Mex-Am's Lack Of Chemistry


Lord And Master
Staff member
Anarquia and Hernandez are the male components of the double Tag Team known as Mexican America. At this point, they are one of the 2 only established Tag Teams active in TNA (Magnus is in AAA and MMG are on the sidelines). But there is a lack of legitimacy to them. When you seem them, they don't click. Given they are almost a rehash of LAX, it's a tad weird they aren't at least something good to watch.

What is it about the pair? Is Anarquia not a good mix for Hernandez? Is Hernandez just not viewed as a good leader? When LAX was around, Hernandez and Homicide always showed great chemistry and made themselves a great pairing in TNA. But we aren't getting that out of Mex-Am. And in a time with little teams, getting to the root of this problem is something to be concerned with.
I noticed that myself, but I have a hard time believing it has anything to do with Hernandez, because Hernadez can flat out work in the ring. Anarquia IMO is the one who can't, which is frightening when you realize he's often the one taking the most bumps in the match.

I doubt it's an issue between them as much as it just is with Anarquia simply not being a good enough wrestler to really build any real visible cohesion.
Anarquia is a poor man's mix of Homicide and Chavo Guerrero... which in my opinion is hilarious and works... but not when you put him with a serious monster like Hernandez, and two very compelling KOs like Rosita and Sarita.. If TNA signs Chavo, then I could see Anarquia being dropped from the team. Or who knows, maybe TNA can just find a better partner for Hernandez. I really don't think this team could be saved otherwise.
I was going to say, Mexam is pretty much just TNA's attempt to redo LAX, which was much more compelling, and much better in the ring.

Hernandez is great when he isn't talking, and Anarqui's fake accent makes me want to turn the TV off, the pair fails anytime they need to talk. In the Ring they're not bad, when they're not being squashed by a random pairing. The anti-American stable could draw heat on Mr. Rogers, so you can't judge any reactions they get for sincerity.

I think Anarquia isn't experienced enough in televised wrestling, he's been working in development for over a decade, but he has hardly any experience in front of a real crowd.

Not to be racist, but finding a Latino superstar to replace him in this stable wouldn't be difficult with the talent running around now.
I dont think the partnership of the team has had enough time actually wrestling to build the chemistry we expect from them. They're either spilling ketchup on an opponent or allowing their women to distract the referee for the basic heel win. Other than that, their matches are the definition of tag team typical:

Face starts strong, outside interference from heels to take over, rest holds & botched Hernandez springboard shoulder block, hot tag, more interference, finish.

If you had a somewhat relevant tag division, you could learn the teams strengths by putting them against other competition and see what stands out the most.
I'm going to totally ignore Hernandez, what you get is pretty much what you see. Anarquia is a poor mans Chavo, not a bit of Homicide in there. That's mainly what the issue is. Homicide was a loud mouth psycho who had ring presence. Anarquia has no personality once the bell rings and from what we've seen his ring work is decent but it just falls flat. This team can be saved but the stable needs to grow and add a 3rd. The big mexican flag is awesome and so are los prostitutos so all of that can stay. Mexican national anthem needs to get thrown in there somewhere. They kinda also need to do things like jump people randomly, have the girls lure guys into ambushes.. hell have the guys help the girls cheat to get wins which you don't see every day.

They need more cheap heat. They are always going to be in LAX's shadow. They need to do something LAX never needed to do and that's win matches that count.
Anarquia is just bland imo. He doesn't show much in the ring at all. Just below average skill. Same tning on the mic. Bland.

I'm not a fan of Hernandez, but him and Homicide really clicked. I don't see that in MA.
I'm definitely a fan of Sarita and Rosita though!
Anarquia is a poor man's mix of Homicide and Chavo Guerrero... which in my opinion is hilarious and works... but not when you put him with a serious monster like Hernandez, and two very compelling KOs like Rosita and Sarita.. If TNA signs Chavo, then I could see Anarquia being dropped from the team. Or who knows, maybe TNA can just find a better partner for Hernandez. I really don't think this team could be saved otherwise.

This is what TNA needs to do...Take Hernandez and partner him with Samoa Joe. Call them the Nation of Violence. It would be really great if you could get them a true mouthpiece who can really carry a promo(Armando Alejandro Estrada would work), but if not let Joe do most of the talking. I would repackage them similar to what TNA did with Beer Money. Give them matching ring gear or at least the same colors. Maybe Joe in a singlet to cover up that fat belly and Hernandez in real wrestling gear. Have them both come out with the Towels over their Head like Taz used to do. Giving them a LOD vibe of dominance. I could see them gelling because they are both two big guys who move pretty quick around the ring. They could have a real feud with Crimson and Morgan. I assume that Morgan and Crimson are destined to split after a short run. Let Samoa Joe and Super Mex claim the titles. Plus it would give two mid-cards who have proven they aren't really able to get to that upper card a fresh look and vibe.
For me, Mexican America doesn't work because I dislike their whole shtick.

Anarquia is the very definition of bland, while Hernandez just feels wasted in this group. For me the anti-USA heel group is played out. It's never really interested me, not being American.

Also, every promo they cut just sounds like a bargain-basement rendition of something Konnan would say in the 90's.

Aside from Anarquia being a charisma vacuum, the other main problem for this faction is that they've been doing this thing for several months now and have made no tangible impact whatsoever on the organisation, they've just had a couple of meaningless scuffles that have done nothing to make them appear to be a serious threat as a faction. For a faction to work they have to have goals, whether it be the destruction of everyone else on the roster, the pursuit of championship gold or indeed the overused power-struggle. Mexican America don't seem to have an agenda beyond ruining the view for about 25% of the audience with that stupid great flag of theirs.
To me, Hernandez doesn't really get it done as a "leader" of a stable. Sure, the guy's pretty good in the ring, but he's bland on the mic and will always have the "big man/enforcer" vibe about him. Not to say that super-heavyweights can't lead stables, but so far Hernandez hasn't made the jump from bodyguard status.

Anarquia...where do I even begin? This relative unknown shows up out of nowhere to replace Homicide and get handed the Tag Team Titles within months due to Beer Money splitting for the singles division. This guy is a bland wrestler if I've ever seen one. In fact, I'm not sure he even has a legitimate finishing move, outside of using foreign objects or cheating. It seems like he's solely punching and kicking with a basic body slam here and there. I see a lot of people comparing him to Chavo Guerrero, but Chavo's much more talented than this guy.

For a stable concerned with a Mexican uprising in the USA, Anarquia sure doesn't sound very Mexican. He sounds like something from Family Guy or South Park if they were degrading Mexicans in a joke. Not to mention that aside from getting a "tattoo" from Ink Inc. that we haven't seen yet (I think they dropped that storyline), Anarquia is a completely bland character. In fact, I think his blandness is rubbing off on his stablemates. Every Mexican American promo is just Hernandez, Anarquia, Sarita, and Rosita blabbering in Spanish, usually with the others shouting obnoxiously in the background so you can't hear anyone to begin with.

Mexican America suffers from so many problems. No pushes from TNA Creative, bland characters, Anarquia as a whole, and don't even get me started with the association with Jeff Jarrett they used to have. Jeez, that storyline was awful.
I definitely agree that they are not as good as they should be, you'd think after being together awhile they'd get some chemistry going but no such luck. Hell I'd even go so far as to say Morgan and Crimson already have better chemistry, but that may be pushing it a bit here. But the problem has nothing to do with Hernandez, I honestly think alot of it lands on the shoulders of Anarquia. Hernandez is a great worker in the ring and he's got the look and the build, Anarquia simply does not and because of that Mex America is not a tag team that I would call myself a fan of. I actually like the idea of Joe and Hernandez together, I think they'd work we together and could give us some good stuff against Crimson and Morgan. However I would prefer to see Joe get a push on his own, but since that aint happening right now I would love to see this happen.
I put most of the blame on Anarquia for the bad rep people give Mexican America since Hernandez for the most part can go pretty damn well in the ring (which is more than I can say for his performance on the mic). I myself don't even like him that much. I thought that if TNA was going to make another Mexican stable, it would've made sense for them to do it only if Homicide came back to form an LAX reunion. Unlike Mexican America, LAX actually meshed well together and had great chemistry. I personally enjoyed them as a team and thought it was a damn shame when they broke up a few years ago. Mexican America is just a poor man's LAX in my book. It's a damn shame too when you consider how thin TNA's tag team division is at this time.
This is what TNA needs to do...Take Hernandez and partner him with Samoa Joe. Call them the Nation of Violence. It would be really great if you could get them a true mouthpiece who can really carry a promo(Armando Alejandro Estrada would work), but if not let Joe do most of the talking. I would repackage them similar to what TNA did with Beer Money. Give them matching ring gear or at least the same colors. Maybe Joe in a singlet to cover up that fat belly and Hernandez in real wrestling gear. Have them both come out with the Towels over their Head like Taz used to do. Giving them a LOD vibe of dominance. I could see them gelling because they are both two big guys who move pretty quick around the ring. They could have a real feud with Crimson and Morgan. I assume that Morgan and Crimson are destined to split after a short run. Let Samoa Joe and Super Mex claim the titles. Plus it would give two mid-cards who have proven they aren't really able to get to that upper card a fresh look and vibe.

And bring back Low-Ki to focus on the X-Division or the TV title. Impact Wrestling could use a good faction that sticks together unlike the ever changing Immortal or Fortune that went from like 10 guys to 3 and now I think its only Styles.
I hate this tag team. The problem is that both of them suck. LAX wasn't much better, but at least with LAX they were tolerable because of Homicide. Hernandez has always been one of my least favorite guys in TNA and Anarquia isn't much better to me. The fact that both of them suck as individual wrestkers is going to make the tag team made up of them suck as well. Hernandez is an awful choice for a leader and Anarquia has no chemistry with him. TNA had a great tag team division, but now we are stuck with teams like this one. The only real way to solve the problem that I can think of would be to disband the team and place both guys with someone else who they might have better chemistry with. TNA still need them for the tag team division, so I say find them each better partners. Where's Homicide when you need him!?
They are not a very good at tag team wrestling that's for sure. It's an odd pairing and Arcadia is just not a good wrestler. I noticed in his skits with Ink Inc that he could be a great source for humour, though. They should use Mex-Am to push Hernendez and have Arcadia to be a funny valet, even push all the hispanic stereotype he represents.
Even a man as big and strong as Hernandez can’t make a tag team work all by himself and that really is the difference between LAX and what they’re now calling Mexican America. Anarquia doesn’t intrigue me and he sure doesn’t scare me. One thing I always thought about Homicide was that he fit the role so well. You wouldn’t want to meet him in an alley and that feeling radiated off of him. A good way to put it is that I didn’t feel like Homicide was ever trying to fit the role; he was the role. Anarquia on the other hand? He needs to act to get anywhere close and he hasn’t been doing a good job of late. No muscular guy can slap on a bandana and a pair of sunglasses and call himself some ruthless brawler. Do I think Hernandez is the best guy to ever grace the ring? Definitely not. But when you pair him with the right guy? A guy who can make up for his weaknesses like Homicide? You get success. Right now; he doesn’t have that. When the guys in the back realize that, it won’t take long for Mexican America to be crushed under the large fist of management.
I noticed that myself, but I have a hard time believing it has anything to do with Hernandez, because Hernadez can flat out work in the ring. Anarquia IMO is the one who can't, which is frightening when you realize he's often the one taking the most bumps in the match.

I doubt it's an issue between them as much as it just is with Anarquia simply not being a good enough wrestler to really build any real visible cohesion.
Hernandez flat out CANNOT work. He's ridiculously sloppy, a spot guy, a power wrestler that isn't strong enough to do his own power moves. He's only good in a tag team, and then he needs a partner that can really control the match to set him up to do a few moves and look good. That man used to be Homicide. That man is not Anarquia.

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