*MERGED* The [Official] Legacy Thread


Dark Match Winner
After losing a match at Wrestlemania that he wasn't even expected to win, What will Cody Rhodes do now? I don't think that either member of Legacy looked bad losing to Orton BUT, they didn't look good either. Rhodes would've benefited the most from winning this match.

So, What happens now? Does Rhodes go absent after getting punted by Randy Orton? Does he feud with DiBiase? Go to Smackdown?

What do you guys think?
Last night at Wrestlemania, Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes entered into their triple-threat match separately, and a battle ensued between the two during the match, thus allowing Orton to pick up the win. I think it's safe to say that Legacy is finished.

What do you all think is in store for Rhodes and DiBiase?
I somehow see Legacy coming back together. They tried to outshine their mentor and got beat up they realize that they still need Orton's guidance. I'm pretty sure that they will be back together soon no matter how stupid it may sound.
Rhodes is finished. Put a fork in him on RAW because he's done. Take a month or so off, repackage him on to Smackdown and see if he takes off with a new feud. Maybe, as a face.

DiBiase still has some good heel left in him but he needs a new feud now. They missed the boat by not having him go over at WM26. They just killed whatever momentum he had and any real prospects of progressing an Orton fued.
I think what needs to be proven is that Cody and Ted can be stand-alone guys, they proved themselves greatly to me in their Triple Threat last night. Now with this Orton business done, he should move on let Cody and Ted feud with each other, that they blame one another for not finishing Orton off.

For me, Legacy is done, Orton can move on to another feuds whilst Ted and Cody need to prove themselves as just single players, not Main Event, single players. They've spent virtually the whole of their career in tag teams or with a mentor, let's see how they do when they flee the nest.
It's hard to look ahead and see what's next for Rhodes and DiBiase. If the WWE still had a tag division that was actually worth a shit, I would say keep them together. Nothing that happened in the match last night between Ted and Cody was bad enough where they HAVE to be kept. I mean, Ted didn't throw Cody through a barbershop window, or vice versa. But with an absolutely piss-poor tag division, that option doesn't seem all that probable. I would like to see Rhodes/DiBiase stick together, but I am not sure they will.

Rhodes and DiBiase will most likely become lost in the clusterF**K known as the WWE mid-card. They have so many low-mid to high-mid card guys, it's ridiculous. Good for house shows, but not so great for tv. I think Rhodes and DiBiase could be the future of the company, but I am not sure WWE is with me on that. I think they are high on Legacy, but they seem to be HIGH on just about everyone they have right now. I'm just not seeing how Legacy can set themselves apart from the Kofi Kingstons and Dolph ZIgglers of the world.

And as far as them losing at Mania, WHO CARES! The WWE didn't "blow" any opportunity here. Rhodes and DiBiase were in the ring with the 3rd most over guy of the night, Randy Orton (obviously behind Michaels and Taker). At 29 YEARS OF AGE!, why should Orton job to anyone? Why should HE be putting anyone over, at such an early stage in his own career? They are building a MEGA star in Orton, and him losing last night would have hurt him a hell of a lot more than it did Rhodes/DiBiase.
Last night, seemed pretty clear we are heading towards a Rhodes/DiBiase feud. To be honest, it's been pretty clear for months how it would play out. Expect rhodes to reference DiBiase staring on from ringside as Orton punted him in the head or something like that and the feud develops from there.

Rhodes goes on as the heel and loses out to DiBiase eventually, they might even stretch this one out to Summerslam. Following this, probably midcard status for a while and then who knows? sink or swim time I guess, but Dusty has leverage in the wwe so I honestly cant see him fade into obscurity like others have precluded he will. The best he will probably ever be able to do is upper midcard though.

Dibiase on the other hand is a future wwe champion, without doubt. I can see him at main event level by WM 29/30. He is the bigger star of the two, has a better look and looks more at home with main event guys than Rhodes does.

Out of the match last night, I think Ortons next move is more up in the air than legacy's, but thats a discussion for a different day.
I love how many people hate Rhodes despite him being pretty much the same as Ted in every area, however I digress.

I don't think this is the end of those two as partners, that to me is quite obvious. It was a triple threat so why would you come down together? Cody entered under his old music, doesn't mean much to be honest.

They had a bit of argy bargy...so did DX at survivor series. In case you didn't notice Cody was punted by Randy, a punt usually gives you a few weeks off. This gives time for everyone to have their creaming feud of Ted v Randy and then have Cody come back when that's over forgetting the fact that they had the tension at the match.

WWE seems hot on them (even saying they both could ME a mania one day) but at the moment the best thing for them to not get lost in the shuffle is to stay together (and I won't even mention about the prospect of Brett and Joe Hennig)
Last night, seemed pretty clear we are heading towards a Rhodes/DiBiase feud. To be honest, it's been pretty clear for months how it would play out. Expect rhodes to reference DiBiase staring on from ringside as Orton punted him in the head or something like that and the feud develops from there.

Rhodes goes on as the heel and loses out to DiBiase eventually, they might even stretch this one out to Summerslam. Following this, probably midcard status for a while and then who knows? sink or swim time I guess, but Dusty has leverage in the wwe so I honestly cant see him fade into obscurity like others have precluded he will. The best he will probably ever be able to do is upper midcard though.

Dibiase on the other hand is a future wwe champion, without doubt. I can see him at main event level by WM 29/30. He is the bigger star of the two, has a better look and looks more at home with main event guys than Rhodes does.

Out of the match last night, I think Ortons next move is more up in the air than legacy's, but thats a discussion for a different day.

I have to disagree with your assessment on Ted DiBiase. I don't see either he or Cody being more than mid-card wrestlers, because I don't think either of them have the mic skills necessary to be stars.

I just don't understand why Ted is getting a push. Even when Orton and Legacy were tight, every time there was a match to be wrestled, Cody was always picked to wrestle and Ted would just be a goon and interfere when need. Even in tag matches, Cody wrestled 80% of the time. If anything, Cody should be getting the push because he's a marginally better wrestler.

Neither of these guys should be pushed to main event status. They're pretty much interchangeable in my eyes.
I disagree with STL about Cody looking good beating Orton. If Cody had never been considered or looked at as the weak link of Legacy, then your logic would have been correct, my friend. The thing about Cody is that he really looks like the weak link. I mean, phyiscally. Before I was always on the "oh he's Dusty's kid" but honestly he's way more of a sound wrestler in the ring, I just think that making him a heel when they did made him look weak because of the fact he went from face to heel rather quickly. There was no build up and so most people had to actually wait until he developed into his role as a heel, something he never quite did and frankly, something that hurt him.

I think Randy Orton, for the sake of turning him a face, was right in getting the win. I think on the long run, the actual winner should have been Ted. They were trying to turn Ted (which would have been better than Randy) but for some reason, it just didn't happen. So giving Ted the victory at, what I believe is one of his 1st Mania matches would have been perfect. Cody needs to be repackaged, quickly. He'll never be World or WWE Champion if his role is depicted this way. Since he was punted by Orton, he needs to take time off for a while, regroup and come back as a totally fierce, kick ass wrestler who just has this innate mean streak about him at all costs. DiBiase has nothing but green pastures in front of him from here on out because the man can flat out wrestle and if they work on his mic skills, he'll be probably the next HHH.
Yeah Legacy are still together. Tonight DiBiase came out to the legacy theme music, and had the Legacy tron. I also noticed on the raw opening video the clip of legacy as a three had become Ted and Cody.

Add onto the fact that Cole said twice that Cody is out indefinitely due to concussion from the punt backs up what I said in my earlier post that Cody will come to help Ted at some point.

This I feel is the right decision, both are equals and neither are ready to go themselves individually, also as I said earlier there's Brett DiBiase in FCW teaming with Joe Hennig who in turn have the same gimmick, it would make sense to have all four form a stable when Brett and Joe are ready (maybe next season of NXT?).
We saw it coming 18 months in advance. As soon as Randy Orton put together the group named Legacy, a word that hints at greatness, at personal achievement, we knew what would come next. We all though that when it came to pass we could each sing a verse of the Cell Block Tango and Randy himself would be forced to sit there, agree with us and eat his humble pie. Or should I say, his just deserts.

Not too long ago, Randy did the same thing in Evolution. And just look at him now. He's flying. He's multi time champion. he's one of the most loved (or hate) guys in the industry right now. he's becoming known as one of 'those guys' who can put on a good match with just about anyone. My opinion anyway.

But what we expected didn't come to pass. I'm fine with a Orton win at Wrestlemania. Completely fine with that. But the break up came earlier. It was so long winded and unnecessarily so. Ted was the first to have problems. That is how it should have stayed. Instead, Rhodes just seemed to be an afterthought. Like the writers didn't know which side to align him with. It's almost as though the decision was based on a coin toss.

The way it happened was just made to bury the team down deep in the mid card. Every time Legacy tried to beat down Orton, Orton got the upper hand. Every time. Sure, Dibiase got the pin on Orton at the Elimination Chamber but then who was next to get eliminated? Ted DiBiase. Who by? Kofi Kingston. No Disrespect to Kingston but he's hardly the best guy in the ring. Buried.

Now, Wrestlemania is over and the storyline is no more. DiBiase hasn't even mentioned it and Cody is out with 'Concussion.' Where does DiBiase go? To the Mid Card. I have always stood by the Legacy and have said that I feel they can easily handle the big stage so the reward for them should at least have been a spot at the very least at the upper mid card.

To the kids and the casual watcher, they may see Ted and Cody as weaker than Orton because they lost to him. I see it more technically. Orton's own split from Evolution made him smell of roses and has put him in high profile feuds since against Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, John Cena and Batista. He's a multi time champion and one of the most loved (or hated) guys in the business. In my opinion he is slowly building a rep as one of 'those guys' who can carry most anyone to a good match and he's had more than a handful of great matches and great feuds. DiBiase and Rhodes have been made to look like punks. All that exposure they've over the past almost two years and the guy with the smallest push in the WWE, Jack Swagger has just taken the place that seemed gift wrapped for them. When Orton made the move to solo stardom, he put himself on par with that bevy of stars he has feuded with since. He has set himself on a path to becoming a legend just like his former team mate, Ric Flair. By losing at every possible opportunity they have just put themselves below Orton and Triple H and Batista and Cena and The Undertaker. Buried.

I actually feel there is a glimmer of hope for Rhodes. He's got a storyline to come back to. He is 'out' because of Orton. That's high profile. But where has DiBiase gone? The lower midcard.

No disrespect to Christian. I love him and I love seeing him in the ring but Christian without the microphone means the feud is worthless. This Million Dollar belt thing, perhaps could make people take notice but am I that interested to see these two go at it until Extreme Rules? Only two more Raw's until that PPV, it's not looking too exciting really.

I fear, unless something soon changes drastically, that we may have wasted our last two years watching the build of something that was never to reach it's true potential.
I agree its not fair what they are doing to dibiase he should be feuding with big guys now but lets see we cant jump to conclusion, at the draft we'll most likey see him go 2 Smackdown and then Dibase could start a major fued with Taker, a man his father handpicked on Survivor Series like 1990 ( or something like That). then Dibiase has a job so we have to wait before we jump to conclusions
ok lets face facts...cody...sux...hard hes too small no charisma cant really hold anyones attention. Ted has one hell of a shot but his situation is delicate. If they play him right with the right feud then he might turn out an Edge. Where he came in did nothing the brood then happened....when he and christian split from the brood they were a great team...and whn he did a character overhaul and became rated r then he took off. I feel the same way about Ted. Legacy...team with cody...character overhaul is next and hecan take off if wwe plays it right. And as for orton he is the PG Eras Austin...the anti hero that everyone loves and cant wait to see what twisted thing he will do next. Hes rkoin people like austin stunned people out of now where and left and right...just my thoughts
Legacy, from the moment the faction was official did not interest me at all. Why? Because it didn't have that serious-feel to it. Unlike Evolution you had Batista, first glance at the guy he is damn physically intimidating then you have Orton who reeks of arrogance, talented and had the charisma then Triple H who was the baddest heel of the time and of course Ric Flair the Nature Boy, the dirtiest player in the game, the 16-time world heavyweight champion, WOOOOO!!!!. In contrast, Legacy had Orton as it's leader though I am not at all shitting on Randy he is not the type of guy that I expect to be a mentor-type he was just sinister, maniacal and just plain bad on his own. While Ted DiBiase and Rhodes, they just didn't get my attention. They bore me with their promos and quite frankly I just didn't buy into their gimmick because the bar of a stable has been set high by Evolution. I actually thought that DiBiase and Rhodes would be guys that would be cut soon. I expected Legacy to fail from the get-go and I was damn right.
I really didn't like how the implosion of Legacy played out. So are Ted and Cody still a group now or what? They came out to different music at Wrestlemania but Ted's entrance video is still the Legacy video. Also I don't see the point of Rhodes getting a "concussion". It's obvious that Orton will no longer feud with Legacy so why have him take someone out for. Like the starter said WWE has buried Legacy. What I think should have been done is have Orton's feud with Legacy continue with a match between Orton and Ted at Extreme Rules where Cody ultimately returns to give Ted the win.
I thought the buildup to most of WM 26 was weak but I really like the Legacy storyline. This was mainly because Orton was involved and it ended the way it should have. What many of you see in Ted I'll never understand. Ted is about as interesting as a vanilla wafer. A dry vanilla wafer. I feel like he's too high on the Raw show now. He should be on Superstars at most. But we'll probably have him shoved at us until the audience finally accepts that he's not going away. If they maybe just reformed Priceless and stayed in the tag team division, if there's still one on Raw, I might be more accepting but neither are ready to even face Miz.
I think it was screwed up from the beginning because they never gave Priceless a chance to shine. They were always there to help Orton, and never to win anything on their own. They should have been tag champs at least once, maybe more. If you look at other stables, from the 4 Horsemen to NWO to DX to Legacy, there was a world champ and tag team champs. WWE just wastes the tag titles anyway, why not give it to Rhodes & Dibiase?

I actually think Rhodes is better that Dibiase. I think he's better in the ring and on the mic, but he doesn't have the look. As others have mentioned, he looks kind of odd in wrestling gear. Dibiase looks like a star. I was actually really happy to see him have the Million Dollar belt. I'd been hoping they would bring it back. And during his promo tonight, he used the phrase "fortunate son". His brother Brett is in a tag team with Joe Hennig in FCW called "Fortunate Sons". I bet we'll see the 3 of them as a group, or maybe 4 of them w/Rhodes included.
Legacy didnt live up to the hype because they were never used to their potential mostly everyone expected them too grab the titles again but it never happened and ted and cody were always made to look weak

If u talk improvement out of the cody and ted u would have to give it to cody too me ted is jus as same way as he started from the beginning but cody has shaped his body and getting better in little areas he jus doesnt have the muscle look but all u gotta be good is in one area either promos or wrestling to get to the big time maybe too much was expected of the group but now u can see how 3 as a whole will turn out in there different directions
Well, I don't feel like I "wasted" two years watching anything. It was entertaining, and introduced us to Rhodes and DiBiase. It's not like it was some big, elaborate scheme for Legacy to lose to Orton. Orton is the hottest guy they have right now. I don't think the WWE saw this face turn (Orton) coming. I don't think they knew the fans would boo Legacy and go crazy for Orton. If he had lost at Mania, it would have killed his momentum, which is going a lot stronger than Rhodes and DiBiase.

Rhodes (24) and DiBiase (27) are very young guys. They have a lot of time to hang around the mid card. They are easily talented enough (both of them) to make it big someday. Is it going to be next month? No. Is it going to be next year? I hope not.

Give it some time. No one has patience anymore. Let them hang around the mid card. Ted has the million dollar belt, and is semi-feuding with Christian. Ted is getting a lot of time on Raw right now, so he is most definitely NOT being buried. Cody is out, because it would have been hard to push both guys at the same time without having them as a tag team (which, IMO, they should still be).

Did this play out exactly the way I wanted it to? No. But nothing now-a-days does. I think it was time for this group to split, due to Randy's unexpected, out-of-nowhere face-tweener turn. If the crowd would have kept reacting to Orton as a heel, I would have said they should keep this group together another couple of years, and re-build the tag division around Legacy. But it just didn't work out that way. I see big things happening for both Rhodes and DiBiase....just not as soon as a lot of you might like.
Sorry guys I signed up here a while ago and really have never posted, just posted twice, and got a spam warning. What's up with that?

In any event, I think Cody can not currently move forward as a singles character. I do however think he should reemerge with a new version of Legacy that consists of him and Ted's brother to interfere with Ted or Orton's business. But hey, that's just me! I honestly think one match isn't enough of a feud.
I think the main problem with Legacy was that they didn't build them up as singles stars and the breakup was teased way too long and nobody cared when it finally happened. DiBiase seems to be in a feud with Christian and that is great for the veteran to help the rookie out. Rhodes is a curious case. I believe he will be drafted to Smackdown where he will turn face and feud with either McIntyre or Swagger.

The legacy of Legacy will be that they had potential but maybe they waited too long to capitalize on it and did not really feature them as singles competitors.

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