More Matrix Movies Coming


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According to Keanu Reeves:

AICN received a scoop from an event that took place at the London International School of Performing Arts, where Keanu Reeves spoke to the class about his career while promoting his new movie "Henry's Crime."

He spoke briefly about "47 Ronin" and "Bill and Ted 3," but the big news came when Reeves revealed that he met with the Wachowskis around Christmas. They told him that they completed script treatments for two more "Matrix" installments. They are planning to make the films in 3D and have already met with James Cameron to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the technology.

Reeves added that he's excited to return as Neo and promised that the treatments will truly revolutionize the action genre like the first "Matrix" film did.

The first Matrix film is one of my all time favorites. It blew my mind when I first saw it when I was about 15 and I love it still to this day. The sequels...not so much, but it would be nice to have it be redeemed a bit by something closer to the first one, maybe something that happened in between the other movies.

Anyway, thoughts on this?
Going to be a total flop if Reloaded and Revolutions are anything to go by. But also, what can they do with the story? They've milked so much out of the franchise with an all round conclusion, if they can find anything worthwhile and make a great film out of it I say kudos to that, but that's all I will give them.

Not to mention that they did the expansion with the Ani-Matrix and Matrix Online, it's all they could do to keep things going. I just try to refuse to acknowledge the sequels as it brings down my enjoyment out of first one, so having more films to ignore is just great!
Personally, I felt that Matrix Reloaded was the best of the series. Even though the original Matrix gave the original idea of the mindfuck that was "The Matrix", until Neo took the blue pill, the movie was confusing and boring as fuck. Reloaded, however, was action packed from start to finish and had a KILLER cliffhanger. But I digress...

I'm very happy about this. It's funny because just last night I caught the second Matrix movie on TNT and said to myself, "I wonder if they'll ever try to make more of these..." I guess my question has been answered. But just like KB and Phoenix, I was extremely disappointed with the "Matrix: Revolutions". I felt the movie was over-CGI'd and the storyline just became ridiculous...
However, the use of Neo as a martyr was a nice touch. I don't think anyone really expected him to have to die in order to save the world and free the humans still stuck in the matrix.
The series needs redemption and with modern day technology already being leaps and bounds over special effects from the early 2000's, all the producers need to do is stick with the great choreography of the fight scenes and keep to the original essence of the series in order to bring the series back to life.
I really liked all the movies. I hope they don't do anymore because the last one ended on a good note. I don't know how they could do a story line to continue any of it. There is no need need to fix something that is not broken and they need to leave it alone. I love the matrix the way it is.
The ending where they turn neo into god in the machine world was a bit cheesy but I guess it's a good ending to a good story line. Please don't make anymore matrix movies.

If they do any more I guess they could do a prequel on morpheous but I don't know if that would be interesting to watch really.
How can they make sequels when Neo died? And who would be the main villin this time around? Seems like these 2 more films will be bad and I bet Keanu Reeves is happy to do another set of Matrix films he not getting that much movies offers as an actor anyways.
How can they make sequels when Neo died?

This was my thoughts exactly, how the fuck can they make this work, they killed of all the main characters in the last one, don't get me wrong I love the series, I just don't see how they make it work, only way I could see this happening is if they did prequels and show how everything started, expand on what they did with the Animatrix
I liked the Matrix films. I wasn't as crazy about Reloaded or Revolutions as I was the original. The sequels were good, but they were definitely missing the mystery of what was the original film. I don't know how I would feel about a new Matrix movie in 3D no less. I was never a fan of late sequels like Terminator Salvation, Indiana Jones: Crystal Skull, etc. If James Cameron is somehow behind the creative process with the Wachowski brothers then the movies may alright. It seems that it could either be a terrible idea or a great one. If Neo saved the world and defeated evil then how could they have another sequel? That is the main question.
Meh, I wouldn't mind seeing some more Matrix films. Definitely a role that was made just for Reeves. I will be curious to see where they go with the story though. As said before me, Neo died and it will be interesting to see how they explain his apparent resurrection. I will also be interested in seeing who the new villain is, Agent Smith was brilliant so someone just as original will be key to the success of a new film. This said, I am far more interested in Bill and Ted 3. So many years have passed since the first 2 and I hope to god they make another one.
I was blown away when I first saw The Matrix years ago. It was one the most entertaining and thrilling action/science fiction films I've ever seen. Reloaded is my favorite in the series, but I wasn't too crazy about Revolutions. I would be very excited to see more Matrix movies. It'll be interesting to see how they bring Neo back, and there has to be a new villain. Agent Smith was great, and Hugo Weaving did an outstanding job with the character. I usually hate movies that are in 3D. I'm sure they will go all out to produce some eye popping 3D effects, but I just get tired of seeing so many films jump on this bandwagon. Still, I'm beyond pumped for this.
I don't understand why some of you are saying the story can't be continued after Neo died. The possibilities are endless if they do decide to make new films in the franchise. They could do prequels as to how the AI took over, or prequels based on the other Neos prior to the one we know of. They could do a movie about a new Matrix system whereby maybe a Neo figure is used to govern the world instead of using a system of agents. Maybe the AI decide to use a different period in history to entrap human beings, using Neo as a god figure to control the population? Looking forward to how they will revolutionize the action genre again. Will they do 3D that instead of objects flying to you, you are the object flying towards everything and everywhere? :D
Like others, LOVED the first, HATED the sequels.

But, since I despised the sequels as much as I did, I don't mind the Wachowski brothers going back at it and trying to give the series a better ending. I just hope they focus more on the story rather than the special effects. That was their problem with the sequels to The Matrix.

And as far as how can they continue it if Neo and the others are dead... man, it's the fucking Matrix. The movie's plot is already fake as hell. It wouldn't make it any less fake if they do some sort of resurrection of Neo, or use a time machine to bring him to the future, or something like that.

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