Mind Blown by Cereal


Dark Match Jobber
SO, i randomly decided to wikipedia a list of cereals, and I came upon WWF SUPERSTARS CEREAL. My mind was instantly blown. Now, im a 91 baby so i obviously had no clue this even existed. Now my questions is, why doesn't WWE invest more into products like these? Obviously they are targeting a younger audience with their PG product, not to mention they created a saturday morning show just for kids. What better way to have kids watch their saturday morning show than with some WWE cereal? I used to love waking up saturday mornings to watch WWF Livewire with my bowl of cereal. Let's not forget the ice cream bars that made a resurgence last year. They should also have more snack products, like wwe fruit roll up where they can tattoo cena's logo onto their tongues. I think they can profit greatly from this. Any thoughts?
I'm pretty sure if they did that the nanny staters would whine and cry that WWE is promoting obesity by having their wrestlers on cereal boxes or candy. Ohnooooooez Won't somebody please think of the children?! This is why we can't have nice things.

Had to be done.

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