Michael Winters

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Real Name: Michael Winters

Gimmick Name: Michael Winters

Announced As: Michael Winters

Height: 6'6

Weight: 271

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Billed From: Chicago, Illinois

Alignment: Heel

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 271 pounds, Michael Winters!

Broad shouldered, bearded but groomed well with long hair past his shoulders. A lot of wear and tear and years of hardship expressed on his face.

----------------Hair Colour/Length
Long black hair, full beard.

----------------Eye Colour

----------------Facial Hair
Full beard.

----------------Ring attire
Black wrestling pants with faded white crosses on each leg, black wrestling boots, black elbow pads.

----------------Backstage Attire
Same pants with basic wrestling t-shirt.

----------------Physical Features
Scar above eye.

Full sleeves.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick:
Believes himself to be the righteous hand of God and his sole purpose is to do His work in purging the world of what He deems to be unholy.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
-Maticulous in his ring work and planning, always prepared.
-His religious beliefs and personal relation with Him plays a major role in everything he does.

Brief Bio/History:
After killing his wife in a drunk driving accident Michael Winters was incrarcerated for vehicular manslaughter. His stint in prison wasn't easy but it's where he found God and ultimately his salvation. Michael had been looking for answers for months on end, asking himself why he was spared and not his wife. He realized it was because He still had a plan for him on Earth and he'd have to earn his way back into God's Kingdom. Upon his release Michael quickly set off for the WZCW and made his mark becoming Elite X Champion before falling off the face off the planet and disappearing into solitude for the last few years.

Entrance Music:
Fever Ray - If I Had a Heart

Entrance Description:
Smoke slowly fills the top of the ramp as the arena lights have gone low but not completely dark. A purple hue over the fog as Michael Winters slowly walks out and stops at the top of the ramp, he kneels down in prayer for a moment and then stands up and makes a cross across his chest and mutters a prayer to himself.

Fighting Style:
Methodical and calculating, hitting moves and strikes with thought and precision.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:
Loss of his wife was a terrible blow to his psyche and took him a long time to recover. Any mention of the incident could send him into a blood rage.

Finishing Moves (2 max):
The Crucifix (Dream Street, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHaRtctvlyE)

Signature Moves (3 max):
Rapture (Argentine cutter)
Biblical Authority (Multiple forearm clubs to a rope hung opponent's chest)

12 Most Used Moves:
Sidewalk Slam
Gutwrench Powerbomb
European uppercut
Fireman's carry slam
Flying forearm smash
Full nelson slam
Pumphandle slam
Fallaway slam
Running shoulderbreaker

Sample RP (just posted an old one I had, it is now completely out of context)

The scene opens backstage at Kingdom Come directly after Michael Winters triple threat match with Brad Bomb and Phoenix. Some people are seen staring at a monitor in disbelief, Leon Kensworth among them as Michael Winters makes his way through the curtain and into the backstage area, a wicked grin painted across his face. Sweat drips off his brow, the two men pushed him to the limit but he had managed to find a way to win. He stops to admire his Elite X Championship, appreciating the finer details he hadn't had the time to notice before. He breaks out of the trance and notices everyone staring at him, a wide array of emotions emanating forth towards him. Loathing, confusion, betrayal. But this is his moment, he doesn't care what the people think about him, he did what had to be done and that's all that mattered.

Michael Winters: What are you all looking at!?

The crowd disperses quickly before the angry gaze of Winters, everyone except Leon Kensworth that is.

Leon Kensworth: Michael, what just happened out there?

What just happened out there? Have you lost your sight Leon? What happened out there was a beautiful thing to behold, I retained the WZCW Elite X Championship before God himself and with his blessing.

So you're saying that God approved of you kicking Phoenix in the groin? God approved of you spitting in his face as well?

Michael Winters smile disappears in an instant as he moves closer to Leon and towers over him, Leon leaning away as best he can.

Approve!? The audacity from such a small man like you appalls me. What do you know of faith? Of God? Of his plan for me? Absolutely nothing. I answer to a higher calling and do things that weaker men fail to do, Phoenix and Brad bomb are prime examples. They were willing to only go so far to accomplish their goals, that's the difference between them and me. I will do whatever it takes to satisfy Him and there's not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me.

What do you say to the fans who have stuck by your side through thick and thin?

Michael puts the belt over his shoulder and casually wipes the sweat off his forehead as he ponders the question for a moment.

I only answer to one person and one person only. I owe them nothing, the loyal followers will continue to lend me their support and the weak ones will fall to the wayside. I have no time to worry about what the common man thinks of me anymore, and quite frankly I don't care. I have one purpose in this business and that is to continue to be the strong arm of justice for our Holy Father, whatever the cost may be.

That's all well and good but don't you think your actions tonight go against what it means to be a Christian? Some would even argue that maybe this was an act the whole time to get an early parole hearing..

Michael grabs Leon by the collar and pulls him right up to his eye level. His face has gone beat red at the questioning of his faith and beliefs. Leon has a look of terror on his face as he holds still, not making a sound.

If you EVER question my faith again, I will end you without so much as a thought.

Michael pushes Leon back and Leon stumbles off camera as Michael stares intensely into it, his Elite X Championship in hand.

You see this children? This is what you get with sacrifice. Nothing is handed to you, sometimes you must get your hands dirty to get what you want. I spit in Phoenix's face for one reason and one reason only, to prove to all you heathens what happens when you cross a man of faith. From this point forward, you will see the new and improved Michael Winters. I will show no mercy. Man, woman or child, if you stand in my way and the way of God you will be struck down. Whoever I face this week on Ascension is a very lucky man. He will be made an example of, I will show everyone the new regime. Prepares yourselves WZCW, for WINTER IS COMING!
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