Money in the Bank 2017


Pre-Show Stalwart
For next year, they need to do the following at Money in the Bank...

1. Include a Women's Championship MITB Match. They want the women's title to be equivalent to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. This is the best way to do that. Have a women's match for a women's title briefcase.

2. Also include a Tag Team Championship MITB Match. I know, 3 ladder matches on one PPV is a bit much, but if spread out, could be good. Besides, they used to have 2 before they merged the titles. Have this open the show, the women's match be in the middle, and the WWE Championship MITB match be the main event. Keep the teams to 4 teams.

3. Don't make the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match the main event. It's called Money in the Bank for a reason. Let that be the main event. I know it eliminates what happened last night with the winner potentially cashing in the same night, but it makes winning MITB mean that much more.
Some higher up in TNA thought that was a genius idea, and so they start doing this exact concept and have been doing it for a few years now, and let's just say that just isn't working very well at all.
WWE would have to improve the women's division greatly for a female MiTB Ladder Match to be able to hold the fans interest.

As for a tag team match, why not just have the PPV card full of MiTB ladder matches? Have one for the IC title, one for the US title, one involving commentators for the role of lead Raw announcer, one full of referee's to determine who will ref the main event of Wrestlemania the following year... Just go all in with every aspect of WWE TV being represented in a ladder match at the MiTB PPV.

Y'know, to make the event more unique and special.

No. One match to give one superstar one shot at the world title is all the concept needs to be. Two, if there's two world titles after the split next month. Even then, one match with 3 Raw and 3 SD! guys could be just as interesting.
No. One match to give one superstar one shot at the world title is all the concept needs to be. Two, if there's two world titles after the split next month. Even then, one match with 3 Raw and 3 SD! guys could be just as interesting.

Whilst I am a supporter of 2 World titles to give each brand an exclusive feel, I don't like the idea of 2 briefcases.
Rather, I'd love if there is only 1 briefcase holder who has license to go after either brand's champion whenever he deems fit. It would add some intrigue and make the briefcase an even bigger deal, lMO.
I was hoping for a MTIB match for women this year, they gave us a pointless tag team match. Having Paige, Becky, Natty, Sasha, Summer and Dana in a MITB match would of been a great clash of styles, they wouldn't even need to do a lot of ladder spots, just showcase all of the talent they have right now.
Maybe..... maybe a Women's MiTB match could work if they built it up well enough but you've got to have enough legit competitors to wrestle down to enough people for the match. I'd rather see a women only ppv, 4-6 qualifiers and then the winners face off in a ladder match for the title but I digress...

When MITB was first a thing they could cash anytime for any title (if I remember rightly) and that was great, it made the champs nervous.

I don't think we need another MiTB match, one is clearly enough.
Additional briefcases water down an already tepid concept that is overexposed. The Ambrose win/same night cash in allows the concept some room to breathe on the shelf while also maintaining some significance.

1) the women's division needs a ton of work before a briefcase is introduced. They barely maintain a storyline outside of the title as it is.

2) additional briefcases make the main cash-ins less significant. The one MITB struggles with forgettable holders and regrettable cash-ins, will the tag titles get a boost from this?

3) the right program has to close the show. Reigns vs Rollins had to close the show so Ambrose could cash-in. It wouldn't have been the same had they not. Prior to 2015, the previous three events closed with a MITB ladder match. The best story should close the show, and in the case of 2016 the best story was all three former Shield guys holding the title in one night.

If anything this year without a Mr. Money in the Bank will do more wonders for the concept than multiple briefcases ever will. MITB sits on the shelf for a year allowing itself to become fresh again. If they went the opposite way and had Ambrose hold it for a while, and threw in several others for good measure, we'd all be talking about briefcase fatigue.
- It will be interesting seeing the case MIA. The concept has become played out and a break is much needed.

- Eliminate the MitB event and return the match to its rightful place on the WM card. Three representatives from each Brand. The winner would then have the ability to challenge on either Brand (especially if the have two Word Championships)

- There is zero need for a Women's MitB. The focus on the division should be about athletic bouts and solid story telling. Gimmicky matches like MitB rarely accomplish that. They turn into a cluster filled spot fest.

- With everything I've said above I'd be perfectly okay with MitB going away. It is a tired gimmick and allows for some seriously lazy booking.
For next year, they need to do the following at Money in the Bank...

1. Include a Women's Championship MITB Match. They want the women's title to be equivalent to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. This is the best way to do that. Have a women's match for a women's title briefcase.

2. Also include a Tag Team Championship MITB Match. I know, 3 ladder matches on one PPV is a bit much, but if spread out, could be good. Besides, they used to have 2 before they merged the titles. Have this open the show, the women's match be in the middle, and the WWE Championship MITB match be the main event. Keep the teams to 4 teams.

3. Don't make the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match the main event. It's called Money in the Bank for a reason. Let that be the main event. I know it eliminates what happened last night with the winner potentially cashing in the same night, but it makes winning MITB mean that much more.

Great idea! It makes no sense for WWE to keep having gimmick named PPVs but only got one match that's related to it.

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