Most Loaded WrestleMania??


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Simple question really..

We have seen 26 wrestlemania's and everyone of them has had some great wrestlers and some celebs as well..

But which WrestleMania in your opinion, was the most loaded WrestleMania of them all??

I think its hands down WrestleMania XX, this has to be by faaar the most loaded, lets have a look at the names...

John Cena, RVD, Booker T, Dudleys, Christian, Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, The Rock, Mick Foley, Sable, Chavo, Rey Mysterio, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, APA, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin...

Just look at the names, now that is what you call all-star!! With them names (exc. Sable), I can create a whole new ppv card and guarantee 6 amazing matches, maybe more...

Can any other WrestleMania be any more loaded than this one??

What's your opinion??
That was one loaded Wrestlemania, but I think Wrestlemania X-Seven was the best, it had:

Stone Cold, The Rock, 'Taker, Triple H, Edge & Christian, The Dudley Boyz, The Hardy Boyz, Vince vs. Shane, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Kane, Raven, Big Show, Chris Jericho, Tazz, The APA, Eddie Guerrero and everyone in the Gimmick Battle Royal which The Iron Sheik won.
Wrestlemania 8 for me. 1992 stands out as one of the finest years for the WWF in terms of star power. Here is the card...

Hulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice

Tatanka vs. Rick "The Model" Martel

Owen Hart vs. Skinner

The Natural Disasters vs. Money Inc.

Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair

Big Bossman, Virgil, Sgt. Slaughter, & Jim Duggan vs. The Nasty Boys, Repoman, & The Mountie

Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Undertaker vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Shawn Michaels vs. Tito Santana

Not to mention apperances made by the Legion of Doom, Papa Shango and the Ultimate Warrior. It ALSO contained one of the greatest pairings on commentary in the form of Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsson.

There are plenty of other great Wrestlemania's but this is the one I favour most.
WrestleMania 8 and 20 do stand out to me as well, but I thought that WrestleMania 26 (yes, you read that right) looked pretty amazing on paper.
It may not have delivered what the audience wanted in match quality or hype, but it did in fact have a current or former World Champion in every match. That's saying something pretty good.
Again, I get that it didn't deliver to the expectations, but that wasn't the question. The question was which was the most star-studded, and this one might be one of them.

WrestleMania 18 and 19 also stand out to me; combined they had Hogan, Rock, Austin, Flair, Angle, Taker, Kane, Regal, Edge, McMahon, Hall, Nash, RVD, Booker T, Mysterio, Triple H, Jericho, HBK, etc. Just a lot of good names between the two cards.

But still, with the list of former World Champions and future World Champions, I'll actually give the [surprise] nod to this past WrestleMania 26.
For me, I have to say WM 4. It was the tournament to determine who the champion was going to be. It had some celebs, yes.... but it didn't need them. Each round was an intriguing matchup to see who would move on. I think that even though Macho and Steamboat put on a great show at WM 3 that WM 4 really cemented Macho Man as the guy for putting on great matches all night long.
Wrestlemania 5, names included Haku, Akeem, Big Boss Man, The Rockers ( we all know where one of them went.. and I love the other one too heh =) Dibiase (REAL Dibiase), Brutus, Bushwhackers, Mr. Perfect, Blue Blazer (Owen Hart), Santana, Martel, Jake the Snake, Andre, Big John, Hart Foundation, Piper, Rick Rude, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Savage, Powers of Pain and DEMOLITION! (yes I like them heh) plus more but the list is long enough, wrestlemania 5, best wrestlemania ever!
Hands down, the 5 hour spectacle that is WrestleMania XX

Featured everyone, top superstars of the past, and the top superstars of today in their early stages. It was phenomenal.
IDK this is a very good question!
WM 19 to me was something amazing. Rock, Austin, Hogan, McMahon, Lesnar, Angle, Team Angle, Benoit, HBK, Jericho, Taker, Big Show and of course the appearance, UNEXPECTED appearance might I add of the Rowdy one himself. That made WM 19 a great great GREAT PPV for me (I'm a huge Piper mark just FTR).
But the winner of the Most Loaded WrestleMania has to go to WrestleMania XX. That card from start to finish was GREAT. Starting off with Cena vs. Big Show. Awesome! Throw in RVD/Booker T, the Dudleys, The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Rikishi/Scotty, The APA, Evolution, Rock n Rock connection, Lesnar vs. Goldberg with AUSTIN as the ref, Benoit, HHH, HBK, Eddie vs Angle was EPIC. Hell even the DIVA's match was entertaining! Watching Molly get her head shaved was HILARIOUS. WrestleMania XX was such a well built card from head to toe, if the WWE could duplicate that type of card for every PPV they run they'd be doing much better for themselves. But of course taking a look back at WrestleMania XX WWE only has about 4 of their stars from WM XX still on their roster.
XIX. The amount of huge matches on the show was ridiculous. You had:

Booker vs Triple H
HBK vs Jericho
McMahon vs Hogan
Rock vs Austin
Angle vs Lesnar

Really any of those could have realistically headlined the show. Saying that, they made the right choice closing with Angle/Lesnar (if we just forget Brock's ill-fated climb up the top rope)
Wrestlemania 17. That was an amazing Wrestlemania. You had The Rock go one on one with SCSA, The Undertaker vs Triple H, Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit, Vince McMahon vs Shane McMahon, Chris Jericho vs William Regal, and what is in my opinion the greatest TLC match ever... E and C vs The Hardy Boys vs The Dudley Boys. That Wrestlemania had one of the most infamous spots in wrestling history... Edge speared Jeff Hardy off of a ladder. Then, one of the most shocking moments in Wrestlemania history... SCSA sided with Vince McMahon. Such an amazing Wrestlemania, the best of all time.
I think that Wrestlemania 26 is probably te most stacked card ON PAPER ever, when you looked at the card every match had a main eventer in it. In fact it is the only the only Wrestlemania too my knowledge that has had a former WWE or World Heavyweight champion in every match. On the card you had names like HBK,Taker,Cena,Batista,Edge,Y2J,Vince,Bret,Punk,Rey,HHH,Sheamus,Orton,Kane,Swagger and Show, that is a stacked Wrestlemaina card if you ask me.
WM 7 by a long way... i'll break it down so everyone only gets mentioned once...

Former NWA/WWF/WCW/AWA World Champs: Hogan, Slaughter, Warrior, Savage, Kerry Von Erich, Rick Martel, Curt Hennig

Future NWA/WWF/WCW/AWA World Champs: Rick Rude, Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels

Former or Future IC Champs: Piper, Mountie, Tito Santana, British Bulldog, Marty Jannetty, Greg Valentine

Former or Future WWE/WCW/NWA Tag Champs - LOD, Earthquake, Bossman, Demoliton, Nasty Boys, Ted DiBiase, Paul Roma, The Barbarian

AJPW Triple Crown Champ - Tenyru

Former Yokozuna - Koji Kitao

WM 7 had 14 matches, 11 people the show held a recognised World title during their career, 8 of which had done so before that night.... Of 34 wrestlers wrestling in matches, 29 held a major title at least once in their career... 10 were involved in a Wrestlemania main event at least once... Andre the Giant interfered in his last ever WM appearance.. he is not counted above as he didn't wrestle.

In all, that is by far the most stacked show I can remember in terms of genuine world level talent... and not that solely produced by WWE...
By Loaded wrestlemania means by matches or by wwe superstars. Stone cold didnt have a match ar WM XX so you cant really include him on wrestlemania card if you are counting loading by WM matches.

If you are couting it by awesome matches then I would have to say it is WM 21. Everyone (except Cena/JBL) had a awesome match all around. HBK/Angle, Batista/HHH , best Money In The Bank match so far and Undertaker/Orton. Everyone had an awesome match at WM 21. HBK/ Angle match itself overshadow all other matches. The we had Hulk Hogan appearing out of nowhere to fight Muhammad Hassan. Everything there was awesome.
By Loaded wrestlemania means by matches or by wwe superstars. Stone cold didnt have a match ar WM XX so you cant really include him on wrestlemania card if you are counting loading by WM matches.

If you are couting it by awesome matches then I would have to say it is WM 21. Everyone (except Cena/JBL) had a awesome match all around. HBK/Angle, Batista/HHH , best Money In The Bank match so far and Undertaker/Orton. Everyone had an awesome match at WM 21. HBK/ Angle match itself overshadow all other matches. The we had Hulk Hogan appearing out of nowhere to fight Muhammad Hassan. Everything there was awesome.

You have just confused yourself!! You were going great until you mentioned Hogan coming in and fighting off Hassan, you can't say that now, because you said since Austin didn't fight, you can't include him in the XX...

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