**Merged** Abraham Washing Stable Discussion

The Extract

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So as most of us should know, Primo, Epico, and of course, Rosa have been joined by a new manager Abraham Washington. TBH, I am not really sure what to think of this for a few reasons:

*Primo + Epico just lost the tag team titles.
*I thought Rosa was their manager?
*WWE.com has asked the 'E universe to name the new team of R-Truth and Kofi, which I would think means that they won't lose the titles back to them.
*^this would make Washington look like a weak manager.

My question is what do you think will happen with this pairing?
This guy came out of nowhere, we heard nothing about A.W until he showed up on tv no build up or anything like that.

I think this whole angle with A.W is going to lead nowhere, he has no credibility with anyone, and i dont think anyone who watches raw or smackdown really cares for him, as far as epico and primo they are not big names at all, no one cares for them, dont get me wrong they are good atheletes, i just dont see them going anywhere at all, the tag division is dead.

The only way i see A.W becoming relevant is if he "signs" some big names, not if hes collecting the scrap, just my opinion.
I think Abraham Washington was more entertaining when he had his talk show on ECW. Maybe his "agent" gimmick is a re-intro to managers who had stables (Heenan Family, Dangerous Alliance). If this is the case, It could lead to something good. I'd like to see it work, It would be refreshing to see something new besides what's going on now.
I wouldn't read much into the naming tag team thing...the way the tag titles have been treated, they could lose the titles before a name is voted on. I like the idea of a manager, it creates some interesting possibilities.

I think Rosa is just their valet...she just kind of hangs with them. AW, in theory, takes a more active role. We'll see. If he gets Mason Ryan, they can use him as an enforcer and vice versa. We haven't actually seen him manage yet, just recruiting, so let's see how it goes.
Heres some food for thought;
Superstars like the miz, and mark henry are currently not being used yet both have demanded title shots in recent weeks, added to primo and epico holding off using their rematch clause, could in theory lead to a monday night take over where A.W introduces his faction (including rosa and mason ryan) with the intent of getting a title around the waist of each of his clients and becoming the dominant force of wwe.
However this theory would be better if used in the build up to survivor series.
Its all hypothetical as he could go and sign anyone and go in multiple directions and go on for weeks/months before we see any real progress, or it could fizzle out into nothing, either way we will have to wait and see
roll on next monday

edit; could also sign ryback, would give his stable some power and give ryback some much needed direction
The only way i see A.W becoming relevant is if he "signs" some big names, not if hes collecting the scrap, just my opinion.

It would be pointless to sign big names because they don't need it. This is an ideal way to get some guys that never get screen time and who are made to look weak all team together and become a stronger force.

If they leave how it is now then obviously that's ridiculous but if they continue to build with more guys that need some screen time maybe Reks and Hawkins for example it could be a fun stable to watch.

The only big name I would really even consider would be someone like Miz just because he isn't having much luck lately. AW could use the storyline to say he got him a movie with Marine 3 coming out.

I think it will be interesting to see where it goes anyway.
The only way i see A.W becoming relevant is if he "signs" some big names, not if hes collecting the scrap, just my opinion.

When the Jackyl collected up some scrap by the names of Faarooq and Bradshaw, they formed what would become a very entertaining, roughneck tag team.

Hopefully the pairing is going to result in either a new stable, or just reintroducing the manager. With Vickie, AW, and possibly Paul Heyman (for the time being), it would help quite a few of the "other guys" as they would be a mouth piece, slowly allowing them more mic time...
Look at the WWE right now, there a ton of guys who have the look and/or have the ring skills, but can't carry a promo for squat. I'm talking guys like Ryan, Gabriel, Kidd, Primo, Epico, Hunico, Camacho, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Evan Bourne, Ted Dibiase, Michael McGillicutty, etc.

Now, you take a guy like AW, who has proven he can handle speaking in front of the crowd and the camera, and put him with some of these guys who you like watching wrestle. Now, we have some potential. Look back at some of the guys Heenan managed: King Kong Bundy, Haku, Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndoff, Big John Studd, Hercules, Barbarian. None of those guys would be called superior promo men. Yet, he elevated them to levels they would not have obtained without him. He also took guys who were green on the mic and helped elevate them to higher status, guys like Rude, Andre, Mr. Perfect, and Harley Race. These guys were champions and high profile main eventers that I looked forward to seeing in interviews because of Heenan.

Now, I'm not saying AW is Bobby Heenan yet, but we haven't had anyone attempt to be in a long long time. I think Managers are the forgotten gold mine in Pro Wrestling.

I see a couple of guys who could really benefit and create a natural pairing. Imagine Arn Anderson coming out and cutting a promo stating the Michael Mcgillicutty reminds him of a younger version of himself and Ted Dibiase reminds him of a young Tully Blanchard. You could have one of the better talkers ever in the business working with Ted and McGillicutty. He'd help get them over. They'd learn from him and the WWE would kill two birds with one stone. Get people over now and build for the future.

I don't know that Primo and Epico are the team to start with, but AW has the potential to make a name for himself. What I really hope happens from all of this, is that AW gets the titles back to the Colons, and Kofi turns Heel and Joins the group. Automatic feud with R-Truth. Have a run with US or IC title and go from there.
Stables in the past often started with a tag team, and AW's should be no different. Primo and Epico are prime candidates cos they have an established team, have had some misfortune that AW can turn round and a gimmick that allows them to sell the "money" they are making. Probably won't be low-riders etc, but you could easily see their ring gear upgraded, Rosa as their "valet" and them start to be seen/team with guys like Henry and even Del Rio.

Del Rio would work well with them I think, let AW handle his mic work and Del Rio focus on winning back the title. It's the kind of gimmick that ADR needs to go with to be taken seriously as his Million Dollar Man lite is old hat.
Now that AW is managing The San Juan Connection while Rosa is their sexy valet who distracts their opponents, I do see potential..Does that mean that creative will actually give them a push? Nah..But still, there's promise in this foursome..Hopefully by No Way Out they'll be built up as a legit stable and win back the titles from Air Truth
I'm kinda indifferent to Abraham Washington in general. He had brief moments of being sorta funny at times on ECW but he never really stood out. And now, without any kind of build they stick him with Epico & Primo? That speaks very bad of WWE's ability to make Rosa look great as their manager. Of course, when they are practically begging the WWE Universe to name Kofi/Truth's team for them, that tells the whole story. Maybe whoever decides a good name should be put on the payroll and made lead of WWE creative. Because I truly believe that the shows would improve just sticking a knowledgeable fan in charge than the lame excuses for creative on the current team.
I know there is already a topic about Washingtons stable and who might join but I wanna talk about the stables name. The announce team refers to the group containing Rosa, Epico, Primo and Mason Ryan as "All World". All of these guys are also not from the 50 states of the U.S.

In my opinion it would be cool if Washington added only "foreigners" to the group as a way to get cheap heat. He can recruit any of the following Big Zeke, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel etc. I think by having an actual "All World" stable the people will actually care and give heat to these wrestlers that need it.

Does anyone agree or am I just looking too into the name of the group?
I think for them to build AW as a strong manager and make his business seem strong is if he creates 2 separate stables on each show. With the colon cousins and Ryan on raw. Maybe having Ezekiel Jackson and perhaps young and oneal on smackdown
So, what you're saying is you basically want WWE to have their own version of what TNA called World Elite? No. It sounds cool, but I don't think it is the image the WWE wants to go with. It is also like the people who talk about the Nation of Domination being reformed with different superstars. It won't work; it just screams racism to me and probably to the rest of the WWE universe. Also, haven't we've seen enough stables the past two years in the WWE to the point that they've all failed. I just don't want to see any more stables in the WWE especially with guys that aren't really on TV enough.

As, for the idea in a fantasy world, sure, I dig it. Just in terms of it happening, I don't see it happening at all. If anything, I would say that we have a better chance of seeing a newer version of The Corporation reforming.
The Nation was never a racist gimmick until they created the DOA and Los Boricuas to feud with them as there were white wrestlers in it like PG-13. It would certainly be no worse than the Teddy Long "Whitey" gimmick with Rodney Mack a few years ago if it came back.
Not as much fantasy booking as it is just an idea I thought of and wanted to see if you guys had anything to build off of.

We've known for a while that Ziggler is in need of that one storyline or situation for him to be involved with to get him to the next level. He's come close various times, but regardless of the circumstance (many would argue his manager), he has fallen not-so-gracefully back into the mid-card.

We've also seen WWE has been testing Mason Ryan out as Ziggler's "bodyguard" at house shows, to how it would go over. With A.W.'s new stable "All World" beginning to shape, it appears Ryan would be involved with this as well. They have been looking in on the tag team circuit of late, with Primo and Epico being represented. I've thought of a way to tie it together.

Something happens at Over The Limit or soon after that causes Ziggler to slowly begin breaking away from Swagger. A.W. has been touting that his new stable is the future of the business for clients that deserve the best. Primo and Epico work their way back into the tag team picture with Ziggler gone.

With A.W. putting the emphasis on the "future" and what not, he sees Ziggler as the person to base the stable around. He is the figurehead of the group, and the other clients will work around him. Enter Ryan as his bodyguard.

With this style of setup, even though Ziggler is technically "represented" by a manager in A.W. and has his own bodyguard, Ziggler is clearly the main focus and is allowed to be a leader. He could pick up some momentum, and from his group helping him reach the top, could eventually become a world champion.

In essence, All World is based around Ziggler, with a supporting cast helping him get where he needs to while showcasing their own talents.

Of course, there are several other factors. All World would probably need a little more name power to begin with to seem a little more legitimate. But I think it could potentially be the start of something for Ziggler, as it is not him being held back by a stale manager.

Feel free to disagree, branch off your own thoughts, etc. I'm curious to see what you have to say!
It sounds pretty interesting to me, certainly loads better than what's been happening with Ziggler for the past few months. Ziggler, along with Cody Rhodes, is someone that the WWE has definitely gotten off track with and I can't see why.

I'm not saying that Ziggler is someone that's going to change the game of wrestling at this time, but I think you have to be just plain closed minded or a flat out hater not to acknowledge the progress that Dolph Ziggler has made over the course of the past few years. He's worked hard to improve himself in the ring & on the mic. Right now, I think the best thing for him would be for WWE to end his association with Vickie. She's great in her role, but they've gone as far as they can with it. Ziggler is going to have to end things with her in order to move on up.

Having him sign with AW could be interesting, though I have to admit that I'm curious to see how he does on his own. He's been with Vickie for so long but, at the same time, it would be interesting to see him among an actual stable comprised of other young, hungry wrestlers.
AW's All World Stable:

Manager: A.W. - nuff said.

Tag Team w/Valet: Epico & Primo w/Rosa Mendes - I like them being the first addition and adding suspense to when they will chalenge for tag titles again.

The Muscle: Lord Tensai w/Sakamoto - He isn't w/ Big Johnny anymore so why not? He is growing on me and w/the right tools could he could be great muscle for the ALL WORLD(ethnic/character diversity) stable. Have him have a good U.S. title run and feud with Mason Ryan(who he can "take out" of the stable) or maybe Ryback.

The Rising Star: Jack Swagger - The All American American! Slightly repackage him, have him get more aggressive w/less talking. Show his technical skills and give him a solid IC title run.

The Veteran: William Regal - Have him talk and advise and get alot of heat and be super english, he is great at it!

The Champion: Sheamus - Two words = HEEL TURN. Hint towards it being Barrett and have Sheamus "take Barrett out". He is not over as a face and with diverse backround and leading a diverse stable and contending for the WWE TITLE(not WHC) he could sky rocket!!!

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