Mick Foley - Officially Funnier than the Prince Justice Brotherhood

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Somebody should alert Mr. Foley; he'd be pleased to know. I am the foremost authority on what is funny in TNA, after all.

You remember the Prince Justice Brotherhood, right? You had some Super Eric in there, some Shark Boy and a little bit of Curry Man on the side. They were painfully unfunny. More importantly for the purpose of this thread, they were representative of everything that was painfully unfunny in TNA at the time. You know - turkey outfits and all that shit.

With Mick Foley, TNA has finally found a good source of comedy. Unfortunately, I have this weird condition where I forget about anything I find anything remotely funny, but I'm sure you remember Foley's antics on Thursday nights. He may well have said something about Brian Knobbs. That in itself is funny.

Honourable mentions include Kurt Angle, Alex Shelley and Kevin Nash.
That Prince Justice Brotherhood shit was painful to watch. How can you have a stable full of super heros with two that go by the name of Shark Boy and Curry Man. What a horrible parody of the Justice League.

Foley is great on the mic. He can be a deranged psycho one minute, and be funny as hell the next. I watch IMPACT just so I can see a Mick Foley promo, or backstage segment. Some of the stuff between him and Abyss way before BFG was classic to watch.
At first I would have disagreed, but you know what? You're right. Foley has been hilarious lately. The best of all was when he poked fun at the European title in his office. I think more segments like that one where Foley randomly pokes fun at something that is no longer relevant would be great and give us something else to laugh at. Things that are no longer relevant can be hilarious when made fun of in the right way. While we're on the topic of things that are no longer relevant....

The Prince Justice Brotherhood.... I found them funny when they were a team, because of how cheesy they were. Lots of people disliked them though, and those people can be happy in knowing that this team will probably never be getting back together because Eric is one of the best heels, Daniels is back to his old self, and Shark Boy.... well.... whatever happened to him anyway?
Yeah, Foley has been lots of funny in TNA. Ever since he debuted he's been funny. When he mocked D-Lo Brown's walk after D-Lo left his office on Impact and said "Who the hell walks like that anyway?", I burst out laughing. I don't know if he tops Prince Justice Brotherhood though. Those guys were really funny. Unfortunately, there comedy skits were so short lived unlike Santino's so I don't expect this board to remember any of there backstage funny segments. I especially don't expect people here to truly recover Prince Justice Brotherhood's comedy based on Impact's format at the time where things moved with speed and not enough time to register. Maybe someone on youtube has uploaded some Curry Man backstage segments. That is a character that TNA needs to bring back.
I don't know if he tops Prince Justice Brotherhood though. Those guys were really funny. Unfortunately, there comedy skits were so short lived unlike Santino's so I don't expect this board to remember any of there backstage funny segments.

Actually, I remember them. I agree they were short lived.... but 2 out of the 3 members are better off without being a part of the Prince Justice Brotherhood. The 3rd one being Shark Boy, who is still hilarious even if he is by himself. Daniels should stay as himself, and Eric should remain his heel self. Foley is funnier than these guys anyway, just like the name of this thread implies.

Maybe someone on youtube has uploaded some Curry Man backstage segments. That is a character that TNA needs to bring back.

That one I really disagree on. Was Curry Man funny? Yes. Could he ever have been taken seriously as a threat to any title but the non-existing "Fired Championship" he thought he had won a match for? No, absolutely not. Daniels needs to remain himself. He could potentially win the TNA World Championship as himself, that would NEVER have happened to Curry Man.
Mick Foley's always been a golden source of comedy in an industry that spends far too much time taking itself too seriously.

The Rock and Sock Connection, his antics with Al Snow, his run as Commissioner and skits with Edge and Christian, his brief tag team title reign with Stone Cold, DUDE LOVE. His comedy hits go on and on and he's still got that same charisma. Hence why I still say Foley is God; any guy that can adapt and endure like him without working a full time schedule in active competition is worthy of the tag line.

Although...let's not mention Mr. Rocko. That was just lame.
Hey tho i didnt watch any of the Foley's skit on TNA but i do remember his pure gold comedy when he was in WWE. I wud say he is the only active wrestler these days who can be real funny and can make fun of himself but still be considered as serious contender of world tittle. I just wish he wud come back for one night when Rock comes to wwe as guest host.
I did see Impact and I didn't think he was funny. However he looked funny looking. He reminds me of some war veteran hippie. Sure he and nash made me have a little chuckle. But you know if I want to hear pg jokes on TV I'll just watch monday nights with f@#%ing DX!!!!

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