
It's not that one.

I met the woman that's now my wife online Feb 2014. She then came to visit me in Oregon in June. That's when she decided to move here August. We got married a year later August 4th, 2015.
I like how my first post in that thread is observing that it definitely won't end well, which Milenko is all like "of course it will, we're not in the bar", and pretty soon everyone is trashing him for not meeting the girl in person.
It's not that one.

I met the woman that's now my wife online Feb 2014. She then came to visit me in Oregon in June. That's when she decided to move here August. We got married a year later August 4th, 2015.
You recently revealed your current wife's age in the WZCW thread. Early 40s if I recall. 42? Big if true.

Where are you meeting all of these desperate older women?

Also, did you ever meet the woman from that thread? I expect that's what put you in Oregon to begin with. How did that go?
You recently revealed your current wife's age in the WZCW thread. Early 40s if I recall. 42? Big if true.
She's 44. 15 years older than me
Where are you meeting all of these desperate older women?
We met on an erotic story site where we were both publishing our work.
Also, did you ever meet the woman from that thread? I expect that's what put you in Oregon to begin with. How did that go?
I did meet her. I was neck deep in my addictions and unwilling to admit I needed help so she left me.
You recently revealed your current wife's age in the WZCW thread. Early 40s if I recall. 42? Big if true.

Where are you meeting all of these desperate older women?

Also, did you ever meet the woman from that thread? I expect that's what put you in Oregon to begin with. How did that go?

Well that shows how much I'm paying attention. Sam & Lee caught what went right over my head.
Either of you ever wring any money out of your writing? My understanding is there was a period post-50 Shades where there was a lucrative e-book market for such material.
Either of you ever wring any money out of your writing? My understanding is there was a period post-50 Shades where there was a lucrative e-book market for such material.
We never got professionally published no. Never really wanted to either.
No need for "professional" publishing when self-publishing is so easy these days.
I used the word professional to differentiate from the non-money making publishing I was doing

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