World Heavyweight Title. When WWE bought WCW, they adopted the design for their World Heavyweight Title.

But there's no direct lineage to the NWA in terms of its history. Just because a wrestler wins a belt with a similar design does NOT mean he won the same belt. If you look at the history of the belt on the WWE's website, the belt history goes back to 2002, indicating that it does not share a direct lineage with the NWA. In fact, Adam Pierce currently holds the f*cking NWA Title ... so how can it be the same thing?

Let's look at this in the inverse. Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels wore the Winged Eagle strap ... Steve Austin wore a smoking skull belt ... John Cena, CM Punk, Edge and Randy Orton have worn the spinner belt. We still consider the lineage of the belt to be the same; regardless of design, it was always the WWE Championship. When discussing the WWE Championship belt, we still say "Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and John Cena have all worn that belt" even though they each wore completely different title designs.

To apply this to the discussion: If the smoking skulls design was purchased by a rival organization - that was in no way affiliated with the WWE - we would not say "Such and such wrestler just won a belt that was held by Steve Austin."

I have no idea why we are doing this with the NWA Title since the WWE is a rival organization to them.
The Undisputed Championship - Current WWE Championship!

Y2J! Y2J! Y2J! Cmon chant people! :p

In all seriousness though, you can't argue the WWE Championship. Hell, look at the Wrestlemania matches alone for it... Hogan/Warrior, Shawn Michaels/Brett Hart (the Iron Man Match), Undertaker/Sycho Sid, Shawn Michaels/Stone Cold, Stone Cold/The Rock, Triple H/Jericho, Lesnar/Angle,etc...

Many great matches over the years with big names. That's not to say big names haven't held the WCW Championship... errr. I mean World Heavyweight Belt, but at the end of the day when David Arquette has held your belt, it's pretty damn worthless.
Firstly to all those who are saying that the World Heavyweight Championship is not the NWA/WCW Championship need to check out this. This is a trailer of a WWE DVD named "The History of the World Heavyweight Championship" : Check it out :


DVD description mentions :

It’s one of the most distinctive and storied championships in the world of sports entertainment and its titleholders are industry standard bearers.The History of the World Heavyweight Championship highlights this glorious lineage from the early National Wrestling Alliance, to World Championship Wrestling through its current home at the WWE in this never before seen documentary

It is the same title that was held by Ric,Flair,Sting,Hulk Hogan that WWE brought back in 2002 which was won by HHH,Shawn Michaels,Chris Jericho,Edge etc. NWA/WCW Championship (Big Gold Belt) is the World Heavyweight Championship.

For people bringing David Arquette's Title win in WCW. David Arquette defeated (pinned) a non-wrestler Eric Bischoff to win the title which was booked as a fluke win. David Arquette also wrestled matches as the World Heavyweight Champion.Check out Jeff Jarrett vs David Arquette vs. Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW Championship in a Triple Cage Match at Slamboree 2000 etc.

Worst people have become WWE Champion...What about Vince McMahon winning the WWE Championship ? or The Miz ? Just because he is pushed by WWE doesn't change the fact that he was a reality star.
The most prestigious title in the wwe is the wwe championship. I mean hell, it was named after the company, so obviously if you win it, then the wwe wants you to be in the main event and stick around for awhile. I dont think that there was one person that made me pick this title, but here is a short list of awesome people/hall of famers that have held the title

Shawn Michaels
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Hulk Hogan
John Cena
Randy Orton
Bret Hart
And other guys
Firstly to all those who are saying that the World Heavyweight Championship is not the NWA/WCW Championship need to check out this. This is a trailer of a WWE DVD named "The History of the World Heavyweight Championship" : Check it out :

It is the same title that was held by Ric,Flair,Sting,Hulk Hogan that WWE brought back in 2002 which was won by HHH,Shawn Michaels,Chris Jericho,Edge etc. NWA/WCW Championship (Big Gold Belt) is the World Heavyweight Championship.

For people bringing David Arquette's Title win in WCW. David Arquette defeated (pinned) a non-wrestler Eric Bischoff to win the title which was booked as a fluke win. David Arquette also wrestled matches as the World Heavyweight Champion.Check out Jeff Jarrett vs David Arquette vs. Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW Championship in a Triple Cage Match at Slamboree 2000 etc.

Worst people have become WWE Champion...What about Vince McMahon winning the WWE Championship ? or The Miz ? Just because he is pushed by WWE doesn't change the fact that he was a reality star.

Just because it's in a WWE DVD, doesn't make it true. We all learned that with The Rise and Fall of WCW DVD.

I agree that the World Championship can use the WCW title lineage, but the NWA lineage is debatable. Meaning, TNA's heavyweight championship used to also be the NWA championship. So saying that WWE's World Championship used to be the NWA belt, TNA would also say the same thing, and if you ask NWA, they would likely disagree. Both WCW and TNA broke away from NWA and made their own belts. So to me, you could argue that they lost all their NWA lineage and became new belts.

Also, as we all know, the World Championship merged with the WWE Championship in 2002. Once Brock Lesner, the Undisputed Champion, jumped to Smackdown, Eric Bischoff "reactivated" the old World Championship by giving it to Triple H. But you chould just as easily say that was an entirely new championship that just happens to look the same and have the same name as the old one. For what it's worth, even Wikipedia states that the world heavyweight championship was originally established in 2002. (I know, I know.)

TNA has just as much right to use the NWA lineage as WWE does: none. The NWA championship is owned by the NWA and only members of the NWA have a right to use its championship's lineage. WCW and TNA both lost the right to that lineage when they left the NWA. So at best, you can say the World Championship was created in 1991, and at worst, 2002.

With that being said, the WWE Championship is far more prestigious.
FYI :WWE Title was created in 1963, while the World Heavyweight was created in 1901.World Heavyweight Title has been around for 107 years.There is a 62 year difference between the titles.

Wrong. The World Heavyweight Championship was created in 2002. It is NOT a continuation of the NWA/WCW World Heavyweight Championships, they simply used the Big Gold Belt as an homage to those titles. Triple H is the first World Heavyweight Champion.
Ok I'm gonna vote for the European title held by great history changing wrestlers like D-Lo

No in all seriousness IMO hands down WWE Title is the most prestigious title in the WWE and I would say in Wrestling today.
For all those that knock it because of the Miz, he WAS a reality star 10 years ago. I'm not going to go in to a long winded defense of the guy, but he has earned his spot.

As far as history of the titles goes Ric Flair held both right? Then why is it that he's listed as a 7 time NWA WHC, 7 time WCW WHC, and a 2 time WWF (WWE) Champion? 1+1+1 does not equal 2 folks. As far as the DVD goes, of course the WWE included that history nobody would buy a DVD for 8-10 years of title history. They own the rights to all things WCW so why not included that history. The fact remains that the WHC did not exist for a period of time while the WWE title just had Undisputed added to it's name for a while.
The WWE championship hands down. The WHC title to me looks moe prestigous but the WWE championship is the number 1 title in the wwe and is held by the top superstars of wwe.
You mean AFTER the Hardcore Title belt? Ha ha! The WWE belt has to be the most prestigious overall. The Worlds Heavyweight belt lost all meaning for me when Ric Flair brought it to the WWF. That was a good angle for the time but it should have ended there and WWE should have created it's own design if they realy wanted a belt for each brand, which I think is a stupid concept in its self.
Currently, the WWE title is the top championship in WWE. I argue it doesn't make you the top wrestler in the world. In my book the IWGP and NWA titles are more prestigious, but in the WWE world these don't exist.

Mind you the WWE championship wasn't always the top title. going in to WM6, the IC belt was equal in prestige to the WWE championship. Hulk Hogan the WWE champion unsucessfully challenged for the IC belt.
I agree with Honkey Kong that the IC title at one time could have been in this conversation due to it being the "workhorse" title in the 80's and early 90's. In those days a successful IC title run meant a wrestler was bound for superstardom. (Austin, Michaels, HHH, Bret Hart) In that era TV time was given and storylines were created around the IC title. But those days are long gone and while I am delighted to see strong runs with both the IC and US championships over the last year or so, (Rhodes, Ziggler, Miz) it is not back there yet.
But as I mentioned the prestige of the IC title was directly linked to the fact that in that era it was the mark of a major push and the guy who had been deemed the next face of the company. In that vein one could make an argument that the Money in the Bank briefcase is one of the most important titles one can earn. At least until they split it into two briefcases. But one could still make that argument for the winner of the Raw briefcase, thereby validating that the WWE title is the most prestigious title in wrestling currently.

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