Mike Bennett meets with WWE officials

Papa Pillman

I've got more Ho's than Jim Duggan

Apparently there is mutual interest between the WWE and ROH wrestler Mike Bennett, who just recently became engaged to his girlfriend and valet, former WWE wrestler/interviewer Maria Kanellis.

Count me in the camp with those who are suprised that this didn't happen any sooner than it has.

As a ROH fan I can say honestly that Bennett has grown in his time with the company, but still never seemed destined to "fit the mold". The one thing that made Bennett stand out(aside for Maria :p) was always the fact that he looked and carried himself more like a traditional WWE superstar than almost anyone else who has come up through ROH.

It was starting to seem as though Bennett was stagnated however, with ROH officials not really knowing where to go with his character, probably due mostly to the fact that he was never a complete fit.

Bennett is a good enough in ring competitor but his style just simply wasn't designed for ROH, and(perhaps to his credit) he never seemed fully commited to adapting it greatly to do so.

The current NXT developmental system seems perfect for Mike, and I think he will take to the WWE style instantly, and it will not take the folks at NXT long to take notice either. I would anticipate him being pushed to the top of the NXT card nearly right away.

Despite rumors that Bennett would be Jerry Lynn's opponent at Final Battle, I also think it is telling that Bennett has yet to be officially booked on that show. That leads me to believe that Bennett and ROH may well have been aware for some weeks that this "meeting" was going to take place. It would also make the title shot that Bennett got against Kevin Steen on the most recent set of ROH tv tapings make much more sense, as it could have been set up as a "send off" of sorts for Bennett.

If this all follows through and Bennett ends up signed to WWE, best of luck to him. I have been critical of Bennett in the past, but not because he is necesarily a bad worker- it simply boils down to the fact that WWE's style is much more "up his alley" than ROH's. Good for him, and good for WWE.
It's probably a package deal, WWE could also use the Maria boost to counter losing Kelly Kelly and Beth Pheonix in quick succession in the Diva's division. Not that she was ever a great worker, but her and AJ might have some interesting battles.

As for Bennett, I've not see enough to know if he would be immediately successful or more a slow burner like Cesaro. The danger at the moment is with so many new faces debuted so quickly, he could easily get lost in the shuffle unless they do bring him in with some kind of big deal. Maria would be a start for sure, but I think he needs to debut at the Rumble and have a good showing, maybe if she also signs have her distract someone big to let Bennett eliminate them.
Mike Bennett getting "you can't wrestle" chants from the ROH crowd simply because he's one of the 4-5 guys in the company- who could actually pace a match and had something resembling a grasp of timing was ridiculous.

I'm not against the signing, but the mid-card/upper mid-card scene is SO heel heavy right now and I'm not entirely sure he'll be able to break out of the pack.
I don't think he'd get lost in the shuffle of all the new guys they're bringing in because IF he signs,he would more than likely go to NXT first for a bit before being called up.
I don't watch ROH anymore, not my style, but when I did I always thought Bennett had the tools to be a WWE star. He had the traditional look, ring skills, mic skills, etc. Then someone (I believe on these forums actually) pointed out that he only stands out in ROH because he doesn't fit the ROH mold. If you bring him to WWE and put him up against guys like Alex Riley, Johnny Curtis, Ted Dibase, etc. he no longer stands out. He's a typical WWE lower card guy. IMO all 3 guys I mentioned are way better than Bennett, and none of them can get on T.V. I don't see this guy breaking out in WWE unless he maybe comes in with a partner.
I started watching ROH when they go the tv deal, and Bennett was always a guy I looked at and said he looks like he would be a good fit in WWE. I am surprised this hasn't happened sooner. Maria would be a good addition as well after losing Kelly Kelly. I think Bennett would do good and could see a push similar to Cesaro. I am sure he will go to NXT for a while if signed so with that being the case I don't think he would get lost in the current shuffle.
I think he'd do well in the WWE. He's dropped the hint enough times so at least we know he's probably excited about the chance for WWE stardom rather than just doing it for money. Bennett is an aesthetically pleasing wrestler with a growing skill set and since the WWE doesn't like their developmental wrestlers to have a following before they arrive, getting him on the first stage of his career is a lucky break for him. Good luck to Mike Bennett if he gets in and I hope he can break through and mean something.
Not surprising.

Mike Bennett has a good look, he promotes not only himself but Ring of Honor very well, he can speak when he needs to, he can play an effective heel and he can wrestle a good match to boot (his match with Mike Mondo from GBH XI is the best I've seen from him), if Lance Storm wanted to work with him and basically close off his career for now, you just have to believe Bennett has something going for him.

He won't be a great loss to Ring of Honor, despite the fans actually getting behind him in recent months, when his match with Steen was announced for the ROH World Championship a lot of fans were pleased with the decision. Hes worked hard to improve himself since debuting just over two years ago. He isn't the stereotypical ROH talent and that's what some fans might lose track of, this isn't like signing Punk, Bryan, Cesaro or Hero, but it's not a bad signing - if he does indeed sign for the company!
I like Bennett and hope he gets a shot. I was really hoping TNA would use him in the Gut Check segment at some point or that WWE would give him a developmental deal. I'm not the biggest ROH fan. For me, you have to be able to deliver a convincing promo to make me think future star. There are currently only a handful of guys in ROH who can cut a promo and Bennett is one of them. But, like many have said he's not exactly a spot monkey,a super technician in the ring, or a hardcore/extreme wrestler, so he didn't fit the mold of ROH.

Does he stand out because he can talk where very few others can or is it because he's actually good on the mic? I guess we'll see in NXT. But, I think this can be a good signing for them. Give him a year in NXT and we could see him on the main roster.

Now, if WWE or TNA would just give Shaun Ricker a shot. The Gravy Daddy needs a chance. I've often thought he and Bennett would be an Awesome Tag Team.
I don't think WWE should sign Mike Bennett. Not because I don't think the guy isn't talented. But it's for his own good.

His whole appeal is that he's a "WWE Guy in RoH", a "sports-entertainer" in an environment where the fans prefer pure wrestling, and that makes him stand out in that environment. In WWE, he'd be just another guy.

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