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Merged: All Tag Title Match Talk in Here


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm sure most of us have noticed they are yet to have a tagteam title match set up for Night of Champions, and this last episode of Raw has ruled out the Usos and Kostino as potential challengers. This leaves us with the Gatecrashers and the Dudebusters from Smackdown.

A quick recap of what I remember, neither of these teams have had much airtime on Smackdown lately, instead having a rather even feud on Superstars, with a couple of back and forth victories. I'm not sure who won what last, I think I recall Trent Baretta pinning Vance Archer last week. To the point; if there is going to be a title defence, it's probably gonna be Gatecrashers or Dudebusters challenging. Who would you like to see, and who do you think will win?

Personally, I don't mind which team faces the Hart Dynasty, so long as they bring the titles to Smackdown where there are two (at least somewhat) legit teams that aren't involved in comedy segments week in week out.
i started a thread about this a while back. the way i see it is 3 possiblitys.
1)cody rhodes/drew mcintyre vs. morrison and truth vs the hart dynasty in a triple theat tag team match
2) 2 members of the nexus
3) the wwe tag team titles will not be defended at the ppv. now i know its crazy not having the tag titles defended at night of CHAMPIONS but since we have big show vs punk in a match for not a championship anything could happen
No. the whole point is every title is defended. its going to be someone from SD! quite honestly. Raw had its chance last nite. Its SD! time to shine in the tag team division
If they dont make a match at smack down for the titles. The wwe most certainly will add a match during the ppv . They did this at elimination chamber when miz beat mvp. My question is who do you think they will face.
Dude buster?
santino Koslov?
Morrison r truth?
I cant think of any1 else.

If you can suggest others feel free to. Opinions please
I stated this in another thread, but i don't think there opponents will be revealed untill the night of, and i think edge and jericho take the straps and jump to smackdown.
Alright first of all, proper grammar is your friend dude. And to answer your question they will probably throw in a 4-way tag team match during the PPV. These teams will probably include The Hart Dynasty, Morrison/Truth, McIntyre/Rhodes, and The Usos. Hopefully we will see the Usos get the win here because the Hart Dynasty is very boring right now without Bret Hart and I think The Usos would do a better job holding the belts than The Bland Dynasty.
perhaps a "tag team turmoil" match. Its been awhile since we have seen one. I'm pretty sure that's what they called it, and it is basically just a Gauntlet Match for the tag titles. It could give these teams a chance to all get on the card and show off a bit to an audience who may not watch both shows
i think it will either be all the teams in a tag team elimination battle royal with Truth and Morrison winning. Or, Which im pretty sure will happen. Hart Dynasty defend against Drew McIntyre/Cody Rhodes and R-Truth/John Morrison in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match. With once again Truth and Morrison winning.
The Uso's have lost to Santino/Kozlov on more than one occasion, haven't they? No thanks...

I'd like to see Morrison enter the Main Event picture... or at the very least just keep being a credible singles wrestler. Maybe go after Miz or Bryan for the US Title. So not the R-Truth/Morrison combo.

I hope its Rhodes/McIntyre, as I think both are terrific, and I too am tired of the Hart Dynasty. The Tag Titles should be on the wrestling show, not the drama show. So Rhodes/McIntyre taking it would be great for Smackdown! and their careers.
Well, if i had to guess right now who goes for the Tag Team titles, it's Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes and i HATE that idea already. First off, Cody Rhodes NEEDS to be a singles wrestler, if you want to pair McIntyre with someone, maybe pair him with Ziggler, BUT Cody Rhodes is becoming a great singles heel.

As for the Tag Team i want to see face the Hart Dynasty, i think WWE missed the ball here by not having 2 members of Nexus say that they should have a shot. I think that's what WWE should do and have the members of Nexus being David Otunga and Michael Tarver, but i think the match will be Rhodes and McIntyre vs. The Harts and the Harts will likely win which hopefully then sets up with Michael McGuillicutty returning as Michael Hennig to team up with Ted Dibiase.
My hope is that it's either two members of Nexus (like Otunga and Tarver) or Michael McGuillicutty and Ted Dibiase winning the Tag Team titles. I dont like the idea of teaming up Rhodes with anyone honestly, let Rhodes be a singles star. As for the match, if the Tag Titles are on the line, i hope it is a Tag Team turmoil and have the Harts look good only to lose to the last team which should either be The Nexus or Dibiase and Hennig.

i think edge and jericho take the straps and jump to smackdown
i hope not, i am not a fan of Edge and Jericho going to Smackdown, keep them on RAW please!!! Jericho is getting the fans interested in the GM again, thanks Chris. and Edge on Smackdown has been done and it's getting old in my view, if anyone should move to Smackdown it's Ted Dibiase and Alex Riley.
tag team wrestling is nowhere near what it once was. the teams you have now cant compare to the real teams have the 80's-90's when tag team wrestling was actually that and meant something what we have now are just people thrown together at any given time there might be a couple teams here and there that are actual teams such as the hart dynasty for example.so yea i think its a good thing the tag belts are unified there should be only one,,,the way it always has been
I would go with the gauntlet match, WWE seems to like them quite a bit, and they did have one, at Extreme Rules. I would say Morrsion/Truth would team up and The Gatecrashers or Dudebusters and Santino and Kozlov in for comedy.
No No No No NO!

No more random pairs...they actually have a small, barely able to breathe tag division that could, if pushed right (yeah right) could be credible. Raw has the Uso's, HD, Koslov/Santino, and Nexus being a stable can intergrate members to forms teams. SD! has the Dudebusters, the Gatecrashers, and possibly still the SES pending story line. Six to Seven teams is the most in a long time considering.

They should give the match to a legit team, who cares what type match, but have actual teams compete for the belts. I'd rather watch a real team then any two random pairings.

That's just my opinion as I come from watching the Golden Era of wrestling when you had some many quailty teams to choose from that dressed alike and came out to the same music...at the same time! what a concept of tag team wrestling. But most likely they will put rhodes/mcintyre or truth/morrison in there to push their tv time to get over.

If they still had haas and benjamin...problem solved. lol no but they are one of my favorites.
Hello Fella's i think it will be mcintyre/rhodes vs hart dynasty just like it was on tonights smackdown and HD retains but out of gatecrashers and dudebusters id rather see gatecrashers vs HD with HD retaining until next PPV
I see The Dudleys coming back at the PPV and destroying The Hart Dynasty putting all three threw tables. Then taking off with the belts, never to be seen again and putting an end to the tag team division.

For real, we got four logical options for the match.

1) We get a surprise team. It could be a debuting team from another fed, or maybe some new guys from FCW could be brought up. They could repackage two superstars and pair them up as a new team as well. The division could use some fresh faces.

2) Random paring. We see this a lot now days, two guys just thrown on a team for no real purpose. I think this is what we will most likely get at the PPV. This is what I call lazy booking.

3) One of the teams we already have. I don't know who it would be, all the teams on RAW suck. and I keep forgetting about the two on SMACKDOWN!. Maybe Nexus attacks the Harts during the PPV setting up a match.

4) Nothing. They should have The Hart Dynasty come out and say that there is no real threat to their titles. Have them talk about how good the division once was and how they want the tag division to return to the days of old. The next night we could see the rebirth of tag team wrestling.
i think we can all agree on the fact that todays tag division is crap compared to what it was back in the 80's for the legion of doom being the best tag there ever was. i seriously think wwe screwed up on not giving nexus most of the titles i say give tarver and whats his name the south african guy with the 450 the tag titles, and give the red haired guy the us title ( screw david otunga). what better way to have nexsus dominate raw than have them with all the titles wwe missed big time.
I personally think that NOC altogether is not done correctly. However, in my opinion, i think that they will throw a tag gauntlet match at the last minute with all of the teams & they will throw some teams together like bourne & henry & goldust & yoshi.
This past Monday we saw the WWE Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty for the first time since Bret Hart brought them their new belts two weeks ago. Therefore I think that because they just don't give a damn about tag teams anymore, WWE will skip the tag title match at Night of Champions. :disappointed:
i think it would be good to see a tag team battle royal there would be about 10 teams a few of which would have to be the annoying thrown together teams to make enough competitors but its a good way of adding more names to the ppv.
possible teams
harts, uso's,kozlov&santino, dudebusters, archer&hawkins, rhodes&mcintyre,truth&jomo,SES (if mercury can go) yoshi&goldust and maybe a nexus team or two. i did like the jericho+edge idea but there now both in the 6 pack so its doubtful.
i seriously think wwe screwed up on not giving nexus most of the titles i say give tarver and whats his name the south african guy with the 450 the tag titles, and give the red haired guy the us title ( screw david otunga).
Well, my only issue with Justin Gabriel being one half of the Tag Team champions is whenever Nexus ends, i think Gabriel will be one of the first gone which is why i says Tarver and Otunga, Otunga may stink in the ring, BUT he has great mic work and a pairing of Tarver and Otunga could work. As for Heath Slater (the red head you mentioned). THAT is the reason i want Daniel Bryan to win the United States title. Say he wins (with the unwanted help from Riley who mistakenly hits Miz and costs him the US title), then Bryan can feud with The Nexus and say that he wants payback and he takes on Slater in a match for his title.

No more random pairs...they actually have a small, barely able to breathe tag division that could, if pushed right (yeah right) could be credible.
i agree. They have the SES (if they stay together), the Usos, the Harts, the Nexus, The Gatecrashers, The Dudebusters and i even think a team of McGuillicutty (using his real last name Hennig) and Ted Dibiase should become a tag team to help save Ted Dibiase's career.

They should give the match to a legit team, who cares what type match, but have actual teams compete for the belts. I'd rather watch a real team then any two random pairings.
i agree, personally, i dont like random pairings, especially ones like McIntyre and Rhodes. I could picture McIntyre in a tag team, BUT not Rhodes, not when he was paired with Dibiase in January. Let Rhodes shine by himself.
Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer are solid in ring.. They should get the tag titles. Its boring to see Hart Dynasty kicking USO's every week and USO's losing to Santino/Kozlov :banghead:If not skip sheffield injured, he could have teamed up with Tarver or Gabriel
Does anyone actually give a shit about these worthless, prop bronze titles?

At this point it doesn't matter if the titles even exist. Tag team wrestling is dead in the WWE, and it doesn't matter who has the titles, nor does it matter if they get defended at this PPV they are having.

They are telling you how shit the titles and division are by having the tag champs get defeated in a 2 on 1 match in a steel cage, and not having a match booked on the go home show.

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
I think there is so many ways that this match could be booked that i don't even know where to begin. I suppose i'll begin with the far-fetched. The booking of this match seems very familiar to the NOC '07 wwe tag title match where Sgt. Slaughter and Jimmy Snuka were brought in to face Deuce and Domino. There is quite a few similarities between then and now. The obvious one is no competition. D&D won the belts in April from London and Kendrick and did nothing of importance. They had a few matches with Dave Taylor and William Regal but nothing special. The Harts won the belts in April from Shomiz but apart from a small feud with The Usos, they too have done nothing of notice. Sure, you could argue with there being two tag belts during D&D's reign that the division was thin, but the Hart Dynasty can not hide behind this excuse as they are the unified tag champs and can appear on both brands. The second similarity is no hype. I have rarely heard on RAW commentary that the Hart Dynasty have an opponent or will even defend the gold apart from once. Sure, its a given; after all, it is called 'Night of Champions' but every other title has had a feud or a storyline going into it. The only difference is that D&D were heels while the HD are faces. You could always go face v face but it still begs the question, which legends could they bring in?

Second scenario? Random team. This seems the most likely as even at Wrestlemania XXVI the belts were contested over by two makeshift teams. With them already having a tag match on RAW (i believe it was a number one contenders match?), JoMo/Truth and McIntyre/Rhodes would seem the top two candidates, especially since management are high on both Morrison and McIntyre. I personally wouldn't mind this as long as a feud is then built on this match. If the Harts retain; rematch at the next PPV. If random team win; Harts cash in rematch clause. I just don't want the belts to be defended and then Tyson Kidd slopes off to Superstars for another couple of months.

Third scenario? Gauntlet match but i don't really see any purpose. I remember seeing gauntlet matches where the opponents were actually well respected tag teams. Even on RAW in '07 with the Highlanders, WGTT, Cade and Murdoch. A gauntlet match would be exciting but not if there is hardly any actual teams to put in it, and the few teams they do have (Usos, Dudebusters, Archer/Hawkins) don't recieve the TV time or exposure.

Overall, i do not have high hopes for this match at all. There isn't even any basic build to the match. I can't remember the last time the Harts were on RAW apart from the cage match against Jericho. Its bad enough that there's no viable challengers but the fucking unified world champions of the fucking largest wrestling company in the world struggle for air time. For everything TNA does wrong, the tag division is one of their strongest assets and as much as i hope the 'E take a leaf out of TNA's page, they won't.
It's been highly speculated that there was indeed to be a title match between the Hart Dynasty and Nexus members David Otunga and Skip Sheffield. However, due to the ankle injury Sheffield suffered at a house show about a month ago, that's impossible.

This could be the reason for the throw-together tag-team of Dashing Cody Rhodes and Drew Mcintyre over the last few weeks. I would think it would be them VS the Hart Dynasty on Sunday since Todd Grisham did confirm on SD! last night that THERE WILL BE a tag team title match on Sunday's card.

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