Most overrated star on SMACKDOWN


Dark Match Jobber
Alright, without a doubt the most over rated star on Smackdown has got to be MVP. I see nothing about this guy that makes me think he's the next Rock or even the next big star. From his stupid facial hair to his stupid outfit, everything about him screams jobber for me. I've seen maybe one good promo from him.

Close second is Khali. When he first came in, I was way stoked they got a new big man. i thought for sure there was gunna be a Hogan/Kahli match and Mania 23. They shoulda let Khali train for a decade or 2 before letting him in the ring. I've never seen matches as bad as all Khali matches. Even his matches with show were horrible.
Shelton Benjamin: Hands down, here is a United States Champion that really doesn't deserve anything. He was given the title, in what many believe to be a 'black-piece offering' due to the comments made by Hayes.. and since becoming Champion, he's done exactly what with the title? Nothing.

He had a couple decent line-up feuds that could've went somewhere, with Kennedy and Jeff Hardy, but it seems overall like they ditched them due to injury and who knows what else.

In the end, on top of everything else in recent reports M.V.P. was degraded and told to be more like Benjamin. How disrespectful could you be, to tell one of your more talented wrestlers to be an overrated hack, who's sole reason he's even still around is because he can hit big spots from time to time, when he isn't botching everything else. :disappointed:

All in all, Benjamin has got to be my personal pick for my overrated.
Shelton Benjamin is an overrated hack, good choice of words Will. Let the Hate roll down upon me. Sure Benjamin is the most overrated but one man is giving him a run for his money.

Jeff Hardy

Sure Jeff has deamons, he's got problems, but the wellness policy is no respecter of persons. The man has two strikes but still receives main event pushes. The WWE turns a blind eye to his strikes and still gives him the red carpet treatment. Look at aonther man is his position William Regal. A very expeianced wrestler who is the King of the Ring dose he get title shot, hell dose he win his returing match, no. Apperantly backstage heat is more of a fetter than drug suspensions, look at London or early CM Punk, or current MVP. Sure this will probibly keep him for winning on Sunday, but IMO he shouldnt be anywhere close to the match.
Shelton Benjamin is an overrated hack, good choice of words Will. Let the Hate roll down upon me. Sure Benjamin is the most overrated but one man is giving him a run for his money.

Jeff Hardy

Sure Jeff has deamons, he's got problems, but the wellness policy is no respecter of persons. The man has two strikes but still receives main event pushes. The WWE turns a blind eye to his strikes and still gives him the red carpet treatment. Look at aonther man is his position William Regal. A very expeianced wrestler who is the King of the Ring dose he get title shot, hell dose he win his returing match, no. Apperantly backstage heat is more of a fetter than drug suspensions, look at London or early CM Punk, or current MVP. Sure this will probibly keep him for winning on Sunday, but IMO he shouldnt be anywhere close to the match.

Oh, no you didn't ... You did not just say that about Hardy. Danmen is now gonna go crazy on ya' ass.

He receives those pushes because he's over like a bitch. WWE doesn't turn a blind-eye to drug shit, Jeff was destroyed by Umaga when he first came back. Regal is a washed up english man who isn't over for squat, that is why he lost his returning match.

That won't keep him from winning this sunday, he won't win this Sunday because HHH will just win and hardy will come oh so close, at which point HHH and Hardy will enter into a fued for the title, which Jeff will eventually win. You can bet on it ... I certainly did with my friends, 1 whole buck he is about to lose.

^^^ Is why Jeff ain't overrated.

Now, as for the most washed up I am going to have to go with Shelton Benjamin, as Will pointed out he has done nothing. He has basically lost most of his matches, and then last week he magically took out Hardy, MVP and HHH (well, cheap shots but ya know.) The guy has done squat really, I wouldn't go as far as to say he is 'terrible', but he doesn't deserve the US belt ... which will probably go to R-Truth soon enough.
I've never been a guy to lie to myself, so I'm just gonna come clean with you and say that the most overrated guy on SmackDown right now is none other than Hunter Hearst Helmsley, H...H...H.

Ever since his return at SummerSlam 2007, he's been a different performer. Someone who doesn't go all-in in his matches, who doesn't go out of his way to impress, but just floats on past deeds and the fact that most crowds will cheer for him anyway. This is a complacent Triple H. The fact that this guy is the WWE Champion right now, when there are about 6 guys who could actually benefit from carrying the WWE Championship, is just a mystery to me.

Aside from his match with Cena (I can give the guy some credit!) he has not had one particularly good match since becoming champion. No good segments or promos either, just the regular routine of cracking some jokes about his opponents. I can't say I've enjoyed Triple H in 2008 at all. Every match (bar the obvious Cena match at NOC) he was actually in that was good was due to someone else's performance (Jeff in the No Way Out elimination chamber, Orton at WrestleMania XXIV, Edge at GAB) and quite frankly, since being drafted to SmackDown he's basically been out of the main spotlight, just like Punk is on Raw. Is that what you put the WWE Championship on him for? For others to outshine him? For others to get more TV time?

Basically, Triple H has felt like a transitional champion all the way. Nobody besides die-hard Triple H marks have benefitted from this, I should think. Sure, he may still sell a lot of PPVs and merchandise, but as far as enjoying his work goes, Triple H in 2008 has left a lot to be desired. When you have about 6-7 guys on a show that both work better and prove to be more entertaning than the champion himself, you need to do something. Basically, almost anyone in SmackDown's upper mid-card could have done a better job. Triple H just appears to be a guy who doesn't care anymore. As far as him dropping the championship, it can't happen soon enough.

Well, that's me anyway.
Rather Ironic that it was yoouuu making that post, since Mr.Kennedy is quite obviously the stand alone most overrated superstar on SD!. AFter the entrance, thats really all you have. Ive never seen someone regress as much as this guy has. He has shit for ring phsycology, and doesnt even sell well anymore. His matches are headlock/arm lock marathons, which would be fine were he still a heel, buutttt. He isnt.

Triple H overrated eh?? did you watch SummerSlam?? He got Kahlis probably second best match ever out of him. Just last week put a fine match with Shelton Benjamin on. How can you call trips overrated when the vast majorty of fans have the same skewed prejudice opinion you just gave?? If anything, triple H is vastly UNDERRATED, becuase of blind hatred.
I Agree Hhh Is Not The Same As He Was A Couple Years Ago. It Seems Like He Could Give A Shit Less About Pushing Younger Talent. And He Does Look Like He Has Lost Some Of His Touch In The Ring.

Kennedy Is Far From Overated Buddy First He Cuts Promos As Good As Anybody On Top And His In Ring Skills Are Better Then What You Gie Him Credit For.

Shelton Is Also NOt Overrated He Is One Of The Most If Not The Most Gifted Athlete Ive Ever Watched.

My Most Overrated Has Got To Be The Tag Champs They Have Discraced The Tag Bets. Never Even Defend Them. They Should Drop The Belts Asap To Jesse And Fetus Or Rtruth And Mvp.these Two Have No Ring Skills And Blow Beyond Belief. And What About Chavito Suck Alot He Cant Do Crap In The Ring And Why Is He In A Tittle Match Instead Of Bourne Or Morrison Who Both Have More Talent The Chavo Does In One Finger.
Shelton is the biggest overrated wrestler on smackdown. the guy has no talent. the only time he was ever good was in the WGTT. but yeah not since. His gimmick is crap and his wrestling skills is nothing out of the ordinary. He won the US title becouse of what happend backstage and what has he done since then? Yeah thats right competed for the WWE championship. instead of making the US title white hot he is neglecting to do anything about it. Shelton is Waaayyy over rated.
Triple H.

He is good, but not "King of Kings" worthy. Even if he became a 12 time champion without politicking, I still wouldn't consider him good enough to be a 12 time champion. WWE hypes him up as the greatest thing since sliced bread when he isn't.

He has given the exact same routine for nearly 10 years now and hasn't improved at all. To me, it seems like he doesn't care about improving his promos or wrestling routine. His promos are all basically the same: a smarky comment and then "I'm a 12 time champion, the best ever" etc.

Triple H has been nothing more than a glorified transitional champion once Rock/Austin left WWE. He is only over because of his feuds with them. After they left, Triple H just lingered around, hogging the main event scene and giving the same routine.

I'm not singling HHH out because of his politicking. Even if he weren't married to Stephanie, I still don't think HHH is good enough to be called the "King of Kings".
Kennedy for me, if you want to define average, just draw a picture of Mr. Kennedy. Sure, I like him, he is fun, his persona is enjoyable and people get behind him, but people talking about him like he is the future of the business is ludicrous, for someone who is injured more times than he is fit, I can't see him being a major player for years to come, he might get a transistional title reign, but Kennedy does not have "it" that makes Triple H, John Cena, Batista abd The Undertaker all great champions, and I don't think he has the capacity to make it to their level anyway.

A very notable (as they haven't been mentioned yet) one for me is Michelle McCool, how the hell she gets to be the first champion of the Diva's (no matter how worthless it is, it is a title) is baffling. She isn't overly hot (Maria and Maryse are 100x hotter) and isn't amazing at wrestling (Victoria and Natalya just completely destroy her in anything to do with ability). She might be a diva, and of course, noone cares about the divas historically, but she has been given an awful lot of undeserved chances, while the other 4 Divas who I would rather see are being forced to go into 100s of Tag Matches against her. She might have a good combination of looks and ability, but by no means is she worthy of being the face of Smackdowns Divas (and appears she will be for a good while).
This is a very tricky thread to reply to, since there are two guys on SD who are both equally ordinary and both equally overrated - Kennedy and HHH.

Trips' title reign has been rubbish. He's boring as fuck on the mic, completely unfunny when he thinks he's being amusing, and sucks in the ring. Even Shelton - who, yes, has no charisma and sucks on the mic but IS a very good wrestler - barely got a good match out of him. His title reign has been boring. He beat Edge thanks to Vickie and since then has mostly been hitting crap Pedigrees on jobber Khali. Sorry, this isn't impressive...Taker, Batista and Cena have already done that, and extensively. The guy is a completely generic wrestler who never displays any real sign of talent. He's one-dimensional - as Jake said once, he always wants to be both the coolest face and the coolest heel, doesn't get that they're supposed to be different. Plus, he's obviously stuffed full of roids. Gah! Get the belt off him now, please...

Kennedy, too. I've never seen anything particularly impressive from him: SD is heavily edited, so everyone thinks he's much better than he is. Live on RAW he got shown up. And the "let's shout my name very loudly into the mic and hope the kids think it's cool" routine is very boring by now. And he's so injury-prone WWE might as well get rid of him, he just takes up more space on the wage bill than he's worth. Unlike Mysterio he's not a huge draw.

Most underrated, IMO, is Umaga. Just watch the RAW EC chamber match at No Way Out. He MADE it. Wonderful wrestler. Genuinely fluent, enjoyable, strong, and scary Big Man.
Its Kennedy. This is a guy that just a few years ago pretty much everyone thought he was the future of the company. Like its already been said hes got the intro and then its all downhill from there. Average on the mic and average in the ring. Add in the fact that anytime he's ever gotten anything going something happens to him like an injury or suspension I think this deffinatly makes him the most overated.
I can understand saying MVP just for the fact that they really don't use the guy correctly but MVP has the Mic skills and the Charisma and the ability to draw heat as a Heel, he could use a new finisher though that Drive By kick and that other finisher he has is not all that great

but saying that Shelton is overrated is BS, one of you said he "has no talent" ??? LOL, honestly he does remind me of Lance Storm: Outstanding Athlete, Excellent Wrestler, but a very dry and boring personality but I do feel that this "Gold Standard" thing is good for him and his charisma has a improved a little still not that great on the mic as seen on the last Smackdown when he was on the Mic with HHH and MVP

and my guy KENNEDY.......... KENNEDY! is far from overrated, just like MVP again they do not use him correctly nor do they even push him much when he is healthy but that is the major problem for Kennedy, just too many injuries

I do agree with HHH though that guy is very overrated, I actually liked Smackdown much more before he went to Smackdown and when Edge had Smackdown on his back
There is no way Shelton Benjamin is overrated. Of all the superstars on Smackdown Shelton puts on the best matches. Everyone always jumps on his mic work, but have any of you heard Jeff Hardy on the mic? If Shelton bad on the mic then Hardy is right up there with him. However, the most overrated star on Smackdown has to be Mr. Kennedy. His mic work is good, but his matches aren't anything that special. He's put on ok matches, but nothing spectacular. Besides that he can never stay healthy.
Wow, am I actually reading posts saying Shelton has no talent?! This guy is easily the best in-ring worker in the WWE right now, and he's the most all-around wrestler the company's had in a long time.

My vote for most overrated on Smackdown has to be either MVP or Mr. Kennedy. Both are praised beyond belief for really not doing anything special. MVP's been touted as the next Rock or next big thing or whatever, but in reality he's crap. Last night at Unforgiven he basically just jobbed to everyone, he was the only one not to get a pinfall and he ends up laying down for HHH in the end. I think that was WWE's ways of telling him to pick up the slack or he doesn't have a bright future with the company. As for Kennedy, well ya he's good on the mic, he's got some of the best charisma in the company right now, but other than that he's nothing. He's injured 3/4 of the year anyway and it looks like WWE wont be resigning him.
I just don't see the big deal surrounding MVP. He bores me. He's a good worker but so much about his style and look simply is not entertaining. His music is terrible, he dresses like an in-line ice skater, and his finisher is really uninspiring. I would rather watch Shelton Benjamin work anyday of the week over MVP. Granted, he is talented on the mic, but that doesn't necessarily mean that what is coming out of his mouth is worth listening to. Of course, many people really enjoy MVP and I respect that. Just not me.

And for Christsakes, all of you absolute HATERS that are nominating HHH as the most overrated need to get a grip. Hunter does it all. He is WAY over. Other than the Undertaker, he is the most popular star on Smackdown. He is carrying that show. And the fact that Trips is built in the fashion that he's built will make it so much sweeter when all of you little fanboys watch Jeff Hardy eventually beat him for the belt, which is something that will happen soon enough. Norcal said it on the first page -- HHH was able to do something that really no one has done other than John Cena (go figure) which is get an entertaining, believable match out of Khali. And to say he sucks in the ring? What show are you watching. No one has ever said Trips was Bret Hart, but the guy busts his ass and is rarely boring in the ring.

Seriously, stop hating.
when i first saw this thread i thought it was just another chance for the HHH haters to have ago, but...

I have to agree with the anti-HHH posts even as a lifelong HHH fan since he came back he has been stale, there have been good matches like with edge but there wasn't much of a build up for that match and everyone knew edge was never going to win.
I don't know if it is his fault and he just isn't as interested with wrestling since he has a new baby ect. or if it is creatives fault for not putting him in a good fued and building up storys around him

As for the most over rated guy on smackdown...

I would have to go with THE BRAIN KENDRICK who ever he is???

Ok ive never really followed ECW except when Kane was champ for awhile but I have no idea what he has done for the push he is getting at the moment. Main event at a PPV a half assed fued with the champ I hope its to build up his bodyguard before he leaves TBK and then TBK can disappear again
but saying that Shelton is overrated is BS, one of you said he "has no talent" ??? LOL, honestly he does remind me of Lance Storm: Outstanding Athlete, Excellent Wrestler, but a very dry and boring personality but I do feel that this "Gold Standard" thing is good for him and his charisma has a improved a little still not that great on the mic as seen on the last Smackdown when he was on the Mic with HHH and MVP

Shelton's charisma hasn't and will never improve... he's just a glorified spot monkey... I can say he is some sort of a non-hardcore and non-charisma RVD, has talent and is entertaining on the ring, lacks mic skills, people think he deserves titles and a lot of TV time, but then he turns plain boring... but, as I said, at least van dam has a ton of charisma...

and my guy KENNEDY.......... KENNEDY! is far from overrated, just like MVP again they do not use him correctly nor do they even push him much when he is healthy but that is the major problem for Kennedy, just too many injuries

What you mean with "use correctly"?
You cannot "use correctly" someone who is never available because is either suspended, making movies or injured... and as far as I remember, KK has been all of them the most of 2006 to 2008... You people have to notice that the guy is incredibly injury prone... His in ring work is average at best... his promos are funny, but you can't say you love Kennedy's promos and you hate the HHH ones, they are the same... one is "the 12 time champion and the king of kings" Kennedy bills himself as "the future of sports entertainment" and both bury people during his promos and put themselves over...

I do agree with HHH though that guy is very overrated, I actually liked Smackdown much more before he went to Smackdown and when Edge had Smackdown on his back
I think Edge indeed is overrated... the guy has had a plain boring 2008... of course he worked his ass many years to get the main event spot he is in...
^ dude you posted all that only to show that we pretty much agree more then we disagree LOL

I said Shelton lacks charisma, but lacking charisma and a personality does not mean you lack talent because when it comes to in the ring action Shelton ranks at the top

then you talked about Kennedy again I said he is always hurt and yes you really won't take the risk of pushing someone who is injury prone, then again Orton got a push and that guy is always injuried also Edge is another guy that seems to always get injuried as well, but we he is healthy they really did not do nothing with him after promoting the "Return Of Kennedy" only to have him lose to guys like Jamie Noble or some other lower card guy

we do disagree when it comes to Edge being overrated and HHH is not

PLEASE! Smackdown was much better when Edge was the main guy, HHH is on smackdown just to keep the title for a long time, who the hell is going to really Challenge him on Smackdown??? maybe Edge when he returns, now maybe the Big Show with his Heel turn
Basically, Triple H has felt like a transitional champion all the way.

That is the key point for why HHH is not overrated, he is a transitional champion, because lets face it, SD has sucked balls with the whole la Familia storyline, and with the transfer of wrestlers like Hunter and Jeff, and the creation of THE Brian Kendrick, creative seems to want to make SD less of the kiddy happy show it used to be with the Swog and Rey Rey. So, if ur gonna do that, why not get an established wrestler like HHH to hold the title, then allow those guys like shelton, whose failed time and time again to impress, mvp, who i sometimes wonder why he shows up, jeff, who is earning his way back to the top after his suspension, and even TBK, who needs time to develop into his new gimmick. So u let Trips do what Trips does, dominate and hold the title for a bit, make some corny, yet still relatively funny jokes and mess with people, eg Edge, Dykstra, La Familia, then when one of them is ready, imo Jeff, specially if you saw unforgiven and listened to the interview afterwards, then SD already has a crowd, and Trips can go off and have a feud where he completely takes the piss out of a mid carder and passes of a decent feud.

The Most overrated person is MVP, an proof of that is in the fact that creative want him to work more like Shelton, what would you have to have done for people to go, "we want you to be more like Shelton", and maybe its creatives fault for it anyway, because his last two feud have been basically identical, and both involved a Hardy, so MVP is better than Matt, but he wasn't, then he was better than Jeff, but he wasn't really, i think he and shelton should run off and make a tag team and display the joint crapness, then r-truth can come along and bust both of them up
Triple H by far!

He had a hot run in 2000, started dating Stephanie. Now he is effectively the vice president of the WWE.

His moveset is almost the same now as it was 10 years ago(and before anyone mentions Hogan doing the same on, I dislike Hogan as much as Triple Nose), his legs fall apart once every couple of years. He keeps talent down, instead chooosing to wrestle his buddies, like HBK and Nash.

He kept down Booker, once when Booker was first in the WWe, then again when he was King Booker and forcing him intothat 8 minute job match. He basically killed off Edges hot smarmy heel act within one week of entering Smackdown.

I hate the guy, but I am stuck with him for a good few years
HHH isn't that bad, i personally struggle to watch any of his matches because it's the same shit every time, but you can say about any of the ME guys so there you go. He has however gotten more boring in 2008. I too watch for his promos which are kinda funny sometimes (although i don't understand why he's allowed to disregard kayfabe whenever he wants to), but the matches tend to be snooze fests. On more than one occassion since his Summerslam return, i've found myself falling asleep during HHH matches repeatedly.

I wouldn't say MVP is that overrated. He may have been a year ago, but he hasn't done anything of worth since losing the US title and that was 5 months ago. He's won a squash or two and beat Jeff at SSlam and done nothing else. Perhaps if they were actually doind anything with the guy and people still talked about him as if he were worth paying attention to, he'd be overrated, but i haven't read anyone say anything positive about him in a while. I used to be a MVP mark, but no longer.
although i don't understand why he's allowed to disregard kayfabe whenever he wants to)

Because he sits on the creative meetings. He can do whatever he likes, much like Hall and Nash could in WCW. And look where that company ended up...

And not all ME are as turdish as him. Edge, Benoit, Eddie and Angle always came up with new ways to get the wins in the big matches. Weather it be doing real wrestling(like Angle and Benoit) or just cheating and generally being bastards (Eddie and Edge)
although i don't understand why he's allowed to disregard kayfabe whenever he wants to
Because he sits on the creative meetings.

Yes or maybe its because in all modern media forms, there is usually a character that breaks the fourth wall, and that in the WWE is HHH, its also giving credit to people such as all the posters, mods etc here, which take the time to read and find out about things and know that wrestling is full of kayfabe and by disregarding it in some circumstances can earn him a huge pop.

then the point made about how he should find new ways to win matches
Weather it be doing real wrestling(like Angle and Benoit) or just cheating and generally being bastards (Eddie and Edge)

Maybe ur right and he's crap and he's getting old, or maybe this is just part of the whole "king of kings" gimmick, that he can come out and do the same thing each time and he will still win, because "he's just that damn good". i feel that atm HHH is actually one of the most underrated wrestlers, as no one seems to really appreciate the attention and the fanbase that HHH has brought to SD, my only hope is that Hardy(who seems most likely) will be seen as ready by the next ppv, so we can see SD take off in a new direction ,and HHH can then step away from the title hunt and enjoy a feud or rivarly with another star so he can get back to working his magic and getting some work. he deserves props for getting a match out of Khali alone
Yes or maybe its because in all modern media forms, there is usually a character that breaks the fourth wall, and that in the WWE is HHH, its also giving credit to people such as all the posters, mods etc here, which take the time to read and find out about things and know that wrestling is full of kayfabe and by disregarding it in some circumstances can earn him a huge pop.

then the point made about how he should find new ways to win matches

Maybe ur right and he's crap and he's getting old, or maybe this is just part of the whole "king of kings" gimmick, that he can come out and do the same thing each time and he will still win, because "he's just that damn good". i feel that atm HHH is actually one of the most underrated wrestlers, as no one seems to really appreciate the attention and the fanbase that HHH has brought to SD, my only hope is that Hardy(who seems most likely) will be seen as ready by the next ppv, so we can see SD take off in a new direction ,and HHH can then step away from the title hunt and enjoy a feud or rivarly with another star so he can get back to working his magic and getting some work. he deserves props for getting a match out of Khali alone

Right, so if Tripel brought so many fans with him, how come the ratings tanked when he was champion in 2003/2004? Rightly or wrong, its the champ that gets the flack when the ratings fall, the same with its the champ who gets praise when the ratings rise.

Or the fact when he won the belt frecently, and was in the me scene for the belt, the ratings tanked? Or the last wrestlemania match he had with Cena, drew boos for both participants?

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