Miz Boycotting RAW


Pre-Show Stalwart
Miz Wrote on this Twitter

"Out of protest for not getting the recognition I deserve, I am boycotting Raw tonight."

Dose this help his character develop?

Will he really do it, and in what context?

With Austin showing up, dose anyone care?

I don't see how this could help Miz's cause. I want him to go into Wrestlemania and beat Cena. I think a win like that will put him in the spot he deserves to be. Put I don't see how boycotting RAW helps him.

What do you think about this?
It will at least have people talking about him a little bit, nothing he ever does on Raw really helps him anyway. He draws a little more heat each week insulting Cena, but then his in ring performance usually makes him look like a jabron so no one cares, so maybe not being on Raw isn't all that bad for him. I really don't think he is worthy of being WWE champ but that being said, I wouldn't really care if he retains at WM cause I've seen enough of John Cena. Plus Miz needs the credibility more than Cena
I can't see Miz not actually appearing on Raw. There will be either an announcement that he won't be there and he'll ambush the Yabba Dabba Bitch, or he'll open the show and "leave" before coming back to ambush the YDB.

That's my opinion anyway...
I can't see Miz not actually appearing on Raw. There will be either an announcement that he won't be there and he'll ambush the Yabba Dabba Bitch, or he'll open the show and "leave" before coming back to ambush the YDB.

That's my opinion anyway...

This is exactly what I'm thinking. Keeping him off TV would be dumb, and he needs to keep pulling sneaky heel shit on Cena for the next 4 weeks to make the match at Wrestlemania look at least remotely credible.
I think it's great, because it means RAW will actually be watchable and I won't have to use the mute button. I guess this is as close as we'll get to realizing my dream of The Miz being future endeavored. So long Miz, and please, don't come back!
Clearly, the Miz has been TOLD to get off Raw, giving WWE a chance not to book him. With so many other things going on, it's really hard to put The Miz in anywhere, because he just doesn't fit. The Miz will definitely drop the belt at Wrestlemania or Extreme Rules.
I suppose it makes him look more like a sneaky little bitch who likes taking cheap shots etc?

Nevertheless even if he does, if Stone Cold's on RAW(!) Who gives a monkey's nutsack?

If the Miz isn't at Raw Alex Riley could cleanly win a match and start calling The Miz without Miz coming out and beating him up. That could also give A-Ri a face turn to become at least a mid-carder.
this is great because now i dont have to listen to Cole kissing The Miz's ass so loud i cant even hear the crowd lol but as stated above he will prolly sneak attack Cena or something like that
I think he's '' Boycotting'' RAW so he can't '' fire'' Alex Riley as his lackey remember the stip from last week on RAW I don't think has anything to do with Stone Cold being there tonight.
personally i think hes either gonna...

A.) start the show and cut a promo about boycotting raw then walk out and show up later to beat down the yabba dabba bitch who cant sell anything to save his life :lmao:

B.) its all just a storyline and Vince told him to put that (hey its possbile!)


C.) he has somewhere else to be and cant be there so he said that to bring more attention to him which wouldnt b the dumbest move on his part
that or he might be out for a promotional tour perhaps. So this is a way of getting heat while still not being on the show or even at the show.
B.) its all just a storyline and Vince told him to put that (hey its possbile!)


C.) he has somewhere else to be and cant be there so he said that to bring more attention to him which wouldnt b the dumbest move on his part

Really? (no pun intended.) Everything, and I mean EVERY SINGLE THING that happens in the WWE is a storyline, and Vince and the creative team are using social media to print more realism in the stories. He is not scheduled to be anywhere else either, his working shift is Mondays from 9 to 11 or whatever. Please, once and for all realize, this is not Mike Mizanin the person saying he will boycott RAW, it's The Miz, a character just like The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin or John Cena or any other character being embodied by a wrestler on Monday night.
It might be kind of what he did this week on Raw, where he changed it to "The Miz show" as he <Changed the card> by removing Daniel Bryan's match/promo with an attack, he could get involved with several matches effectively "Boycotting" it. could also lead to ridiculous heat (remember Kane randomly Chokeslamming Jobber matches and getting cheered to no end around '98)
Too much "Chris Jericho Conspiracy Theory" When is WWE gonna stop reusing storylines???

Exactly what crossed my mind the second I read about this.

Though, I can't say Miz doesn't remind me a bit of Jericho. Reusing that storyline would be stale though.

Hopefully he actually does something interesting instead of stay home for the night, maybe interrupting Stone Cold and saying that he's tired of the over-ratedness of Austin-Rock-Cena and get really ticked off. Would show that he's got guts and he's willing to stand up to the best.

I dunno, just my thoughts.
Hear this out

It seems pretty obvious that this "boycott" will be a decoy of some sort, probably to perpetrate yet another orchestrated attack on Cena (*yawn*). However, if he were to jump Austin from behind with Riley in some way, it would really get him over as a heel with the audience, gives him a bit more credibility as champ, and (if they do it correctly,) it doesn't make Austin look too weak by getting jumped from behind by a pussy like The Miz, and it also gives an incentive for Austin to make another appearance in the not too distant future to open up a big, fat can of whoopass on that sorry, son of a bitch. In the long term though I think it seems a good way for The Miz to make "a statement"
I can see why he is doing this. Jersey Shore is a bad show. I can't even stand to watch the opening credits. with WWE Bringing in this girl to apper all they are doing is getting back at TNA for using the 3/3/11 deal for Sting.

If Miz does anything I will cheer. Despite what most people think of the Miz he is not bad. He's alot better then Jack Swagger.

But I will be honest if WCW was still around running with WWE Raw i'd be watching WCW tonight.
this is great because now i dont have to listen to Cole kissing The Miz's ass so loud i cant even hear the crowd lol but as stated above he will prolly sneak attack Cena or something like that

I disagree, We will be subject to more complaining from Cole on this, unless he(cole) opens the show with his announcement of the SGR for his WM match with Lawler and then leaves. Which would be Grrrreeeeeeaaaattttttt.

What does this say about your current Raw product. This close to Wrestlemania, you don't have your champion on RAW as he claims he's boycotting it. All focus has been put on Cena (the challenger) and The Rock (none wrestling role). I don't remember when the champion has received such a little push going into the biggest PPV of the year.
The Miz' title reign may look weaker than Sheamus run last year.
I have trouble believing that Miz won't be on Raw tonight. Even though there's still a good amount of time left, Miz being off Raw at this point doesn't do the WWE Championship match against John Cena any favors.

They might show a vignette that Miz made explaining why he won't be on Raw. Cena would lower his guard and Miz comes in to deliver a sneak attack. Generally speaking, The Miz has gotten the best of Cena for the past couple of weeks and has left him laying via the Skull Crushing Finale. I think the WWE needs to keep that up and keep painting Miz as an opportunistic heel that picks his spots.
Miz is the WWE Champion, technically the most important champion and one of the most important superstars on RAW, let alone WWE. He has to have some involvement on RAW.

There is no way that Miz has no involvement with RAW tonight. John Cena said this would be the final knockout with Rock and I am highly doubtful Miz won't be there to attack Cena. They have to build up the WWE title match before WrestleMania, they can't JUST focus on Rock/Cena and then be like "Oh yeah, by the way, we've been hyping Cena and Rock, but Cena will be challenging Miz this Sunday which we all forgot about".

Jack's on the money. Cue Titantron video from Miz, Cena's watching and Miz jumps the crowd barrier to attack Cena.

It should happen like that.
Please God let this be true. Just boycott the show for the rest of the year, really you just suck. Just get that damn belt off him already.

Obviously, he will be on the show, which sucks. Wouldnt be suprised to see ratings increase but I know all the Miz d-riders will say its because of Austin, Rock or some other excuse.

It actually gave me hope to watch Raw for a change because he is anything but a must-see champion. We all know Miz gets treated like a third rate act because he is. Since he won the strap, ratings have been the same as before, buyrates were down for last 2 ppvs though.

Miz to me is the type of heel that makes me want to change the channel whenever he starts talking. He says the same things everyweek, and tries way too hard to get himself over. He gets a pretty much average reaction until he says his stupid lame ass catchphrase. Anyone notice how he stole Jericho's look and now his mannerisms too, when he cuts promo ? Even squinting his eyes like Y2J, c'mon be original, guy. Paper champ. Boring champ. Really Vince is this what you consider talent now ? This guy is an emberrasment to the championship.

Vince, you have CM Punk overthere in a lowercard feud and he is the real star of the show. He is a wrestling god compared to Miz and just makes Mizanin's mic skills look emberrasingly childish next to his top notch promos. He is the top heel on the show and gets much more heat than that david arquette clone. If anything Punk should be champ and should be headling WM. He is young, reliable, and a much better talent.

Miz is one of the reasons I have to boycott the show once in a while. Its bad enough without him but he makes it 10x worse
You guys realize this is what WWE wants right. No one cared about the Miz in this whole Cena/Rock program and now were all talking about him. He is probably gonna come out and attack Cena while Cena is cutting his promo against the Rock.
I read this one of two ways: Either Miz really will be there, and this is just an attempt to throw people off, because heaven knows we have never seen the whole "so and so won't be here tonight" spiel from the commentators, only to see the wrestler show up fifteen minutes later, OR, Miz has some kind of excused absence that the WWE knew about a long time ago, and this is just the kayfabe explanation.

Personally, I am leaning heavily on the sneak attack through the crowd theory.

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