Most overrated match of last decades


Dark Match Winner
The title says it all.I mean a match that wwe recognised as one of the greatest match of all time but it wasn't.For me its shawn vs bret iron man match of 1995(i think so).Ok the emosions related to it were great but match was damn boring.I know many will critise for it but for thats the truth.
most overrated match of all time would hands down have to be the match between JBL and John Cena in the parking lot brawl they had at the great american bash.
The build up to the match was intense but the match itself was enough to make me fall asleep...and that was the match i was looking forward to watching the most from that ppv.
I have to say that Warrior v. Hogan WM VI should be up there. The storyline was good, the build-up good, and that fact that it was two huge names, and the fact that it was a title vs title match (which I had never seen until that point).

But the match stunk. People don't remember the actual match, they just remember the names.

I disagree w/ Bret vs Shawn. For me, that match deserves all of the credit it gets. After reading both Bret and Shawn's books, Bret really deserves most of the credit.

Good idea for a thread, but is there any possible way you could learn how to spell. I'm really only responding to this because I wanted to tell you that your poor spelling makes you look ******ed. Also, try to remember quality over quantity. There is no need for you to start 5 threads at a time. How about picking one and actually putting some thought into it. You can do better...please try.
For me, the match has to be Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 24. It was a classic for what it was: Ric Flair's last match. But apparently, people were seeing a different match than what I saw that night. There seemed to be a lot of miscues and a lot of botches during that match. Even though the emotions were high for that match, the in-ring product to me still makes me question these "Greatest Match of All Time" comments about that particular match. It's a decent match and a nice sendoff to Ric Flair, but I honestly don't believe it should be held on the high ground that many hold it on today from a wrestling standpoint.
For me, the match has to be Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 24. It was a classic for what it was: Ric Flair's last match. But apparently, people were seeing a different match than what I saw that night. There seemed to be a lot of miscues and a lot of botches during that match. Even though the emotions were high for that match, the in-ring product to me still makes me question these "Greatest Match of All Time" comments about that particular match. It's a decent match and a nice sendoff to Ric Flair, but I honestly don't believe it should be held on the high ground that many hold it on today from a wrestling standpoint.

Agree!! Taker vs Edge was the far superior match at Wrestlemania 24.

Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania 22 and Shawn Michaels vs John Cena at Wrestlemania 23 were overrated as well. I believe Undertaker vs Kurt Angle at No Way Out 2006 should have won the MOTY instead of HBK vs Vince. And I don't see how a match where HBK dominated Cena for nearly 30 minutes was better than a back and forth rapid paced match between Taker & Batista. Honest.

No offense, BTW.
most overrated match of all time would hands down have to be the match between JBL and John Cena in the parking lot brawl they had at the great american bash.
Agreed, first off the announcers werent even speaking until Cena and JBL came into the arena (it sounded and looked like it was not live), so it made the match more dull because of that. I disagree with the Michaels-Flair match being overrated, it was good for what it was, it was emotional, but i REALLY disagree with McMahon and Michaels being overrated, the commentary alone made it great, JR was bashing McMahon all in that match.
most overrated match of all time would hands down have to be the match between JBL and John Cena in the parking lot brawl they had at the great american bash.
Agreed, first off the announcers werent even speaking until Cena and JBL came into the arena (it sounded and looked like it was not live), so it made the match more dull because of that. I disagree with the Michaels-Flair match being overrated, it was good for what it was, it was emotional, but i REALLY disagree with McMahon and Michaels being overrated, the commentary alone made it great, JR was bashing McMahon all in that match.

Emotional, but the 'wrestling' quality was overrated. And I don't see how Jr's commentary could make Vince vs HBK greater than Edge vs Foley or Taker vs Angle. Why don't u watch Edge vs Foley and Taker vs Angle at youtube, first? Maybe you would understand what I'm saying after that.
I would have to say Big Show vs Floyd Mayweather at Wrestlemania 24

Actually I couldn't think of a MOST overrated but this one is very overrated. Alot of times when the Big Show has a match, they reference it...they act like it was a top notch match with a great ending, but it really wasn't. Floyd even cheated to win :p
I don't know why people are listing matches in the 90's but oh well.

I was real tempted to put Michaels vs. Flair number one but Flair wasn't having great matches up to that point anyway so I didn't expect much.

#1 to me will have to be Foley vs. Edge from WM 22. Everybody says it was a great match but I just don't see it. Foley/Orton two years earlier was much much better and had the same stuff Edge/Foley except for a flaming table that burned for all of five seconds. HBK/HHH HIAC is a real close second because it was way too long, overshadowed what was a great Kane/Benoit match, and felt like a wrestling match with a cage surrounding it.
Money In The Bank WrestleMania XXIV. I've heard lots of people say that this was the best MITB ever, but when you compare it to others before it, like WM23, which in my opinion was the best one, the quality of it just didn't compare to those other ones. I think XXIV was the start of MITB matches going downhill.
First of all I want to stress that calling a match overrated doesn’t mean it is not good. It’s simply not as good as it’s made out to be.

My choice would be Steve Austin vs. The Rock from WrestleMania X7. I love WMX7. It was a great event. This was a big time main event between the two biggest stars of that era. The match itself, however, was nothing special in my opinion. Some people claim this is the greatest mania main event of all time. I’m not seeing it.

For the most part these two had the same kind of match whenever they met up. It’s usually a brawl with a bunch of punching and kicking. Soon they make their way to the outside and slam each other into the ring posts and announce table. They constantly kick out of each others finish and then steal each others finish. They tend to oversell during the match (Rock much more than Austin). These two would have greatly benefited from slowing the pace down a bit. This particular match had the swerve finish with Austin joining with Mr. McMahon. That just didn’t work and the crowd was simply not going to turn against Austin.

Again I’m not saying the match is bad. I just don’t think it is nearly as good as so many claim it is. I chose this because the thread starter asked about the last decade (then mentioned something from 1996). Going back to the 90’s I would definitely say Austin vs. Rock from WM15. Even though X7 is overrated in my opinion it is much better than WM15. That match is not only overrated, it’s not even a good match at all in my opinion.
I'm going to go with what will undoubtedly bring about some discussion. My choice is Undertaker/Michaels from Wrestlemania 25. I'll start off with saying that in no way do I think the match was bad. I think it was a tremendous match and in the top ten of all time. There is just no reason for me personally to believe that it deserved ALL of the love it got.

I've always considered that the buildup can be just as important and memorable as the match itself. This is one of those cases where, before the match even was announced, people were drooling over the idea of these two facing off at Mania. In Texas nonetheless. I would group myself in that vocal majority. The back and forth was great between the two leading up. You had both getting the upper hand and it made it seem like Shawn had more of a chance than Taker's last couple of opponents. Michaels played more of the heel throughout and he did it well, to the point where he wasn't being boo'd because people loved what they were seeing. Then the match happens.

It's hard to pinpoint the exact reasons why I ddidn't enjoy this match as much as some others. Maybe becaue it started off much slower than I thought it would. The action seemed incosistent at times. In no way was i expecting huge spot after huge spot, but there seemed to be some boring moments of inactivity. Both men are great at grabbing the fans attention and keeping them hooked throughout, and I just never felt that. Something never clicked for me. I look back at it now and see it as a prequel rather than a stand alone match and I can enjoy it much better. Great match, I just think that people overrated it before it ever even happened.
Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III. This match was built up to be a clash of the titans and it turned out to be possibly the worst match on the card. Hulk Hogan always has been pretty limited in the ring and Andre the Giant could barely move during the match. Most of the offense was limited to right hands from Hogan, a few body slams from Andre and a bear hug from Andre. Hulk vs. Andre at WM III is the very definition of a match not living up to the hype surrounding it.
Im surprised no one has said it, but I gotta say Rock vs Hogan at WM18. First of all, it should have been Austin rather than Rock in this match but that's a whole different story. It was a dream match, so it was bound to not reach the sky high expectations that were set. Hogan was never that physically gifted in the ring, and Rock was nearing the end of his WWE days.

Im a big Rock mark and I always will be, but this wasn't one of his best matches. It was a cool and unique encounter, but as a pure wrestling match it wasn't a classic like many people claim it to be.
First before i saw which match was overated of the last decade lets name the biggest flop match of past decade and that was Goldberg vs Lesnar what a crappy match the hype was huge and the match was so dull and boring it was one of the worse matchs of the decade and it should not have been espically when you saw the Taker vs Batista matchs what a flop.
Now the most overrated match too me of all time is all these alleged start studded royal rumbles that have happened in the last 4 years if i could ever pick a royal rumble winner every year it was the last four years and thats with taker cena orton and edge they never not once threw a twist of who would win the rumble and go to wrestlemania but these royal rumbles have been jokes the last best royal rumble i remember was in 2004 and maybe 2006 but other than that this event has been the most overated dissappointing part of the road to wrestlemania
Now the most overrated match too me of all time is all these alleged start studded royal rumbles that have happened in the last 4 years if i could ever pick a royal rumble winner every year it was the last four years and thats with taker cena orton and edge they never not once threw a twist of who would win the rumble and go to wrestlemania but these royal rumbles have been jokes the last best royal rumble i remember was in 2004 and maybe 2006 but other than that this event has been the most overated dissappointing part of the road to wrestlemania

I no way shape or form were Cena and Taker predictable winners. Taker was in a Rumble with HBK, Edge, Orton and many others that all could of won. Cena was the least predictable Rumble winner of all the Rumbles as he was injured and came from out of fucking no where 6 months earlier then reported that even surprised the smarky ass madison square garden crowd. Edge wasn't 100% predictable, it was 100% certain he would return and even then he was competing against Batista, Cena and HBK who all had a high chance of winning. Orton's win was predictable as he was on a roll at the time. Rey Mysterio's winning because of Eddie Guerrero's death in 2006 was better then Cena, Taker, Edge and Orton winning?

On Topic, I'm going to Say Taker vs HBK at Mania 25. Yes it was a good match but allot of people act as if it was the best match ever. It was good, not the best.

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