Mick Foley: What's His Role?


Last night during the iMPACT! broadcast, some footage was shown hyping an upcoming DVD release on Mick Foley. We've also seen advertisements for the DVD previous weeks during the program. Mick Foley hasn't appeared on TNA television for months so this DVD release has me thinking that Foley is going to pop back up in TNA in the near future.

Personally, I think that Foley will be revealed as the executive representing "The Network" on next week's broadcast. The timing of the Foley DVD coupled with this character unveiling next week is too much of a coincidence for me. Over the past several months, most of the interviews I've read online given by Foley states that he's not really looking to be an active wrestler anytime soon. So far as I know, he's still signed with TNA and there just aren't many roles left for him to play.

Foley has played something of an authority figure character back when he was the "majority shareholder" of TNA and, for all intents and purposes, "The Network Executive" is going to be the same type of character.

I might be wrong on all this, but it's just what I think is coming. Would you like Foley in this role or would you prefer him doing something else if he heads back to TNA in the near future?


Just a friendly reminder not to post spoilers here, folks. If you've read next week's spoilers, kindly stay out of this thread.


I was saying the same thing weeks back. Timing is too perfect for it not to be.

IMO he's the only real "option" for being the Network representative anyway — Carter returning would be way too soon and just wouldn't have the same impact (no pun intended) as a returning Mick.

I know a lot of folks were dead set on Foley being "gone" from TNA with all the news of him not wanting to re-sign, but why release the DVD and promote it if that was imminent? That'd be a failure of epic proportions had they done that.
I won't speculate as to who the Network Rep actually is, but I hope it's Foley.

Mick is a talented mic worker, always has been. For him to be paid to sit on the sidelines doesn't make a whole lot of sense. While I don't care for this Network angle, having Foley back on television almost negates that feeling.

I don't want to watch Foley wrestle anymore, same with Hogan and Flair. But Foley still has a lot to offer TNA, in one role or another, so I'm hoping this turns out to be Mick.
Foley's role is to ride out this contract, maybe help TNA one last time with generating DVD sales, and then resume his position in the WWE HOF andd get involved with the Rock/Cean feud on the side of the Rock - sorry TNA fans but its true
I dunno why but after last night's show, I'm leaning toward Bischoff as the network rep.

He just seems off to me. Having Rob Terry and Murphy (or was it Gunner?) wrestle a match to see who stays in immortal and acting oblivious to it when Hogan wondered aloud why they were doing it in the first place.

Now I realise it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but look who we're dealing with here.
Well I LOVED Mick Foley in the WWF's Commisioner role. I thought he was used incredibly well. He has great timing, both with comedy and emotion and is so confident on the mic that the Commish role is so ideal for him.

I don't know what they will end up doing with him. The Network role seems so obvious but I gotta wonder what's the end result. This may well end up a rehash of his majority shareholder but that just ended up with Foley winning the World Title, so I hope not.
I think that Foley is best option to go with here as the Network Rep and it is a Perfect role for Foley to be in. Foley was Awesome in his role as WWF Commisioner. This is the best to use Foley because of his excellent mic skills. Also I pray to God that its not Dixie Carter because that would be terrible way to go with this storyline seeing as she was taken off TV not to long and just don't think she could play the role well. If the Network rep is revealed to be Foley then I will be very Happy as a Huge Foley fan.
At this point, I am not interested in seeing Mick Foley ever wrestle again.

But, you can't deny Mick's ability as a talker. I also love his multidimensional personality. Foley is one of the guys that can express a range of emotions successfully. He can go from goofy and happy-go-lucky to deranged, violent, and sadistic in a matter of seconds.

I would enjoy seeing his as a figurehead for the network or in another authority type role.
I also don't want to see Mick return in an in-ring capacity. I think at this stage of his career, he's better off as a manager or something of the like. I would LOVE for him to be the one revealed as the Network rep as I've never seen him as the WWF Commissioner role (because I didn't watch wrestling at the time) so I am very fascinated to see how he will play as an authority figure. I remember his time as TNA majority shareholder but seeing as it only culminated in a rather lackluster world title reign, I'm hoping that won't happen assuming he's revealed as the Network rep.

The man has tremendous mic skills and can cut a great promo so this would be very fascinating to me.
Foley as some sort of Commissioner or Network representative is a role he was born to play. He fits the model perfectly. Foley is too banged up to wrestle anymore, so having him play an authority figure in TNA would be best suited for him. He was a former "shareholder" of TNA with Jeff, so I think we could see him brought back in that capacity.
I could definately see Foley being the network rep, it's a role he has played well at previous times in some capasity and would work cause he has beef with Bishoff and Flair, and now can add HH to that, so he can always be the thorn in Immortals side and keep stacking the deck against them till they are no more.
I see Foley coming in as the network exec...and then it culminating into something much bigger. I don't think the rumors were untrue months ago about the X Division becoming important again. I think its just taking a while.

I see Foley coming in to huge pops. He will play a talking role dueling with Bischoff/Hogan over power in the company. This may result in an eventual Hogan turn for one last run as the Yellow/Hulk character. Foley could spend weeks convincing him what an icon he used to be...talking up Foley's dream to be that famous and loved someday. I think even Hogan haters would pop for one last nostalgic run as a good guy.

But I also see this as an opportunity for the X Division. There are real parallels between the X Division and hard core...with both putting bodies on the line for crazy stunts. Foley could push the X Division hard in his powerplay and immediately "reinstate" Jay Lethal in an important role. Then he could insist on 6 sides for X Division matches...creating a huge cheer from all.

Hey...maybe I found my dream. Looking back at this...I may have a real story arc going here...LOL. Do you think I can collect royalties if they go this way?
I see Foley coming in as the network exec...and then it culminating into something much bigger. I don't think the rumors were untrue months ago about the X Division becoming important again. I think its just taking a while.

I see Foley coming in to huge pops. He will play a talking role dueling with Bischoff/Hogan over power in the company. This may result in an eventual Hogan turn for one last run as the Yellow/Hulk character. Foley could spend weeks convincing him what an icon he used to be...talking up Foley's dream to be that famous and loved someday. I think even Hogan haters would pop for one last nostalgic run as a good guy.

But I also see this as an opportunity for the X Division. There are real parallels between the X Division and hard core...with both putting bodies on the line for crazy stunts. Foley could push the X Division hard in his powerplay and immediately "reinstate" Jay Lethal in an important role. Then he could insist on 6 sides for X Division matches...creating a huge cheer from all.

Hey...maybe I found my dream. Looking back at this...I may have a real story arc going here...LOL. Do you think I can collect royalties if they go this way?

You do realize that setting up a ring takes a while, right? I doubt the I.Z crowds would be full of joy to wait an hour for a ring to be set up. Not to mention that it'll be impossible for live shows.

Royalties? Nah. Wild laughter which leads TNA to crying blood? Yes.

If it's Foley ... eh ... not the guy I'd want to see but I like him. As long as it leads to something good I'm fine with whoever it is.
Actually, I've done a bit of wrestling, myself. When you've wrestled where I have...it's the WRESTLERS who assemble the ring with the road crew...;-). So I am quite aware of the time it takes. But imagine a move away from the Impact zone, where it would open them up to bigger venues, where both rings could exist in real time. Other options include only an occasional use of the 6 sides or building provisions for both into the existing Impact set.

Basically what I'm saying is...I REALLY miss the 6 sides. However, I still think the proposed storylinre isnt bad...though nothing will make everyone happy...as you so carefully pointed out.

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