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I am The Last Baron
With Metallica bringing out another album later this year, I think I should put this one out there what is your favourite Metallica Song/s.

Mine are Welcome Home(Sanitarium), Fade to Black, Unforgiven Too, Seek and Destroy and King Nothing. All of hese are for different reasons, mainly for what they are.
I just have the Black Album, I think thats their best album they've released, as all the songs on that album are good. I also like the song One. I think My favorite song of theirs is Sad But True.
Metallica is my favorite band and I have been waiting patiently for almost 4 years for this album release. My favorite songs would have to be Four Horsemen, Creeping Death, My Friend of Misery, and Wasting My Hate.
Hopefully their new album won't be like the utter shit they've released the last ten years. Seriously the only two songs I've heard from them in the last ten years that I thought were good were St. Anger and I Disappear. The actual album of St Anger was such trash that I threw it out after listening to it maybe three times.

But, I do love Metallica. Always have. Favorite songs, that's hard hmm...I'd say my favorite songs are For Whom the Bell Tolls, Orion, One, Creeping Death, The Call of Ktulu, Seek & Destroy, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), The Unforgiven Pt. I & II, and Sad But True. My favorite of all is a toss up between One and For Whom the Bell Tolls. Great old band.

Honestly I don't expect them to ever make another good album, not after all the bullshit they've gone through and done the last ten years, from the napster incident to getting sober(I have no problem with sober bands, just that Metallica has yet to make a good song sober) they've just pissed me off these last ten years. They've just become a joke.
I don't think any new album they make will be good. Theyve adapted and moved on from what made them so amazing and possibly the best band of the 80's. Anything including the Black album and earlier is just bad ass. Master of Puppets and One jump out instatly.
Favorite Matallica songs huh, wow copuld you possibly asked a harder question, well lets see I guess I would have to go with ONE as my favorite,because it just stands out the most to me, and if you 've ever heard the live verision, with all the explosions and shit at the beginning, that's even Better I think, other than that I think that pretty much everthing from the Cliff Burton era of Metallica is the best stuff this band could ever hope to do, post Black album, I would have to go with King Nothing, and Mercyful Fate, I think everthing off St. Anger with the exception of Frantic and Some Kind Of Monster is complete crap

Welcome Home(Sanitarium) is another great song, and is pretty much the theme song to my life.... get it... my name is justinsayne...and my theme is sanitarium, I know I'm kind of a funny guy sometimes
mine are enter sandman, master of puppets, one, unforgiven, unforgiven 2, nothing else matters, where ever i may roam, and seek and destroy.
Metallica has sucked since the Black album imo, they got way to radio friendly. The first 3 albums though are mind blowing landmarks of metal, Master of Puppets (welcome home) sanitarium is amazing as with the powerful instrumental Orion.
Im more excited about the new Megadeth, they have never sold out to themselves like Metallica.
I only got into Metallica relatively recently, and I've often wondered what it would have been like to have been into Metallica since the 'Kill Em All' days, and then to hear 'Mama Said' from 'Load'. I might have destroyed my stereo!

My favourite Metallica tracks are the classics really. Battery, Master Of Puppets, One, For Whom The Bell Tolls. I also love to hear 'Ecstacy Of Gold' straight into 'Blackened', like they were doing on their most recent tours.

What do we think of 'S&M'? I love it, especially the opening three tracks, Ecstacy Of Gold-Call Of Ktulu-Master Of Puppets, that is just an awesome way to open a show.
I've been a Metallica fan in some form or other since I was eight. My first experience was watching the video for "One" and being completely blown away by the raw power and ferocity of the music and the awesome imagery. Over the years I've remained a fan in some capacity (even through the stylistic changes) because I listen to such a wide variety of music than when they switched gears it didn't piss me off like I know it did some others. The one thing I can say I feel for sure is that Lars Ulrich needs drum lessons. Badly. They also need to ditch Bob Rock as a producer because he's managed to make them sound progressively worse each record. Long gone are the days of Lars' huge sounding drums and the scorching guitars that Flemming Rasmussen laid to tape. St. Anger sounded like it was recorded and mixed in a coffee can. Although I like a couple of the tracks off of the recent record, I feel they need to return to their original method of songwriting which saw James construct the basis of the songs and then the other guys would be brought in to accomplish the finish work. The riffs were catchier, the melodies easier to grab onto, and the overall cohesion of the songs was more unique and inviting. After watching "Some Kind of Monster" it's become apparent to me that they may not ever get back to where they were. They'd been out of practice at doing thrash for so long, that by the time the cut St. Anger they're ineptitude at that style of music showed. They need to take tips from Mustaine on how to write metal if they're going to get back to top form. As for my favorite Metallica tunes of all time?

Blackened (If I could construct a perfect textbook example of good'd basically be this)
...And Justice For All (Amazing guitar harmonies and solid rhythm work all around)
Of Wolf And Man (Solid example of what they did right on Black)
The House Jack Built (a little longwinded and needs some trimming but the chorus slays)
Another Metallica fan over here... My favorite song? easy, ONE. Pure metal, you can beat that Kirk Hammett solo!!, and i consider this song as the Ultimate Anthem for headbanging; my neck hurts again if i just think about this song (but in a cool way, you know: before college going to a local bar, playing some pool, getting drunk with all the gang, listen to Metallica and headbang until it hurts.)
i cant wait for the new album and for World tour dates. Hopefully they kick off in San Francisco, then L.A., San Diego, and after that where ever they want :D
BTW, am i the only one bumping threads?? Well, i don't have a good topic right know, so i guess it's OK.
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