Mike Adamle....should he have been given a better chance?


Occasional Pre-Show
It's hard to fathom anyone saying Mike Adamle's name anymore at all, especially in a positive light. I'm sure most people would rather forget about the whole thing. But before he fades too far into obscurity....for the rest of time....I couldn't help but think, did anybody think he was improving, or added anything to the show when he was GM of Raw? I mean, they made us suffer through all the months of horrendous commentary. They made me lose sleep at night sometimes....then he was given a new role as GM. Why would they even bother doing this if they were going to can him so quick? I personally thought he did a good job on his first promo as GM, I found it memorable. I don't know, he came across as a complete douchebag, but he also had a very innocent vibe about him too. A neutral vibe. He could give the heel what he wanted and make an unfair decision for the babyface, or completely give the heel shit and do the right thing. It was all pretty unpredictable and kept you guessing. Should he have been given a lengthier run as GM of Raw?
While he didn't quite add much to Raw when he was GM, he was infinitely better than the guest hosts. His ECW commentary was the worst announcing I have ever heard in my life though. If you're going to work for a wrestling federation as an announcer/commentator then you need to know the names of the wrestlers. Heck, he didn't seem to know much about wrestling itself. He did better as GM of Raw, not by that much though. I think they only got rid of him in that role as quickly as they did because they needed Stephanie and the McMahons to be in charge for the Orton/Trips Wrestlemania 25 feud.

Should he have been given a better chance? Yes, I think he should because I liked how he was a somewhat neutral GM. This was something refreshing after all those heel GM's and Teddy Long's never-ending run as a face GM. However, he had to come out with a script so that he wouldn't mess up, and he STILL made countless "verbal typos". I'd take an Adamle return over the guest hosts any day.... but he should only have been given a longer run as GM if he had actually learned more about wrestling and can remember at least the names of main eventers.
Yes, he should have. And here is why: I believe his whole stumbling/bumbling thing he had going on was staged, scripted. The man was a professional sportscaster for over 20 years. There is simply no way he is going to be that bad on the microphone, unless it was intentional. He played up his lack of complete wrestling knowledge to make it look like he was far more incompetent than he actually was.

I actually found him kind of enjoyable, for that reason. When his stint is seen through the eyes of a character, it makes more sense. The sympathetic nice guy commentator, who stumbles his way through, the fans get tired of him, which leads to a heel turn, where he reveals how he suckered the fans...only they never got to that part.
Adamle knew squat about wrestling and the business in general. As GM, the Adamle Original stuff was pretty interesting. It didn't last long so I fail to remember any Adamle Original. As far as that is concerned, it might have been the last time I was interested in RAW.
It's kind of funny how Vince has always been looking for this "Northern" Play by Play star to succeed Jim Ross.

If you all remember, I believe it was late 05' when Vince was rumored to be Offering Mike Goldberg (UFC Play by Play and also notrorious for stumbling up sometimes) a huge Contract.

He than went with Adamle and once again thinks didn't work out as planned.

Than he switched around the teams and put JR on Smackdown and let Cole try it out and look at it now. Vince just needs to go back to the old duo and worry about it when they retire.
As bad as he was, I actually kind of miss him. He was a pretty good GM for RAW. He was definitely one of my favorites. Not as good as Coach was, but Adamle was pretty damn good.
I always thought his run as GM had a lot more potential, and they kind of botched it for that reason. The ideal scenario for it would have been for him to continue his bumbleheaded ways in a role of authority, booking the wrestlers in the wrong matches and basically ensuring that nobody took him seriously. It would have been quite funny to watch, but instead they made him plain and boring and it backfired. I thought he was hilarious on ECW and if he took that character to Raw, it could have been something truly unique, extremely entertaining, and an "original" storyline, if you will.
I agree with everybody whensaying the reason that Mike Adamle in the WWE failed was because hardly anyone liked him and he was never taken seriously. I think that the WWE needed to turn him heel and then he could have been a much better character
I was an Adamle fan and was sad to see him go. However, him + commentary did not work out AT ALL. I wish they let him stay as a backstage interviewer. I haven't watched WWE in a while so I don't know who does the interviewing at the moment, but Adamle was really funny. He actually made me laugh, in particular when he was interviewing Primo before his debut match, and then in the middle of Primo speaking Adamle just ditched him to go talk to Cena instead. That made me laugh.

He fumbled his words a lot but I didn't really care, it was funny just to hear him mess up names (except for on commentary because it was too much to listen to that for an entire show). His time as a GM wasn't even that bad, seeing as how every GM is basically a heel or, if they are Teddy Long then they're a face, and it was just nice to have a neutral. The way they introduced him as GM was very poorly done (having Shane say it was a big surprise... only to reveal it was Adamle... very anti-climatic which neither the crowd nor anybody viewing at home appreciated) but with that aside, he did not do too bad of a job as GM.

Basically I liked Adamle and I appreciated how he always at least looked like he was genuinely interested in the show (unlike certain people... *cough*Michael Cole*cough*). If he were to be given another chance and brought back to RAW I would have enjoyed that - as long as it wasn't for commentary again.

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