Mike Tenay

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[This Space for Rent]
The is a general discussion thread on your opinions of Mike Tenay. The biggest reason I'm creating this is because I'd like other people to give their opinion on whether they feel he's become somewhat of an asshole.

In my opinion, Mike Tenay has this "better than thou" attitude that he gives off. (on air) He's a fricken announcer, yet he acts as if he's unstoppable to the "higher ups." (like recently, him back talking Jim Cornette)

I remember when he was a W.C.W. announcer who only came out to address the cruiserweight division & give in-sight on the back ground of the superstars. He was "Iron" Mike Tenay, the man who seemingly knew everything about anyone.

Now, he doesn't give ANY background on anyone.. but what he will give, is his full, complete, opinion.. whether any of us want it or not. Then he turns around, (on air) & acts as if he's sticking up for the fans.. by being a complete dick to the "higher ups" & basically making his character look like the true "power that be" in T.N.A.'s staff.

Does anyone else feel Mike Tenay is acting as if he's in a "abuse of power" state of mind? Furthermore, does anyone else feel that T.N.A. is really allowing a simple "announcer" to get away with "owning" the man they put in a position to be their Main General Manager/Director of Authority?!

What is everyone's overall opinion of Mike Tenay? His attitude, his announcing skills, etc.??
I keenly remember "Iron" Mike Tenay from his WCW days. I thought in that atmosphere he really had a perfect place. You had Heenan as the heel, Schivanoiehack as the face and then Mike Tenay as the human almnac of wrestling knowledge. I thoroughly appreciate his insights and what he brought to the table in terms of helping the television audience broaden their respects of a wrestler, most SPECIFICALLY in the cruiserweight division which highlighted a superstars coloured global past. It really brought an air of class to the crusierweight division. It made the cruisers look anything but desperate for a spot in WCW. Great leveridge artist.

But I would agree you raise an excellent point, I can't recall the last time he gave some 411 as to a wrestlers identity. Which really discredits his ability as an announcer.

However I've got to say. Of all the corruption and screwjobs that are all the rage in wrestling, its about time an announcer steps up to say something about the mayhem. I really do think that is plausible. However! I would thoroughly agree with you again in saying Tenay came off as a total....fucking....douche bag. Attribute this to his lack of charisma and thespianic ability. This thread has really got my mind a-brewin' as I believe this metaphorically stands for the situation in TNA right now. Bare with me...

TNA like many have stated, and reitterated, and stated again has thoroughly gotten away from its X Division roots. This is what brought me to their audience aside from my casual interest in a possible ressurected wwe waste of talent. TNA is now seemingly trying to become more like a WWE esque show with flambouyance OVER talent.

Mike Tenay made his name as a straight up, all informative encyclopedia of knowledge. Whereas now he's ruffled your feathers, and I'm sure many others, by trying to step up his on-air character, hence, his flambouyance.

Coincidence? Je Ne Pas Comprende!

"There are 24 hours in a day, there are 24 beers in a case...coincidence?" - Method Man
Mike Tenay sucks at commentating and doing interviews. Does anyone notice how he likes to twist his neck and squint his eyes and ask his questions? His questions are bad and it looks so horribly staged...TNA wrestling is good but the announcers really really need to change...
Now that you've pointed it out, he does seem to carry that "holier than thou" attitute on-screen, now how he is real life, we don't know.

Purely from an announcing stand point, he needs to shut the f up every once in a while. I mean, there'd be promos where the wrestler is trying to make a point,and almighty Tenay just talks over them. Other than that, he does a pretty good job at calling matches.
Will, my man, glad you brought this up. We diametrically disagree.

I love Mike Tenay and I feel he is one of the best announcers in the business. And perhaps he has developed something of a "cocky swagger" to him, but I like that in my announcers. He presents information in a "matter of fact" way that makes many intelligent wrestling fans identify with the product. He also has the guts to do what the WWE does not - acknowledge the competition.

When Monty Brown came to WWE as "Marcus Cor Von" the announce team continuously used the generic "this young superstar" tag line without ever lending creedence to his past accomplishments. TNA, more specifically Mike Tenay, highlights the championships and accomplishments of former WWE talent. Hell, they will even reference feuds their guys had with WWE wrestlers still under contract! I know a good deal of credit for that goes to TNA Management, but Tenay gives life to those facts in his words.

I can see Tenay announcing anywhere except WWE. He needs creative freedom to thrive. And watching him go from "Iron" Mike Tenay to "The Professor" Mike Tenay has simply been a look at his evolution in the business. He may be the best announcer out there.
He also has the guts to do what the WWE does not - acknowledge the competition.

When Monty Brown came to WWE as "Marcus Cor Von" the announce team continuously used the generic "this young superstar" tag line without ever lending creedence to his past accomplishments. TNA, more specifically Mike Tenay, highlights the championships and accomplishments of former WWE talent. Hell, they will even reference feuds their guys had with WWE wrestlers still under contract! I know a good deal of credit for that goes to TNA Management, but Tenay gives life to those facts in his words.

This is the only thing I disagree with. And this is my reason why.

Simply because W.W.E. doesn't acknowledge a Superstar's past is not the W.W.E. not giving respect to that star, its merely not giving acknowledgement to the rival company.

T.N.A. mentions W.W.E. almost every 4th sentence anymore, simply because when people here the rival using the other guy's name, it makes your head turn to question what it regards.

T.N.A. showcases their new talent, former W.W.F/E. guys, for what they've done.. because that way T.N.A. can build themselves & their new talent off the creativeness that W.W.F/E. made for that person.

I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, but you're giving T.N.A. a lot of creative acknowledgement, when in all actuality.. they're simply using the W.W.E. to attempt boosting themselves, without actually doing a damn thing except saying something along the lines of.. "So & So defeated 'insert Main Event Star's name' for the 'insert selective Championship' at 'insert big titled p.p.v.', he's here in T.N.A. because hes done all he can there."

That isn't creativeness.. thats lazyness, & Mike Tenay isn't the "Information Machine" he once was. I learned more off Tenay in a mere match or two in W.C.W. than I ever have watching full length DVDs on W.W.F.'s passed. Yet the Tenay in T.N.A. has NOT given out any background history on anyone, except to profile them in a big time match they had against their rival's Superstars.
He also has the guts to do what the WWE does not - acknowledge the competition.

When Monty Brown came to WWE as "Marcus Cor Von" the announce team continuously used the generic "this young superstar" tag line without ever lending creedence to his past accomplishments. TNA, more specifically Mike Tenay, highlights the championships and accomplishments of former WWE talent. Hell, they will even reference feuds their guys had with WWE wrestlers still under contract! I know a good deal of credit for that goes to TNA Management, but Tenay gives life to those facts in his words..

I could not disagree with this more. Obviously TNA will mention WWE and WWE won't mention TNA, but I don't see what guts has to do with it. They're not competition. I'm sure a lot of TNA fans won't like to hear this, but the fact of the matter is they're just not on the same level. I'm not talking about talent level or the quality of the shows, but simply popularity
and public awareness.

Why wouldn't TNA mention WWE? There's no reason for them not to. That's not going to help WWE or hurt themselves, they're not going to have any fans saying "what is this WWE they speak of? maybe I'll try watching them." Everybody watching TNA knows everything about WWE. The reverse is not true. For WWE to mention TNA is just giving them free publicity and potentially giving them more fans. That's not a lack of guts, that's just smart business.
I think they need a hole new announce team because both Don West and Tenay are annoying. Tenay acts as i he knows everything and doesn't give the insight like he did back in WCW, and West just ssays things that do not need to be said and acts as if people do not know what's going on. I remember a few months back when they had Cornette on the broadcast team for a match and it was excellent. TNA needs new announcers because when i first started watching i could not stand either of them....still can't but i guess you learn how to deal with them.
i enjoy mike tenay as the play by play, hes not great but i dont think they need to change him, but they do need to get don west out of there

as for what he did last impact, ya i thought it was stupid how the announcer could go head to head with his boss like that but hell im sure its not tenay who gets the say in that, complain about that to the writers

as for him not doing backgrounds on wrestlers anymore, i disagree, usually when some1 new comes in he does a brief (very brief) background saying where he came from and what he did there, that is if hes from japan or somewhere else in the world, or if he was from WWE, but when the guy is from ROH they never mention ROH.. why is that? o_O

i remember when that tiger mask dude came, and i was like wth is this guy? but tenay already caught me up to speed on where the guy was from and what he has done, then i went to go check some videos of him from japan and stuff like that, so i still think he gives us some knowledge on the new guys, not as much as his WCW days but still gives us some idea IMO...

but like i said don west really needs to go...
What really pisses me off with West and Tenay is, when something like Abyss is attacking Black Reign in the back, Tenay and West will shout and scream "OMG OMG OMG". Its seriously cringeworthy listening to them sometimes, but that being said Tenay is good at calling matches.

I think bringing in a heel commontator would be a good idea. If Heyman joined the announce team, that would be sweet, but its never gonna happen.
Mike Tney dont get me started on this dude! seriously even back in WCW i didnt like him that much but i thought he did the job of providing background info very well now though hes dreadful he cant call a match and gest focused on a specific point how many times on last weeks impact did he mention about the Kurt Angle Sting match? its like we heard you the first time call the freking match still i think hes more bareable than Don West.
Basically Mike Tney should be demoted to the background guy and some other annoucers come in and take his and definatly Dons place!
Tenay does come across as a prick and his ego need to get knocked down a couple notches

Back in the WCW days, I remember that Mike Tenay wasn't main announcer. It was Tony Schiavone...TNA needs to find a way to get him, he would be perfect for the role as the main announcer

But my point here is that Tenay is a good announcer, just not as the lead...they need to bring a third guy in and have Tenay as more of a backround. They need someone who can take the lead and run with it...kinda like JBL..

Maybe u guys can think of a good 3rd party to bring in that could drown out his voice
tna would be much better with a new announce team
i never liked tenay he does do some stupid eye squint and tilts his head like someone above me said,it also all sounds staged. The talking during matches,promos, is terrible. The really like to talk about things that aren't going on during someone elses matches.don west is so terrible i dont know what to say. if they were both gone tna would be 100% better,with new bookers,new set,get rid of ms.brooks she is nasty as hell...cornette is annoying to ...whatever i never watched it at the begining but i believe you guys when you say it was better. they need to have more x division matches
cuz their shitty heavyweights are too old and slow.
I've just had a recent thought on this, Both Tenay and West are face announcers, Tenay acting like he is superior to everyone (I mean come on
getting in Cornette's face like he's hot shit) and West being kinda annoying. In my opinion they could do one of two things.

1. Turn Tenay heel so he can fully show that supirior attitude

2. Now this one is my favorite, fire Don West or move him to just TNA today either one as long as he's not on Impact and Pay Per Views and go outside and hire someone to play a heel announcer. Now the guy who comes to mind is Paul Haymen, back in the WWE as a heel announcer he was brilliant and would be a great counter to Tenay's "follow the rules or else" attitude.

EDIT-Also when Tenay got up from his position to go backstage to complain to Cornette along with the getting in his face bit was quite annoying.
Can someone tell West and Tenay to stop screaming? These guys are always shouting at the top of their lungs and they don't stop talking. During promos they always have to add their two cents in which is pretty annoying. These guys are loud, annoying, and are basically useless. Their announcing is probably the worst out of TNA and the three WWE brands. Also, where did Don West come from in the first place? As for Tenay, he doesn't have the talent to be a play by play. Overall, I think that TNA needs new announcers. They should hire a former wrestler to be colour commentator and find a new play by play man. West and Tenay can destroy moments that are supposed to be special.
they were ruining booker t's debut at genesis. they never shut up and when booker came out don west said the crappiest YEAH ever. you knew it was scripted and seemed totally unreal. Also i hate it when mike tenay keeps giving everbody initials of their name. DW...EY...JB, how about STFU
I guess there is a little back and forth on this on here, but I don't know how anyone could like either of the announcers on TNA.
They are CONSTANTLY screaming ... neither one of them ever plays the heel and both have those terrible faces when the are "acting."
If Tenay was the "smart" heel it would make a big difference I think to West's idiot marking all the time. But. I still cannot stand the face Tenay is always making.
"GOLLLLLY Seargeant Carter..."

Tenay always reminded me of Gomer Pyle with that obnoxious voice for some reason. I despised him in WCW when he came in and they spent too much time with his Luchador encyclopedia knowledgebase when the nWo was the going thing.

Don West was a Cable Shopping Network announcer. He sounds like those obnoxious used car salesmen who buy up local TV time at 4 AM in the morning to host their no money down - no credit car infomercials. I find him somewhat annoying with his 'marking' but more manageable to listen to than Tenay.

Both need to be gone. Schivonne would be a great addition but everyone has too many bad memories of him telling the wrestling audience that they would not want to leave WCW and watch Mick Foley beat The Rock. Heyman would be cool. I always like Don Callis' work when he did some announcing in WWE during The Truth Commission days.
I obviously have to agree with this Tenay and West please fire both of them i cant stand Tony Shiavone but at least he would be better then those two! They drive me insane why do they talk through promos. Ooooh black reign is hitting abyss in the back with this, its like WE KNOW! were wacthing it! and thier constant talk about things that arent important how many times did they want to mention Sting and Angle title rematch was annoying. And last weeks impact classic qoute "Rellik is killer backwards" what a dumbass! seriously TNA please fire them. Oh and buy Don West some new outfits!
I use to really enjoy Tenay's commentary, but now that its been mentioned he has really changed his approach since WCW. When he would just do the background info that was awesome plus a little color worked really well. Now that he is the lead he has gotten kind of annoying. I think TNA should have a former wrestler sit in with Tenay and West to give some new blood into this dull announce team. Honestly I think the best person they could bring in is Raven, he is incredibly intelligent and knows a ton about wrestling history. Also he has a decent voice and could play the bad guy to the Tenay/West good guys.
He is old and boring! he brings nothing to the table and cannot stand his voice. didnt like him in wcw and do not like him in tna. who does he keep doing favors for to get these jobs!! and now he is putting his two cents durring creative meetings!! GOOOOD GOD!!
His announcing skills are truly pathetic. He and West make an awful team together and have no chemistry, whatsoever. They (TNA) need to hir Tony Schiavone and sit Tenay down and tell him to go back and do what he used to do (color commentator giving insight on guys).
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