most innovative wrestling moves ?wrestler?


Pre-Show Stalwart
what, in your opinion are some of the most innovative wrestling holds, moves etc. of all time ? what turned me on to TNA's wrestlers were their diverse move sets and exciting new finishers and action in the ring. this can be best seen over the last year in their tag team and x division, imo. what wrestler has the most innovative move sets and what are the most jaw dropping wrestling moves you have ever seen? please provide youtube links to site specific moves if you'd be so kind! - my move of the day - not sure what its called or why more wrestlers don't use it( r-truth has used it a couple times), but its an inverted suplex cutter

To this day this move impresses me beyond belief. I always felt the Canadian Destroyer was one of the most original, inventive and devastating moves in the history of wrestling. When Petey hits this move you just knew it was all over. To me this was the definition of inventive, effectiveness and one of the 1st moves I think of when I think of the word "Finisher".
i originally had the canadian destroyer as my move of the day! nice man! i completely agree, so devastating, the running ones in particular! i also LOVE the spiraling top rope cutter that generation ME use to do , no clue what that move is called! is it true that the E has banned all moves even remotely resembling a piledriver or any other head-first impact moves? (obviously besides the tombstone)

my favorite move of all time, and what the move i derived my username out of.

the first try is a little shaky but it gets better.

An absolutely devastating move that is obviously extremely dangerous if not done right( and probably even if it is done right). It also looks epic but it probably takes a lot of strength, especially when wrestling the bigger opponents like Kudome did.

Title says it all there s is the list of the most innovative I have ever see. Though the second to last pick is my favorite

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