Mick Overlast vs. The Beard

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The main event of Aftershock will feature two men who were part of a successful tag team going solo as Mick Overlast (former Son of Destiny) will compete against The Beard (former B.L.T member). Overlast is accustom to singles competition but won't have anyone to cover his back should things get messy whilst the Beard has never had a singles match since starting in WZCW. Will Mick have the advantage or can the Beard handle it by himself?

Deadline is Tuesday, June 12th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The Local Talent climbs the ladder, flash bulbs going off like crazy in Cowboys Stadium at the fourth annual Kingdom Come event. The Beard holds the ladders, watching for Strikeforce and Runn Reynolds Runn. Talent is exhausted as the sweat beams from his forehead. Finally Talent pulls down the titles and falls from the ladder into Beard’s arms. The crowd explodes as we have new tag team champions. The underdog story has come true. Beard embraces his partner in a huge hug as they grasp at the championship gold.

We did it! YES! YES! Talent, we’re champions. WE. ARE. CHAMPIONS.

Babe, wake up. Wake up. You’re having that dream again.

A woman’s voice is heard as we see the Beard laying in bed, eyes open and a look of disappointment on his face, a look of weakness. We see the woman as she places her head atop Beard’s hairy chest; it is Emily from BLT’s Hangover-esque experience. She begins to rub her hand up and down Beard’s chest as he breathes heavily.

We were that close Em. That close. I just feel that I let him down. He won’t take my calls, my texts, nothing. I don’t take losing lightly. I look back to our first match in which we failed to win and that meeting at the diner and our partnership became real. Now it is all gone. It was his dream and I crushed it.

I know how much he meant to you. You always say it was his dream, but was it your dream?

Beard sits up in bed and just looks at Emily, who seems to have struck a nerve.

What do you mean by that?

Don’t take this the wrong way, but every time we talk about the tag team titles you claim it as Talent’s dream. Was it not your dream to win the titles?

A puzzling look graces Beard’s face as Emily looks into his eyes for an answer. Beard throws off the covers and sits at the edge of the bed rubbing at his face, sipping out of a bedside water bottle.

I really don’t know. I can’t explain it. Talent was a character, my polar opposite. Yet we clicked and we became something special. I just felt if I could make this man’s lifelong dream come true it could send towards my own dreams. Now I have nothing, it’s all gone.

Emily swings over to Beard and drapes her arms over his shoulders as she tries to comfort him.

Sometimes you need to have nothing to earn something. You’ll never be alone, you’ll always have me.

Beard kisses Emily on the forehead and gives her a smirk and a smile gleams from her beautiful face.

You know, Sally Field has a quote that I think will get you back on your feet.

Sally Field? That’s a new one.

Emily smacks Beard across the chest as he jokes around at Field being an actress, not a famous poet.

There are things we wish we wouldn't have done, words we wish we never had spoken. We would give almost anything to take them all back and rewrite the past. But we've already made the mistakes, we've already spoken the words... and there's nothing we can do to undo what's already been done. Except let them go.

Babe, you have the chance to be something special. I know you love Talent, but worship what he has given you. Don’t dwell on what you couldn’t give him. And I bet he wouldn’t change a thing. You helped him get into the spotlight. You guys fell short and now Talent has gone back to his normal life. You however are still here. And you aren’t an afterthought anymore. You are going to main event Aftershock against Mick Overlast.

He’s damn good.

But you’re better. You know why you’re better?


Because you’re big, bad, and bearded.

Yeah. I’m big, bad, and bearded.


Big! Bad! Bearded!

Emily shakes her head as Beard hops up to his feet and chants his 3 B’s around the bedroom as a smile comes across Emily’s face. Emily joins Beard as she jumps up and down on the bed chanting along with The Beard. The chant slows down as Beard stops at the bedroom window and begins to speak.

Overlast, you may have the experience, you may have the upper hand, but there is one thing you don’t have and that is the power of the beard. Overlast, be ready. Aftershock, be ready. Wrestlezone Championship Wrestling, be ready to…Fear. The. Beard.
Sebastian Copeland: So do you think Celeste and the champ are in big trouble tonight?

Jack Cohen: Is that even a real question? You know better than that, Seabass. How do we sound back there, guys?

Copeland: I don't know about myself, but you still sound like the huge asshole I've come to know and love.

Copeland and Cohen laugh as they take off their headsets and go over the scripts for Meltdown 74, sitting in their familiar spots at the announcers' table. It's 40 minutes before the show, and there are small groups of fans already in their seats. Some are eating, some are talking, but all of them are buzzing in anticipation of what's to come in the first Meltdown following Kingdom Come IV. The sounds of conversation are soon drowned out by an unfamiliar song blaring over the sound system.


Copeland: Wait, what's this?

The fans in their seats collectively stand and turn toward the entrance ramp, while others start to file down from the concourses to see what's going on. About 20 seconds into the song, Mick Overlast steps out from the back and onto the stage.

Cohen: Yes! Overlast is here!

Copeland: He wasn't supposed to be!

Copeland grabs his headset and puts it back on, frantically fumbling through the papers in front of him.

Copeland: Hey, guys, what's going on? He's not supposed to be here and he's not in the script!

Cohen: Shut up and enjoy, Seabass!

The boos start to rain down on Overlast as he stands on the ramp, soaking the atmosphere in. Dressed neatly in a black button-down shirt and gray dress slacks, he starts to walk down the ramp, his eyes looking out into the crowd through a pair of black thick-rimmed eyeglasses. He is carrying a briefcase with him.

Cohen: Look at Overlast – he's all business. I wonder what's in the briefcase.

Copeland: Hopefully his letter of resignation! I'm still mad over what he did to Blade at Kingdom Come.

Overlast gets into the ring and asks for a microphone. Upon getting it, he strolls toward the center of the ring as a couple cameramen scurry into position to catch this moment on film. He sets the briefcase down in front of him and smiles at the crowd as more fans are filing into the seating bowl to see what will happen.

Overlast: You all look so surprised to see me. Better yet, you all look so happy to see me!

The boos get a little louder as Overlast's attack on Blade is still fresh in the fans' minds.

Overlast: I wasn't supposed to be here this week, but things have changed. I decided to show up here tonight and show off the new me. That's why you hear the new theme song and see my new look. But above all that, I wanted to show you how much I've changed, and to do that, I'm going to do something I've never done before. I'm going to advertise for WZCW right here tonight!

Overlast squats down at the briefcase and opens it, pulling out the most recent issue of WZCW Magazine. He stands up and holds the magazine high, slowly turning around so that everyone can see the magazine with Blade on its front cover.

Overlast: So if you haven't already, save up your money from your mundane minimum-wage jobs and run out to buy this issue of WZCW Magazine because it is the last time you will ever see Blade affiliated with anything WZCW!

Overlast spits on the cover and tears the cover page in half before tossing the magazine out of the ring. The crowd jeers even more loudly, with small pockets of people starting up a “We want Blade!” chant.

Overlast: Now, I'm sure you all want to know why I did what I did over Kingdom Come weekend.

Overlast changes his voice, speaking in a higher pitch to mock the fans.

Overlast: “Mick, why'd you leave Phoenix out to dry at Aftershock? Mick, why did you take out Blade at Kingdom Come? Why, why, why?”

Returning his voice to its normal, deep tone, Overlast prepares to answer his own question.

Overlast: The answer is quite simple. Blade and Phoenix are two examples of guys in this company who are just too old. Their careers are finished, and every time they bring their decrepit bodies down to this ring, it's an embarrassment to the wrestling industry.

At Aftershock, I was partnered with Phoenix. There were two problems with that: one being that I had no say in the matter, the other being that Phoenix is not on my level. This old man was flailing around and getting his ass kicked in this ring, so I came in and saved the day, taking out both Cooper and Greaves. I gave Phoenix a chance to pick up the easy win, and what happened? His dementia kicked in and he went to cover the wrong guy. At that point, I gave up. Phoenix wasn't worth my time or effort. I sincerely hope that as he was getting wheeled out of the arena that night on a stretcher, permanent retirement crossed his mind. He has never accomplished anything of note here in WZCW, and he never will.

Now I'd like to move from one 'never-was' to another – that being my so-called mentor, Blade.

The crowd cheers at the mention of Blade's name as Overlast grins and shakes his head.

Overlast: Has there been another person in this company who has come up short in the big moment every single time like Blade? I think not.

You see, what happened at Kingdom Come wasn't spontaneous. This was weeks in the making. I joined the Sons of Destiny to take my career to the next level, but thanks to the bungling actions of Blade and that oaf Scott Hammond, my career was instead knocked down a peg or two. Throughout my time with the Sons, Blade – a guy who was supposed to show me the ropes on how to succeed here – only taught me how to fail. I expected him to set an example for me by beating guys like Rush and Triple X, but instead, he floundered. His career, which was nothing to write home about in the first place, had hit a new low. I saw him unravel before my very eyes.

As he failed, I did as well, so something had to change. I couldn't deal with the losing any longer, so I did what I had to do. I decided to stop being his understudy and become his executioner. And on what better stage to commit this execution than on the grandest stage of them all?

So there I was, face-to-face with Blade in the center of the ring at Kingdom Come. His career was like a man on life support who had just been read his last rites. It was like he was pleading for me to let him go peacefully, BEGGING for me to let him go out on his own terms. But that wasn't what I had in mind. I didn't simply pull the plug; I pointed the barrel of the gun right between his glazed eyes and I pulled the trigger.

Overlast's lips curl up in a sadistic smile as the boos cascade down on him once again. A chant of “Asshole” starts to resonate throughout the arena.

Overlast: Why do you boo? I was just doing this company a favor; these old-timers are hurting WZCW. You want some proof? Go look at the new owner of this company and how he got there. It's because of the failures of fossils like Titus, Everest and Steamboat Ricky that Ty Burna is running the show! But you fools will continue to cheer for them because of their past instead of admiring me for my potential.

That's fine. In due time, the names of Everest, Titus, Blade and Phoenix will be erased from the WZCW history books, replaced by what will be THE biggest name in professional wrestling – and that name is Mick...Overlast.

So where do we go from here? At Aftershock, I will be facing The Beard. As great of a week it was for me, it was just the opposite for him. Not only did he come up agonizingly short in the TLC match at Kingdom Come, but his partner also bailed on him and left the company.

Beard, I wouldn't fault you if you just failed to show up. You're all alone now – you don't have anyone to sit across from you at rundown diners and share three-day-old food with. You don't have anyone to hold your hand and get you motivated for your matches. Worst of all, you don't have anyone to listen to your lame-ass poetry. But don't worry – I have a little composition I made myself.

The crowd groans as Overlast goes back to the briefcase, pulling out a tablet with words scribbled on it. He clears his throat over the microphone and begins to recite his poem.

Overlast: I know that I have never feared
A wrestler as bad as the one they call Beard.
His beard is majestic; people stare at it in awe!
But they'll have to shave it down when I break his glass jaw.
Oh, never fear! He'll still get to have his wine
But they'll have to give it to him through an IV line
The pain that he'll feel at Aftershock will be
Five times worse than what he felt at TLC
So remember the name of the future, Mick Overlast
Because he'll be the guy who kicks The Beard's ass!

Overlast beams upon finishing the last line and turns to see Cohen, who is standing and applauding in approval. Overlast bows, then drops the tablet as he gets a serious glare on his face.

Overlast: Beard, what you have in size, I dwarf it with experience. You've never stepped foot in this ring alone, while I thrive on being the lone wolf. You're at your lowest point; I'm at my highest. Just like Blade and Phoenix before you, you will feel the future hit you like a freight train – and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

Overlast crouches down to open the briefcase, putting the tablet inside it before closing it and carrying it with him as he exits the ring among another chorus of boos. He chooses not to look at the crowd as he moves out of sight. The fans, having been riled up by Overlast's impromptu appearance, try to settle back into their seats and get ready for Meltdown to begin.
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