Michael Cole and "Vintage".....


Pre-Show Stalwart
Watching Raw last night during the main event got me wondering about something. Now, I'm a loud HBK fan, always have been. However, during the DX commentary they basically made fun of Cole the whole match by constantly using the term "Vintage". I didn't bother to count but i'm sure it was close to 20 times or so. We have seen this many times from DX. Putting other wrestlers down during their segments. Last night I found it funny, mainly because everytime Cole says "Vintage" I cringe. Honestly, I was waiting for one of them to do the "Longest running weekly episodic show on television bit". However, how far is too far? Sometimes I feel like they do actually slow down or hurt the path of a wrestler by doing this. I can remember when they all but killed the Spirit Squad and could have hurt any chance those kids had of being repackaged. What does everyone think here. Does DX, mainly Hunter, go to far here? Does it hinder younger talent when they pretend to not even know who they are? Personaly, I always kind of find it entertaining. It may not be as funny to a casual fan though. What does everyone else think?
Watching Raw last night during the main event got me wondering about something. Now, I'm a loud HBK fan, always have been.

Me too.

However, during the DX commentary they basically made fun of Cole the whole match by constantly using the term "Vintage". I didn't bother to count but i'm sure it was close to 20 times or so.

I would too.

We have seen this many times from DX. Putting other wrestlers down during their segments. Last night I found it funny, mainly because everytime Cole says "Vintage" I cringe. Honestly, I was waiting for one of them to do the "Longest running weekly episodic show on television bit". However, how far is too far?

Not much. Michael Cole made fun of himself on the Smackdown Anniversary show. Remember? "Vintage Hornswoggle" "Vintage Finlay" Vintage this and that. And then he pukes on Jericho's shoe.

Sometimes I feel like they do actually slow down or hurt the path of a wrestler by doing this. I can remember when they all but killed the Spirit Squad and could have hurt any chance those kids had of being repackaged. What does everyone think here.

The Spirit Squad was hurt by whatever idiot came up with their gimmick in the first place. But they don't necessarily "kill" the character. Even if they're making fun of them and ridicule them, by just fighting back they get over pretty easily (Like The Legacy). It all depends on the objective of the segment/story. Remember Rated RKO. They wen't over huge when they took a stand against them.

Does DX, mainly Hunter, go to far here? Does it hinder younger talent when they pretend to not even know who they are? Personaly, I always kind of find it entertaining. It may not be as funny to a casual fan though. What does everyone else think?

Triple H can try, but in the end he doesn't have the last word. If Vince wants to built somebody, they beat down DX (The Legacy, Rated RKO). If its to amuse the fans, they are fed guys with dead end roles (The Spirit Squad, The McMahon's)
Its entertainment...i think they know its gonna happen so they play along with it! Plus its funny as hell when dx makes fun of people.
I see what you're getting at but I think as long as their jibes are in moderation that we're supposed to take them as nothing more than attempts to poke fun at the said wrestler. A recent example of what you're talking about was when DX were running down the initial Smackdown Bragging Rights team and when it came to Eric Escobar they said 'Who is that?'...now obviously that does no favours for Escobar but I believe in that instance that DX were just saying what the majority of fans would be thinking, i.e. 'who in the hell is that?!'....and being honest I found that entertaining. Interestingly, Triple H thinks that it is a new wrestler's job to get himself over...in an interview in the Powerslam Magazine he said:

All stars are at a certain level. You can't make someone a star by simply binging other stars down. That's not how the business works; it's not how it's ever worked. The new stars have to rise on their own. What big star ever laid down for me? That's never been how business is done. Bret Hart didn't put Shawn Michaels over and refused to get beat; he wouldn't lose the title....look at Steve Austin. I remember when Vince said they were bringing Austin in, and he said "He'll be a good hand, to help the other guys." Then they made him the Ringmaster, and gave him those plain trunks to wear. And I was there at King of the Ring 1996 when Austin made himself a star, and then at Wrestlemania when he really got over. And, remember, he actually lost that match against Bret Hart, but he got himself over doing it. I've never said, "No" to putting anybody over. But you put CM Punk in a 30 minute match with the Undertaker, it's 50-50 all the way and then Punk wins clean, the fans won't accept it. It does nothing for CM Punk, and it's also detrimental to the Undertaker.

Powerslam Magazine, Issue 184, Danny Flexen.

I just thought this would be interesting to throw into discussion about DX helping/hindering a young talent...

Triple H also said in that same interview:

Shawn Michaels and I have just come back as DX and on our first night back we got the crap kicked out of us (by Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes). It wasn't Vince who suggested that; it was us. It's about what's right for the business at the right time. Some people think we're all scheming all the time to improve our own situations. But the more people we make stars, the more money we all make, and everyone's happy.

Just some food for thought...
DX was reunited for the 90th time in order to entertain the children. Their gimmick right no is a pair of smart asses that break the rules and crack backstage jokes on the mic in front of the crowds. They're basically an example of how we're not supposed to take the wrestling industry too seriously. When they crack jokes on other superstars, it's for the purpose of getting a laugh out of people by stating the obvious to all of them.

If anyone in their right mind overthinks this to the point where you feel they "go too far" and are "hurting other people's characters," then you're doing exactly what they're making fun of... taking pro-wrestling too seriously. The casual viewer is never going to break it down like the OP did in this thread. Average viewers are going to laugh, move on, and continue to enjoy the product without overthinking things like we're doing here.
I happen to find the word "Vintage" very amusing everytime Michael Cole says it. It is his own terminology he has brought to the table and always works effectively. Don't believe me? Well, there is a little known fact that goes a little something like this: You know you are famous (for what you say or what you do) when other famous people tease you. Right now, that's the play-by-play commentator himself, MC Vintage.

I do not understand how people can seriously hate the word. In a time when the commentators of the WWE are being yelled at by Vinnie Mac down the earpieces to say what he wants them to say and have absolutely no character whatsoever... these words like Vintage said with an expression other than the boring montone robotic voice that may be considered worse than Orton's should be embraced. MC Vintage is doing us a favour in trying to get a better understanding of the wrestlers by announcing what their experienced forte is and helping give some life back to the commentating.

EDIT: As for DX breaking the rules... well you may have noticed that kayfabe is being run into the ground in professional wrestling. What better way to help it go faster than by having the best entertainment pairing of DX by joking around with people's characters an taking everything over the top? I do not mind seeing this happen and also embrace the aspect of realistic wrestling to come forth instead of full-fledged kayfabe.
No cause what DX pretty much makes fun of is what the fans or thinking and making fun of....i thought it was hilarous the whole vintage thing shitting on cole was good....i think it would be funny if they said vintage cole lol....and the cena stuff...come on look at every other post...DX pretty much said what they said Cena is a goody to shoes...so what still a star right?...and in the case of the Sprit Squad who really honestly ask your self this really would take five male cheerleaders seriously...if anything DX saved them and us the misery....and i mean Dolpin Ziggler was in that group and he's not doing to bad.
its all entertaining, but i do think HHH takes it too far sometimes. I mean, he was the one really behind Drew Mcintyre, right? so why the fuck did he make fun of him on raw a couple weeks ago. pointing out kofi dropping the jamaican accent, calling mark henry kool aid. its funny, but its all breaking the 4th wall of wrestling. Having HHH have free reign on the mic is great, but he can be really unprofessional at times with that stuff
I love DX. I don't understand why people don't just sit back and watch them make fun of all current wwe problems that we complain about. Everyone complains about Michael Cole's vocabulary he uses; and DX makes fun of it, everyone gets excited over Kofi's sudden gimmick change (not really a gimmick change, just a little change in it by changing where he is from and no more accent) and DX mentions it.

Seriously, people complain that DX are just 40 year old guys acting immature. So does this mean if they were 20 it would be funny? No, It's the same thing. As a wwe fan, you aren't suppose to recognize the age of the wrestlers. We are to believe Undertaker is a dead man, and no one says a word, but if he was married to Stephanie McMahon then he would be getting bashed by everyone on this site like Triple H. We were suppose to believe Kane was burnt as a child and never showed his face and he just walked around with a mask because his face was burnt, and no one says a word, but if he won the second most world titles then everyone would bash on him. But when two 40 year old guys start making fun of midgets, the current wwe, older and current wrestlers, bringing back memories of when we loved wwe, fighting in matches against young superstars, and pretty much providing some change to the show, everyone bitches. I now understand that wwe fans absolutely suck and will never be happy with what they are given. You can't please everyone, but i guess for wwe fans you will never be happy unless The Rock stops making movies and gets into shape and comes back into wwe, Austin goes in a time machine and becomes 27 years old again and back in wwe, the attitude era returns, Triple H dies, Bret Hart returns in great shape, Shawn Michaels becomes champion, Kane puts on his mask and goes back like ten years ago, Cena turns heel, Batista quits, or someone goes to the top of the hell in a cell during the match. But even if all this stuff happens, everyone will still bitch and complain because something will obviously be wrong. When will everyone realize that you can turn off the tv and not watch wrestling anymore if you don't like it. Fans just suck because the majority will never be happy for anything.

On topic, I think it was awesome that Shawn Michael's was mimicking Michael Cole and his goofy commentating. Have you realized he gets so excited for every pin and says almost the same things every week....its hilarious to listen to.
I think Cole uses the word "vintage" way too much. He uses it in just about any match and just about on every wrestler. Yes we know when a wrestler is going to use a certain move or something predictable happens, but the word doesn't need to be used so much.
DX making fun of Michael Cole is nothing new. When he first debuted as a backstage interviewer, I remember him getting a wedgie at the hands of the Degenerates. In fact I'm pretty sure there is even a section on the DX dvd about how they harassed Michael Cole. So what is the point? Michael Cole got EMBARRASSED week after week during the original run, and where is he now? The lead PBP man in the largest wrestling company in the world. Now I'm not saying he's "the best" or "worst", that is completely subjective. You cannot, however, argue that the DX harassment did anything to hinder Michael Cole's career progression. And as far as the Spirit Squad goes, it wasn't DX going over them that caused their mass departure, rather, it has more to do with whoever booked that feud. DX went over Legacy in a feud ending match recently and they are still around, so not only did DX not bury Legacy, but I think DX helped them look more legit in the upper mid card/main event scene.
I think Cole uses the word "vintage" way too much. He uses it in just about any match and just about on every wrestler. Yes we know when a wrestler is going to use a certain move or something predictable happens, but the word doesn't need to be used so much.

Something to think about.

Do you think that Michael Cole personally says "Vintage" because he thinks it's funny, and that is his personal decision to say? Or do you think that someone else is telling him to say "Vintage" because that individual thinks it's funny?

Cole seems to take it in stride when people make fun of him for it, but it is waaay beyond obvious that he is aware how often he says it himself. But he still keeps saying it.

That would seem to indicate to me that someone else is telling him to say it. Wouldn't you agree?
I personally could care less about how many times Cole says "vintage" but for some reason, I still cringe every week when he says "You are watching the longest running episodic television show in history"...and I have no idea why. I think it might be because he randomly throws it in somewhere different each week....where will it be this week?! The top of the show?!!! After the 4th commercial break?!?! OHHH MAN! I can't wait to hear it! Cause THAT'S why I tune in every week to hear that great catch phrase...

Whoa....sorry about that.....but regardless, he's being fed the "longest running episodic" line I'm sure and I'm sure that "vintage" has caught on in the back and he's doing it to be funny or he's being fed that line too. I went to Bragging Rights in Pittsburgh and my friend from home text me while he was watching and said that Cole even said "This is vintage Bragging Rights"

I mean, c'mon Cole.
I think he started saying Vintage more and more during the latter years of UT's badass run(particularly when he'd walk the ropes) and then it just caught on for all the older superstars.

Back to the DX thing I thought they were pretty annoying last night, like it seemed like they didn't take the main event seriously at all and making fun of like all of the Big Show and Cena's spots(maybe they don't wanna piss Jericho off, didn't hear them say one negative thing about him), it was like they were putting the person down and not the gimmick, I didn't like it.
From what I can tell, Michael Cole somewhere along the way began using the word "vintage" to the point where it became somewhat of a "crutch" for him -- where he would use it the word without realizing it because it became so comfortable for him to use. Then Jim Ross blogged and poked fun at Cole on how often he would use the word. From there, fans and probably WWE higher ups took notice too and suddenly, Cole had an inadvertent trademark. WWE mangement probably started encouraging Cole to continue with it so he would have his own signature in WWE. JR has "slobberknocker" and now Cole has "vintage." It also gives WWE a marketing angle with Cole and can also use the phrase as Cole's gimmick. I can imagine Cole getting a column on WWE.com called, "Vintage Cole!" It's all by design and WWE is pushing Cole to use the term now.The SmackDown party a few weeks ago was a perfect example of how WWE is pushing for it.

DX last night reminded me of when Kevin Nash and Scott Hall did commentary on behalf of The NWO in those empty arena matches back in the 90's. The difference was that the NWO "commentators" made fun of the competition's announcers. Several references to the phrase "vertical base," a line that (then) WWF's main announcer Jim Ross was known for.

For me, DX making fun of various things in and about the WWE works and doesn't work.

I remember when the WWF first went public on the stock market and the week following the news, Triple H was cutting a promo and the mic was cutting out and he threw it into the crowd and got another one and said, "This is a multi-billion dollar company and they can't find a microphone that works?!?" Quips like that I think are really funny.

Because it's Triple H, who, let's face it, will be the guy running the company once Vince passes the WWE on to Stephanie, I believe Triple H is in a strange position of what he can and what he can make fun of.

If Triple H makes fun on Vince McMahon, it brings the humor to a different level because of a couple of reasons -- He's poking fun of his boss and to a lesser extent, he's also poking fun of his father-in-law. Who doesn't poke fun of their boss or their in-laws? So, somehow, those jokes seem less malicious in many ways.

When he pokes fun of the WWE (and WWE is basically Vince McMahon) it works in favor of his DX gimmick. You'll never hear any WWE "representative" like the announcers of Vince openly talk about the lack of logic in storylines or explain what the WWE would rather not have explained, so, to have rebels like DX come out and point out and make fun of things like Kofi's sudden drop of his accent or how the announcers have Vince yelling at them through headset works. Even poking fun at turkeys of past WWE storylines (Katie Vick for example) works because, hey, that was then, this is now. So, yeah, DX making fun of WWE corporate crap, illogical booking and things that fans are thinking to themselves anyway, to me, works for DX.

But, in the same breath, they really shouldn't bury talent that are trying to get over. Especially Triple H who will some day be running WWE and it will be HIM trying put these guys over as major superstars in the years to come. It's short sighted to burying certain guys now, who may not, but could be tomorrow's top WWE talent. I'm not saying he should be going out of his way to put these guys over NOW, but, he shouldn't go out of his way to bury them either. It just looks bad as the boss' in-law and future management to openly bury young talent. Plus, the fact, Triple H has an AWFUL history of not putting anyone over and has a lot of enemies in the business because of it. And nothing puts off fans or the other boys more than when someone like Triple H goes into business for themselves strictly because of ego. Triple H needs to start realizing it's time give his reputation in the locker room a huge make-over. Both he and Stephanie aren't exactly well liked in the business and when they're running WWE, it's going to be a huge cluster-f*ck for many years. And if... IF... TNA manages to hang on until that time, THAT may be the launch to TNA taking off to being a BIG promotion as talent will want to be in TNA and not deal with Trips & Steph. That's years to come, of course, but, things like burying talent on WWE TV is something Triple H NEEDS to stop and right now.
Annoying or not I thought it was pretty darn funny. You know, SOMETIMES we should really remember what our role is. Our role is to be WRESTLING FANS. I repeat, FANS! Trust me, if you sit on your backside one Monday and just say to yourself...

"Okay, no thinking about how evil Vince is backstage, no thinking about how Triple H "holds people down", talent, no thinking about how much Cena sucks and he's a cash cow... "

If you stop thinking about all THAT stuff and just pretend that Cena is in fact this courageous young superstar, always fighting and doing things his way. If you pretend that Shawn and Triple H are DX and you love them for their jokes and shameless plugs. If you just pretend like you're 12 or something again, when you believed that crap, I tell ya, the product isn't that bad.

What's sad is that we have to pretend to like it. I do it just so I don't turn the TV off sometimes.

However, DX did overdo it at some point. And it wasn't like the match was a piss break so Vince sent 'em down to have us stay through it, I was actually looking forward to it and it was pretty good.

As far as Cole and his "Vintage" goes, I really, really, REALLY wanna punch the screen each time I hear him say it. Even if someone tells him to..um..there's this thing called a synnonim? Or this new thing called...OTHER WORDS? I mean come on, if he doesn't say it when he's told to, what'll happen? They'll fire him? Vince will yell at him? Oh noes! Who gives a crap. That's a big problem, nobody stands up to Vince and tells him anything to his face.
After reading a few replies I wanted to make a quick comment. I by no means meant this to sound like an "I hate trips thread". I was just stating that it is normally he who says the comments I was referring to. I'm a little surprised honestly. I thought most would disagree with me and say that this hurts other superstars. When it comes to instances where they are downing a new wrestler is where I thought some may have a problem with it. I was really interested by the quote thrown up from Trips by Chill. In a way it was almost tailored to answer my question.
I really don't even care any more about this subject honestly the WWE has a lot more issues than Michael Cole's use of "Vintage". This is really just nit-picking if you ask me.

DX do what they do I personally hate when they bury young wrestlers and that interview with HHH was comical it reaffirms why I have no respect for him.

OK Trips so maybe nobody layed down for you but did anybody impede your progress ? Did any established stars make wise cracks and bury your character on live television rendering you worthless and a joke ?

I really dislike Triple H and you can call me a hater all you want, but it's convenient how he tries to justify his actions by saying nobody ever helped him, that's the excuse of a child HHH be ashamed.
I really don't even care any more about this subject honestly the WWE has a lot more issues than Michael Cole's use of "Vintage". This is really just nit-picking if you ask me.

DX do what they do I personally hate when they bury young wrestlers and that interview with HHH was comical it reaffirms why I have no respect for him.

OK Trips so maybe nobody layed down for you but did anybody impede your progress ? Did any established stars make wise cracks and bury your character on live television rendering you worthless and a joke ?

I really dislike Triple H and you can call me a hater all you want, but it's convenient how he tries to justify his actions by saying nobody ever helped him, that's the excuse of a child HHH be ashamed.

Have you ever heard Triple H say he enjoys burying young talent and not losing just so he looks good? Name exactly who he has buried?

If you say he has buried Legacy, then i guess burying a superstar means feuding with them and they actually get a win in the process on a ppv.

Triple H is meant to be the big named guy who doesn't lose much and will not lose to a young guy for the sake of making that guy look good. Think about this, if Triple H puts over a bunch of young talent, he will not look as good. Also think about how every single one of his wins makes him that much better, and when wwe chooses who they want to be the one to beat Triple H and have him "put over", that person will look even better.

Triple H's character winning all the time and being that good main event guy was probably decided by a bunch of wwe officials who are actually working with the business and know exactly how the company is going to move forward and which guys will become big named guys, as oppose to some random person on the internet who thinks they should have him lose and not win titles because he thinks he knows everything about wwe.

You say you have no respect for Triple H because he was mean in an interview, well i guess Kane is the devil because he lit JR on fire. Hopefully you meant you have no respect for the character Triple H, and not the real guy outside of wwe.
Please remember the topic of the thread is Michael Cole and his "Vintage" catchphrase. Let's keep the thread on topic.

If you want to start another Pinocchio bashing thread, be my guess, as long as you take an interesting angle with your thread, provide support for why you feel that way, etc.

It probably is long overdue that we have another one of those anyway, to be frank. Could be interesting.

However, keep this thread about Michael Cole and the little voice in his ear that tells him to say "Vintage" several times a broadcast.

Thanks, gang.
every announcer in every type of "sport" repeats themselves a lot. for example, the announcer for the yankees, john sterling says "theeeeeee pitch.." like three times every inning. when marv alberts goes "yessss" or mike breen says "HEEE puts it in" when a shot is sunk in the NBA, no one complains. i would laugh at anyone who whines about jim nantz reminding us that the masters is a tradition unlike any other. so when MC Vintage screams out "OHHH THATS VINTAGE CENA RIGHT THERE!" he is doing the same thing. he has created something that people remember him for, and know him for. as far as im concerned, he is doing his job, and doing it well.
ACTUALLY Lord Sidious, I believe the topic was about the DX Send-up of Michael Cole and his usage of "vintage"...let's not take ourselves too seriously here...:p

I found the whole segment hilarious...but i've always enjoyed the breaking of the fourth wall in wrestling. And i think DX does it better than anyone else.

Deep down, i believe that Triple H trolls wrestling dirt sites and message board for material.

But yeah...I think that DX stayed well within the boundries last night, because Cole is established. He is the straight man on Raw-the flagship show. He can laugh it off because he knows he has the best commentating spot in the business. As others have mentioned, the "vintage" Cole segment on the tenth anniversary of Smackdown is proof of this.

What i found funny/frustrating is that you KNOW there was a point in the match when Vince told Triple H and HbK to stop fucking around. Trips got silent, and Michaels suddenly got very flat. If anything, that is what Vince and "people who have the power" should be upset about...when DX was slapped on the wrist, they pouted, and responded in tounge in cheek manner. That is blantant anti-authoritarianism- being the rebels they actually claim to be.

Will there be any fallout?

No. DX is a huge draw. Trips has power...UNLIMITED POWER! Michaels is a veteran-the longest tenured employee (I believe he beats out the Undertaker by a few years). They can essentially do what they want- but sometimes they have to be reigned in. When Vince was on Raw feuding with DX, it wasn't a problem, because he could do it himself. But now such a thing would break Keyfabe in a MAJOR way...and Vince would never do that...Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain and all of that.

I don't see DX holding the young guys back...i think Creative does a good enough job at that themselves. Take Survivor Series for example. Instead of seeing Punk vs. Taker in a casket match (which is what i was hoping for) and instead of seeing Cena vs. Swagger and Team DX vs. Team Jerishow, we have the DX/Jerishow feud dilluting and each team facing the champion on their respective brands. While this is great, i can't help but wonder what might have been? Where is Punk left? Where is Swagger left? Two guys who need the exposure right now- Swagger to burst into the main event scene and Punk to continue to get his exposure and avoid being eclipsed by a sudden Batista Heel turn. But that's a gripe for another thread.

My point here (the TL;DR version)- DX didn't go too far, Cole is secure in his position so he can laugh it off, and DX isn't keeping younger stars back.
I know many people dislike Cole's catchphrase, but I personally find it humorous. It might not be sidesplittingly hilarious when he says it (unlike Vickie's "Excuse me!" which I found extremely funny. What can I say, I'm odd.) but it brins a small smile to my face, especially when he or someone mocks it with their tongue in their cheek, like last night's commentary or the segment on the Decade of Smackdown Celebration.

It's entirely possible that Vince McMahon, who we all believe is feeding certain lines to commentators, feels the same way.

As for DX breaking the fourth wall, I like that. I far prefer funny Triple H and funny HBK to SERIOUS TRIPPY and SERIOUS SHAWN. Them breaking kayabe puts a smile on the face of those who get it, and it's just fun, really.
Michael Cole is known for his catchphrase "vintage", he would not be the same announcer w/o it. But he does over use it. But to quote someone, that is "vintage" cole. haha.
Watching Raw last night during the main event got me wondering about something. Now, I'm a loud HBK fan, always have been. However, during the DX commentary they basically made fun of Cole the whole match by constantly using the term "Vintage". I didn't bother to count but i'm sure it was close to 20 times or so. We have seen this many times from DX. Putting other wrestlers down during their segments. Last night I found it funny, mainly because everytime Cole says "Vintage" I cringe. Honestly, I was waiting for one of them to do the "Longest running weekly episodic show on television bit". However, how far is too far?

I don't know, but this wasn't even close. I don't think DX hurts people with their antics either. They are comic relief, and they do a good job of it. They put themselves down too. The purpose of the group is that everything is a joke.
Sometimes I feel like they do actually slow down or hurt the path of a wrestler by doing this. I can remember when they all but killed the Spirit Squad

Seriously? Any credibility Spirit Squad may have had was from the rub they got from DX. So what if they packaged them and sent them to OVW. It was funny. Everyone on here complains that WWE doesn't pay any attention to us, and now you're knocking the bone they threw us.
and could have hurt any chance those kids had of being repackaged.

Yeah, that Nic Nehmeth was done for. What ever happened to him anyway?

What does everyone think here. Does DX, mainly Hunter, go to far here? Does it hinder younger talent when they pretend to not even know who they are? Personaly, I always kind of find it entertaining. It may not be as funny to a casual fan though. What does everyone else think?

Personally, I think it's pretty funny. It honestly makes me laugh. It's so hard to take them seriously. They can't go from being corporate shills on minute to seriously dogging the product the next. I think the casual fan is smart enough to recognize that taking them seriously is a bad idea.

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