Modern Heels


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I was reading the Cena/HHH as possible leaders of Nexus thread and saw most people in there say they think there is going to be a mastermind behind it. What I'd like to know is why do we simply have to have a mastermind? Is is so impossible to just have heels come in and be smart enough to pull this off themselves? Why does everyone have to be part of some big plot or conspiracy or something? Why can't the Nexus for example simply be guys that are pissed off at how they were treated on the show and want to get revenge?

In short, why can't modern heels simply do things for the sake of being evil? Why does everyone have to be someone else's minion and can't just think and act for themselves? Abyss in TNA is working for "them". The Nexus apparently has to have a mastermind. Why can't there be more heels that are just evil for the sake of being evil?
Simple KB. Today's society has put it into the heads of the average viewer that there HAS to be a mastermind behind a plot whether in a person form or a motive form. WWE and TNA have done NOTHING to disabuse us of this disgusting notion. Besides it seems that the creative teams for those two promotions think we're not bright enough to realize that people CAN do for themselves.
Because it's too simple? I haven't read through the other thread but that's the conclusion I just drew.

I think the reason most people are thinking there's a mastermind is because they don't believe a bunch of rookies could put this whole thing together and would need someone more experienced with an agenda to make it work. But that's just in the case of the Nexus. As for having modern heels get together to further themselves in the company, I think the problem is a heel is supposed to be a backstabber or someone you just can't trust, why would a whole group trust each other knowing that the next guy would step on them to get to the top if need be? That would be a problem for me. What makes the mastermind train of thought work is the mastermind keeps everyone in line so the underlings are scared do anything that's not best for the faction and prevents chaos. You take away the mastermind and what's to stop members from going rouge and breaking from the faction? That's my thinking for this subject at least.
What have they put together? That's the thing: there is nothing special about what they're doing. In a war, a lot of the time the country with the most troops wins. I don't care if you ahve the best weapon in the world. If 6 guys are holding you back and you can't get to it then it doesn't matter if they're the worst fighters in the world: they win. There's nothing special about any of the Nexus members that aren't named Barrett, but they've taken over the company through sheer force. Why is it so hard to believe that what I just said is going on? I have issues believing we're looked down on this badly as intelligent wrestling fans.
I was reading the Cena/HHH as possible leaders of Nexus thread and saw most people in there say they think there is going to be a mastermind behind it. What I'd like to know is why do we simply have to have a mastermind? Is is so impossible to just have heels come in and be smart enough to pull this off themselves? Why does everyone have to be part of some big plot or conspiracy or something? Why can't the Nexus for example simply be guys that are pissed off at how they were treated on the show and want to get revenge?

In short, why can't modern heels simply do things for the sake of being evil? Why does everyone have to be someone else's minion and can't just think and act for themselves? Abyss in TNA is working for "them". The Nexus apparently has to have a mastermind. Why can't there be more heels that are just evil for the sake of being evil?

Because, according to Vince, the Nexus doesn't have Star power.

That's what this boils down to unfortunately, KB. Vince sees the Nexus, and probably feels they need a star to keep it interesting. Guess he doesn't watch his show, as the Nexus thing is the most over gimmick on the card. Last Tuesday, the heart on them in NXT was absolutely deafening. They were over as shit, but no, they need a star, otherwise no one's going to care, right?

Abyss.... Eh, he needed a reason to actually be a heel. I don't need to tell you how much poorly TNA is compared to WWE now, so there's really no other reason for "they" than to just make sure that everyone knows he's heel. Even then, it won't matter, because heels never get boo'ed in TNA. No, instead, they get the "TNA" chants. Even Ric Flair, the most over heel in the century not named Mr. McMahon, got TNA chants, instead of getting boo'ed. What the fuck is that shit, really?

So yeah, it's really just idiotic booking KB. Can't put it any other way, really
I see what you mean but that goes back to my thinking. A leader is to keep the troops in line and together as a fighting force, to handle the tactics and such. I think that's the reason most think there needs to be a leader in every group, because there really is a need for one. Barrett would be the next best thing to a mastermind because he is more or less the General, an army, no matter how big needs a general to tell them what to do. It all makes perfect sense really. Someone needs to be in charge.
I see what you mean but that goes back to my thinking. A leader is to keep the troops in line and together as a fighting force, to handle the tactics and such. I think that's the reason most think there needs to be a leader in every group, because there really is a need for one. Barrett would be the next best thing to a mastermind because he is more or less the General, an army, no matter how big needs a general to tell them what to do. It all makes perfect sense really. Someone needs to be in charge.

And Barrett could be that man. He has something over all of them: in a competition he was victorious over all of them. They respect him and know that he's gone through exactly what they've gone through. By having a WWE superstar come in and be the leader it makes everything they've done up to this point worthless since they're accepting the roles they're given as underlings to the WWE power, which is what they've been against since they invaded Raw. Barrett as leader is the only logical choice, but for some reason the management thinks that can't work.
What have they put together? That's the thing: there is nothing special about what they're doing. In a war, a lot of the time the country with the most troops wins. I don't care if you ahve the best weapon in the world. If 6 guys are holding you back and you can't get to it then it doesn't matter if they're the worst fighters in the world: they win. There's nothing special about any of the Nexus members that aren't named Barrett, but they've taken over the company through sheer force. Why is it so hard to believe that what I just said is going on? I have issues believing we're looked down on this badly as intelligent wrestling fans.

I respond with a few examples of how booking has dropped the average fan's wrestling IQ:

1. Talent such as William Regal trapped into these stupid comedy skits and/or ridiculous storylines that make them look weak and take away from what little credibility they manage to keep. The booking treatment Chavo's been getting goes under this category.

2. Jack Swagger's reign: Really? Heel or not, that was the World Heavyweight Champion and he needed some clean wins to cement his status as champion. All those clean losses and DQs didn't help him one bit. Not to mention he won MITB after having to job to Santino of all people.

3. Abyss: Working for "them"? This is almost as bad as being a young Hulk Hogan! I think I speak for many TNA watchers when I say that Abyss was at his best as "the Monster" with James Mitchell.

I can think of others but these are the 3 that irritate me the most.
In my mind,the Nexus is just a pack of wild dogs,maybe even mercenaries.If they were evil for the sake of being evil then they would attack everyone,not just popular faces and on the one occasion,Sheamus.Had the attacks been random and unmitigated then I'd believe they were working alone.But the systematic beatdowns and chosen targets coupled with the mystery GM lead me to believe there's a higher power involved.They've even had several people try to claim leadership of the Nexus with impunity,save for VKM which even further leads me to believe someone has given them the confidence to assault the Chairman of the company with no fear of punishment.It's all in the way this has been booked from the start that makes me believe there's a shadowy figure in command of these lawless ruffians.
And Barrett could be that man. He has something over all of them: in a competition he was victorious over all of them. They respect him and know that he's gone through exactly what they've gone through. By having a WWE superstar come in and be the leader it makes everything they've done up to this point worthless since they're accepting the roles they're given as underlings to the WWE power, which is what they've been against since they invaded Raw. Barrett as leader is the only logical choice, but for some reason the management thinks that can't work.
I think he works perfectly too, although having Cole or maybe JR be the man behind the scenes works for me too. I really like the Idea of having it just be Barrett as the guy in charge but I won't complain if it's someone else. I do see the WWE's point of view on this though, because if I wasn't a internet fan and only watched occasionally I might think, "who the hell are these guys, and why isn't the locker room beating them up?" Imagine if you didn't watch Raw much and you saw this group of nobodies that you have never seen before just running the show, you would probably start thinking, "well who's behind all this?" I think you're having a problem with it because you're a huge wrestling fan, and like to over think it. you gotta remember the show isn't just for us, it's for everyone, and everyone might not be familiar with the Nexus guys. It's just their train of thought.
Well for one there are character's to consider about. Most heels today aren't that just sadistic enough to be evil for the fun of it, there has to be a reason to their actions. For example, CM Punk needs to be fueled by people not making the correct decisions for themselves and him trying to forcingly tell them it's the wrong lifestyle they take. Sure, he could be evil if he wanted too, but that would somewhat compromise his character. However, there are wrestlers within the WWE that are just pure evil. For the most part, Sheamus wants to hurt people. Take at his recent feud with Triple H, he (kayfabe) put him on the shelf just for satisfactory reasons. Jack Swagger is making people feel the pain that he's suffered recently by hurting them. He's doing it only for revenge purposes. It depends on their character. Randy Orton as well... he did both (revenge and pure evil) as a heel and a face. There are heels out there that do it.

As for the Nexus angle, I can see why they'd need someone to lead them. They are young, inexperienced and need someone who can get them favours done. With the pull someone like Triple H and John Cena has in the company, they could be virtually unstoppable. And who said they'd be at the forefront of the faction? Wade Barrett can still be the leader of Nexus whilst they are associated with HHH/Cena. He's got the tools to be the man and if the WWE doesn't see that they are blind and have the memory of a goldfish. They must have gave him the NXT season 1 victory for something.

No need to threat KB. It's all good.
I truly don't get it neither KB. I truly don't. The formula for getting a heel over worked in the past. Triple H was just a son of a bitch back in the early 00's. He was married to the bosses daughter on-screen etc. It all came down to just working perfectly. And there were no true conspiracy or anything behind it.

This formula still works though. Chris doesn't strike me as much of a "I'm a heel and I'm a bastard because someone conspired me out of the main event scene" etc. as well as there's other people around who truly isn't a heel for the bigger picture.

The Nexus did come off as the whole "Yep. We did it because we were treated like crap". But in the end I think the fact that the whole ordeal has buzzed up to "So who's the leader" kinda forces WWE to bring out a leader. Just to keep the talk going I would assume.

And it's a shame. The Nexus could get over much better if it weren't for some guy pulling the strings. We all know of Triple H or John Cena turns heel and dominates the scene with The Nexus as their minions. Triple H or John Cena is gonna be getting the heat. Not Wade Barrett. Not Otunga. Not The Nexus.

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