Miz Needs A Bodyguard. Who Other Than Sid?

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
They need to shake things up again and create some interest with the Miz. Things are starting to get stale, and they have invested too much in him to just let it die off. If I was Vince I'd call up Sid (because he's well known with old WWE fans) and has the perfect look as a bodyguard...something that helped Shawn in the mid 90's.

I know he's not the greatest in-ring worker...but that's why I'd sign him on as Miz's new bodyguard, and only as a bodyguard which will help further push Miz as a top heel.

No other guy will have the impact as Sid. Nash would be cheered and all the other big name "big men" are no longer with us.

With the top names that have left the WWE recently (and are continuing to leave) they need someone who people know and that is Sid. Bringing him back will generate alot more interest in the Miz/Riley storyline.
The Miz's Character style isnt the body guard type he is the Egomaniac if he had a body guard it would be silly from a Fan standpoint a man who goes around saying i am awesome needing a Bodyguard would be pointless his Character is good but he needs to update it somehow but i believe a Body Guard is taking it too far perhaps if he was WWE Champion it would work
not sure if it'll be a good or bad thing but getting Sid after leaving a tag team will just further the who's the Shawn and who's Marty discussion... on the one hand Miz will start being compared to shawn michaels if he has Sid as a bodyguard too... on the other hand, Shawn was one of the best (as much as I hated him I can admit that) and so who wouldn't want to be compared to him and have a similar career
Better Idea for a Body Guard for The Miz is someone who needs help with there Mic skills and who is young not saying they have to have time on the mic but i think seeing up close and personal how the Miz has helped Alex Riley he could likely help a bigger guy in a similar way
They need to shake things up again and create some interest with the Miz. Things are starting to get stale, and they have invested too much in him to just let it die off. If I was Vince I'd call up Sid (because he's well known with old WWE fans) and has the perfect look as a bodyguard...something that helped Shawn in the mid 90's.

I know he's not the greatest in-ring worker...but that's why I'd sign him on as Miz's new bodyguard, and only as a bodyguard which will help further push Miz as a top heel.

No other guy will have the impact as Sid. Nash would be cheered and all the other big name "big men" are no longer with us.

With the top names that have left the WWE recently (and are continuing to leave) they need someone who people know and that is Sid. Bringing him back will generate alot more interest in the Miz/Riley storyline.

You've got the right idea on shaking things up. Maybe Miz does need a bodyguard, but Sid's not the guy to do it. You bring in Sid to destroy someone right now, say Cena, and Sid is going to get cheered because people LIKE seeing a big guy kick ass (if you don't believe me, look at Kong's Kharma's crowd reactions when she was dunking any Diva she could get a hold of with that Implant Buster!). Let's go all the way back to when Sid was bodyguard for the Four Horsemen, the most hated collection of wrestlers in NWA/WCW. Watch a lot of his matches and you'll see the crowd popping for the powerbomb even though he was supposed to be one of the hated heels. Sid pulls off the psychotic big man gimmick to perfection but he never was a good actual heel in my eyes. I always saw him as the tweener that would destroy anyone that got in his way.

Personally I don't think Miz getting a bodyguard is the shake-up that WWE needs, but if that's the route it has to go, I can think of a guy in developmental that could do it: Eli Cottonwood. Yeah, that big ape from NXT season 2. Change his name and he would make a very intimidating presence, especially since Miz is so small compared to him. Cottonwood is big and he's ugly, and that's about all you need in a bodyguard. Brodus Clay wouldn't be a bad choice either seeing as he's big and ugly AND has some TV time on a main roster as experience.
I love me some Sid but I'm not sure how much he really needs a body guard. Miz right now has no problem whatsoever getting heat from the fans on his own. He's lost a couple matches to Alex Riley already but he's still over enough to be in the top tier of heels on Raw.

Bringing Sid in would probably get him some more heat and some interest from old school fans, but I'm not sure it would be a good idea for him to "destroy" other wrestlers. I mean how would it look if say Alex Riley went to attack Miz but got his ass beat by a 51 year old Sid, who hasn't wrestled full time in ten years. It would make other wrestlers look weak if they booked Sid to be too dominant, which they would have to do since he's be in the bodyguard role.

I just don't think it would be worth the effort in the end.
Since when do you see a main event wrestler with a body guard? This would be a horrible idea that would make Miz look bad. People complain enough about his alleged lack of credibility. Putting someone to help win his matches is just gonna make him look worse. Not to mention it would drag him down. He doesn't need anyone else beside him. He never did.
You've got the right idea on shaking things up. Maybe Miz does need a bodyguard, but Sid's not the guy to do it. You bring in Sid to destroy someone right now, say Cena, and Sid is going to get cheered because people LIKE seeing a big guy kick ass (if you don't believe me, look at Kong's Kharma's crowd reactions when she was dunking any Diva she could get a hold of with that Implant Buster!). Let's go all the way back to when Sid was bodyguard for the Four Horsemen, the most hated collection of wrestlers in NWA/WCW. Watch a lot of his matches and you'll see the crowd popping for the powerbomb even though he was supposed to be one of the hated heels. Sid pulls off the psychotic big man gimmick to perfection but he never was a good actual heel in my eyes. I always saw him as the tweener that would destroy anyone that got in his way.

Personally I don't think Miz getting a bodyguard is the shake-up that WWE needs, but if that's the route it has to go, I can think of a guy in developmental that could do it: Eli Cottonwood. Yeah, that big ape from NXT season 2. Change his name and he would make a very intimidating presence, especially since Miz is so small compared to him. Cottonwood is big and he's ugly, and that's about all you need in a bodyguard. Brodus Clay wouldn't be a bad choice either seeing as he's big and ugly AND has some TV time on a main roster as experience.
I think the reason for this is they are acting less like a body guard and more like a wrecking ball. Lets put it this way a bodyguard should help the person he is guarding protect them. So if the Miz was a Face who was in a feud with lets say R truth who kept attacking him backstage and Miz "hired" someone to make sure it didn't happen it could work. Or have the Miz as a heel "hire" a body guard and go around saying that he is so awesome that this man is making sure "rubbish" like Alex Riley doesn't get cheap shots but to have that work the bodyguard can't just attack people for The Miz.
Personally I like the idea of giving Miz a bodyguard but I would have him be more like a protégé. Something like Alex Riley 2.0, bigger faster stronger. My pick would be the kid who used to be Tyson Kidd's bodyguard Jackson Andrews. Being with Miz would do wonders for him they could bill him as a complete monster heel from the beginning. Heck wit the right push he could be the next Sid Vicious.
I dont even think they need to go through the effort of calling up Sid. The whole Nexus thing will be dead soon and Mason Ryan would be left without someone to team with. I think they should just align Miz with Mason Ryan and make them feud with Alex Riley. Then Riley could enlist the help of Kane or Big Show and we have a match with both men and their managers at ringside. Riley wins, of course, to end the storyline, but Miz and Mason continue to team until Mason turns on Miz.
I don't think the miz needs a bodyguard but I read an report online today saying that the wwe was thinking about making Mason Ryan his bodyguard.

Ok, so I clicked on this thread to suggest Mason Ryan..go figure.

I can see how Miz would benefit from a bodygaurd. Someone said earlier that it wouldn't work because of his "Ego."...well what wrestler without a HUGE ego would want a body gaurd? I think it would play up his character.
Miz is an adequate heel and can generate enough heat and interest on his own. A bodyguard would just be reminiscent of having Riley as his manager - and they stopped that for a reason; the Miz is perfectly capable of being a heel and doesn't need any help. Riley was there to help Miz cheat (i.e., to get him heat). Miz can do that without a manager or a body guard.

Therefore, I think the idea is majorly pointless.
The Miz's Character style isnt the body guard type he is the Egomaniac if he had a body guard it would be silly from a Fan standpoint a man who goes around saying i am awesome needing a Bodyguard would be pointless his Character is good but he needs to update it somehow but i believe a Body Guard is taking it too far perhaps if he was WWE Champion it would work

I disagree. I think this could be a perfect fit for all the reasons you said it wouldn't.

He's an ego-head Sure, but what this does is cater to that ego more in the sense that he needs to have a bodyguard because he's afraid of getting hurt by people who are jealous of him. Having someone around like Sid would ensure that nobody jumped him from behind and would help to add onto the stigma of his ego.

He's always going around saying I'm Awesome He certainly does, almost at nausea, but again, this could be a good thing even Shawn Michaels had a bodyguard, who was named...Sid. If he wants to be the next Michaels, this could be a good step. It could set him apart from other superstars who don't have bodyguards. Hell, he was WWE Champion for quite a while with an apprentice, having a bodyguard like Sid could ensure that he gets taken seriously and gets some more title shots.

Don't denounce the idea. I doubt it'll happen, but it's worth thinking about.
I disagree. I think this could be a perfect fit for all the reasons you said it wouldn't.

He's an ego-head Sure, but what this does is cater to that ego more in the sense that he needs to have a bodyguard because he's afraid of getting hurt by people who are jealous of him. Having someone around like Sid would ensure that nobody jumped him from behind and would help to add onto the stigma of his ego.

He's always going around saying I'm Awesome He certainly does, almost at nausea, but again, this could be a good thing even Shawn Michaels had a bodyguard, who was named...Sid. If he wants to be the next Michaels, this could be a good step. It could set him apart from other superstars who don't have bodyguards. Hell, he was WWE Champion for quite a while with an apprentice, having a bodyguard like Sid could ensure that he gets taken seriously and gets some more title shots.

Don't denounce the idea. I doubt it'll happen, but it's worth thinking about.

Thank you.

That's what I'm getting at. Your main goal should be to separate yourself from your peers. Be different. Nobody else has a bodyguard, which is why Miz should "hire" one.

You people say he's too arrogant, well that's exactly it. He is WWE's most valuable asset and punks like Riley shouldn't be allowed near him. He is doing the WWE a favor by getting protection....something along those lines.

Sid has the look, or at least he did...and I think it would be a perfect combo. He's bigger, stronger and meaner than Riley....and in some people's eyes a legend.
Sid is ok, but his time has passed. Sid's ego wouldn't allow him to play second fiddle to the Miz for long. The only way a bodyguard would work with the Miz if it was a sideshow comic relief but can be taken seriously in the ring(like Christian & Tomko's partnership), or using Miz to get someone over who doesn't have good mic skills or in-ring skills(like Michaels & Diesel). A couple great candidates would be Broudus Clay or Mason Ryan. If they had to bring in someone old, I'd rather they bring in Tomko, Kevin Thorne, Big Daddy V, or A-Train. These guys aren't big ego guys who can play off someone else well without getting in the way.
I dont think The Miz needs a bodyguard. They had Alex Riley break away from The Miz because they felt The Miz was good enough to handle the main event on his own not just to give Riley a push.
Giving The Miz a bodyguard now would only be a step backwards and make him look weak. Besides after The Miz beat down Riley this week on Raw it doesnt look like he needs any help beating people. If he is going to be a credible main event WWE title challenger then he needs to be able to win on his own.

That said if i was going to pick a bodyguard i certainly wouldnt pick Sid. The guy is 51 hardly what WWE want in the youth movement and also hasent wrestled full time in over 10 years meaning hes bound to mess up a few spots. His ring rust could even end up injuring people.
IF they were going to make someone a bodyguard there a plenty of big guys currently in the WWE and FCW to use. Brodus Clay springs to mind as he has wrestled on Smackdown before.
Thank you.

That's what I'm getting at. Your main goal should be to separate yourself from your peers. Be different. Nobody else has a bodyguard, which is why Miz should "hire" one.

You people say he's too arrogant, well that's exactly it. He is WWE's most valuable asset and punks like Riley shouldn't be allowed near him. He is doing the WWE a favor by getting protection....something along those lines.

Sid has the look, or at least he did...and I think it would be a perfect combo. He's bigger, stronger and meaner than Riley....and in some people's eyes a legend.

Basically I never liked Alex and didn't understand the connection other than NXT. Beyond that, I felt like it didn't match well together and something had to give. Again, this goes back to the Shawn Michaels' mention that I spoke of early. When Shawn was really starting to get some traction, he hired Sid to protect him, even though he had Big Diesel as well. Of course Shawn had the mouth, the ego and arrogant attitude and so on. Does Miz have the same thing? Of course he does. Also, Miz can be seen as a better heel if he has someone around like Sid Vicious instead of Alex. Alex looks like Miz. He walks like Miz and so on. But Sid, he's different. I'm not sure what he looks like now, but if he's as big as he was about 10 years ago, then I'm sure The Miz can really go over big time with having Sid around.

Just think about how The Miz can cut a promo talking about he's tired of being overlooked (yeah, I know, the same promo but it is what it is). But instead of him saying, "I'm tired of being overlooked" and not doing anything about it, he teases having someone protect his side as well as his best interest from now on. Not a wrestler, not someone who's going to be his tag team partner, but someone who will do a better job than what Alex ever did. He'd say that he made the mistake with Alex. He got a boy to do a man's job. Well, what did Sid used to call himself? The Man, right? So he teases for a few weeks the man who will make sure he gets back to where he should be and stays there. And he introduces Sid, maybe during a quick run in or even a promo where Sid comes out.

I can imagine the pop that Sid would get, just for being a legend. Then Miz wouldn't lose those silly matches against Alex. Sid would make sure he's taken care of and that he gets back to the top. Oh my, and could you imagine the interest in Sid having a stare down with John Cena? Wow. I mean I hate Cena just like the next guy, but this could really turn Miz into the next Shawn Michaels. I say go for it, what do you have to lose anyway? Besides, I'm sure Sid could use the paychecks.
I can see it now, Sid walking to the ring, hits A-Ry with a power bomb, shits his pants, and then screams into the mic.

No I don't think Miz needs a bodyguard what so ever. He's accomplished everything on his own so far, so why give him a bodyguard? I just think it will set him back a bit. Like another poster said, it doesn't make sense to give a bodyguard to someone who runs around proclaiming he's awesome. Although I do believe that idea would work for someone else. They tried to do the same for Kidd but it flopped. I think Daniel Bryan would work well with one.
sorry, but if miz got a bodyguard that would be counterproductive to his character, it would make miz look weaker and more cowardly then he already is, this would severely hurt him. he is better off going solo from now on, no more of this teaming with someone and getting them to win all his matches.
Eh, I don't love the idea of sticking Miz with a bodyguard. His character certainly seems like the type that would use a bodyguard, but he's so far past that now, and the bodyguard really has no place in the WWE today. The last successful body guard we had was Big Zeke, and his partnership with The Brian Kendrick quickly evolved from a Wrestler/Bodyguard relationship to a tag team to a Wrestler/Manager relationship with The Brian Kendrick being on the losing end of each deal. Now of course Miz is immensely more valuable than Kendrick, but it really wouldn't help get his bodyguard over at all.

If I had to stick a guy on Miz, though, I'd pick David Hart Smith. Bro could wrestle pretty well but he lacked a personality, and that's exactly the type of guy you could use as a bodyguard, tough looking but emotionless. If you're gonna keep Smith on the roster you might as well use him, even if it's just in a small role such as this.
Since when do you see a main event wrestler with a body guard? This would be a horrible idea that would make Miz look bad. People complain enough about his alleged lack of credibility. Putting someone to help win his matches is just gonna make him look worse. Not to mention it would drag him down. He doesn't need anyone else beside him. He never did.

That's just it.. The Miz lacks credibility... the only thing he can do better than most the roster... IS TALK..

so why wouldn't The Miz talk his way to the top, all while having talked control into Sid or some other bodyguard figure.

Miz can't beat Cena because Cena's too strong. Miz can't beat Daniel Bryan because Daniel Bryan's a better wrestler. Miz is just average... give him an unaveragly large and top notch body guard... now that is something I wouldn't mind seeing.

Just watching the likes of Miz and Sid work together would be something certainly unique. Sure as hell would be a lot more entertaining than watching these young and green newcomers try and get over off of each other...
Are you kidding me? Sid will NEVER come back to WWE. Judging by his past records, he'd be more interested in a company like WCW like TNA, or go back to his ECW roots and go to Juggalo Championship Wrestling (Insane Clown Posse's promotion). I support the idea of Miz having a bodyguard, though. My pick is to hire Nigel McGuiness, since he's a free agent now, and use him. Not as his Desmond Wolfe :banghead: character though.
I doubt Sid is welcome in the WWE. He can't cut a promo for anything, and I don't think the Miz needs a bodyguard. His character might look better if he had a good looking female manager beside him.
I'd love to see Mason Ryan be put with The Miz. It would give The Miz another "business associate", someone he could send after other wrestlers but would do wonders for Ryan by keeping him out of the ring by himself and with a "mentor" who would be focused solely on him.

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