Miz OR Morrison?

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
So since Miz and Morrison split, both have been doing pretty well. Morrison has had matches with Jericho, Benjamin, etc. while the Miz has been feuding with Cena and Big Show, and even was in a battle royal to gain a title shot. So my question is: Who will have a World Title Shot first?
If Cm Punk goes heel it will diffidently be Morrision. Those two are linked and get away from it. Miz is far down on the list don't forget that William Regal was also in that battle royal.(they were just filling the spots). If Miz comes out on top by the end of the Cena feud I don't think he'll even go for the world title, where as Morrision has a very good chance of facing Punk, as long as Hardy doesn't take the belt off him. If Hardy becomes champ Morrision won't get a title shot.
Right now that's a tough one. When they first broken up, I would have easily said. Morrison. While Morrison is having some great matches. He's taking some time to get use to being a face. Where Miz has stayed a heel, and is really shining. His promo's have been amazing. I think they will both get there at the same time. Morrison most likely will get there slightly before Miz, but both will get there soon.
In ring wrestling ability, charisma, looks, and everything Morrison is on top, but for some reason the WWE seems to be pushing Miz as far as mic time and a the higher profile fued. For me personally Morrison all the way Miz just gets on my nerves.
I say Morrison over Miz ONLY because of the ring attire that The Miz wears. And Morrison can cut a pretty decent promo. (For proof, look up his promo on Umaga. Can't find it on YouTube.) Plus, John Morrison is developing in the ring, and already has a flashy finisher and even flashier ring attire that the kids love to see. So you know Vince is going to put the belt on Morrison sooner or later.

But The Miz is still awesome.
Yea I'm honestly shocked to see the Miz doing equally as well as Morrison. Granted that it is mostly going the way you'd think. Morrison is the in ring talent and Miz is the on Mic talent. In the wrestling business personality will always take you further and Miz is better than I even realized.

I love that he is basically the on air smark. His interviews are just saying outloud alot of what we're all thinking. Things like Cena used to be cool but sucks now, his fans are all children, you can group him in with Hanna Montana, Goldust is irrelevant...all true. Good stuff too. I don't think we're anywhere near world title contention but I'm just glad they haven't given up on him or have allowed him to flounder in obscurity. The WWE is really making a go here and I commend them for giving a guy a chance to develop.

In Morrisons defense he has not been a face since he won tough enough. All his incarnations have been the same cocky heel charater (Edge light). This is new to him and his only motivation for being a face has been the fact that he got turned on (not like that) by the Miz. There's no moral high ground that he took or change of heart, just a foregone conclusion that Miz is bad so Morrison must be good. Quite trite, dont you think? They should have both stayed heel, with the split of the team and heading to opposite shows what's the difference? There's no feud except for the dirt sheet stuff.

I agree if Punk turns heel Morrison will get a title shot at one of the minor PPV's or at least on Smackdown. If Hardy wins probly not. Either way he's not gonna win it anytime soon, but his ability will take him there eventually. Miz will eventually get there too, but he has way more dues to pay.
Morrison will be champ first no doubt...morrison should try and get a fued with shawn michaels and see if there will be anyway he can retire shawn in the ring... if that doesnt make morrison a superstar nothing ever will....but how can you not like miz he is the miz and he is awesome
This is really a no brainer. It's true that both Miz and Morrison have the talent to be world champions. Their is only one problem though....Miz is stuck on Raw with Cena, HHH, HBK, Batista, and Orton and him getting the title doesn't even seem likely for a long time. Where as Morrison is on Smackdown, where the main event scene isn't as cluttered. So, i would say that Morrison will definitely be a world champion before The Miz....Personally I would like to see Morrison win the World Heavyweight Championship and Miz win the WWE Title (at the same PPV maybe?) Then have Miz come out and attack Morrison after his title win. Hence, starting a Miz/Morrison feud over who is the better champion. This feud could be phenomenal. It could start at around Summerslam next year and go through the rumble or so. Doesn't matter who wins, b/c this feud would greatly elevate both of their careers...kinda like the rock/austin feuds over the IC and WWE title did for their careers.

I'm gonna have to go with The Miz, Morrison makes my jaw drop right to the ground, but he is stuck in the mid-card wrestling Benjamin WHO IS SERIOUSLY UNDER-RATED. And Miz is feuding with the likes of Big Slow and John 'Poopy' Cena. I don't like either men, but I can't deny the fact that there both solid main eventers. The Miz seems to just get a bigger push at the moment so I'm going with him, but who knows maybe Morrison will become a world champ faster! WWE has been pretty un-predictable lately!
It looks like CM Punk will be making a heel turn in the near future (at least I hope so). If that turns out to the truth, then Morrison may get a title shot first- but I wouldn't hold my breath. If Jeff Hardy sticks around, it will make it very difficult for Morrison to move past him into the title picture. And let's not forget that the Undertaker will be making a return at some point soon and will automatically re-establish his role as the top face on SD!. Morrison is one hell of an athlete, but he is much better suited as a heel. His personality and the natural cockiness that he has isn't built for a babyface. He looks almost uncomfortable is his current role and I'm not sure that the fans are buying him as a face.

On the other hand, The Miz is getting a tremendous reaction from the crowd on RAW. He may have a longer road to haul before he enters the title picture, but I think he may have more longevity than Morrison. Miz is solid in the ring and has been involved in storylines with some of RAW's big guns since he was drafted a few months ago- and he's been holding his own. Miz has been able to really develop a gimmick that could have some staying power to it.
THe Obvious Answer her is Morrison but the MIZ is WAAAAYYYY more over in his current gimmick Morrison doesn't seem fit for a babyface role. Morrison has everything needed to be a main eventer except the right feud. Once he gets that we will be looking at the Future WHC. Miz on the other hand might come out better than expected. With the majority of the talent being released or injured coming from the RAW brand Miz might be in a place to make a push into the main event scene without a mid card title run it just all depends on wether or not McMahon lets him shine or burries him like they're doing MVP
Definitely Morrison, i agree that he needs more time on the mic to develop his character; however, I have to disagree on what most of you are saying in which a Hardy/Morrison title match would not be given to him or at least a great feud. Hope you all have not forgotten the awesome fued that Hardy and Morrison had for the IC title a couple of years back. They had some phenomenal matches (the cage match on Raw was a classic in my book). I feel that it can definitely happen.
Miz is great on the mic and has developed a lot of heat, ring work needs a huge boost of improvement. Otherwise, I have been enjoying the fact that he has been the mouth-piece for those of you who have been dissing Cena.
A few months ago i would have said Morrison.
But The Miz in these 2 months hes been on Raw has been absolute gold on the mic. The promos he's cut on Cena have been funny as hell espeically when he said "Cena your no Tim Allan but its tool time" hahaha that just cracked me up. Plus his in ring skills improve with every match he has. He does need a better finisher as i dont like the DDT he uses, But 1 or 2 years tops if pushed right and not burried by Cena he will be champ mark my words. Now Morrison has all the in ring skills he needs to be champ.The only thing wrong with him is like someone else said is that him being face just doesnt go right with his gimmick. He does remind me alot of a young Shawn Micheals. I remember watching Tough Enough when he did the standing shooting star press and being like damn this guy is going to be somebody. And now 7-8 years later this guy is on the road to becoming a star. So i think if Miz isnt buried that both of these men can become champions somewhere down the line. As to who will win a championship first its hard to tell at the moment but i'll just guess and say Morrison. Jim Ross has even said on one of his blogs that Morrison will be champ by Judgement Day of next year and at the moment i cant see Miz winning the WWE championship between here and then
They are pushing the complete hell out of Morrison right now. He go's over every single week whether its singles or tag matches. Besides the battle royal, Miz hasn't done anything but talk. I'd like to see him actually go 20 minutes with Cena.

I think Morrison is alright. His matches are mostly high spots, but thats his bread and butter. He's gone over Shelton Benjamin so much that I'd like to see Shelton get the win next time. If Benjamin could improve on the mic and do something to get some real heat, then I can see him main eventing just as much as Morrison. Morrison is more like an acrobat than a wrestler, but its a good skill to have.
morisson his moves are better he looks in better shape he has acheived more and he has been there longer hopefully he will have a feud with hbk and the torch can be passed morrison does remind me of hbk back in the day you know just before dx was formed and before he got whooped in the parking lot that time the fake one not that real one in NY morrison has had tag team and singles gold straps already he can go all the way I got 3 words fo ya star ship pain nuff said
What I don't understand is why the WWE didn't use Superstars to have a series of matches between the two, best of 3 perhaps. They just ended the feud with Miz outdoing Morrison which made no sense at all creatively. Morrison has a more credible name than Miz, and should have went over as the heel. The Miz is more of a tweener, and I would even say that Miz could have even stayed heel, even if Morrison turned on him. I don't see why one of the two men had to turn "face", it is way too predictable.

As much as I like Morrison he doesn't get much of a pop as a face. He needs to earn his respect as a heel. Honestly I think Punk should be the IC champion, and that means dropping the World title to, none other than Edge...the obvious choice. I thought SD would be enlightened with a Punk v.s Morrison feud over the IC title. They had something solid in ECW when they were both first going on the main scene. Morrison really got some hate behind Punk, and they had some decent matches as the feud progressed.

The Miz isn't in a bad position right now, and I think the WWE is doing a solid job right now on his character. However I think pushing him in to such a high caliber feud may burn him out, or at least leave the fans expecting more from him after this Cena thing is over. Then again it could be what he needs to actually have a singles title run. Miz could work well as a mid card champion, and yes he is better than Kofi.
I'm gonna say Miz. Morrison hasn't really done that much to stand out since the draft. Miz has been cutting amazing promos, he's playing the part great, and I love the Anti-Cena shirt, even though i'm a huge Cena fan. I'm still waiting for Morrison to do something crazy to make me WOW again.

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