Missed opportunity for Money in the Bank


Pre-Show Stalwart
I just had a thought about Money in the Bank this year, and I think WWE missed an opportunity with it this year considering that it's a decade since the concept was introduced.

There could have been a slight change to the briefcase this year. Instead of just being for the World Title the winner would have a guaranteed shot at of the current WWE titles.

What's people thoughts on the idea.
I don't know what others would think, but personally, I wanted at least a slight modification in the briefcase. At least a change of colour. Certainly I wouldn't mind if Sheamus paints it into green with the cross symbol on the others side and make it look like a custom design.

They could've added another MitB for mid-card titles and give some of their younger guys or mid-carders a little push.
The primary Money In the Bank briefcase should ALWAYS be for the World Heavyweight Champinship. While I am not against them creating a midcard briefcase with the option of cashing in on the Intercontinental or US Championship, those shots should come from a completely different briefcase. Having the option to cash in on ANY championship makes zero sense. First of all, why would a singles wrestler cash in on the Tag Team Champions? Why would a male wrestler cash in on the Divas Champion? Secondly, no wrestler within kayfabe would pick a midcard belt over the World Heavyweight Championsjip. NONE of them. If you had an opportunity at your choice of a part time position or one in management of the same department, anyone with a brain would pick the one further up. Same idea applies here. A different briefcase should be made for cashing in on the midcard titles.
Wait, so you could challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the wrestling industries top prize, at any time of your choosing... or you could challenge for one of the other garbage titles? What would be your motivation for doing that?
They could use a secondary car for the US and ic titles. That would add a little more drama to the weekly bore that wwe has become
I think the match itself sucked royally. Little to no decent spots in a match that promotes a spot fest. Sure do miss Sheldon Benjamin when these matches happen.
if they use secondary title briefcase then they copied TNA. TNA use feast or fired match in similar type. I don't go with that. briefcase for wwe title is best for business
I think I'd have just bitten the bullet and given it to Reigns, seems like they were wary of the boos. A double turn with him and Rollins at some point down the line could have been fun.

Sheamus has been dynamite as a heel recently so the most deserving guy work-wise probably won.

As for the concept, I think it's a little tired. I preferred it when King of the Ring winners got a Summerslam shot at the WWF title. It didn't always happen but it seemed logical when it did.
This has been brought up before several times over the years and the answer is always the same: it's a complete abandonment of logic for someone to have an opportunity for ANY championship and not challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Vince is accused, rightfully so a good deal of the time, of glossing over huge gaps in logic with such casual ease that it gives the impression that if he doesn't consider logic important, then neither should the fans.

The simpler and more logical method would simply be to have a Money in the Bank ladder match in which the winner has the opportunity to challenge for either the Intercontinental or United States Championship at any point over the course of a calendar year. It'd be a way of putting more emphasis on the mid-card titles, though WWE has been doing that over the course of the past several months. The US title has pulled ahead of the IC title in terms of prominence, though there's a strong possibility of them being on an even playing field had Daniel Bryan's injury issues not resurfaced. Still, at least they're not playing hot potato with the title, they're not jobbing Ryback out left & right and have applied more general prestige to the title than we've seen in quite a while. As for the US title, you have to be a complete and utter moron to say that Cena hasn't brought the title to a different level, one that hasn't been seen for the US title since well before WWE reactivated it back in '03.
Considering they just produced a WWE Network exclusive Elimination Chamber match for the vacant IC championship, what sense would it make for them to put on another multi-person match simply for a shot at a secondary belt.. ..on PPV no less? The acknowledgement of the 10th Anniversary would have been cool, but a match like that should only focus on the WWE championship or an opportunity to fight for it. A modification of some sort woul have been cool as long as it was within reason and didn't dillute the significance of the match.
Wait, so you could challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the wrestling industries top prize, at any time of your choosing... or you could challenge for one of the other garbage titles? What would be your motivation for doing that?

I meant that the winner would be able to challenge for the IC title, the US title and the World Title. Not just one of them, so if they failed with the World Title they could then cash in on the IC title and so on.
new day shoulda won Mitb.

wwe couldve potentially had a strong heel faction.

give one member the wwe title, let another win the IC and the 3rd wins the US al while still holding tag titles....

the power of positivity!!!
New day Rox
This devalues the MITB concept. Why cash in on the US Champion when you can cash in on the WWE Champion? Who wouldn't want a more prestigious title?

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