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Mistico Please Dont Go To WWE.

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
As we reported earlier this week, WWE is very interested in signing Mistico. Mistico had a tryout before a SmackDown! Taping on 2/24 in San Jose, California. His tryout went very well and went over highly within the superstars and officials.

Dean Malenko, Booker and JBL came forward to John Laurinaitis and urged him that he should be signed immediately. London even came forward and spoke to writers asking them if he could work with Mistico.

When Mistico had his tryout, however, he forgot to mention that he had signed a five-year contract with CMLL. He still has several years remaining on his contract. WWE lawyers decided that the only way to get him in WWE would be to negotiate with CMLL. CMLL is in no way interested in working out a deal.

So the likeliness of seeing Mistico in a WWE ring in the future is very slim.

WWE will just missuse him. I'd prefer it if he stayed in CMLL or went to TNA. TNA has the X-Division which meant something 6 month's ago. WWE has The Cruiser title which has never meant anything. The U.S. Title which has'nt meant anything for nearly 10 year's and the I.C. Title is a joke as well.
id personally like to see Mistico in the WWE. i believe he could create a tag team with rey mysterio and it would be interesting to see mysterio and mistico vs paul london and brian kendrick. 4 high flyers doing anything they can that is limited to entertain the crowd. just because wwe has misused some of these new guys, doesnt mean they will misuse mistico. i think that they might be onto something here.
Sorry but any title in the WWE means alot more than the best title TNA has. Mainly because a hell of alot more people watch WWE than they do TNA.
You know I'm very torn on the subject of this. Mistico has been one of my favorite lucha stars for a long time now, and if you haven't seen his stuff, SHAME ON YOU, go to YouTube right now damnit! This guy is amazing in the ring, so naturally I'd want to see him in WWE so he could be on TV right? Yeah, I definately wanna see more of him, but I know that the WWE won't use him right even let him deliver the quality caliber matches that he is so used to. Which would make it better in my book if he went over to TNA, because then he could get into the X-Division scene and cause some real chaos, however I don't think TNA has any interest in him.

Too bad. Wherever he goes, he's bound to entertain the fains.
whats is up with all these TNA fanboys on there nuts, mystico is one of the top Wrestlers in Mexico, he should stay there 1. his english isnt very good , 2. he probably be a bigger draw in mexico then in the states. i say hes better then any X-division wrestlers TNA has, and better then any cruiserweights in WWE.
Mistico from what I have heard is one of the best Mexican wrestlers around. The WWE probably won't go for him, because most would just perceive him to be another Rey Mysterio and I don't think the WWE would respect his style enough to actualy utilise it in the WWE. He would be much better off in a company that would actually push him right, and let him show the skill that he has. If he went to the WWE, he would be stuck with gimmicks and storylines and other crap that no one of his calibre should be going for. Then again, there is the money issue and I suppose if he wants to sacrifice his talent for that reason, I guess it's up to him, but it will be a shame if he is misused like they do to all the other talented wrestlers in the WWE. He should stay clear, but I guess he has his reasons for going there if he does, even though he would be much better off in a company like TNA, ROH or any Japan promotion.
He has a 5 year deal with CMLL(is that right), so he won't be coming to the E anytime soon.

That's not really an issue. If WWE want him they will get him. It is a Billion dollar company. Although I doubt they want him enough to pay over the odd's and WWE fan's wont know who he is anyway.
Don't worry diddy, this is just another ultimo dragon. He will sign, wrestle for a year and get released and go back to CMLL or to TNA before the summer of 08. He won't last long there.
Yeah but I dont want him to go to WWE then wrestle for a few year's. Where they will probably try to get him to alter his style. I want him to stay in Mexico or go to Japan or TNA. If he does go to WWE Arn Anderson would probably tell him he does'nt know how to work. OVW for you young man.
I'm not in the least bit worried. Even if they happened to buy Mistico out of his CMLL deal, they'd piss him away completely inside of a year because they still do have and always have had trouble booking guys like Mistico (basically someone who functions on wrestling and not gimmickry). Misterio is one of the few exceptions, otherwise they've pissed away numerous juniors or just misdirected the others they've had or still do have. Taka, Malenko, Aguila, Ultimo, Juvi, Kash, Lynn, Low Ki, Daniels, Guido, etc. They have had some of the best junior talents in the world walk through their doors and haven't been able to find out what to do with it. I feel Mistico would be no different. Why WCW could get cruiserweights over, but WWE couldn't if you threatened to blow up Titan Towers is beyond me. I'd figure they'd at least hire someone who could.
Yeah but I dont want him to go to WWE then wrestle for a few year's. Where they will probably try to get him to alter his style. I want him to stay in Mexico or go to Japan or TNA. If he does go to WWE Arn Anderson would probably tell him he does'nt know how to work. OVW for you young man.
Arn and Ole need to get a hold of a flux capacitor and travel back to 1985 where their opinions are actually worth $hit. Arn is doing the same things that Ole was doing back when Ole was "helping out" down in Atlanta (to the tune of WCW bleeding money like a rifle wound). Somehow, I just can't remember the last time either one of those guys wrestled a five-star match...oh, right. Never. But CM Punk doesn't know how to work...right, Arn?
It's not that, it's the fact they don't care enough about the cruiserweights to use him right.

Well ultimately it would be a combination of things. Vince won't do nothing with him other then just waste his talent. As far as the cruiser weight division goes don't get me started. I can't believe after holding the championship for a year or so they had helms drop the belt to Chavo? I thought Chavo was going to get the US belt? Also as champ who has he defended that belt against? First we had Helms defending the belt once every full moon. Now Chavo is going to do the same. They should have had Helms drop that belt at Wrestlemania. Then again who cares cruiser weight division is whacked. Biggest problem with WWE is they're politics games. Look at RVD he's a prime example of politics gone wrong. One min he's one of the top guys. Now they got him jobbing to ecw newbies. As I stated before in other threads Vince used to do what was right for the business. Now it's all head games and wasting talent. So whatever the end result at least we can agree Mistico will go to waste indEEd.
I disagree. I think if WWE signed Mistico, he would be in the CW title picture almost straight after Wrestlemania.

Having Mistico running around with the CWbelt won't do nothing. You can't built a title belt or CW division depending on a 1 man talent machine. Sorry but that won't work if there isn't any other GOOD talent for Mistico to wrestle. Then again Mistico VS Funaki VS Scotty 2 Hottie might be a runner up for match of the year. :lol2:

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