Middle Eastern Asians Living in the UK.

GW Emperor

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With the population of middle eastern asians rapidly growing in the UK, one thing that seriously annoys me regarding this is the fact that the majority of Asian men and women actually go back to the country of their origins to marry their husbands and wives, and then bring their partners back to the UK with them.
What is wrong with this you ask? Well a lot of the husbands and wives to be, that are living in such countries as Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc, are only getting married to the UK based Asian for the reason of being able to get a Visa as a result of the marriage, which therefore means that they are disgracefully not even attempting to earn the money to get such an item themself and are instead acting lazy and just waiting to be snapped up with better wealth awaiting them, this without even having to lift a finger to earn it.
I find it even more disgraceful when you consider that the more poorer continent of Africa have to work super hard in order to get the money to move to the UK and live a better life, whereas the Middle Eastern type Asians are getting a underserved and far easier ride. The African's do not participate in this type of scheme and if they do it is very rare.
The majority of Middle Eastern Asian families living in the UK also forbid that their family members date or marry a non muslim or true UK individual, which I find totally stupid. It is stupid due to the reason that they are moving their families to the UK, which is where their are more non muslims than muslims, and they expect their family not to fall for somebody who is a non muslim, which is quite difficult since they are outnumbered.
I know two Bangladesh women who ended up marrying and having children with two white non muslim English men and as a result of this their families have disgracefully disowned them. Apparently this type of thing would happen in the majority of cases with these types of families.
I say that if the middle eastern families forbid their family members to date, marry, and have children with non muslims or UK originals then they should not move to countries where the risk of this happening is high. Its pure madness.
The Visa scam however is the biggest disgrace that these types of families are responsible of. It is harsh on the poorer continents of the world, it is very conning and suggests laziness in terms of earning the money to get the Visa, and it will one day create too much overcrowding from middle eastern asian contry men and women in a UK country.
The law in the UK needs to change to limit such events from occuring and to make sure that if you want to move to this country and marry then you have to do this the proper and harder way and that is to earn it.
What are the thoughts of fellow WrestleZone Forum users when this matter is concerned?
With the population of middle eastern asians rapidly growing in the UK, one thing that seriously annoys me regarding this is the fact that the majority of Asian men and women actually go back to the country of their origins to marry their husbands and wives, and then bring their partners back to the UK with them.
and what is wrong with that? seriously bro. of course you are going to want to get married where your family are. My pop did the excact same thing went to the phillapines to marry his wife.
What is wrong with this you ask?
I just did.
Well a lot of the husbands and wives to be, that are living in such countries as Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc, are only getting married to the UK based Asian for the reason of being able to get a Visa as a result of the marriage,
Fucking Bullshit. I am sick to death of hearing this. whats next she was a mail order bride? maybe ten percent are like that but not alot of them as you claim. how would you know? if it was true they wouldnt tell you would they. i love how people say this kind of crap. Most of them are marrying the husband/ Wife becouse of one reason and one reason only. They are in love.
which therefore means that they are disgracefully not even attempting to earn the money to get such an item themself and are instead acting lazy and just waiting to be snapped up with better wealth awaiting them, this without even having to lift a finger to earn it.
better wealth? if you live in America, Australia, or the UK and have money saved up your better off moving over to a place like the Phillapines. you would be much richer over there. and when they move over here, oh the shock horror they still have to work to earn their keep. the only difference is they dont have to wait around for the paperwork.
I find it even more disgraceful when you consider that the more poorer continent of Africa have to work super hard in order to get the money to move to the UK and live a better life, whereas the Middle Eastern type Asians are getting a underserved and far easier ride. The African's do not participate in this type of scheme and if they do it is very rare.
Without being Racist in anyway, over here there are a shit load of asians. and you know what? 9/10 of them have two jobs atleast and are working ten times harder then true blue Aussies. There is no way in hell Anybody could call them lazy. they understand they have been given a better life and make up to it by working.
The majority of Middle Eastern Asian families living in the UK also forbid that their family members date or marry a non muslim or true UK individual, which I find totally stupid. It is stupid due to the reason that they are moving their families to the UK, which is where their are more non muslims than muslims, and they expect their family not to fall for somebody who is a non muslim, which is quite difficult since they are outnumbered.
I know two Bangladesh women who ended up marrying and having children with two white non muslim English men and as a result of this their families have disgracefully disowned them. Apparently this type of thing would happen in the majority of cases with these types of families.
I say that if the middle eastern families forbid their family members to date, marry, and have children with non muslims or UK originals then they should not move to countries where the risk of this happening is high. Its pure madness.
But so what. nobody has the right to tell you who you can and cannot date. and if the parents want to disown them let them. if they want to move to a better place let them. they didnt choose to be born their did they? No they didnt.
The Visa scam however is the biggest disgrace that these types of families are responsible of. It is harsh on the poorer continents of the world, it is very conning and suggests laziness in terms of earning the money to get the Visa, and it will one day create too much overcrowding from middle eastern asian contry men and women in a UK country.
Really? you think that? that will not happen. the UK has more sense then to let to many people in. and so what if you have a problem with them do what they did move.
The law in the UK needs to change to limit such events from occuring and to make sure that if you want to move to this country and marry then you have to do this the proper and harder way and that is to earn it.
:lmao: in the some cases this is true isnt sleeping with somebody you dont care for having to be with them non stop etc Payment enough? they do earn their keep. And most are great people. stop being so racist and invite some over. great people, friendly and hard working what more could you ask for?
What are the thoughts of fellow WrestleZone Forum users when this matter is concerned?
Read above i just told you.
Sparky you are stupid. How can the middle eastern asian people living in the UK marry there middle eastern based husbands and wives to be for the reason of love when they barely know them? The majority of marriages are arranged and at most they only see their partner for a few minutes before the marriage, so therefore it is unlikely that there would be true love occuring before a marriage.
You also ask how I would know about the Visa scamming, well this I know from four Bangladesh women who I know very well. The thing is once you get close to a middle eastern woman they eventually start to let things out of there system regarding the middle eastern asian culture, alot of which has me mega shocked and disgusted. The females are unlike the stricter males who will keep everything hidden. I guarantee that if you get close to a kind unracist middle eastern asian female that the truth about their culture will eventually come out.
You also say that the middle eastern asians work ten times harder than anyone else, well my friend you are very wrong. For instance look at the middle eastern asian women, the majority of these do not work as they instead just sit at home and pop out about 50 kids.
Trust me Sparky you get close and inside their heads and you will see things alot differently regarding the middle easterns in the UK, or other major countries. Obviously such things wont apply to every middle eastern family but I would definately say it occurs amongst the majority of them.
First of all, this is basically an immigration thread, is it not? My first problem is that you limit the problem to "Middle Eatern Asians". People come to live in England from all over the world, and if any I have less of a problem with the people from Asia. This is going to come across as stereotypical, but it's simply my view of diffrent types of people after living around some of them. The people who have moved from places such as Pakistan or India, are often a lot quieter. They seem to settle in to society more and not cause problems. What I do have a problem with, are usually people from Eastern Europe. Poland etc. These are the people I have found to be rude, violent and fucking perverts. There is no way possible for me to walk across the top of my street, to work and back without being looked at by about 4 of them and at least one trying to speak to me. I think they're awful. And this isn't a race thing, or a stereotype thing. It's the truth of the people living around Leeds.

As for people going for Visas, once again it's not only people from Asia who do this. Anyone, from anywhere do it. In fact I think the stereotype for this is Turkish men who prey on British tourists. But I don't think it's fair to 'attack' Asian people for doing it when anyone could do it, and does.

I agree that it's stupid people are often looked down for if they have a mixed race relationship, or a relationship with someone of a different religion. I think that's usually the older generation who don't understand other things, or have prejudices they grew up with. I think this will subside in a few decades actually.

I also agree they need to tighten up on immigration around here. They let almost anyone in the country now, and I disagree with it. The laws need to be stricter, people need to pass certain things before being allowed to live here. And learning English should be mandatory.
Sparky you are stupid.
How can the middle eastern asian people living in the UK marry there middle eastern based husbands and wives to be for the reason of love when they barely know them? The majority of marriages are arranged and at most they only see their partner for a few minutes before the marriage, so therefore it is unlikely that there would be true love occuring before a marriage.
WELLL if it is indeed an Arranged marriage then its not her fault is it? She wouldnt even want to be married and go to an unknown country would she? yeah i can really see how she is bennefiting from that.
You also ask how I would know about the Visa scamming, well this I know from four Bangladesh women who I know very well. The thing is once you get close to a middle eastern woman they eventually start to let things out of there system regarding the middle eastern asian culture, alot of which has me mega shocked and disgusted.
Each to their own Really what does the culture have to do with anything did they personally telly ou that they only married the husband for the trip to the UK?... The Culture is simply that.
The females are unlike the stricter males who will keep everything hidden. I guarantee that if you get close to a kind unracist middle eastern asian female that the truth about their culture will eventually come out.
I did Tourism Studys i know about Culture. and my nan comes from the Phillopines. she isnt Racist she Treats everybody with respect. and cares about anybody. She is also a nurse who works in three different hospitals.
You also say that the middle eastern asians work ten times harder than anyone else, well my friend you are very wrong. For instance look at the middle eastern asian women, the majority of these do not work as they instead just sit at home and pop out about 50 kids.
50 Kids? bull crap. As i said my nan. Has three jobs, my best friend (who is Asian) has four jobs. I know a shitload of hard working honest Asians that only have at the most one kid. You go to Melbourne Australia and see how many shops are completley run by Asians. people say all the time "spot the aussie" when we go to Melbourne. Me personally See every single Asian that lives in Australia AUSTRALIAN. the best worker at my work out of the school age kids is Asian, and he works when ever he is asked without complaining. Again the Asians here are more prepared to work then what most of the Australians are. They drive around in their sports cars and people go they dont deserve to be here." all it is is Jeoulasy. they need to get off their arses and earn their keep. just becouse someone is born somewhere doesnt mean they deserve more respect then somebody that moves there.
Trust me Sparky
Sorry i will be right there i think i will pass no offence.
you get close and inside their heads and you will see things alot differently regarding the middle easterns in the UK, or other major countries. Obviously such things wont apply to every middle eastern family but I would definately say it occurs amongst the majority of them.
SO what your saying is that having half my family being Phillapenese isnt close enough? groming up around them basically being raised as my nans son instead of grandson isnt inside their head enough?
Sparky you are stupid. How can the middle eastern asian people living in the UK marry there middle eastern based husbands and wives to be for the reason of love when they barely know them? The majority of marriages are arranged and at most they only see their partner for a few minutes before the marriage, so therefore it is unlikely that there would be true love occuring before a marriage.

This is a common misconception of Arranged Marriage, one I also had for a while. Arranged marriages are chosen ususally by Asian families. These families spend a while choosing a suitable person for their child to marry. It makes sense to have the people who know you the best choose someone you may get along with, yes? Furthermore, they meet before the marriage, and if they don't hit it off, they don't get married. The majority are not forced into a marriage, they are simply being helped along. Yes you will have a few 'pushy' families, but you shouldn't think this of all arranged marriages.

You also ask how I would know about the Visa scamming, well this I know from four Bangladesh women who I know very well.

You know 4 women from Bangledesh and think that qualifies you to understand it?

The thing is once you get close to a middle eastern woman they eventually start to let things out of there system regarding the middle eastern asian culture, alot of which has me mega shocked and disgusted.

One of my best friends is from Bangaldesh. I know all about her culture. But what does their culture have to do with them moving to England?

The females are unlike the stricter males who will keep everything hidden. I guarantee that if you get close to a kind unracist middle eastern asian female that the truth about their culture will eventually come out.

Been there, done that.

You also say that the middle eastern asians work ten times harder than anyone else, well my friend you are very wrong.

Says who? You? you think you know all about middle Eastern asians?

For instance look at the middle eastern asian women, the majority of these do not work as they instead just sit at home and pop out about 50 kids.

You're incredibly stereotypical, you know that? And your stereotypes aren't really based on fact either.

Obviously such things wont apply to every middle eastern family but I would definately say it occurs amongst the majority of them.

How so?
I cannot believe you called Sparky an idiot, you are the idiot.

Firstly, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh are not in the Middle East, so you are completely wrong calling it that, the Middle East is the part of the world around Israel and Syria.

Secondly, you're opposed to arranged marriage, I think. Which is fine, because in the normal British culture, that just isn't done, and to be honest I don't really see the positives of it either. Things like honour killings and people being disowned from their families for who they choose to go out with are terrible, and I understand and appreciate your view point on that.

But to blanketly accuse all "Middle Eastern Asians" of that is completely and utterly racist. Arranged marriage is rare, and what you are talking about is even rarer. To obtain citizenship if you have got married abroad is exceptionally difficult, and as someone said, the problem with people preying on tourists is much worse.

If you have a problem with this, surely you have a problem with mail-order brides? There are far more of these in the UK, and they are almost uniquely brought in by middle aged Peter Stringfellow wannabes.

Can you blame people for wanting a better life? Can you honestly say if put in the same position, you wouldn't do the same?

The UK will not overcrowd, the net flow of people has been falling for years, and it was 120000 last year. A lot, yes, but I think we can cope, and the rate is forecast to fall further.

Your use of the word madness indicates you're getting your facts from the Daily Mail or Express, which both produce a steaming pile of bullshit daily. I've got a letter from the Press Complaints Comission informing me that the Express will let me write their lead letter, because I caught them lying. Do not believe everything you read. Do not base your worldview on one or two instances.
First of all, you have proven that you know next to nothing about middle eastern culture. As a start, I would suggest that you read the book "The Kite Runner" because it will give you an inside account of middle eastern culture. They follow very strict rules in regards to marriage, and marrying outside of their religion is considered a great dishonor to their family name. Also, a lot of their marriages are arranged ahead of time by their parents, so it isn't like they are bringing back random people.

Also, most of the families that have made it to the UK have struggled and fought hard to make the money to travel and live there.
Ok, let's say what you're saying is true. To be clear, I don't believe it is at all, but lets just say it is for the sake of argument. You live in England, I live in America, and you know what? We have a ton of immigrants too. Here they're hispanic, but the concept is the exact same thing. By last count there were approximately 14 million illegal aliens in this country. Am I glad that they're here without permission? No, but there's not a damn thing that can be done about it. The laws are in place but there's nothing that can truly be done to stop it. You live in one of the most powerful nations in the world, as do I and Sparky. People that come from dirt poor nations or even poor nations that come to another country for a chance at a better life make me feel lucky to be able to live in a place where I can complain about it. You have a problem with it? Get over it. There's next to nothing that you can do about it, so chill with it. If you hate it that bad there, go to their countries and live. Just wait and see how long you stay without wanting out and going back to England to live like you are now.

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