Michael Tarver : What Happened?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So we saw Michael Tarver bout a month ago showing up randomly in the background of some segments looking like something was going to happen with his character and now a month later theres nothing. Do you believe creative scrapped a storyline involving him in some way? What do you guys think the story could have been?
My best guess is that whatever they were thinking about doing with him has been put on the back burner until after Mania. Makes sense considering how hard they are hyping the show. Having him re-debut now wouldn't work very well unless they planned on using him at Mania.
That's what I figure, I was really wandering the same. And during those weeks it was reported that Awesome Kong was in the back also. I was thinking they may do something together. I guess we'll have to wait. After wrestlemania would be smart though with all the other storylines going on for Wmania.

I also figure sin Cara to show up after WMania to battle Del Rio for the title but we'll have to wait on that to.
I would like it if he was the RAW GM because if you noticed when they always showed him he was on his cell phone but i know it wouldnt make sense if you go back to when he was part of Nexus and there was still no GM. Like everyone said already they could just be putting him aside until after WM and then do something with him, OR they may have just sent him back to FCW and stopped any plans they may have had.
This is out of left field but wouldve been cool if the storyline involved him being part of a new Ministry of Darkness. He certainly has the dark look to be part of such a group.
Does anyone remember Sean O'Haire's short lived gimmick where he would go around backstage and plant rumours and suggestions in an almost Devilish way?

I think that Tarver has a look that would work for a similar gimmick. Dress him up in a high end suit, have him use a charming and devious smile, and give him a strong air of success. Have him barter in favours and broker deals.

I admit, it's not pure gold, but I would much prefer that to yet another jive talking black gangster, or another black wrestler playing the muscle bound brute.
I naturally assumed that he was the one who attacked Teddy Long since he was in the room with Vickie and Dolph and was leaning over the body feigning concern with the rest of them. I thought he would end up being part of the Corre and it would be revealed that he was the newest member of that group along with his fellow ex-Nexus members. I suppose that was either never the case or was changed since it was revealed that it was Dolph who attacked Long. Didn't that seem a bit thrown together though, as if it was changed at the last minute? Also, why was it never mentioned that Tarver was in the room when Long was discovered after the attack?

My new theory is that since the new Nexus members can only be in Punk's corner at Mania if they defeat Orton, and so far everyone has been punted in the skull, that Tarver will come out during the Punk/Orton match and be the newest member of the new Nexus.
Two weeks ago when they showed Cena walking out to the ring to address the Rock before commercial break, he was in the hall way on the left of the screen leaning against a case. They'll use him after Mania.
i think they were seting up tarver to join the corre to have a wrestlemania show dwn between corre and the new nexus. jackson, slater, gabriel,and tarver vs ryan, otunga, harris and mcgulicutty. barrett vs taker got scraped and so did the 8 man tag so there was no need to bring him back rite away
I agree. WWE will debut Kong and Sin Cara after Mania, both to get reasonable pushes.

I expect Tarver will join up soon enough. The WWE seem pretty big on the guy. As someone mentioned, Tarver could be the one to help Punk at Mania. But he'll probably be the added muscle post Mania.

A little off topic but I definitely expect Ryan to be in Punk's corner at Mania. The WWE are huge on this guy, they want to give him as much exposure as possible, and interacting with Punk/Orton infront of all those people at WrestleMania, will be extremely helpful for Ryan.
I always like Tarver, had a evil sinister look, decent move set and decent mic skills. Out of the Old Nexus I would rate him as 4th behind Barrett, Gabriel and Sheffield. I hope he gets pushed. I would like to see him and Skip Sheffield interfere at WM and help Punk. This way they once again become relevant and are what everybody is talking about for 1 week or so. This is how I feel WWE should bring them back. When the nexus breaks down I feel Tarver should straight away compete for the US title.
What was his injury? Is it possible that he isn't 100% and the E is keeping his face on TV just to keep him relevant? When is Sheffield supposed to come back? Maybe they want to keep those 2 redebuts unilateral and have them both come back at the same time. I wouldn't be shocked to see them involved in Mania in either the Punk match or maybe the Corre match.

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