Mike Knox and Garett Bischoff Set to be Released?

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PWInsider is reporting that following the releases of Bradley and Wes Brisco, Mike Knox (Knux) and Garett Bischoff are likely next on the chopping block.

None of this should come as a surprise, but it does appear that TNA is taking serious this push of the reset button from the perspective of really cleaning house — both from the perspective of removing what wasn't working, as well as from the addition of new blood. Especially if what Richards and Edwards were saying on Twitter (in character) is true, about them being "only the beginning".
I want miss Garett. I will miss Knux a little. I think Wes should have been repackaged, and he would have been serviceable in the X-Division, or as a tag team wrestler. I've tried to give Garett the benefit of the doubt, but I just can't stand watching him wrestle. I feel like he is slow. And not "Slow and methodical". I would be ok with that. I just feel he is slow. Samoa Joe is more agile than him.

Knux could have made a great face. He was the one that seemed most conflicted in Aces & 8s. Give him a "goody two shoes" type character where he is always trying to do the right thing, and take up for people; and I would buy in.
While I agree that something could have been done to keep Knux in the company in some other capacity, TNA seems to be purging itself from all things Aces and Eights, that are largely representative of an era of the company that saw them really forge a pretty big disconnect with their loyal fanbase. Knux, through no fault of his own, is part of that.

Frankly, I don't mind that they are pressing the reset button this hard. In a lot of ways it needed to happen as a concession to the fans who have stuck by a product that hasn't stuck by them.

Garett, hard as he tried, will not be missed.
i didnt know any of them were still employed at TNA. this just goes to show how shitty the A and 8s were. it elevated no one. it helped bully ray but he didnt need it.
Chances are it could be true. Both Knux and Bischoff were the final two members besides Bully and Taz left in A&8's. Neither one of them really left a memorable mark in the company, so it would be better for both sides to hit the reset button.
Knux was a good veteran to have, and him working with Luke Gallows/Isiah Cash would have made for a decent big-man team. Brisco and Bischoff I could care less about, and wish all the best in their future endeavors.

I am curious to see who TNA is going to bring in to freshen up the roster and whether or not their yearly reset is going to work out.
I gotta say I was a big Mike Knox fan when he was in WWE. He had a great gimmick and a great look. He could work the mic and could've been anything.

I like Wes Brisco too. I'd rather see him on TNA than Rockstar Spud.

Garrett? He seems like he wants to be a good worker, but he needs to go back to the indys and get some experience.
This is my first post here. I been a fan of TNA since 2002. I'm also a life long rassling fan.

I really liked Knux. Think he and D.O.C. could've been a great Tag Team. But it never came about. I think he should've been used more. Not just as a boring enforcer for the Aces & Eights. I think it would've been cool to see him and Bully Ray feud. But I hope TNA brings him back in the near future. I think Wes Brisco could've benefited from some time in OVW to develop his persona and skills. Garrett really seemed green on the mic and in ring. Should've also have been in OVW to develop his skills. Then re launch both of them to the fanbase. I hope Knux either goes to ROH or Japan. Would be great in either. Wes could benefit from Japan to better his skills and make it back. But the whole lingering Aces & Eights hurt Knux big time. Hope he makes it back. Jay Bradley I believe will return. But I could wrong
Of all of them I was surprised the most about Wes. At least surprised he was released before Garrett.

I won't miss any of them and honestly TNA needs to focus on using who they have. I know a good number of us would like to see more Kenny King.

I haven't seen the Wolves' tweets but if they're talking about more people coming in then I'm assuming that's going to revolve around the new "investor" which points even more to a face vs. Dixie storyline that a good number of us don't want to see.

They can debut talent without going down that road.
Yeah I agree Kenny King needs to be pushed and soon. Yeah I think this feud might get stagnated like the Aces & Eights angle. Just bring new talent in by doing promos for there debuts could be better. But I'm hoping this doesn't drag out to long.
I don't think either Knux or Bischoff will be missed. I think TNA are doing the right thing in trying to start afresh, and rebuild their roster with new talent, while releasing all the dead wood they can. Knux and Garrett were never going to be anything more than low-level talent in TNA, they offered very little (Knux did offer more so that Garrett), so getting rid of them makes sense.

I'm amazed Garrett Bischoff lasted as long as he has in TNA, if his Dad hadn't been involved with the company there is no way he would ever have been hired, he just isn't very good at all. With the money saved from releasing Knux, Garrett, Wes Brisco, Jay Bradley and all the others canned by TNA recently, hopefully this will free up some cash to bring in some new hungry talent who can make a difference to the company.
To be honest, I thought Know was alright. I think there could have been space for him on the roster but it seems TNA want to re-build so I accept them releasing him.

It is clear this is a transitional stage for TNA. Hogan is gone and I think the issues with money should act as a warning. They will probably have to streamline the roster and fill it with guys who are actually talented rather than the Garret Bischoff's of this world.
Thank god Brisco and Bischoff are finally being given the boot. One of the worst decisions TNA ever made was signing those two and having them join Aces and Eights made the group look extremely week and unbelievable as a threat to the company. As for Knox and Bradley, I am slightly disapointed. Knox would have made a great hired Muscle type for somebody like Kenny King, A bit like how Kevin Nash was used when he first joined the WWE. As for Bradley, He never really had a chance to show what he could do. I have seen a lot of his work on the Indy scene and he is actully quite good and while he is not a guy you would build a company around, He would have made a solid Midcarder.

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