Mickie James WILL Hold Both Knockout's Titles Simultaneously.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
I will guarantee you that right. I don't think it's been done before has it? If it has, then this loses all meaning right away.

Anyway, right now Mickie James is the TNA Knockouts Champion. She's also in a storyline with Madison Rayne, where they have been feuding over the Title. As you may know, Rayne has been coming out with Tara at her side, however recently, there was heat between the two women. Then, last week on Impact, Mickie said that they will have a Match for the Title at the next Pay-Per-View, where if Mickie wins, Tara is released from her contract with Rayne and can "Be Free" again. Considering Tara & James weren't exactly the best of friends and did feud not so long ago, Tara was VERY pleased with Mickie's announcement and even on Impact, shook hands in the middle of a Tag Match where they were against each other.

Now, what I'm trying to get at here. I believe at Slammiversary, Mickie James WILL beat Madison, so that she can retain the Knockouts Title and release Tara from her Contract. Then, a little bit in the future, we see Mickie & Tara team up, to take on the current Knockout's Tag Champions, in Sarita & Rosita, finally beating them in a Tag Match at a Pay-Per-View.

That way, the two best Knockouts are Tag Champs and Mickie holds BOTH Knockout Titles.

What do you think?
I always like the angle where champion and number one contender hold the tag titles together, it creates a nice little psychological battle up until the braking point. Tara has now been out of the knockouts title scene for a long time by the standard of how good she is in relation to the division as a whole, and I'm perfectly fine with her returning back to it.

And as for Mickie she also speaks for herself. No reason booking wise why a team of Mickie and Tara couldn't separate Sarita and Rosita from the belts, they are pretty much the cream of the women's wrestling crop. So I'd say it's entirely a possibility. However, there's no reason to suspect that is the way it will go. Firstly we don't know if they are going to be involved from here in, Tara may very well and reasonably feud with Madison who's stock has risen supremely because of her push, she's one of the very best also now.

Then even if they do get involved there is no reason to believe this particular paht will be the one they go down. So like I said, it's entirely possibly, but no more likely than any other scenario. All you can guarantee is that it is feasible because Mickie is good enough to accomplish that feat.
Knockout's have too much talent that I don't see them teaming Mickie and Tara, at least while Mickie still has the KO title, and winning the tag titles. The good thing about the KO division is that there is interesting storylines for all the women wrestlers.

If you gave one KO, both titles, it buries the rest of the division. Right now you have Mickie/Madison/Tara/Tessmacher involved in championship storyline, Chyna/Karen involved in intergender storyline, Angelina/Winter and Velvet storyline and then you have the KO tag champs in Mexican America which gives them credibility to themselves and their group, while not necessarily in a KO feud.

The best thing about KO's division is that there is something for everyone and they are well intertwined in the important storylines of the show that even when they're not fighting for a title, they're involved in a story.
Madison held both when she first won the KO title but it wasn't a story as much as they just shifted the tag titles to Velvet and Lacey instead of TBP.

Also, the Madison-Mickie PPV match already happened and Slammiversary is the upcoming PPV. Anyway, I sometimes like this proposed story but it is overdone. In this case I would be much more interested in a 3-way match than a tag-team story or just let Tara and Madison have a non-title related feud. Keep the tag titles a separate story for other KOs.

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