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Most Over-Rated

Most Over-Rated Wrestler Of All Time

  • Hulk Hogan

  • John Cena

  • Bill Goldberg

  • Ultimate Warrior

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Umaga

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jus' wanted your opinion on this.... There are lot or Wrestlers from tha past and present who have been pushed to tha moon with very little talent at all like winning streaks, Championships and Fame.... Whilst there are great athletes who get what's owed to them.... Who do you think is tha most Over-Rated/Pushed Wrestler in History???
At most...I gotta say Umaga...but it's really close between Cena, Umaga, Hogan, and Edge (no idea why he's not up there)

Also,I can't really see why Goldberg is there...I mean he was made to be invincible...and he had the power to pull off great entertainment. He held freakin Big Show (then The Giant) in the jackhammer for like 3 seconds at a WCW house show in Columbus, GA (where I live) a few years back.
Achilles07 said:
At most...I gotta say Umaga...but it's really close between Cena, Umaga, Hogan, and Edge (no idea why he's not up there)

Also,I can't really see why Goldberg is there...I mean he was made to be invincible...and he had the power to pull off great entertainment. He held freakin Big Show (then The Giant) in the jackhammer for like 3 seconds at a WCW house show in Columbus, GA (where I live) a few years back.

He also did that at...i think it was, I forgot the PPV name where it was held outside and Jay Leno was in it, but yeah that was pretty amazing.
Achilles07 said:
At most...I gotta say Umaga...but it's really close between Cena, Umaga, Hogan, and Edge (no idea why he's not up there)

Also,I can't really see why Goldberg is there...I mean he was made to be invincible...and he had the power to pull off great entertainment. He held freakin Big Show (then The Giant) in the jackhammer for like 3 seconds at a WCW house show in Columbus, GA (where I live) a few years back.

i agree with everything u say here, except for edge. i dont think he is overrated. nor do i think he is underrated. he is actually pretty solid, and right now i think he is the perfect choice for champion, untill orton is pushed the right way and gets his character back in line for a title shot. orton has the ability to become the next great heel. i didnt like him as a face, he sucked at it and well...yea he sucked pretty bad. but as a heel, the guy is great, he is arrogant, in shape and well, the R.K.O is freakin awsome. i kno this is a page bout overrated, but had to put that in there.
My toss is between Cena and Hogan, both won titles more because of hype than actual wrestling talent. I voted for Hogan, because Cena is still young and has a lot to show us. Hogan on the other hand, limps back every year to show us how bad he's gotten.

Flames Out
Umaga, i mean come on, he has the lamest finisher in the history of WWE, i'm suprised Khali ain't on there, his finisher is just as bad
Have any of you Hogan-haters actually watched Hogan in his prime? For being 300 pounds the man could move unbelievably well in the ring. And most of you have yet to understand this point. Guys like Cena and Hogan, (and I HATE Cena) aren't or never were Bret Hart style technical wrestlers. Wrestling is alot of performance! These guys know how to go out into the ring and put on one hell of a show, whether you like them or you don't. So to say they are over-rated is BS.
On the other hand, guys who are built up to be something they're not, like Umaga, The Great Kali, Giant Gonzalez, The Dungeon of Doom, and I would even say Chris Masters before his suspension were all over-rated and over-hyped.
tough call, but I say all of them except Stone Cold and Hardy. They may not be able to wrestle (austing could at one point, but that wasn't his gimmick) but they both are entertaining in their matches. Same goes for Goldberg.

Cena, Hogan, umaga, Warrior....oh man....those guys SUCK!
Goldberg=171 win's in a row.. Via spear then jackhammer... Can you say repetitive... Repetitive...repetitive...repeti..Well you get the idea.
I don't count Umaga cause he's not held a title or main evented yet & who knows if he'll even be around after the Kane match.

Goldberg merely because of the ridiculous win streak, although him & Scott Steiner did have some good matches in the old WCW days.
i'd say the ultimate warrior easily. when he'd cut promos he'd go so far off topic. i've watched a few of his matches and he had terrible timing. i watched the self destruction of the ultimate warrior and they all said he just made it big because of his size. hogan was easily better, cenas easily better, umagas even easily better. so i'd say case closed its warrior. the idiot got to be put over by hulk hogan at wrestlemania.
Mr.Benjamin said:
David Arquette end of story........

Lol I never heard of anyone even say Arquette was a good wrestler... I think Batista fits the category as well... Being hes just like Goldberg... He revolves around his hype.. I realized that these tall muscular guys arent anything great...
cena's new gimmick is alright... he just needs to get rid of the rest of the 'rap' clothing (shoes for instance!). if the wwe considers cena to just be this 'soldier' then at least get rid of his skate shoes and get sum sh*t-kicker boots on him. and all this "******ed gorilla" movement... like when he comes out in his entrance... he could bring down the whole raw stage with those swings haha!
i remember back in the day when cena was a heel... now THAT was why i watched cena. he was good as a heel and even when his 'face' stage came about i still watched. but ever since he claimed the wwe title it all went downhill for him. you could definately see that this man could not wrestle. clothesline, slam, yelling, shoulder block, 5 knuckle shuffle, FU or STFU and thats it! wow... impressive... where's a chin lock? or arm bar? or any technical move???!! once he can start to wrestle with more that 5 moves then i'll watch.
more on this heel scenario... it looks to me that he will be turning heel once again when wrestlemania 23 comes round. I've seen some rumors for the main event which include either cena vs austin or cena vs hogan... now i'll let you take some time to guess who'll be the bad guy in those matches! its quite obvious... especially with austin!
cena needs to watch some tapes of REAL wrestlers like kurt angle, randy orton, triple h etc. and learn from them. the guy's got potential and a future ahead of him but if he continues to be this rapper/soldier, 5-move-******ed-gorilla 'champ' then he will realise that there's some work that needs to be done!
(ps: he needs to step out of the wwe title spotlight - give other guys a go, cena!!!)
Well, though both Hogan and Cena rank among the worst wrestlers of all time - let's me point something out. Cena actually tries to do moves and we have seen over time that he has actually somewhat expanded his move set. We've been seeing the same moves from Hogan since before I was born. Hogan is definitely more overrated because his move set sucks and he gets such a reaction from the crowd. I truly am fed up with the reaction he gets.
goleafsgo23 said:
He also did that at...i think it was, I forgot the PPV name where it was held outside and Jay Leno was in it, but yeah that was pretty amazing.

That was Bash at the Beach '98. That was 1 of 2 wrestling PPVs I've ever watched. The other was like King of the Ring '98 with some friends i think.
umaga is the most-overrated already...lol.

but to say that goldberg wasnt overrated has me baffled......lol. i mean come on, the guy had 30 second matches with middle-classed wrestlers because he was on his streak of 105424254-0 or whatever the hell it was. at least make him face the giant(big show) again. even triple h doesnt do that. he had the power to go far but he couldnt wrestle for shit...lol. how many moves did he have? i could only think of 2(3 if you count that stupid face he made everytime he gave the spear). goldberg is, was, and will always be overrated in my eyes.

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