mic skills...wow

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Dark Match Winner
I am sitting here in wow what c.m. punk did tonight. In the past few weeks, I never knew how good of mic skills he has. He didn't have to pause or nothing. He know everything he was going to say and he in my mind is the best right now. The top guy but did he sign or not sign. I noticed that vince got out of the ring and both contracts were on the floor. I am thinking vince signed it when he was outside. Just a theory. Cant figure out where there going with this.
You honestly had no idea how good CM Punk was on the mic. In my mind he is the best in the business today at cutting realistic promos. You should go back at check out some of his ROH work on YouTube, you will be blown away.

As a heel preaching the virtues of his Straight Edge lifestyle, Punk was one of the best heels at getting heat that I have ever seen. He was absolutely phenomenal, and always look calm, composed and comfortable on the mic.

It is great to see him actually being given the opportunity to show what he can do in WWE, and if the head office have any sense (and he stays with the company), they will let him show his mic skills on a more regular basis. To be a TOP TOP guy in the wrestling business you need to be able to talk. The Rock can, Austin can, Triple H can, Cena can, the list goes on.

In CM Punk the WWE have an amazing talker who can back it up in the ring. They need to get behind him if he stays with the company.
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