Most Overrated Weapon in Wrestling?

Which Weapon is Overrated?

  • Tables

  • Ladders

  • Chairs

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Over the years where weapons have been introduced into wrestling. Many and many have become redundant. Tables, Ladders, Chairs, Kendo Sticks, Steel Steps, The Announcers Table, Sledgehammer ect. just to name a few.

My questions to you are..

What weapon from the poll is most overrated?
What weapon in Wrestling period is the most overrated?
Wheres the Sledgehammer?I mean everytime HHH brings that out everyone knows shits gonna go down.

But I voted chairs.Some people take one chair shot and get pinned while others it takes 17. You cant really say Tables because tables arent used that much anymore except TLC and chairs are used more commonly then tables.Thats the only reason i voted for them over tables though.
i had to vote tables. It just doesn't look like it hurts that bad. plus they seem to actually use tables to break high falls on big spots. for example the first tlc match when bubba fell off the ladder in the ring through the four tables on the ramp. and more recently if you look closely at bubba powerbombing aj styles off the stage you see he actually powerbombs him through 2 tables with a black cloth covering them.
The Kendo Stick looks like the most harmless weapon ever. I always get the impression of someone hitting his opponent in the head with a rolled up newspaper.

However, the all-time champ in overrated weapons had to be the large bag of popcorn Undertaker used to pulverize an opponent. I mean, the guy collapsed under the impact. If the popcorn had been buttered, I presume he would have died.
I went with tables as well. Given the three choices on the poll, tables just stoo out as the least imposing.

I have read in several autobiographies that a ladder can be a very dangerous and unpredictable weapon to have in the ring. It has sharp, blunt corners, and you can never be 100% sure of how it will fall.

I ruled out chairs because if it is a head shot, it will hurt like hell and is extremely dangerous. Even if a wrestler were to get his hand up to lessen the blow, that would still hurt. I've broken my hands and thank you.

So I guess tables wins. Is going through a table painless? Does it feel good? Probably not. But for me it is the lesser of 3 evils.
Clearly the chair is the most overrated weapon from the poll. This is because a chair shot's effectiveness changes based upon the person who is getting hit. Generally a bigger wrestler can take multiple chair shots before going down, however a small wrestler is one and done. Ladders I find generally cover any sized superstar in that whenever you get hit by one you generally fall over. As for tables I don't really consider a weapon as mpre as a prop so I automatically take them out of the list of weapons.

As for the mostoverated weapon. I am going to go with the trash can. Yes you can get hit by one and you can get trapped in one however there is no real evidence that this does nearly as much damage as it appears on any wrestling show. I think out of all weapons that are used I would much rather get hit by one of these than any other weapon. Yes it is metal but really its not even a flat surface so the total area it hits you is not as much as say a chair. Next overrated weapon is a kendo stick. Once again sometimes they break on impact other times they never break.
I think I recall someone being hit with a phonebook in TNA. Anyway....I find that a trash can to the head looks painless. Of course not a real trash can, but the WWE trash cans look like there made of tinfoil. I find the trash can piontless as a weapon, it's unneded. I don't find any of the weapons you listed as overrated.
As far as the poll goes ... it is definitely tables. They take forever to set up and really can't be used as a "weapon" more so as a prop.

You can actually drill people in the face with ladders and chairs ... a little tougher with a table.

The one I really hate the most though is trash cans. It is ridiculous because even if they weren't clearly aluminum it just wouldn't work that great. I don't know why but they really bother me when I see them.

(Of course ones that can't be used like nails sticking out of boards and shit are also ridiculous).
Out of the items on the list: tables. They're used for breaking falls or lessen impact and as such pose no real threat.

But I just have to say this about the good ole kendo stick...

Have you ever been hit with one? A bundle of sticks loosely held together with string - it might not sound very painful, but trust me when I say that a kendo stick in the ribs stings like a motherfucker. I'll take a chair shot to the back any day over a kendo stick to the back (or a leather strap with a belt buckle). That shit hurts and you can't fake it.

I find HHH's sledgehammer to be fairly overrated. He mostly does the shoddy "I'll put my hand between the hammer head and its intended target, because I never liked my fingers anyway"-routine whenever using it, so it looks really weak. The one notable exception was when he cracked Vince across the back of the neck with an obviously previously 3/4-cut sledgehammer in that HIAC match back when DX feuded with the McMahons. That was full swing and it looked badass.

But out of all the weapons commonly used in wrestling, I have to say that the "kitchen sink" that is often included out of a failed sense of humor, a completely bombing pun, is the most overrated weapon. Not only does it look, like the trash can, to be made from tin foil, but it's just a stupid thing to "happen" to be laying beneath the ring.

Just saying. :)
There really aren't enough weapons listed in the poll to actually conclude any decision here, so the poll was pointless. If I had to choose one of the 3, I'd take the chair these days. It used to be quite an effective weapon back in the day but now with virtually every respectable promotion outlawing head shots, they're kind of weak. Who really buys getting hit in the back or stomach with a chair as being enough to successfully put someone down for a 3 count?

Of all weapons however, Id say the fluorescent light bulbs are pretty damn over rated. Sure they can be dangerous and when you see these, "Death Matches" they look pretty damn painful. But when you also see 13 year old kids on Youtube doing the same shit, it kind of takes away from it a bit. They just don't hurt, they look cool.
I voted tables in the poll. Why? Because they look to be there to break the fall of the guy rather to do damage.

Most overrated weapon? The Singapore Cane. It would sting like hell but not be able to knock people down. For goodness sake it is just a rattan cane. If you bring a WWE version of the Singapore Cane to a fight, you might as well just admit defeat before you get beat up.
For the sake of the thread ill say the chair is the most overrated of weapons listed. First off, so guys will take 15 shots and still get up and others will get hit once and look dead. Secondly, no more head shots means everytime some gets hit with one it looks kinda dumb, The last and most important reason is the amount of spots you can do it with compared to the others. Ladders have an infinite amount of spots and the table has so many different ways you can use it but the chair not so much.

The most overrated weapon of all time is Hogan's strap. 99% of the time if he hit some one with it they would flail like being hit with a taser.
I feel as if the three weapons that is in the poll or not overrated. I feel that trash cans and signs (like a stop sign) does not do anything. Obviously, signs and trash cans are not OVERRATED, but they suck.

Out of the your choices I guess that I would choose tables.
Out of the options, it has to be tables. I'm not saying this in a cocky or degrading manner but I feel that I could be put through a table without too much pain and as mentioned before, they are just there to break the fall of the recipient.
OUT OF the poll I have to go with Tables. those thin things could break by puttin two decks of cards on them.

As far as the most overrated weapon I have to go with HHH's sledgehammer. It's potential is great but holding your hand over it to hit someone doesn't scream intelligent or vicious.

Honorable mention goes to the roll of quarters guys used to hold in their fists when they hit somebody and to Abdullah The Butcher. Outside of whatever he could get his hands on his main weapon was a taped up metal fork(think prison shank). however during a match with The Sheik I guess the metal one couldn't be found so he was stabbing Sheik with a PLASTIC SPORK! Classic.

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