Most dominant run in WWE history?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, alot of people here are going to say Hogan in the late 80s and early 90s, he did everything possible (Titles, Royal Rumbles) and overcame every single chalenge. Next there was Stone Cold in the Attitude Era, he just wrecked havoc and destroyed just about everyone. Maybe we could look at Triple H, during the McMahon/Helmsley regime, didnt he go undefeated (cleanly) for around 2 years? Or what about the current product where we have John Cena? "Super Cena" who has won title after title and made comeback after comeback?

Personally I am going to say Brock Lesnar. He debuted in 2002 and left the company just under 2 years later. He won the WWE Title, The KOTR and a Royal Rumble. But look past what he won and accomplished. He wrecked havoc. They even fed him Zack Gowen to make him look a monster and look what he did to Hogan with the blood that time.

Rock was beaten cleanly, he beat Taker in a HIAC and he also went over Angle at WM19. BUT, one stat that has always stuck in mind is that he was only beaten 6 times on TV over a 2 year period. Thats 20+ PPV's and 100+ Raw/Smackdowns. Is that correct?

Off the top of my head I remember Angle beating him twice, Benoit making him tap, Big Show when Heyman turned, Eddie beating him at No Way Out, Goldberg at WM...anyone remember who else beat him?
Probably have to be Bob Backlund before The Hogan Era began. Granted it was a different product back then, but didnt he carry the title for over 5 years??? I think that is the most dominant run in WWE/WWF history. Now if you included the WCW product, then it would undoubtably be "GOLDBERG"......
Now you say "most dominant run in history": how exactly do you define that? Do you define that as title runs, win/loss records, or what? If this question is going to remain broadly defined, I'm going to say that Undertaker's Mania win streak is the greatest run in WWE history.

Don't you know that 20 years from now people will speak of the legendary Undertaker and his Undefeated streak. Kids will marvel when their parents tell them about Undertaker's Wrestlemania dominance. Storylines will tease of Undertaker's return. Mouthy heel superstars will proclaim that they'll beat the streak, and whould have ended Takers streak had they been around. Commentators will forever speak of Undertaker's streak. And while only wrestling fanatics will be able to recall Lesnar's accalades, Undertaker's win streak will be known world wide.
The streak that will go down as the best in history and will eclipse the Undertaker and will have kids marveling is the one the Brooklyn Brawler put up doing the reverse Goldberg but going over 1000 career matches without a victory.
The Rock...most dominant promo man from 98-02. Made everybody look a little average on the mic during this time and also the most dominant 20 mins of Raw for the past decade...I wanted to look at this one a bit differently but in terms of matches HHH during the McMahon/Helmsley era...acted as the perfect heel foil to The Rock, Austin, Foley and Jericho.
For me it would have to be Stone Cold from 97-01. Even when he was hurt with the neck injury that's all people would talk about is when is he coming back. No one was ever that big of a star and never will be again.
The Rock...most dominant promo man from 98-02. Made everybody look a little average on the mic during this time and also the most dominant 20 mins of Raw for the past decade...I wanted to look at this one a bit differently but in terms of matches HHH during the McMahon/Helmsley era...acted as the perfect heel foil to The Rock, Austin, Foley and Jericho.

Could be looked at as biased, but I digress.

The Rock-marks are really making him look like God these last couple days.

Anyway, in my own opinion, Bruno Sammartino. Again when Backlund was brought up it was mentioned how it was a "different time", and it was, as back in the 70's you had to be something special. Bruno's shortest World Championship reign was four years!

Not his longest, but his shortest reign.
1. Why Moolah is the wrong answer

Moolah had ZERO competition. None. And this was at a time in wrestling where she would work with whatever no-name female challenger was in a particular territory and running the same match over and over. Television and media wasn't a factor. She wouldn't have been champion for so long if the women's title meant a damn thing, and since she was the only woman who could remotely be considered a 'draw,' why take the title off of her and wane the interest in women's wrestling down to zero?

2. Why Undertaker is the wrong answer.

I don't think you can base dominance on one night a year. Especially when you factor in that a) the competition some of those years was just awful, b) he missed a few Wrestlemanias, and c) in the last several years he's spent good portions of the rest of the year on the shelf and injured. He's great at Wrestlemania. Doesn't make him dominant.

3. Why The Rock is the Wrong Answer

Someone said he was a 'dominant promo cutter.' He was a great promo cutter, but I'd NEVER use the word dominant for that particular topic. Besides, guys like Jericho, Austin, and Angle were also solid at that time as well. So was HHH. And when Rock was at the top of his game, he was usually chasing the title, as it was a hot potato.

4. Why Hogan is the RIGHT answer

Hogan, from the moment he beat Iron Sheik, to the moment he lost to Warrior at WM 6, was the dominant guy. He beat EVERYONE. He beat Orndorf. He beat Muraco. He beat Bundy. He beat Andre. He beat DiBiase. He dropped the title without REALLY losing it. Then, he beat the guy who took it on a technicality one year afterwards.

Hell, even AFTER Warrior beat him clean, more people paid attention to Hogan / Earthquake than they did to Warrior / Rude or Warrior / Slaughter. And then, once Slaughter was the champ, it was once again all about Hogan at WM 7.

Nobody has ever had a dominant run like Hogan. For so long. And been so popular. Nowadays, Cena holds a title for 9 months and he's "being shoved down our throats." When Hogan was expected to take a step back for Warrior, the fans rejected it and said "we want more Hogan."

The choice is a simple one, and the only guys you can come to me with to dispute it are Lou Thesz and Verne Gagne.
Jason Scene is right; Bruno Sammartino is the most dominant wrestler of all time. Like we've all said it was a different time back then, but he held the title for 7 years, and he wasn't just the most popular wrestler of the time, he was wrestling at the time. No one was a bigger draw to the "sport" of wrestling for their time, than Sammartino.
I'll have to go with either Brock Lesnar's run from 2002 to 2004, Goldberg's run from 1997 to 2001 and again from 2003-04, Hogan's run from 1984 to 1990 then again from 1991 to 1993, and Cena's run from 2005 to 2007.

Like someone else had said, Brock Lesnar won King of the Ring, The Royal Rumble, and like 2 or 3 world titles in those 2 years, and he beat so many legends fair in square like The Rock, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Big Show, etc.

Goldberg had like a 173 winning streak in his 4 years at WcW and beat everyone they had to offer, literally everyone, including Hogan. He had all the fans behind him, and became world champ.

Hogan's run was also described above. After he beat Iron Sheik for the title in 1984, it was all Hogan after that, until 6 years later when he lost to Ultimate Warrior, but he was back on top in 1991 when he beat Sgt. Slaughter, and even when he lost the title to Undertaker, he won like several days after. So yeah, Hogan's run was pretty dominant.

Which brings me to Cena's run. He won the WWE Title at WM 21, and after that, Cena beat all the challengers put out in front of him. Whether it was Christian, Jericho, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Edge, Shawn Michaels Umaga, Khali, Orton, he beat them all in those 2 years. He did lose the title a few times, but he always seemed to get it back. Then he tore his peck, and even tough he is still on top today, 2005 to 2007 were the best years for Cena.
I'm going to say Chris Jericho's capturing of two titles in one night. Now like IC25 said in an earlier post, Undertaker's streak is legendary and will never be broken, but this was the first in HISTORY!!!!!!! Chris Jericho also had the belts for a long time, I think his dominance also reachs as giving some of the best promos during the attitude era.
The answer is Hulk Hogan from 1984 to 1992.

Think about it this way Hogan won the belt from the Iron Sheik in 1984 and like others have said above he beat everyone. Andre, Orndorff, Bundy, Savage, Dibiase, Perfect, the list goes on and one. But that was just in the ring.

Hogan's run was the most dominant because not only was he dominant in the ring, but look at the impact he had outside the ring. there was a time where the phrase hulkamania is running wild, did not just apply to the wrestling world.... it applied to the entire world. He was on the cover of sports illustrated. he was making movies. his contract signing with Andre at the first royal rumble made espn sports center. Hulk Hogan was the most dominant force in the universe... the man was a money machine.

Because of Hogan's in ring and out of ring accomplishments in that time period, his run is the most dominant, hands down.
I'm gonna have to say Honkey Tonk Man and his I-C title run. It was so good that they had Santino do his honky-meter so he could beat it(classic)
It has to be Hogan, no other wrestler has been as booked as strongly for as long as The Hulkster. He was the MAN for so many years in the WWE and very rarely, if ever, lost.

Since he became a star, almost every show he has appeared on has been based around him. He has very rarely been anything less than the main attraction. Hell, even in TNA he dominates the show whenever he turns up, which is over 30 years after his debut. In WCW he was booked to dominate every show, but it was his WWE run that made him the biggest superstar in wrestling history.
Hogan is a good answer, but the wrong answer.

The rock was far too professional to be As dominant as hulk, he was too interested in doing the right thing for the company.

Moolah was a good answer as well, but it has already been mentioned that she had no competition.

Honky Tonk man is a great answer, but not the correct answer.

A couple of folks have given you the only possible correct answer. Bruno sammartino. Two title reigns for a combined eleven years. No one comes even remotely close to even his first seven year championship run.

Plus, sammartino in his prime was a legitimate MMA fighter, when none of us had ever conceived that that was not just something from Kung Fu movies.

Bruno is the most dominant wrestler Ever on national television and the greatest wrestling champ In American history. End of story.
Has to be both Bruno Sammartino and Lou Thesz ! Both had title runs of over 7 plus years and defended the titles all over the world and in different territories all over the country !

Moolah had at times lost her title but much like Andre not being beaten for 15 years or never being slammed till Hogan did it at Mania 3 her holding the title for 28 straight years is wrestling urban legend !
Brock Lesnar. What he did in his limited time in the WWE is unmatched. He beat legends of the business, and before we knew it he was the top dog. He dominated people, he made The Rock look like a random jobber, same as 'Taker, same as most anyone he faced. They booked him to be that "unstoppable force," and they succeeded. He was a 3 time WWE Champion, a King of the Ring winner, Royal Rumble winner, and was named wrestler of the year in 2002, and was also ranked #1 in the PWI Top 500 in '03. Simply put, he was the best at what he did. He lived up to his nickname "The Next Big Thing," that's for sure.
John Cena from 05 when he won his title to his injury in 07 was one of the most dominant runs in recent times. The amount of losses that he had during then can probably be counted on 2 hands. Hell, the first time he lost his title was because Edge cashed it in after he already went through an elimination chamber match. Then he won it back 3 weeks later at the Royal Rumble. The 2nd time he lost it was thanks to a run in by Edge, where RVD won the title. And the 3rd time was when he was injured. 3 times he lost the title, yet not one was he pinned cleanly.

Plus, he beat the likes of JBL, Jericho, Angle, Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Umaga, and The Great Khali (when he was at his best). That is a hell of a list.
Bruno Sammartino had the most dominating run in WWE history... Almost 8 years as the champion.. 2 title reigns that lasted a total of over 11 years... Hogan, Rock, Undertaker, Austin, Lesnar never had a run like that..
This is a ridiculous topic. There is only one answer, and I have to agree with the poster above.

Hulk Hogan had the greatest WWF run ever. Hell the greatest wrestling run ever period.

He took the WWF and made it a household name. He is the ONLY wrestler to appear on the Sports Illustrated cover (a legit sports magazine with a "non-legit" sports star on it.) No one else can have that claim, and that has been around since, what the 50's?

You can say all those old school names, Bruno, Backlund, Graham, Rogers, whoever. None of them brought it to center stage like Hogan did.

Now granted Hogan was in the right time period. When cable TV was growing as well as PPV, and all things cheesy were allowed.

I am not saying that Backlund or Bruno couldn't of have done it in the 80's. Hell I am pretty sure Bruno might have been bigger than Hogan if he came out in the 80's. But Bruno WASN'T the star in the 80's. Hogan was. Therefore all old school names are eliminated from the conversation.

As for the Attitude Era names. HHH, HBK, Rock, Undertaker, Austin. The Rock and Austin eliminate each other, because they huge at the exact same time. Neither one really dominated their time period. Sure they made a lot of money and helped put WCW out of business.

But Hogan brought an entire industry to the limelight.

HHH? Give me a break. HBK and Undertaker. While these two guys were/are the backbone of the WWF for the last 20 years or so, and they may have a legitimate case for their argument.

But if we are talking worldwide status, neither of them could sell like Hogan.
The correct answer is Hulk Hogan with Stone Cold Steve Austin as a very close runner up.

I say these two names because these are the two wrestlers who were the catalysts of wrestling becoming relevant, becoming a phenomenon. Hulk Hogan made it cool in the 80's to love wrestling, was a pop culture icon, made people BELIEVE the three demandments. He had the uncommon and unteachable ability to cause the hair on your head and arms stand up as he "Hulked Up". He, along with the hard work of several others, took a business that was considered crude, fake and laughable and made it a must see spectacle that he was the main star of and he did it for years. It's a monumental achievement that only one other man has come close to accomplishing.

That man is "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Austin brought the 'E Attitude, took it away from the garish, cartoon characters that some wrestlers had become and raised hell with record audiences the world over. He was the most anticipated part of the show, immensely entertaining and, win or lose, left the crowd whipped into an uncontrollable frenzy. The response that he got from wrestling fans was at times a knife's edge away from being hysteria.

I have to give the edge to Hogan as he did it for longer, but Austin is not far behind. These are two men whose runs in the business revolutionized the way wrestling was looked at and thought of. To me, that is the most dominant of achievements.

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