Mixed tag titles?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Just think this through.
If you could have the tag titles mixed, would you do it?

You can have either two males, one male + one female, or two females.
It could really bring a new creative side to the tag team titles.

What do you think? It could get the tag team division back to it's best again.
No, no, no, no! There aren't enough females to even bother with that. And how would it work with 2 males against 2 females? If anything, it would bring the tag division down even further, if that's possible. I'm not sure what WWE needs to do to fix the tag division, but mixed tag titles is NOT it.
Wow with all do respect "NO WAY Brother.'' That is something TNA would do not wwe. I be the first to admit that WWE needs to do something to revive the tag division but not by adding a mix tag. The Divas title is all the divas need, WWE has 14 divas + Kong & Vickie and only 9 of them from this group can really wrestle.
WWE would never go through with that for the main reason of 1 Vince dosen't care about the tag team or lets be honest the divas divison I can only see TNA doing something like that

I would love to leave it like that, but just to abide by the forum rules and not face an infraction for spamming I'll type something else. Can I just leave it at that? No? Okay.

Despite being a red blooded male I dislike the Divas division. Regardless of this I do agree that there are plenty talented female performers on the roster, but there are none (barring perhaps Beth Pheonix and the imminent debut of Awesome Kong) who can realistically compete within the male dominated environment. Mixed tag teams can only provide so much, which in my opinion would be very little, in terms of angles and in ring entertainment.

So, no, just no.
Where is the people who monitor these things? This is horrible. This will only work if your trying to put over people that are valet/couples. Pointless, a waste of time and money. We will have to make a whole new division even if they have a mix tag each and every week. F' that shit!
It's an interesting idea in theory but it just simply would not pan out in actual practice.

I've watched AAA on television a few times and this concept seems to be a popular attraction there. They've had mixed tag titles there since June of 2003 but I think American fans are wired a little differently. In mixed tag matches in AAA, the women often wrestle against the men, usually holding their own. American fans will not take a male wrestler seriously if he wrestles against and gets beaten up by a female wrestler. If WWE adopted such a concept, it'd almost certainly be kept as Diva vs. Diva and Superstar vs. Superstar in the match, only the male wrestlers would be bogged down because most American fans don't care about women's wrestling enough to justify having mixed tag titles. And why should they? Throughout wrestling history, women's wrestling has never been a big draw. Vince knows this, he accepts this and he's not trying to reinvent the proverbial wheel because it'd be a waste of time. In the end, mixed tag titles would ultimately fail in the WWE.

As I said, American fans are wired a little differently. Women's wrestling isn't a huge deal but it can provide entertaining filler for them. They don't want to see men wrestling women nor do they want to see wrestlers restricted by weight classes.

This is a concept that I could see TNA adopting. TNA has had women's tag team titles for a while now that are barely ever used or seen and don't mean anything so this title sort of title would fit right in.
In one word no. It would work 1 you need more women. 2 vince doesn't even care about the tag-team division. 3 if 1&2 were not an issue, he would have done it by now.

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