**MERGED** Jeff Hardy in 2009

Jeff wasn't going to be at Cena's level, never. That's because his lack of mic skills. Jeff would probably have had the same success as Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio and others like that. His character was about being the ultimate underdog. Because of that, we would have become a big time player but not in the same level of the likes of Edge, Cena, Batista, Orton. By 2012 he would probably be someting like Benoit was from 2005-2007 or like Eddie was in 2005.

You're quite the revisionist, eh? Rey Mysterio is and has been a bigger star than Beniot, Eddie, or Edge has ever been for quite a while now.

Also, Jeff Hardy was a bigger star than any of those three in 2009 as well. You're right in putting Orton, Cena, and Batista above him, but Jeff Hardy was a fucking rock star in 2009. His decline had nothing to do with his talent, it was his attitude. He decided to leave when he was hotter than he'd ever been. If he had decided to stay, I have very little trepidation in saying that he would still be one of the biggest stars in the world.

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