El Guerrero

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
**Application for Aerandir**

Real Name: Michael Corona

Wrestlers Name: “El Guerrero”

Wrestlers Nickname: “The Ambassador of Pain”, “The Hardcore Machine”

Height: 6’6 ft

Weight: 270lbs.

Hometown: Tijuana, Mexico.

Billed From: The South of the border

-----------Hair color/length: Black/to the shoulders.
-----------Eye color: Brown, though he use one white contact lens in the left eye, with a black cross in the middle.
-----------Facial Hair: Very thin chin strap, sometimes a white dyed goatee.
-----------Ring Attire: Black long boots, Black trunks with a red-eye white skull design in front, Black elbow pads, black knee pads with the same design as in the trunks, black “bear paws” gloves (ala Taker, without the knuckle pads) black tape on the wrists.
He wears a mask he used to have when wrestling in Mexico, but he takes it off during his entrance.(See mask below)
-----------Backstage Attire: Same as in the ring, but with a black vest, same skull design on the back, when he is not booked, he wears jeans too. No mask.
-----------Physical Features: Built, strong guy, very athletic due his “lucha libre” background, a scar in his forehead, a medium scar on his side(ribs), caused by a stab when he was young, a maniacal smile…
-----------Tattoos: Many: Chains around his arms and in his spine, a Norse “Vegvisir” on his back, the name “Valerie” on his neck.

Gimmick: Confident powerhouse, very proud of his Latino heritage.

Strengths: Powerhouse, very athletic due his Lucha libre background, hardcore matches.
Weaknesses: Recurring low-back injury, his huge pride usually causes him to lose focus and temper, he dislike being in tag team matches (see below).

Alignment: Face, with some tweener episodes.

Trained By: Gory Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero (Mexico), Raven (US)

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Brief History: The first time he saw “lucha Libre”, he was hooked for life. After that, he trained in a local gym. By the time he was about to quit due the lack of money and opportunities, the Guerrero Family discovered him when they were doing some matches near the Tijuana-San Diego border, so they invited him to train with them in Mexico City.
After a couple of years, he learned the fine points of the “Pancracio” or pure “lucha libre”, and developed an impressive physique, as he combined his training with a full time job, loading/unloading trailers(his back problems started here). In this environment, he needed to be very though, and he got in jail several times because of countless street fights. He won some local tournaments, and worked some time in one of the biggest Mexican promotions, “Triple A” (or AAA) as a mid-upper carder, worked in the tag division for half a year, then captured the National Heavyweight Championship two times. He used a mask for near a year, until he lost it in a “Lucha de Apuesta” mask vs mask match, vs his former tag team partner.
Tired of the injustice and corruption on his country, he left to the US, seeking new challenges, and a better money. He started to train in a town near Phoenix, Arizona, what he found there, was a people with a very strong nationalism feeling, with some tints of racism.
He struggled with some racist people who were jealous of his skills. Once, he got stabbed in the side (down the ribs) by a stranger (who turned out to be his tag team partner in the local promotion when they wrestled!!). Since then, he prefers working alone, and struggles with tag team matches. Very proud of his Latino heritage, he always raises a Mexican flag after he wins a match.

Title History: 2 times AAA National Heavyweight Champion, multiple local indie tourneys.

Entrance Music: Metallica - Seek and Destroy.

Entrance description: Seek and Destroy hits the arena, some guide lights point the entrance ramp, and he walks out at normal pace, very confident. He stops at the middle, and takes off his mask when the announcer says his name (the same mask he lost when wrestling at Mexico) He barely talks with the fans, but sometimes, he gives his mask to some children fans who wears his gear. He enters the ring, and climbs the middle turnbuckle, raises his arms, and then waits for his opponent.

6 Feet Under (Tombstone Pile driver, ala Undertaker)
Dead Awakening (Camel clutch, originally invented by Gory Guerrero)

15 Most used moves:
-Gorilla Press
-Brain buster
-Fujiwara Armbar
-Running Big boot
-Cobra Clutch
-Fireman’s Carry Slam (NOT the takeover or FU)
-Tiger Suplex
-Alabama Slam
-Samoan Drop
-Snap DDT
-Sleeper hold
-Cobra Clutch Bulldog
-Spine Buster

Sample RP:
[Leon is backstage, cutting a promo on Unscripted]

Leon -We are less than a week away from Unscripted, and one of the things that Chucky Miles are looking forward after it, is a big, big surprise to the fans. We’ve been informed that a surprise guest is scheduled to make an appearance on the show after unscripted, but who could it be? Thanks to WZCW.com, we know that……

[Suddenly, a group of not less than 8 people run trough the backstage, rushing to the locker rooms area]

Leon -“What in the…..

[One of the guys, who were running, stops for a second…]

Crew staff-Haven’t you heard? The new guy is here at backstage!!
Leon -WHAT? Are you sure?

[But the guy has just left, running to the locker rooms]

Leon -Let’s go! Bring the camera!!!

[TV shot is diffuse, as the camera man and Leon start running. As they get closer to the locker rooms area, a door is opened behind them, and a mysterious voice is heard]
Mystery man- Pssstt, hey….over here.
Leon -What…? Hey, Jax(camera man), wait! Did I just hear something behind that door?
Camera man-I didn’t hear a thing Leon…
Leon -Come on, let’s take a look…

[As they open the door, the same voice says:]

Mystery man-Hurry up, if you are going to come in, close that door quickly!

[Leon and Jax entered the room, which is an old, dark little gym, now used for keeping old tools for the shows, but they can’t see anybody]

Leon -There’s nobody here….

[Suddenly, Leon felt a huge hand over his shoulder, he thought the worst, but when he turned out, he saw a huge muscular guy, with a “luchador” mask on]

Mystery man -Well, you must be Leon, nice to meet you…
Leon -You…you…you must be….
Mystery man -Exactly, I’m the new guy in town….
Leon -But…what’s your name? Where do you come from? When did you come? Is some…..
Mystery man -Hold on, hold on, Leon. Relax a little bit, grab that chair and have a seat.

[Leon grabs a chair, while Jax grabs another for their guest]

Leon -Well, welcome to WZCW, but we don’t even know your name….
Mystery man -Before telling you my name, Leon, I want to ask you something….Do you believe in miracles?
Leon -Excuse m…..
Mystery man -I ASKED YOU……if you… believe…in…MIRACLES…
Leon -Well, yes…. the other day my mom told me that it was a miracle that I finished my veggies and…
Mystery man -Leon…Leon…You better shut up and listen to me… and listen well! I’m going to say it just one time…
[Shouting] I DON’T BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!! You know why Leon? Because I don’t need to ask for a miracle to win my matches, and I don’t believe in those crappy wrestlers, who thinks that they are the best. I AM THE BEST, that’s why I’m here, to prove to myself, and to the world, that the WZCW is my new home, and in my place, [raising the tone of his voice] I…make the rules.
Leon-wow…that’s…that’s a big statement there, I’m sure all the guys will receive the message.

[Still breathing hard, but wit a lower tone]

Mystery man -Yes Leon, everybody will receive the message, thanks to you, and sorry if I was so “Direct” with you amigo, but I want everybody to know, that I came here with one, and only one purpose in mind: To WIN…the WZCW Championship, no matter who, no matter what….that belt will be mine, sooner than later my friend, sooner than later….

[He makes the most sinister, maniacal smile that Leon have ever seen…and leaves]

Leon -Wait! What is your name? You can’t leave without telling us your name!!

[He keeps walking…but suddenly stopped. He turns to see Leon and Jax, he stares at them, with a cold, hard face…]

Mystery man(no more!) -My name is EL GUERRERO…but you can call me “the Next WZCW Champion”...Amigo.

[The maniacal smile again, then he turns again… and leaves…]

Leon -Well, there you have him Ladies and Gentleman, El Guerrero has come to WZCW, and let me tell something to the rest of the wrestlers…. Beware… of EL GUERRERO!
----------End of application.
**I'm going to be 'out of service" until tomorrow noon, but please leave your comments and what do i need to change, correct, add or erase.
And..Watch out...El Guerrero...IS Coming.
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