Mike Knox?

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New TNA Fan
Mike Knox... Hmm, whats happening to him, like I care but anyways did he get suspended or something or does Vince agree with me for once... Knox Sucks! Opinions on Mike?
Well he showed up last week on ECW against CM Punk so i doubt he is suspended. Hes just been used sparingly i'm sure because he "broke up" with Kelly Kelly and there hasn't been anything for him since.

As for my thoughts on Mike Knox i think he is marginal wrestler at best he lacks on the mic, the only thing hes got going for him now is his finishing move.
Learn how to spell TNA is better.

Plain and simple, Mike Knox is a mediocre wrestler at best and at worst he's truly terrible to watch. They should send him back to OVW.
I think Mike Knox is terrible. He is stiff as a board in the ring and has absolutely zero mic skills. In fact, the only entertaining thing he has ever done was throw flowers in Kelly Kelly's face. I am sure the WWE can come up with someone a little more talented than him to fill a roster spot.
I think Mike Knox needs to be repackaged and get a little more experience before he's back on TV. I think the guy has potential, but he needs to get more experience and tone himself before he's ready to be on WWECW TV.
Knox can work the occasional decent match as illustrated last week but I don't think he is going anywhere too fast. Knox is just another slow, big guy that the WWE have brought in to make up the numbers, but I think that this match was just one in a line of squash type matches that he looks like having now. I don't think it is a shame because he is not that good a wrestler and his character is weak and like many other ECW guys like him, the fans don't give two shits about him.

Thorne has developed now that he is in the limelight somewhat, but I don't think the WWE will go for much with Knox. I don't actually know the reason he was taken off but I guess they had nothing for him. I think he could be a part of the New Breed but I don't see him doing much else. I don't really care about him though, and didn't take much notice of his return a few weeks ago and the fans have forgotten too.

Like HellboundPower said, he needs to go back to the indies because he doesn't have that much skill in the first place. Then again, the ECW guys are just plucked from anywhere and experience or talent doesn't count for anything with some of their wrestlers. I don't think he has much potential, but that could be because I haven't seen much of him.
You know what really pisses me off. WWE employ's Mike Know who's got no charisma, no physique and who's average at best in the ring. And yet Brian Denielson who's got very little charisma and a poor physique, but is an absolutley brilliant wrestler, isnt employed by the big two.
I actually enjoy Mike Knox to an extent. He is a solid wrestler to job for the big names. He also could have pretty good mid card matches. With a little more experiance, and some personality, he actually wouldn't be too bad.
It's sad when you, as a wrestler, have your entire value tied to a nobody such as "Kelly Kelly." I don't find Knox to be a great performer, but to shelve him just because of the breakup is poor judgment. Vince doesn't care about shaping this guy into anything. There is plenty of room on the ECW card for a Knox match each week.
Here's my take on the Knox situation. He was never a strong enough presence in the ring or on the mic to be paired with Kelly Kelly, a girl who is greener than astro-turf. Not his fault that he couldn't carry himself and amateur manager/girlfriend at the same time. This was a poor management decision out of his control. Then, as Kelly Kelly got more popular and he had the chance to feed off of the CM Punk angle with her, they ended the storyline completely with the whole flowers in the face incident. Without Kelly Kelly, and no storyline continued with CM Punk, he had no purpose.

Whether a wrestler is good or bad in the ring or on the mic, they can still score points with the fans. Look at Sandman. He will readily admit that he sucks as a wrestler, but he doesn't need to perform well in the ring to be over with the fans. I don't think that Knox was ever given a real chance to establish any kind of love or hate realtionship with fans that gave him a place in the brand. Initially fans disliked him for his treatment of Kelly Kelly, but never got the chance to HATE him after he humiliated her in the ring after begging for forgiveness. Again, not his fault.

I never liked the guy from the beginning, but it was because there was nothing there for me to care about. He was and still is just someone who comes out to the ring every once in awhile to fill up some time. I would be curious to hear what his ideas were for his character and what direction he thought he would take in WWECW. I think Heyman could have worked with him and made him better all the way around. If he couldn't, he would have hid the negatives and pushed his strengths. He at least deserved a chance.
You know what really pisses me off. WWE employ's Mike Know who's got no charisma, no physique and who's average at best in the ring. And yet Brian Denielson who's got very little charisma and a poor physique, but is an absolutley brilliant wrestler, isnt employed by the big two.

agree 100%, Im pretty sure Danielson just dosent want to work for either, seems like he just thinks ROH is his home which is fine.

As for Mike Knox, I dont see anything for him but these words:


ECW is sinking fast, I have a random ( a little off topic) thought tho, If TNA, a company that is just begging for Star power and new talent, didnt see anything in Monty Brown, why is the wwe, the #1 company, see something in him ?
agree 100%,

ECW is sinking fast, I have a random ( a little off topic) thought tho, If TNA, a company that is just begging for Star power and new talent, didnt see anything in Monty Brown, why is the wwe, the #1 company, see something in him ?

I have thought about this same thing with Monty Brown. I really think it comes down to his size. WWE sees size as talent, and with the need to boost the ECW roster, Brown seemed to fit the weight/height chart. There's nothing special about this guy, but as usual, the guys with size and no talent get the push. I find it funny that Vince is now taking TNA's sloppy seconds.
I actually like Mike Knox. I watched him on Deep South Wrestling before he was called up to ECW, so I was happy to see him debut on ECW. He had a pretty lousy gimmick on ECW with Kelly Kelly. He has been wrestling on DSW again with his former tag team partner as they make a run at the DSW Tag Belts. In DSW, he gets to let more of his charisma show. He is actually pretty good on the mic, and pretty agile, too. In fact, they referred to him this week as "the most agile big man in the business."
If thats the case give him a chance, give him a 'snitsky like push' - From nobody to Title Contender.

But to me, his performances on ECW were less than mediokre.
I actually like Mike Knox. I watched him on Deep South Wrestling before he was called up to ECW, so I was happy to see him debut on ECW. He had a pretty lousy gimmick on ECW with Kelly Kelly. He has been wrestling on DSW again with his former tag team partner as they make a run at the DSW Tag Belts. In DSW, he gets to let more of his charisma show. He is actually pretty good on the mic, and pretty agile, too. In fact, they referred to him this week as "the most agile big man in the business."

It doesn't suprise me that he is better in the independent circuit. I've seen so many good wrestlers come to the WWE brand and get watered down, that it's like they are asked to leave their talent at the door. I can believe that he probably has a lot to offer, but he really wasn't given any kind of support in ECW at all. Probably the agility that he shows in DSW isn't permitted in the WWE. It's really sad how some of these guys work their butts off to make it to a national audience and then get shafted.
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