Most Entertaining Sitcom Pairings

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Now I don't mean romantically here. Well it could be.

You know when there is a big cast on a sitcom and you get these episodes where two or three of the characters get into silly escapades together that really have you lol'ing or lmao'ing...or laughing really hard?

Kinda like that.

Here's an example:


That "I don't know what you're talking about line" still cracks me up. Whenever Ross and Joey where paired, man it was great. Funny ass episodes, and I'll come back to some other FRIENDS episodes later.

One more:


I couldn't find ones with Phil and Dylanl...but ye how good are the episodes with Phil and Dylan. Ty's character is just funny everytime he opens his mouth and them one liners at the end of a scene are gold.

Him and Dylan, epic!
Elaine and Jerry paired with Jerry's parents in "The Pen" episode from Seinfeld.

Jerry and Elaine visit Jerry's parents in Florida. In this scene, Elaine is loopy from taking too many muscle relaxants (to help her aching back due to sleeping on Jerry's parent's fold-out couch the previous night) and Jerry is wearing shades because the blood vessels around his eyes burst while scuba diving.


From the extra DVD material I've watched, I know Jason Alexander was upset that he and Michael Richards weren't in the episode, and I can understand that, but this episode is definitely in my top 10 fave Seinfeld episodes :)
Will and Carlton from The Fresh Prince. Both have had so many hilarious and emotional moments together. I loved the way they teased each other all the time and were always in competition, they were more like brothers than cousins. And both certainly give each other a run for their money when it comes to who is funnier.
Often odd couple pairings are the best, ala Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau. One recent example is Brian and Stewie Griffin. Even Seth MacFarlane said he didn't realize how good their personalities meshed until he wrote "Road to Rhode Island." The first episode dominated by their pairing if I recall. They work so well because, while they're both smart in the own right, they often use entirely different thought processes to come to their own conclusions. Brian often has a very negative outlook on things, while Stewie is often quite positive, assuming he's not trying to kill someone at the time. This odd couple has spawned several episodes since, including "Road to the North Pole," "Roads to Vegas" and "Brian & Stewie" (an episode I don't like at all, mainly because it's very depressing). I'm sure there are more I can't think of off the top of my head. The point is, they're a great pair. If you're a fan of Family Guy, there's no way you can't like this pairing.

Another good odd couple pairing is Sheldon and Penny from The Big Bang Theory. While they're two very different people, they both have strong personalities that can clash from time to time. One of my favorite episodes is "The Adhesive Duck Deficiency" where Penny hurts her arm and only Sheldon is around to take her to the hospital. The other side of this episode, involving the rest of the main cast, is quite funny as well, but this is the episode that really stuck out to me where I realized how good of a pairing these two are.
Didn't realize this was in a non-spam forum, so allow me to expound on my post. If a mod sees fit to delete my last one, by all means.

Randy and Sharon Marsh are hilarious. South Park avoided the "stupid dad" trope for a good long while, but when they finally let Randy off the leash he immediately became one of my favorite characters. All goofballs need a comedic foil, as Bill pointed out odd couples are always the best, and Sharon is great in that regard. While I'd hope that nobody has parents quite like them, there are definitely a lot of moments where Sharon's response to Randy's stupidity does remind me of my own mother's eye rolls and exasperated grunts and groans at my father's occasional dumb moments. They're a great pair, I think made better by the fact that they're ancillary characters. They can be a comedic duo without having to carry the show, which allows Randy to ham it up but get out of the way before he gets annoying. Awesome duo.
The guys who played Cliff Clavin and Norm Peterson from "Cheers" because they were so perfect in their setting. They were ordinary guys who led nondescript lives and were never so in their element as when they sat on those barstools. Many things people find funny are actually tragic in nature and the constant stream of one-liners and wisecracks from Cliff and Norm underscored their humdrum lives. What was sad about them is what made them funny and entertaining.

I would say Cory and Shawn from boy meets world as a good paring they were always together and always doing something funny or serious but they as a group I feel were very strong pairing
Wilfred(Jason Gann) and Ryan(Elijah Wood) from Wilfred.

The premise of the show is incredibly stupid, I'll admit, and I couldn't understand for the life of me how a show about a kid and his neighbor's dog, who looks like a man dressed in a dog suit and can talk only to Ryan, could work. Boy, was I wrong.

Ryan tries to kill himself one morning, taking an entire bottle of anxiety pills his sister had prescribed for him. Whether that alters his mind permanently or not, or Ryan is just out there to begin with, he sees Wilfred as a man in a dog suit, not just a dog as everyone else does. There's an intriguing bond between the two, one that begins immediately. And while Wilfred, is part philosopher, part devious dog, part life coach, he also becomes Ryan's best friend, quickly. And while for the most part he is entirely self-centered, like a dog is, there are those tender moments where he actually teaches Ryan something important about life.

While Ryan is awkward, emotionally shackled, and fearful of embracing life due to a verbally abusive sister, a nutjob for a mother, and an absentee dad, Wilfred is carefree, and is constantly encouraging Ryan to seize the day and live in the moment. Which is where the fun starts, because a reluctant Ryan eventually caves, with mostly disastrous results. Why? Because he's taking his cue from a dog.

It's one of the zaniest pairings I've ever seen, but it works so well. Ryan has, through two seasons, shown signs of emotional and social growth because of Wilfred, yet he continues to engage in absurd plots and behaviors because of Wilfred's obsessive prodding. Whether the show is intentionally trying to show that growth, or is just incidental, is irrelevant. The pair of the introverted Ryan and the eccentric Gann make for a delightful one, both likeable in their own way. And the result is a hilarious, occasionally deep, escapist show that shows that perhaps man's best friend really is his dog. ;)
Basil Fawlty and Manuel from Fawlty Towers.

To be honest, I could have replaced Manuel with Polly or Sybil as they all suffered the insanity that Basil conjured out of nowhere. However Manuel's biggest irritating characteristic to Basil; not having a grasp of the English language/knowing classical Spanish and/or also not being English brought us so many great moments and episodes.

The episode with the doctors staying at the hotel while a pretty Australian and rather cock-sure man are also guests is pretty relentless in terms of the number of jokes that are executed, but my favourite moment between Basil and Manuel was when Basil is beating Manuel up only to be interrupted by a doctor, so Basil pretends to be coaching Manuel how to take a beating from different nationalities. So silly, a tad racist, but emphasised the imbalance in their relationship.
I can't find the clip I was looking for, but let me put these dudes in the list;

Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster AKA Shawn and Gus from Psych.

A perfect pairing, and the actors completely nail it. There are very few TV shows that can make me laugh AND go OH SNAP! with old school references.

Pretty awesome stuff.
Joey and Chandler from FRIENDS had such good chemistry. I mean, obviously, they made them roommate for the better part of 3-4 seasons for a reason (don't quote me on that). That's one of my all-time favorites shows, and there are other characters I love, but none with more chemistry than Joey and Chandler. Later on, Chander and Monica's relationship became one of the best parts of the show. Pretty much just Matthew Perry and anybody on that show was great.

Dennis and Mac from Always Sunny are pretty fun to watch.

Keeping in theme with the Sitcom concept, you have to list Jim and Dwight from The Office. Rainn Wilson and John Krasinski just play off each other so well. From the early pranks of season 1-3, to their bonding in later seasons, to the final episodes where you realize that they're essentially brothers.

Brian and Stewey in Family Guy. On that front, I'm going to have to list the three Belcher kids from Bob's Burgers as my favorite sitcom characters currently on the air. That show is amazing.

All time favorites...pretty much any relationship in Boy Meets World. Cory and Shawn. Cory and Topanga. Mr. Feeny and Eric Matthews. Shawn and Mr. Turner. Etc.
Starting to get into American Dad, so I would have to go with Stan Smith and Francine. Hilarious duo, because Stan is such a strict and conservative old-school guy, but Francine has a wild side, and she's always urging Stan to lighten up. Two memorable Stan and Francine episodes are the one where they try to save Mr. Pibb Cola from going out of business. The other is Stan and Francine going back in time. Hayley needed a kidney transplant, and to be sure of the perfect match, they had to find out the truth behind Hayley's real father, because Francine had a one night stand before the wedding.

I'd also have to throw Roger and Steve in there. The episode where Roger hires Stelio Kontos to take care of Steve's bullying problem is my favorite from this pair. Roger was hoping Stelio would beat Steve up so bad the other bull wouldn't want anything to do with him afterwards. But in the end, Stelio and the other bully team up together against Steve, and they create a theme song (Stelio refuses to fight without theme music) produced by Roger. Steve was afraid Roger would use one of his costumes to make the bullying problem worse, and when Steve makes one last plea ("you know they're just going to beat the crap out of me after you're done recording the song," paraphrasing because I don't remember everything word by word), Roger responds with this (again paraphrasing): "Well, Steve you wanted real people to help you. Look around you, these are real people in a real situation."
Lewis and Oswald from The Drew Carey Show. Phenomenal chemistry from these two guys. Deidrich Bader has always had a great presence in any movie or tv show he has been in. His timing with jokes was bar none. And Ryan Stiles is just a tremendous comedian. His work on Whose Line is it Anyways? is proof of that. However, his role as Lewis differs so much from his improve skills on Whose Line. He just embodies that debbie downer character and it is a pleasure to watch. I was always a big Drew Carey Show fan, but if Lewis and Oswald had not been on the show then I probably wouldn't have gotten into it nearly as much as I have.
I'd also have to throw Roger and Steve in there. The episode where Roger hires Stelio Kontos to take care of Steve's bullying problem is my favorite from this pair. Roger was hoping Stelio would beat Steve up so bad the other bull wouldn't want anything to do with him afterwards. But in the end, Stelio and the other bully team up together against Steve, and they create a theme song (Stelio refuses to fight without theme music) produced by Roger. Steve was afraid Roger would use one of his costumes to make the bullying problem worse, and when Steve makes one last plea ("you know they're just going to beat the crap out of me after you're done recording the song," paraphrasing because I don't remember everything word by word), Roger responds with this (again paraphrasing): "Well, Steve you wanted real people to help you. Look around you, these are real people in a real situation."

Right on. Wouldn't have come to my mind more than likely, but now that you mention it, these two are awesome. An early episode where Steve eats a cookie intended for Roger and then tells the alien "You snooze you lose," led to a funny revenge plot (which Steve surprisingly found hilarious when the alien revealed his hoax). There's also the one where Roger is jilted by Steve, sings a song about when he and Steve were best friends, and then finds himself befriending an abusive little boy to cope. And, of course, Wheels and the Legman. Good call, Mitch.
Dr. said:
And, of course, Wheels and the Legman.
Of course!
Dowds said:
Basil Fawlty and Manuel from Fawlty Towers.
Funny stuff...

If I could add something, it'd be Sterling and Mallory Archer. They are VERY much alike and Archer always reverts to his childhood self when he's with her. Also, it's always only where Archer is concerned that his mom shows any form of compassion.

I don't know if you guys watched Green Wing either, but Allan Statham and Joanna Claure had the most devious, least nurturing relationship, but when they killed that dwarf, they really stuck together. The submissive, embarrassing situations that she got him into was also right up there.
Right on. Wouldn't have come to my mind more than likely, but now that you mention it, these two are awesome. An early episode where Steve eats a cookie intended for Roger and then tells the alien "You snooze you lose," led to a funny revenge plot (which Steve surprisingly found hilarious when the alien revealed his hoax). There's also the one where Roger is jilted by Steve, sings a song about when he and Steve were best friends, and then finds himself befriending an abusive little boy to cope. And, of course, Wheels and the Legman. Good call, Mitch.

Yeah, I really enjoyed that one. Just saw it not too long ago, because I'm catching up with the reruns on Cartoon Network.

Another good one is when Roger and Steve throw Klaus into the pool at the waterpark as a prank. Klaus vows revenge, and the entire time, Steve and Roger barricade themselves in the attic because they're scared shitless of what Klaus might do. Stan get's a call from Steve's school, and responds with: "What do you mean my son hasn't been to school in six months?" The ending with Roger putting a stack of books on Klaus' fishbowl to stop him was just priceless.
Ted, Marshall, and Barney in How I Met Your Mother. All three or any combination of 2 of the 3 have had some very entertaining sequences.

Here's another one: Tim and Al in Home Improvement. It was a great dynamic between them because Tim was the "dumb" guy but he was always bashing or teasing Al whether it was on Tool Time or outside of the show.
Maddie Hayes (Cybill Shepherd) and David Addison (Bruce Willis) in Moonlighting will always hold this particular title in my heart, especially in the early "will they, won't they" period. Their bickering (often in unison), Dave constantly making a fool of Maddie, their breaking of the fourth wall, watching her slowly but steadily thaw to his fun loving (if slightly dumb) personality; all these things added to producing a show that turned Shepherd from someone who'd actually taken a massive fall from grace due to her relationship with director Peter Bogdanovich to the defining role of her career and made a superstar of, then unknown, Bruce Willis.

Monday night, 9pm, BBC2 - ah, memories and there was more than a hint of the Maddie/ David relationship when Bones came along in the mid-noughties.
I dig the American Dad love, but speaking of cartoooooooooooooons, beat this-





Perhaps the GREATEST cartoon duo of all time, these two have given the best episodes together year after year after year. I can't remember one, where these two had the spotlight, and it wasn't fucking funny.

Best of all time? For sure.
I dig the American Dad love, but speaking of cartoooooooooooooons, beat this-





Perhaps the GREATEST cartoon duo of all time, these two have given the best episodes together year after year after year. I can't remember one, where these two had the spotlight, and it wasn't fucking funny.

Best of all time? For sure.

Yessssssssssss!!!!!! I came here with the intention of posting Butters and Cartman. They are the perfect combo. Cartman is loud and obnoxious, always scheming, and is very opinionated. Butters is the quiet, unsure, kid who always seems to be caught up in a mess because of Cartman. Cartman uses him to do his dirty work, but a lot of times Butters gets a one up on him without even realizing what he is doing. Such a great great pair, and the show is always better when they are the focus. I also have to give Steve and Roger credit on American dad. Another poster mention the episode with Stelio the bully. Roger plays his role to perfection, and when Roger called in the bully to beat up Steve so the other bully would want sloppy seconds it was just such a laugh out loud situation. Great stuff.

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