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Mighty Norcal & Grand Mystique vs. Anthony Micheals & Murfish


All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
Mighty Norcal & Grand Mystique
Anthony Micheals & Murfish​

The Tag Team Champions are in actioon tonight, but in a first for WZCW they are on opposing teams. The Mighty NorCal and co-number one contender for the Elite X Championship Grand Mystique team up to face Anthony MIcheals and the other co-number one contender, Murfish. With such heated rivalries between the four combatants, as well as this being the first chance each has of finally facing down their Kingdom Come betrayers, this promises to be an explosive match on tis weeks MELTDOWN!


Keep all RPs in this thread. RPs will be due Sunday September 21st at 11:59 pm EDT.

(OOC: I reserve the right to edit this if the formatting doesn't work out how I'd like.)

A blank screen with the WZCW logo appears.

"I know what you are going through...."​

The hate​
the pain​
the anger​
the betrayal....
And finally, the opportunity to get it right presents itself. And you cannot sleep for the anticipation, the itch to get in the ring and make everything right.​

A video package of such moments in recent WZCW history are shown.

As Legend gets up and stumbles backwards, Rios swings the chair, but curves completely as he suddenly smashes the chair into Big Will's head?!?!?!?!?!

Alex begins to swing directly at Milenko's head. Out of nowhere, Milenko ducks under the chair shot and decimates Alex with the Murder-Go-Round (Buzz Saw Kick).

Michaels looks under the ring, he sees a steel chair and picks it up. He then goes into the ring and nails Derf with a very stiff chair shot. NorCal sees this, then pushes Michaels. Michaels gets very angry about this and lays out NorCal with a chair shot. NorCal is busted wide open. He rolls over as the blood pools out of his head. Michaels leaves him laying unconscious and in his own pool of blood.

*The referee rolls Apotheosis out of the ring, and Murfish and GM appear to head for Steamboat Ricky, who seems to be recovering from being decimated earlier in the match by Murfish. However, just as they move toward Ricky...all of the lights in the Florida Citrus Bowl go dark.*

Copeland: What the devil? Someone must be playing with the lights again!

*Several seconds go by with the stadium pitch black. Finally, the lights go back on, and inside the chamber, Ricky is standing outside the ring propped up on the wall of the chamber, Murfish is cowered into a ball in the back-left corner, and Grand Mystique is layed out in the middle of the ring.*

Copeland: WHAT is going on here?

*Murfish sees the opportunity placed in front of him, and he rapidly crawls to cover Grand Mystique.*




Magnus gets into the ring and raises Manzō’s arm, who is yelling loudly. Magnus turns to Sincade and points at his injured leg. Manzō climbs out of the ring and grabs the ring steps, throwing them into the ring. The referee walks over to try and stop Manzō, but Magnus grabs the referee and throws him out of the ring to the floor. Manzo sets the steps up in the ring, and picks Sincade up into his arms across his body.

Copeland: No, the match is over Manzō don’t do it!
Cohen: Take him out for good! Remember what he did to Tanaka!

Magnus points at the steps, telling him to do it. Manzō looks hesitant, but only for a second, before hitting the Fallout Slam on Sincade, his right knee crashing down onto the edge of the steps. Sincade is lying there holding his knee, screaming in pain as the rest of security finally rushes the ring, and forces Magnus and Manzō to leave.

Big Will jumps out from the fans, behind the announcer's desk as he slides into the ring behind Rios. As Everest turns around, Rios kicks Everest and attempts connecting with his finisher, however Everest shoves Rios off, as Rios turns directly into a Willennium!!!! Will stands over a fallen Joseph Rios, as Everest picks up the World Heavyweight Championship.

Gus and Will begin to climb the ladder, as they reach toward the top, Heidi jumps in the ring, both men look down at her, when Will reaches for The Elite X Title, Gus punches Will and grabs it, Will grabs it, and the ladder falls out from underneath both men, both of them hanging from the belt, Heidi catches the ladder, and looks like she’s about to set it up, Will is stepping and kicking at Gus, trying to make him fall, when Heidi sets up the ladder in a way to where only Will could stand on it, Heidi is encouraging him to grab the belt, Will reaches with his other hand to unclasp it as Gus stares at him, Will is talking shit to him as Gus’ career appears to be coming to an end, when we see Heidi come up the ladder, encouraging Will, only to have Heidi hit a LOW BLOW on Will.

Will and the ladder fall down, as Heidi rolls out of the ring, Gus reaches up with his left hand to unclasp the belt, which he does, Gus falls down to the mat with The Elite X Championship in hand. He looks at Heidi with a confused look, she smiles at him and runs to the back.

GM is now shown. He is sitting, cross legged on the floor in a dark room. He has a crystal ball on a table next to him and he holds a green glass bottle. It is filled up with liquid and GM places his thumb over the top

GM: “The problem with bottles, NorCal, *GM begins to shake the bottle gently*is that after time *he shakes it much more violently* they explode.”

GM lifts his finger and the fizzy liquid within overflows quickly.

GM: “Forgive the analogy. I am not calling you a beer or a glass bottle. But I see what Anthony Michaels has done to you. And we all know what Murf!sh has done to me. I can see a great many comparisons between our situations.”

GM rubs his hands down on his outfit and grabs the crystal ball.

GM: “Now the Mighty NorCal and the Grand Mystique have their opportunity to right the wrongs of Anthony Michaels and Murf!sh at Meltdown. What I want to see from you NorCal, is No Mercy. Make the impact on WZCW that I know you can. Ensure that Michaels is all too aware that crossing you in your match at Kingdom Come was the single worse decision of his career.”

“Murf!sh will find that out. He will see it at Meltdown and he will have front row seats when I rid WZCW of the joke that is Ben Legend as the Elite X champion. And I have a message, especially for the psycho ‘roid boy fish.”

“Murf!sh, I have waited since what seems like forever to get my hands on you. Maybe I should have done it at Kingdom Come, maybe I should have forsaken an Elite X title shot and done it at the last show. However I decided to show a little restraint, a quality I know your personality does not allow you to have.”

“At Meltdown, no restraint, no hesitations. On the way to Redemption, there will be pain and suffering for The Electric Anthony Michaels and Murf!sh!”

GM smashes the crystal ball and the screen cuts out to black.
The Camera turns on and we see Milenko sitting in a dark stairwell by himself.

This week I'm in a Tag Match with Murfish against Grand Mystique Mighty Norcal. last week I was in a Tag Match with my brother Alex against the team of Murfish & Grand Mystique. We lost that match and I was left off the card completely. The only reason I am was put on the card was because Anthony Michaels went and got injured by crashing his motorcycle.

Milenko does not look happy as he talks about initially being left off the card for Meltdown. He leans toward the camera and you can see fire in his eyes as he starts to talk again.

Now that I am in this match I get to show everyone why I should be in the triple threat match and not Mystique or Murfish. Mystique You may have pinned me last week on Meltdown, but you're not better than me. If Alex hadn't of screwed everything up I would be in the triple threat match for the Elite X title no you or Murfish.

Milenko grabs the camera and pulls it towards his face as the fire in his eyes gets brighter and he talks in a low whisper.

I have only been pinned twice since arriving here once by Alex Bowen and last week by Grand Mystique. That alone should guarantee me a title shot. If I don't get one soon then the whole WZCW locker room is going to suffer.

Milenko lets go of the camera and the cameraman backs up a little bit as Milenko raises his voice a little bit.

Now on to my other opponent, Might NorCal. NorCal you're 1/2 of the Tag team Champions with someone you hate. It's that hatred for Anthony Michaels that is going to cost you this match. You were expecting to finally get your hands on him but fate took that chance away from you. That anger is going to get the best of you and I'm going to be there to take you out.

Milenko gets a smile on his face as he talks in a normal voice with the fire still in his eyes.

This Week I get to face a Champion and a #1 Contender. When I beat them down and send them from the arena in an ambulance management will see just how good I am and will have to give me a title shot. I don't care which one I get a shot at just so long as I get one.

Milenko gets up and walks into the darkness as the Meltdown appears on the screen right before it fades to black.
Disclaimer: Names were changed for copyright’s sake. Please tell me if they can be switched back.


Bill and Donna, a newly wed couple, are sitting down to watch the news. Bill grabs the remote and turns on the television as he inquires…

Bill: Hey, isn’t the big debate on tonight?

Donna: You know what? I think it is. Let’s watch it!

The television turns on to show the broadcast team of CSB. They are discussing the upcoming presidential debate between the nominees; Barack Osama and Jim McCain. In two minutes what is arguably the most important debate of the election campaign will commence.

Kim Couric: Well this is going to be a monumental night in regards the campaign. Whoever presents their ideas in a more convincing way will probably earn those precious votes that will ultimately determine the future president.

Harry Smit: I couldn’t agree more Kim. Let me just say that especially during such a critical time such as this, it is so important to choose a president that is capable of leading us to a brighter tomorrow.

Kim Couric: That is a great point Harry. Given the financial situation today, I believe that this moment could be echoed throughout history as one that defines the future of not only America, but the world as well.

Harry Smit: Oh, would you look at the time, we are ten seconds away from the opening question.

Kim Couric: Great, lets get ready for history to be ma...

The video feed cuts off and a system malfunction screen is shown, accompanied by an irritating ringing.


Donna: What’s going on Bill? Where you tinkering with the cable again? God, why can’t you just leave well enough alone? Fix it, because I don’t want to miss the debate because of your tomfoolery.

Bill: Jeez, I didn’t do anything. The cables probably out. Let me just check the connection.

As soon as Bill gets up to check the cable, the screen goes blank and then begins to count down from eight.


Donna: Yeah, it’s working again!

Bill: I didn’t do anything…

The video zooms in on the television until is fills the entire screen. When the countdown is finished the screen goes black and Pomp and Circumstance begins to play. The video fades back to reveal Murfish, decked out in full suit and tie with his hair combed and parted to the right. He is standing at a podium with the presidential seal engraved in the front. There is an American flag behind him and his is being showered with powerful lights.

Murfish: America, I stand before you as a man who is confident and able. I have the vision and character to carry WZCW on my back and take it to heights that it has never known. I stand before you as an individual who has proven his drive for success and will continue to do so in coming weeks. I did not come here to waste my time by cutting down the warring brothers. I came here to do what no one else has proven to be ready to do. I am ready to dominate this business in a way that has not been matched, will not be matched, and can not be matched. You see, I am a simple man like all of you. I see what is wrong and I see what is right and I do what I can to change it. I know the fighting American spirit that runs through all of your veins and I whole heartedly endorse it. Take want you want in this world because it will not be handed to you.

Do you want to see a man like the Grand Mystique to lead you? That is a man who has nursed his injury for longer than I care to mention. He received a scrape and I haven’t heard the end of it for months. America, similar to WZCW, is should not be comprised of the complainers and the weak. We are the people who pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Would you like to see a so-called man like NorCal lead you? I should think not. He has no vision, no focus, and no practical thought process. He has been fixated on a minor transgression for weeks. He lacks the foresight needed to realize that if he had only accepted what happened and moved on, he would have a great and damn near unstoppable title run. The only man of worth in my presence is Milenko. He is a man who has seen what he wanted and taken it. He did not let social norms or mind-numbing rhetoric impede him. He acted on a passion that is inspirational.

Men such as GM and NorCal cannot in good conscience be called men. They distasteful beings filled with spite, rage, and violence. It is truly difficult for me to comprehend how some consider them to be good people. They are quick to place blind trust in a stranger, and even quicker to explode in rage. They consistently display pride and self-righteousness only to receive adulation from the world at large. They claim powerful morals and higher guidance but they are worse that I am. At the end of the day I accept who I am and what I do for the betterment of myself and WZCW, while they can’t accept the truth when they look in the mirror. The truth is that they are every bit as greedy and jealous as anyone else in the locker room. The scarier truth that they must face is that they are more hypocritical than I will ever be.

Before I finish I will pose you some questions. Who is truly a good man in this day and age? How can you be honest and say that GM and NorCal are good people? How can you allow men like this to have impunity for the wrongs that they have done? After pondering those questions you will probably come to a realization of sorts. After accepting the truth, you will discover that people like GM and NorCal aren’t worthy of all the blame. You will soon learn that you are just as a guilty if no more so than anyone else. It is you who supports them every week. It is you who gives them constant praise when they do wrong. And finally it is you who causes the turmoil we see every week at Meltdown. And that…is why you need me. I will lead you forward. I\I will recalibrate your perception. And it is I who will dominate resistance as I lead you forward into the light.

Video cuts back to the malfunction signal for five seconds. Then it cuts back to CSB.


Kim: Well, that was a debate for the ages. I am sure glad I didn’t miss it.

Harry: My thoughts exactly Kim. And from all of us at CSB, have a dandy night.

The video fades to black.
NorCal sits alone, in a chair, mostly bathed in dark, looking down, hood over his head

I enjoyed your video 'Fish. I did. You ask the masses how they can consider me a good man?? a person at all?? you were right. they are wrong.

I dont care about the masses, what they think, or what they classify me as. I dont even care about MYSELF, much less than what others feel about me. Im not here for fame, or money, or popularity. I am here for causes, my convictions. You want to llok down upon people. Go ahead and look down. as far down as you can. Ive been down there before. And now ill be taking you with me.

Milenko, it is fate that brings you in front of me. Micheals's accident, was no accident. There ARE NO ACCIDENTS. Only fate. And so here fate brings you, to suffer for your indiscretions. Your time has come. All hope is gone. Time for the hurt.

GM, as you can see, I havent had the best of luck with partners. which is fine, i need no partners, or help. I walk tall, and stand alone. Prove you may be a trusted ally for this small amount of time, stay out of the way, and no harm shall come to you. You shall witness what these two men have reaped from their evil ways. Let it serve as a lesson to you as well. One day it may be your turn. Hope it never is.

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