Miz / Cole Interaction tonight...

Mr. Ass

Dark Match Jobber
I'm probably looking WAAY too much into this, but as I was watching the Steel Cage match tonight, it seemed to be that Cole was as far OUT of Miz's ass as I've seen in quite some time during his commentary. From questioning Miz's assault on Bryan, to calling him "speechless" at one point. The two or three "shut up, Cole" remarks from Miz go right along with this. However, at the close of the program, cole rams his fat head right back in, proclaiming the the Rock and Cena should now recognize the Miz as a threat. Again, looking too much into this i know, but let's hear some thoughts!
No more than Michael Cole having to cover for Josh Matthews ineptitude. Someone had to build the match, and Matthews certainly wasn't going to do it.
Cole can be a little inconsistent when it comes to his heel persona. Maybe the other announcer isn't good enough so Cole has to play both sides.
Cole is not the greatest ring announcer to begin with. Adding a dimension where he is a "Mizfit" just makes it even tougher for a guy like Cole to do his job. Like for instance Cole get's easily excited for any move performed by a face onto a heel, praising said face, then begins to insult previously stated face.

But with Jack Swagger being his "Trainer" for Wrestlemania we might see a Cole/Miz break up soon. Who knows, maybe this can let Miz grow and become an actual champion. His title run is one of the worst I have seen to date.
Michael Cole has had his head stuck so far up Miz's ass most of this time that its no wonder his eyes are brown and all that comes out of his mouth is shit anyways. I can't see Cole coming up for air anytime soon, so unless something major happens before Wrestlemania I think Cole's head will be stuck up Miz's ass for a long time :disappointed:
I think Riley being "fired" from Miz is all setup to get him out of the title picture, but Cole to still play the lackey and bring him in as a ref. It all ties in.

Also, sidenote: Jack Swagger in Cole's corner, while a surprise, almost points to lawler having a good ol oklahoma boy in his as well. or maybe thats wishful thinking.
I think it's the beginning of the miz ditching his posey... First Alex Riley then it's gonna be cole. Giving the miz a good opportunity to cut a promo saying that he doesn't need A-rye or a nerd like michael Cole to be a wwe champ. And sure the miz is likely to drop the title at mania... But fighting superman cena will give the miz some credit in the fans eyes
I thought the interaction was very off-putting between Cole and Miz....I was given the impression that Cole had his head buried into Miz's rear-end that it was impossible for him to be fair. To see them go back and forth a bit, even if it was for a few minutes, blew my mind a little....but as much as it felt like Miz was more....bitching than taking a stand, I definitely like the way his attitude is going....Kind of reminds me of Edge when he stopped 'wreaking of awesomeness' and started being a lot more serious and vicious....
I don't know. Maybe they figured if the one guy who blindly supports all of Miz's actions to go and say he went too far would make Miz seem more ruthless if even Cole doesn't condone it.
omg I would love for JR to be on commentary for this one. This would make the match so much better. Getting back to Cole, I did see some inconsistencies last night that definitely made me shake my head. Either he is completely for the heels or he isn't. I cannot stand how wishy washy his commentating is. As far as Josh Mathews, he was probably just stunned that he actually had a chance to speak without Cole screaming at him every five seconds. Is it me or does Cole never let anyone fucking talk. He just screams his opinion at you and gives you no time for a proper rebuttal.
Coles blind loyalty has been growing on me lately. I think he is pretty funny, it was an inconsistency that we were discussing as we watched the show. I'm with whoever said that it was The Miz moving on solo. Also they'll have to advance Cole eventually and make him a more generic heel lover, not so focused on one guy.
As far as Josh Mathews, he was probably just stunned that he actually had a chance to speak without Cole screaming at him every five seconds. Is it me or does Cole never let anyone fucking talk. He just screams his opinion at you and gives you no time for a proper rebuttal.

It's because Michael Cole sucks. As a face, as a heel...everything. He sucks and nobody takes him seriously...he's just flat out annoying.

I was pissed when Cole came in to replace Todd Pettingill in 1997. Then was pissed even more when they threw him in to host Livewire and then Raw alongside Jim Ross. That didn't last because the WWE execs knew he sucked so they had Lawler replace him.

Fast forward 14 years and now he's the "voice" of Monday Night Raw.

People can say all they want about JR...he was never perfect and went overboard on many occassions....but I would take him ANY DAY over this idiot.

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