Misconceptions and Daniel Bryan?


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Last year, people were said to be mad because Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Royal Rumble and therefore didn't win.

This year people were said to be mad Daniel Bryan didn't win the RR.

Last year people said people booed Batista because they wanted Roman Reigns to win the Rumble.

This year people brought up that Batista was booed because they wanted Reigns to win, but those same people booed Reigns for winning.

So I just wanted to gather people's opinions about the past 2 Rumbles.

Last year, I didn't care to see Bryan, Reigns or Batista win. I knew well in advance Batista would win and didn't like it, but Reigns or Bryan winning wouldn't make me happy.

This year, I knew since the last Rumble that Reigns would win, which I didn't want, but Bryan winning wasn't what I ultimately wanted.

I might be a minority but for me, Daniel Bryan isn't the end all be all. Roman Reigns is a bag of dirt, Daniel Bryan is a great worker, but in WWE the great workers aren't allowed to be such. The great talkers, like Ambrose, aren't allowed to be such. On a scale of 1-10 those that can reach 10 are allowed 7 at most so that the 4-5's like Cena and Reigns can have moments of sevendom.

My ultimate goal for the Rumble is that anyone can win. Looking at today's storylines, I'd conclude that the 2016 Rumble would be won by some known veteran (Cena, Orton) or Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins or Rusev. Wyatt, Rollins and Rusev are the 3 main young guys they are pushing. Off a WM match with Taker and Cena, you know Wyatt and Rusev won't disappear and if Reigns is any indicator, Rusev/Wyatt's Rumble this year is a foreshadowing of victory next year.

I don't care for most of the roster but I rather see Cesaro win the rumble and prove in the next 2 months that he can beat Lesnar and stop losing foolishy, then someone WWE manufactured?

Anyone agree or am I the only one not in the Bryan or Reigns camp?
Allow me to state what you just stated, in a different way:

1. 2014 Rumble, no one wanted Reigns to win, he just happened to be in the final 2 against Batista. Hence the cheers.

2. 2015 Rumble, no one had an issue with Reigns winning, until Bryan got eliminated like Heath Slater or any other mid-carder.

3. Nothing wrong with Bryan main-eventing 2 WrestleMania's in a row. Cena and Rock did it, Hulk Hogan did it too. People cheered Hogan and The Rock on both occassions.

The booking was/is the problem. Not the wrestlers and not the fans. Unless people realise that smarks and trolls aren't the issue, and that CreatiVince is, misconceptions about Reigns and Bryan will continue to spread. Illogical arguments amongst fans of either superstar will dominate the forums and pages dedicated to covering wrestling.

End this nonsense already.
You called Cena a "4-5" out of 10. :disappointed:

But I love the fantasy scenario of WWE actually respecting Cesaro's talent. Hopefully this current tag title reign is a step in that direction.

Besides that, sanefan_har is dead-on.
They didn't cheer for Reigns because they liked him, they cheered for Reigns because he wasn't Batista.

Quite the conspiracy theorist. You say people like Daniel Bryan have to slow themselves down for people like Cena. Ignoring that Cena had an incredible match with Bryan at SummerSlam. Bryan didn't have to carry Cena nor did he have to limit himself. Cena is a great wrestler. Sad you can't see that (pun not intended).

I don't think you understand what the WWE style is. It hinders movesets in a good way. Take the shooting star press for example. Imagine if 12 guys just started doing that move for no reason. The move looks cool, but if not built too or used too much, it losses a lot of its luster. When Evan Bourne was using it, he was the only one and it was his finisher. That way you knew you might get to see a cool move when he comes out and you know when he is going for it. That way you won't be caught off guard and will pop for it. That's what the WWE style is all about. Building towards things. Making a story. Not lets do 500 flippy moves cause they look so cool.

Really the biggest difference between Reigns and Cesaro is that Cesaro is better in ring wise than Reigns. They both can't talk that well. Reigns has a better look.

Dean Ambrose himself has said he only gets bullet points and pretty much says whatever he wants.

If WWE really told people to scale back to make Cena look better, don't you think a bunch of guys would have said something by this point?
So from what I gathered in the OP, nothing makes you happy and you're more sour than the people you're talking about.

What's going on is that for years WWE has been looking for the next top guy. Fans have connected with Bryan and embrace him. But WWE rejects the notions and goes with something else. As such fans will support anything that will go against the norm. Hence why Reigns was cheered at last year's Royal Rumble and booed on this one. Fans see through WWEs motives and maneuverings and find them to be antiquated and tiresome.
So from what I gathered in the OP, nothing makes you happy and you're more sour than the people you're talking about.

What's going on is that for years WWE has been looking for the next top guy. Fans have connected with Bryan and embrace him. But WWE rejects the notions and goes with something else. As such fans will support anything that will go against the norm. Hence why Reigns was cheered at last year's Royal Rumble and booed on this one. Fans see through WWEs motives and maneuverings and find them to be antiquated and tiresome.

Yet, you're a Reigns fan? Some fans see through WWE's manevuer's but The Shield aka Ambrose/Rollins got Reigns over big time which is why its easy for most to consider Reigns the next top guy, when all he is a pair of contacts and hair gel.
Yet, you're a Reigns fan? Some fans see through WWE's manevuer's but The Shield aka Ambrose/Rollins got Reigns over big time which is why its easy for most to consider Reigns the next top guy, when all he is a pair of contacts and hair gel.

I'm sorry, but when the hell did I declare myself a Roman Reigns fan? He's fun to watch when he's all serious and badass. Its 2015. No one wants a clean cut hero that overcomes every obstacle with a shit eating grin.

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