Most Improved of the Year

Who Is The Most Improved Wrestler Of The Year?

  • Curtis Axel

  • Magnus

  • Roman Reigns

  • Bully Ray

  • Bo Dallas

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Kaitlyn is soooooo much better than she used to be.

Yeah fine, I'll say Magnus only because his work has been such a step up, not because I think he's been that much improved.
Cody Rhodes. Dude was a comedy guy with a mask. Now he's in one of the most over tag-teams in recent history and can't have a bad match if he tried.
Magnus is just as awful as he's ever been, but he's being asked to do a lot more now. Does that count as 'most improved', by default even?
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4697063 said:
From Husky Harris? I'll take Bray over Magnus...

I'd say yes and give it to he, Ambrose, or Harper, perhaps in that order, even. Perhaps I'm underrating his improvement but I've been a Jon Huber fan for a few years now.
I'm leaning more towards Bray Wyatt. Wyatt's character is very interesting and he's put a lot of work into it. It's this strange amalgam that puts me in mind of Jake Robert and Charles Manson with dash of backwoods preacher in some snake handling church and it works. To go from the insanely generic & bland Husky Harris to this is a massive improvement in & of itself.

I'm also surprised by how well Luke Harper's done over the past several months. I ultimately expected him to just be this big thug who was ultimately just a background character for Bray Wyatt, but Harper's shown to be really good big man in the ring who's quite good at using his body language and facial expressions to tell a story. I'd ultimately like to hear him say a bit more than the few words we've heard out of him to really gauge how he'd be in a promo, but he's done well so far. He doesn't necessarily need to talk as he has a creepy presence about him. Harper's pretty much the physical embodiment of the scary hillbilly stereotype.
Jack-Hammer said:
Harper's pretty much the physical embodiment of the scary hillbilly stereotype.
I think he actually has a chance to get over after the Wyatt Family is through. Don't quote me on that, though.
Bray Wyatt was great last year.

In terms of his in-ring presence, Seth Rollins has definitely come on leaps and bounds while his heel turn has done wonders for Bo Dallas, changing him from barely watchable to barely missable.
It has to be the Shield as a whole, because they really don't have a bad performer, and they all have potential to be break out stars. Other than that, the likes of DBD and Kaitlyn should get a mention. And was Mark Henry's epic promo this year? He should be on this list too just for that.
Damn shame WWE seems to deliberately make NXT woefully underexposed.

Bo Dallas went from being awful to having MOTY level matches, and being one of the best heels in the buisness.

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