Modern day Kliq


Pre-Show Stalwart
Every wrestling fan know who are The Kliq(HBK,HHH,NASH,RAZOR,X-PACK) and how they used to call the matches in their favour.
I was wondering is it possible that let's say Orton and Cena do the same.They are good friend outside the ring and without any doubt the two biggest star in the "E" at the moment and as many of you know they don't like putting people over and are very selfish.So if they combine could they be the modern day Kliq, could they decide who to put over or who to bury and so on?
Every wrestling fan know who are The Kliq(HBK,HHH,NASH,RAZOR,X-PACK) and how they used to call the matches in their favour.
I was wondering is it possible that let's say Orton and Cena do the same.They are good friend outside the ring and without any doubt the two biggest star in the "E" at the moment and as many of you know they don't like putting people over and are very selfish.So if they combine could they be the modern day Kliq, could they decide who to put over or who to bury and so on?

John Cena has allowed The Miz to destroy him several times in the last month, he also allowed Wade Barrett to beat him, as well as Sheamus and countless others.

Your post is therefore, null-and-void.
Every wrestling fan know who are The Kliq(HBK,HHH,NASH,RAZOR,X-PACK) and how they used to call the matches in their favour.
I was wondering is it possible that let's say Orton and Cena do the same.They are good friend outside the ring and without any doubt the two biggest star in the "E" at the moment and as many of you know they don't like putting people over and are very selfish.So if they combine could they be the modern day Kliq, could they decide who to put over or who to bury and so on?

Look both Orton and Cena have almost the same thing which is reflected.. That they almost have an inhuman ability which helps them come back from any position at any given point of time.. That being said, they are so mega pushed because the current roster is HEEL HEAVY.. When that becomes the case you need your face to be a movie type action hero who can out do any number of guys standing in his path... Cena is SUPER CENA who can take on anyone while ORTON is THE VIPER who can strike at anytime..

Do tell me didnt Stone Cold used stunner a ring full of people.. Didnt Rock used to lay down the smacketh down on every one's candy ass.. Didnt HHH used to play the bloody game.. Didnt Undertaker used to suck everyone's soul.. THe thing is you have to show that your face can beat any odd...

That being said I do not think that any such future Kliq formation is possible because you forgot who becomes the in-charge after VKM retires.. THE KLIQ THEMSELVES... Now that Shane isnt here, its gonna fall into the hands off Trips, Steph, JR, Shawn and co.. And I dont think they had this thought before... These guys have gone through the ranks and hence I feel that they wont allow such a thing to happen..

Also you need to see that if its one guy who doesnt put others over [coughh STONE COLD cough STEVE AUSTIN] they dont get much from the company... No guy is bigger than the company...

Again a testimony to what I have said.. No more future Kliq.. No more guys not putting others over..
I really don't think Cena is selfish by any means. Cena has put over the Miz, Wade Barrett, the Nexus, and a struggling Randy Orton in 2007. Cena has always been willing to do whatever Vince wanted him to do, which is why he's been so valuable to Vince and pushed the way he has been, as a way to thank him.

As for Orton, he clearly did learn some 'diva-like' qualities from Ric Flair and Triple H when it comes to behavior and putting people over (poor Mr. Kennedy). I feel like HHH Orton and Batista were almost a new Kliq but now it's basically just Orton so it's non-existent
Every wrestling fan know who are The Kliq(HBK,HHH,NASH,RAZOR,X-PACK) and how they used to call the matches in their favour.
I was wondering is it possible that let's say Orton and Cena do the same.They are good friend outside the ring and without any doubt the two biggest star in the "E" at the moment and as many of you know they don't like putting people over and are very selfish.So if they combine could they be the modern day Kyliq, could they decide who to put over or who to bury and so on?

Holy shit, you're a complete idiot. What evidence do you have that suggests Cena is selfish and doesn't like to put other wrestlers over? He has put over Orton, Barrett, Miz, and others.

This post of yours is obviously just your half assed opinion because you hate Cena. How about next time you think before making yourself look like such a fool and starting any more dumbass threads. K? Thanks bye.
Hmm... The last person I actually remember John Cena Burying was Carlito after he lost the U.S Title to Carlito he came back a few months later and squashed Carlito for the title. Cena has put everyone else over that I can think of.

And Hell Orton put JACK SWAGGER over! The only person Orton has really gone "diva" on it seems (which this might not even be true) was MR. KENNEDY!! KEEEENNNNEEEDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!! Whom I did love and wished he could have gotten a better push. (He is honestly rotting away currently in TNA with his ASSHOLE gimmick) But ever since Orton was solid in his position he has put People over.. I mean yeah before he was a "True" main eventer (aka a Chris jericho no matter where he is on the card at any time he can be given the world title for a solid run) he was smashing peoples faces in. But hell when he was a heel he was getting his ass whooped by John Cena. Cena had a hand in creating a lot of the newer Main event players. and if he did not create them he did make them stick.

So even if they were a kliq they will always get what they want at the end of the day. I mean hell Cena is young and already held the WWE title 7 times and the world title twice. That's nine total two more than THE ROCK!!!
Of course Cena is 33 and the rock left at 30 >.>... ANYWAY Cena is at that iconic status. He is helping to build the company for years to come. AND his finisher is not a leg drop of doom like the IMoraly Washed up Hulk Hogan!

So simply put at this stage I don't think either would hold someone down as their jobs and spots in those jobs are secure for years to come.
Lack of common sense....It Stinks!

Seriously think about it for a second, Cena has put over so many people there should be a slammy for that. Orton, The Miz, Wade Barret, Jack Swagger.

Last year till there final match where he quit the next night, Batista was made to look like Cena's superior in every way.

What part of man who has done this and done more make-a-wish work then anyone else, in any field of entertainment, make him greedy. Every report I have ever heard of Orton since his new found ME status has shown him to be a stand up guy.... in fact

From the top page of Wrestlezone.
"WWE House Show Results (3/25): Champaign, IL."

"After the main event, both Cena and Orton went around to meet with the fans at ringside. Orton in particular was VERY accommodating, actually chatting with fans and taking time to sign signs and other memorabilia long after Cena left."
Power trips and politics don't work in todays era of wrestling because the boys in the back don't really have any leverage anymore. When they guys in the back had the power it was because there were different companies competing for their services. Now there is just WWE and TNA and I don't care what anyone says, you don't choose to go TNA, you go there when WWE doesn't want you anymore. So no there is no way a Kliq like group could even hope to exist in wrestling right now.
Every wrestling fan know who are The Kliq(HBK,HHH,NASH,RAZOR,X-PACK) and how they used to call the matches in their favour.
I was wondering is it possible that let's say Orton and Cena do the same.They are good friend outside the ring and without any doubt the two biggest star in the "E" at the moment and as many of you know they don't like putting people over and are very selfish.So if they combine could they be the modern day Kliq, could they decide who to put over or who to bury and so on?

Cena has put over The Miz,Wade Barrett and the Nexus,Sheamus and he even had 2 pretty good matches with Dolph Ziggler,and that's just in the last 15 months alone.Anyone remember Cena in 2007 when he actually decided to feud with The Miz.2007 Miz isn't the same as 2011 Miz.2007 Miz was an even bigger joke than the current Miz.

Besides,if you look at the people Orton has feuded with in the last year,you'll realize none of them were either not worthy of a push at that time or don't need a push at all.Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. got a big rub just by being in a Wrestlemania match with Orton,who was fighting for the world title just one month ago.Then Jack Thwagger,whom he did lose to,and then Edge and Sheamus,who were already main eventers.Then he had a short feud with Barrett,but he was just the guy in the middle of the Cena/Nexus feud.Besides,who did The Miz pin to win the WWE title?Who did The Miz beat at the Rumble?Now it's CM Punk.So who has Orton buried for some political reason?The only reason he didn't want to work with Kennedy was because Kennedy botched some moves and dropped Orton on his head and neck.

So as far as I'm concerned,Cena has put over more people than just about anyone in the WWE today (with the exception of Triple H and Undertaker),and Orton has put young wrestlers over (The Miz and Cody Rhodes) when he needed to and the rest of the time he's either feuding with established names and main eventers so there's nobody to put over to begin with.I don't know where this "selfish,won't put other wrestlers over" rumor came from,but Cena and Orton damn sure aren't 2 Hogans.
THERE IS NO COMPARISON OF THE TWO! The clique was a group of guys who came up with each other and used their friendship to help one another rise to top of the wrestling industry. Wrestling was very different at that time. I dont think a group of wrestlers could pull what they did at this time in wrestling. If they were to try and strong arm companies the way the clique did they would simply be fired. It may work in smaller companies such as TNA however I find that even hard to believe. The clique was the last time something like that will happen.
Hmm... The last person I actually remember John Cena Burying was Carlito after he lost the U.S Title to Carlito he came back a few months later and squashed Carlito for the title. Cena has put everyone else over that I can think of.

And Hell Orton put JACK SWAGGER over! The only person Orton has really gone "diva" on it seems (which this might not even be true) was MR. KENNEDY!! KEEEENNNNEEEDDDDDYYYYYY!!!!! Whom I did love and wished he could have gotten a better push. (He is honestly rotting away currently in TNA with his ASSHOLE gimmick) But ever since Orton was solid in his position he has put People over.. I mean yeah before he was a "True" main eventer (aka a Chris jericho no matter where he is on the card at any time he can be given the world title for a solid run) he was smashing peoples faces in. But hell when he was a heel he was getting his ass whooped by John Cena. Cena had a hand in creating a lot of the newer Main event players. and if he did not create them he did make them stick.

So even if they were a kliq they will always get what they want at the end of the day. I mean hell Cena is young and already held the WWE title 7 times and the world title twice. That's nine total two more than THE ROCK!!!
Of course Cena is 33 and the rock left at 30 >.>... ANYWAY Cena is at that iconic status. He is helping to build the company for years to come. AND his finisher is not a leg drop of doom like the IMoraly Washed up Hulk Hogan!

So simply put at this stage I don't think either would hold someone down as their jobs and spots in those jobs are secure for years to come.

#1 kennedy was a damn botch fest and orton got pissed tht kennedy put his life in danger in the ring of course someone who has a wife and daughter wants someone like tht away from the ring but thts not wht got Kennedy fired. Kennedy was out on injury 10 months out of the year of course they arent going to invest millions into someone like tht. Also by the time orton fueded with Kennedy, Kennedy was already put over by undertaker, kane, batista, and shawn michaels. So Idk where everyone gets this "Orton got Kennedy fired" mess from. #2 Last i checked both The Rock and John Cena were 9 world champions and the rock was a 9x world champion at the age of 30 cena at the age of 33 so clearly the rock was 2x the success story as John cena. The rock would go months without the title after losing it and still draw more than anyone in the industry minus austin. John Cena has 10 month+ reigns loses the belt and then wins it back from edge two weeks later in the span of a year he's already a 9x world champion. when the rock was a 9x champion he wasn't beating make-shift stars he was beating jericho, angle, foley, and booker t:Hall of fame level talent. The only two people cena ever took the title from with viable hall of fame bids are orton and edge. There is no prestige in the wwe world titles anymore. nowadays as long as you have a briefcase and wrestled on the mid card of raw or sd for 4 weeks your world champion material i.e. Swagger and Sheamus. So please cut the comparisions btwn the rock and john cena because cena loses by a mile.
#1 kennedy was a damn botch fest and orton got pissed tht kennedy put his life in danger in the ring of course someone who has a wife and daughter wants someone like tht away from the ring but thts not wht got Kennedy fired. Kennedy was out on injury 10 months out of the year of course they arent going to invest millions into someone like tht. Also by the time orton fueded with Kennedy, Kennedy was already put over by undertaker, kane, batista, and shawn michaels. So Idk where everyone gets this "Orton got Kennedy fired" mess from. #2 Last i checked both The Rock and John Cena were 9 world champions and the rock was a 9x world champion at the age of 30 cena at the age of 33 so clearly the rock was 2x the success story as John cena. The rock would go months without the title after losing it and still draw more than anyone in the industry minus austin. John Cena has 10 month+ reigns loses the belt and then wins it back from edge two weeks later in the span of a year he's already a 9x world champion. when the rock was a 9x champion he wasn't beating make-shift stars he was beating jericho, angle, foley, and booker t:Hall of fame level talent. The only two people cena ever took the title from with viable hall of fame bids are orton and edge. There is no prestige in the wwe world titles anymore. nowadays as long as you have a briefcase and wrestled on the mid card of raw or sd for 4 weeks your world champion material i.e. Swagger and Sheamus. So please cut the comparisions btwn the rock and john cena because cena loses by a mile.

The only talented people Cena beat were Orton and Edge? How about the main he won his first title from Chris Jericho? What about defeating HHH and HBK in consecutive WrestleManias? I'd say JBL has a viable hall of fame bid wouldn't you?

Kennedy was on the fast track towards success they had him face to face with WWE Champion Randy Orton and he told Orton he was taking his title. It looks like they were more than willing to invest millions in him until Orton went crying about "his life being in danger". What? This is pro wrestling your life is always technically in danger! Like you said, HBK, Kane, and Taker all put Kennedy over so how come they never complained about their lives being in danger?
I'm going to try my best to decipher this post.

That being said I do not think that any such future Kliq formation is possible

I seriously don't think it is either. Wrestler's don't really have as much say so as they used to, unless they're 20-30 year veterans such as The Undertaker. Then I imagine the WWE gives them some leeway as to what they want to do, and what they don't want to do.

because you forgot who becomes the in-charge after VKM retires.. THE KLIQ THEMSELVES...Now that Shane isnt here, its gonna fall into the hands off Trips, Steph, JR, Shawn and co..

This is why I took the time to reply.

Wow, no. The Kliq consisted of Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, and Shawn Michaels. I'm not sure why JR, or Stephanie McMahon are on your list. The only member of the Kliq that remains is Triple H, yes he has power in the WWE, but it doesn't mean the Kliq is taking over by any means whatsoever..

And I dont think they had this thought before... These guys have gone through the ranks and hence I feel that they wont allow such a thing to happen..

I have absolutely no clue what you meant by this in all honesty. :shrug:

Also you need to see that if its one guy who doesnt put others over [coughh STONE COLD cough STEVE AUSTIN]

Since when did Stone Cold Steve Austin not put people over? Please explain this one to me.

Again a testimony to what I have said.. No more future Kliq.. No more guys not putting others over..

Again. Not entirely sure what this means. :shrug:
Randy orton didn't just bury mr kennedy. He buried Kofi kingston back in early 2010. Kofi kingston was in a triple threat with john cena and randy orton. Kofi messed up a punt kick so randy did an rko instead. You could tell something went e=wrong because orton kept calling kofi stupid! So the only difference between kingston and anderson is that kofi still has a job (barely)
gregp85 has it right, the wrestling business is relative to the times.there are so many threads posted about "can this happen again" for example, the attitude era. once something has been done it can never happen again the exact same way.look what happened when vince tried to bring the nwo to wwe, he had the same shirts, the same music,and even the same stars(hogan, nash, etc.) and it still didnt for the kliq,there is an old saying, those who dont learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. the wwe has learned.
If you honestly believe that WWE doesn't have a pecking order or a Kliq anymore you're kidding yourselves. Politics is as much a problem for WWE as it's ever been. Triple H has a lot of influence, and is Vince's creative advisor for shits sake, that's a tremendous amount of power within the company. Triple H hasn't stopped being political. I don't care what any one says, there are performers who kiss his ass and they'll get the world. How can Kingston become a rising superstar one minute, then make one mistake with Orton and spend the rest of his career jobbing like no one's business ? How can some guy like Sheamus have two title reigns, the king of the ring and the US title in his first, what, 4 years in the WWE ? Sheamus isn't great in the ring or on the mike yet he gets these opportunities. How can Kennedy be destined for stardom one minute, then have one incident with Orton and be released in minutes if there isn't a power structure in place keeping performers in line and punishing those who refuse to bow down to it ? If I were to guess, I'd say the Kliq is comprised of Triple H, Orton, Sheamus for starters.
I don't know if there will be a type of Kliq like that again, but I know that John Cena is not someone who won't put anyone over. I know Orton has had his run ins with stars and they were eventually moved, but I've never heard of any locker room politics with Cena involved. He's put over tons of talent which most of the people here have mentioned. I would also throw in Edge. He made Edge into a legit ME, championship level talent.
As far as the poster who said it's silly to compare the Rock to Cena, that just even sound accurate. They are/were both the company's top draws at one point. Both multiple time world champions, both made movies ...etc..etc. If you were to say i HATE CENA it would've come off better.
I'm going to try my best to decipher this post.

I seriously don't think it is either. Wrestler's don't really have as much say so as they used to, unless they're 20-30 year veterans such as The Undertaker. Then I imagine the WWE gives them some leeway as to what they want to do, and what they don't want to do.

This is why I took the time to reply.

Wow, no. The Kliq consisted of Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, and Shawn Michaels. I'm not sure why JR, or Stephanie McMahon are on your list. The only member of the Kliq that remains is Triple H, yes he has power in the WWE, but it doesn't mean the Kliq is taking over by any means whatsoever..

I have absolutely no clue what you meant by this in all honesty. :shrug:

Since when did Stone Cold Steve Austin not put people over? Please explain this one to me.

Again. Not entirely sure what this means. :shrug:

Well I can see that you are 70 years old.. So its a LITTLE difficult to comprehend at this age..

Let me write this in detail so that you MIGHT understand this.. MIGHT.. NOt hopeful..

Sorry i mentioned JR and Steph, but seeing as she is Trips' wife, you CAN count her in.. Again your reasoning, you may say no.. And JR has always been friends with Shawn..
And do you think that Shawn wont help out Triple H when he takes over.. And why has Nash come back to WWE?? Jeez..

Next Question, Again as I mentioned the line "And I dont think they had this thought before... These guys have gone through the ranks and hence I feel that they wont allow such a thing to happen.." just after the Kliq getting the power, it refers to them only.. That Triple H knows alongside Shawn and Steph how people rise through the ranks and the politics involved in WWE..

Next, You dont know that SCSA refused to put people over.. Which WWE you used to watch and listen to mate?? Eddie, Lesnar, Flair Hogan, Hall... Check your facts from 2001-2003.. He caused a havoc backstage during those days, cancelled scripts, refused to wrestle, no showed when he was asked to lose match... Duhhhhh...

"Again a testimony to what I have said.. No more future Kliq.. No more guys not putting others over..

I guess it meant that if Stone Cold was not tolerated for not putting guys over, others certainly won't be.. And hence a Kliq formation in the future seems highly unlikely... :worship::worship::worship:

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