Michael Cole misses HUGE call


SFIV Sensei

"Michael Cole missed a critical call on commentary last night. CM Punk used a Rock Bottom on Jerry Lawler and according to F4Wonline.com, Cole was suppose to make a big mention about this. Cole didn't mention the spot at all and reportedly got heat for missing the call."

What a monumental fuck up by Cole! If CM Punk punched him in his fat face after RAW went off the air, I wouldn't blame him in the least. You don't screw with the build up to someone's program with the friggin' Rock!!
1. To be fair, it looked more like a Bookend than a Rock Bottom

2. Where the fuck was Matthews? I know he ran like a bitch when Kane came out but why didn't he come back.
When I seen it I said to myself, "was that supposed to be a Rock Bottom? Damn", but then I realized I seen him do that before. I highly doubt this report is true, as if that was supposed to be a legitimate Rock Bottom, it didn't look great. As the move leading into Punk's finish, though, it looked nice in general.
When I seen it I said to myself, "was that supposed to be a Rock Bottom? Damn", but then I realized I seen him do that before. I highly doubt this report is true, as if that was supposed to be a legitimate Rock Bottom, it didn't look great. As the move leading into Punk's finish, though, it looked nice in general.

It didn't look great because Lawler didn't take it very well. To be fair, Lawler's got to be in his mid to late 50's at this point, right?
How do you differentiate between a Bookend and a Rock Bottom? I thought they were the same move. After all, Booker T adopted it during his feud with The Rock.

I think you missed his point.

I noticed, but I was generally too pissed off at how they were using Punk in the first place to think twice about it.
And I call BS on that report. If it was something that was really a big deal, it would have been done. "Hey Cole, Punk is going to deliver a Rock Bottom and this is going to be a continuation of the buildup between Rock/Punk for Rumble. Make a piss about it." Like...it would have been hammered into his skull.
Maybe if CM Punk didn't have such shitty execution of the move, Cole would have realized it was supposed to be a Rock Bottom.

Nah, it couldn't be Punk's fault. Nothing ever is in the IWC's eyes. Just ignore the fact it didn't look like a Rock Bottom at all. Keep blaming Michael Cole.
Maybe if CM Punk didn't have such shitty execution of the move, Cole would have realized it was supposed to be a Rock Bottom.

Nah, it couldn't be Punk's fault. Nothing ever is in the IWC's eyes. Just ignore the fact it didn't look like a Rock Bottom at all. Keep blaming Michael Cole.

Sly, there are often moves executed that don't look like what they are supposed to look like. Case in point? Punk's flying elbow is all loosey goosey and awkward.

If it was supposed to be a Rock Bottom and the audience was supposed to know that, then I think that Cole would have said something.
How do you differentiate between a Bookend and a Rock Bottom? I thought they were the same move. After all, Booker T adopted it during his feud with The Rock.

Book End finishes with Booker T on his knee's, where as Rock falls onto his stomach.

And no, he really didn't start using it then. He used it in late WCW.

As far as Punk 'using' the Rock Bottom goes, nah. He used a variation that was labeled as a Uranage (though a Uranage is more of a suplex in wrestling than a slam) when he debuted in WWECW, as a set-up to the Vise.

If he was going to go for the Rock Bottom, I can't help but think he would have made much more of it to get more of a crowd reaction, where it actually just looked like he used a move he's used before to set up another move. Either way, Cole didn't do anything wrong by not calling it a Rock Bottom.
Sly, there are often moves executed that don't look like what they are supposed to look like. Case in point? Punk's flying elbow is all loosey goosey and awkward.
Hmm....also performed by CM Punk.

Maybe Punk just has terrible execution.

If it was supposed to be a Rock Bottom and the audience was supposed to know that, then I think that Cole would have said something.
Surely you're not suggesting Justin LaBar is wrong?!?

It's not like he's Nick Paglino.
1. The move looked like shit although it was obvious before execution that he was doing a Rock Bottom. A little surprised Cole didn't make mention of it before it was executed since it was so painfully obvious it was coming.

2. He followed it up by the Anaconda Vise immediately after (like less than a second between both moves) so it makes sense Cole didn't call it after it happened.

3. Did John Cena forget how to climb a cage?

I agree the move looked like absolute trash but at the same time you knew it was coming 5-10 seconds before it happened so the back office is right to be pissed with Cole. Punk screwed up the move but it doesn't change the fact Cole screwed up the call.
Maybe the writers told Cole to scream and talk it up but maybe Vince or HHH told Cole to brush over it. There is a lot of stuff going on at that place and the writers are not the end all be all.

Looks like they were building for Rock vs. Punk back in '08, on a video game.
Maybe if Punk wasn't so goddamn sloppy and it had actually looked like a Rock Bottom, Cole would've called it.

Sorry. I love Punk, I really do... but the fanboy hysteria surrounding him has made me a tad angry as of late.
Hmm....also performed by CM Punk.

Maybe Punk just has terrible execution.

I know. C'moonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Punk!

Surely you're not suggesting Justin LaBar is wrong?!?

It's not like he's Nick Paglino.

Nick Paglino at least elicits a response from me, but LaBar...oh gosh. I would respect him more if they changed his picture on the main page.

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