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**Merged** A Plausible way to Build: Christian


Occasional Pre-Show
So I was just sitting at home wondering what my first Topic for posting in the WWE Section should be, and I got to thinking, why not start a series of threads showing plausible ways of Building/Pushing some WWE Supestars to the Next Level. My main focus is going to be on guys who the IWC seem to love, but the WWE just hasn't been able or wanted, to push this Superstar.

My first pick to do my series on is: Christian.

I picked Christian because it seems like, including me, feel he should be a Main Eventer in the WWE, and shouldn't be retained to the Mid Card level of WWE.

So I guess lets begin, now first off, bare with me, its along post;

So my scenerio begins the first Smackdown! after Night of Champions, Dolph Ziggler has retained his Intercontinental Championship vs Kofi Kingston and now needs a new Rival heading into Hell in a Cell. Tonight, he faces Christian in a One on One match. Christian pulls out the victory and so the feud begins. The followng week it is a Number One Conteners Match to see who gets a Title Shot at the Intercontinental Title between Kofi and Christian. Dolph interferes thus making Christian lose, and Kofi the winner, however, unsatisfied by the result, Teddy Long comes out and says it will be a Triple Threat Match at Hell in a Cell.

At Hell in a Cell, Dolph Ziggler retains the Title by pinning Kofi. The following week on Smackdown! Dolph comes out an brags about how he beat both Kingston and Christian bla bla bla, Christian then comes out saying that he did not get pinned and wants a One on One Match right now for the Title. Dolph, being the Heel that he is, obviously refuses the Match saying he is to tired from there match and Hell in a Cell, but low and be hold Teddy Long comes out and announces that this match will i fact happen, right now. After a long hard match, Christian wins, but via DQ when Vickie gets involved, but good 'ole Teddy comes back out and announces a restart, however conditions state if Ziggler gets DQ'ed, he still loses the Title. Christian goes for the Killswitch and connects, thus winning the Intercontinental Title.

The following Friday, now that Smackdown! has moved to the Syfy Network, Teddy announces that Smackdown! has acquired new talents from Raw, one of those being Edge. He also announces that the Team Captain for Team Smackdown! heading into Bragging Rights will be none other then Captain Charisma himself, Christian. In the coming weeks the team is made up, Christian, Edge, Ziggler, Big Show, Kane, Swagger all make the team.

At Bragging Rights, the anomosity of Team Smackdown! is crazy, Ziggler and Christian are finding it hard to co-exist, Ziggler is firs eliminated. We are down to two people for team Smackdown! Edge and Christian. Christian gets pinned and in frustration Edge spears him. In the distraction, Edge gets rolled up for the win for Team Raw.

Following week on Smackown! Christian calls out Edge saying he shouldn't of speared him, that they were a team, they lost as a team, Edge says its Christians fault and that Edge was the supperior of there Tag Team, he has went on to win World Championsips and so on, and what has Christian done. Christian says if Edge is so much better, then he'll have no problem beating him tonight in a match. But Teddy has other ideas. Ziggle wants his rematch tonight, and hes gonna get it. Christian wins via DQ when Edge spears him from behind. The following week Edge challenges Christian to a one on one match at Survivor Series, however once again Teddy has other plans, saying they will be the 2 of the 6 men in a rematch of Bragging Rights at Survivor Series vs Team Raw.

At Survivor Series, once again it is down to Edge and Christian, Christian looks for the Hot Tag to Edge but Edge leaves. Christian is then pinned, and it is down to Edge, who gets counted out and Team Raw wins yet again. The following Smackdown! Teddy Long is irrate with Edge for costing them Two matches against Raw and is just about to suspend him when Christian walks in, saying he doesn't wat Edge suspended, instead, he wants a match vs Edge at TLC, in a Ladder Match.

TLC rolls around, and Edge knocks off Christian to win the Intercontinental Title.Edge begins to clame he is better then Christian, obviously frustrating Christian to the point he challenges Edge to a Steel Cage Match at Royal Rumble. Edge accepts and says he will not only beat him, but then win his second straight Royal Rumble.

At Royal Rumble, Edge beats Christian when right off the top he spears Christian and jumps out of the cage, ending the match in less then 30 seconds. However that night, a not so fatigued Christian gets to the Final 3 of the Royal Rumble, with him, Edge and (for name sakes) Triple H. Christian distracts Edge so that Triple H can eliminate him, then he eliminates Triple H to win the Royal Rumble.

Following Sunday Edge is irrate he lost to Christian and that now Christian has earned a Title Shot at 'Mania, Christian comes out and brags then tells Edge he has a match tonight for the Intercontinental Title, against Kofi Kingston. Kingston wins after Christian distracts the Reff. Edge is pissed and wants Christian suspened. Teddy aint buying it and tells Edge to bugger off. The following week Edge qualifies for the World Title Elimination Chamber. At WWE Elimination Chamber, Edge wins the World Heavyweight Title and after the match Christians music hits and he says he will face Edge at WreslteMania for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Last Man Standing Match.

Promos are running wild and the build up is huge, the Headline going in is will Christian finally be able to overcome Edge, or will Edge show once and for all he is forever supperior then Christian. At 'Mania, after a couple of close calls, Christian finally gets Edge to stay down for the 10 count, and clames his first World Title, propelling him into the Main Event.

* So thats my way of pushing Christian, I'd just like to say, I know their are rumors of there being a WWE and World Title Unification Match at Mania however I decided to go with this scenerio seeing as how it made the most sense.

So my questions are:

* Do you like my push for Christian? Why or Why Not?
* If not, even if so, what would you do to push Christian?
* Any other opinions?

Thanks for Reading.
Christian has an amazing charisma, but the problem is he's not a normal match wrestler type. He'll give a 10/10 hardcore,TLC, ECW rules, match or whatever, but he's not as good in normal matches.
First off let me say this: Rep up for sure.

now to the topic. After reading through your post I see that working very well however the way WWE works now i can't see a wwe fued spanning five PPV's six if you include mania in there. I think they would have to start at royal rumble simply because of wwe's current ADD booking style... I wish it could work your way tho.
Very nice job man. I like all of it and it has a very good chance of happening. Obviously, this is a very good way to keep this feud going all the way to Wrestlemania. But the only thing is that the current Taker/Kane feud would take up all the time for this Christian/Edge feud because I think WWE just wants to have one big feud at a time over on SD!. Also we will never know when this Taker/Kane feud will end, but when it does end I can see something like this happening because I think the Christian vs. Edge match at WM is set for this year because they have been teasing it ever since that Christian/Edge promo and Christian is on a hot streak right now, so we will see what happens.
well I must respond to everything about Christian so here we go. I was thinking about something similar to this for Christian and Edge but yours is good I would love to see it espically with Christian finally winning the Big One in WWE I WOULD MARK THE F*UCK OUT SOOO BAD IF HE DID!!!!!!
God really? Another thread about christian winning the big one? I love christian, Im a peep but seriously these threads about him and hardy need to stop. Yes we all know he is deserving of a higher spot then he is right now, and it will come, everyone just needs to give it time. Look how long we had to wait for guys like eddie and benoit to finally get their moments of glory. He will get the title at least once before his career is over, but when he does it will be nothing more then a pity title reign unfortunately. He will win it and lose it a month later or so. It will be the same thing they did to jeff hardy the first time, It will be vince's way of telling everyone "there i gave him the title now shut up"
There is one HUGE road block all you "peeps" don't seem to notice,
I take that back,
You notice,
You choose not too acknowledge,
Not only does he not like him,
But Christian went big in TNA,
He will Never,
Be at the top,
great thread i think christian would have been main eventer years ago if not for 1 thing he went to tna you got to see it this way vince dosent like competition and christian went to tna for a few years and worked for the competitor of course he is gonna be stuck in midcard i wish he wasnt but i dont see it changing sadly.
It's a pretty good idea.

But, I'd rather see Christian finish up whatever he's doing right now and start that feud with Edge ASAP. Also, I wouldn't want an Intercontinental Championship involvement thrown in there since that feels like a step down. Championships should just be left out (unless it's one of those sporadic title shots). Another thing is, instead of having Christian win the Royal Rumble, he and Edge should both be eliminated due to an altercation between one another. The rest sounds entertaining.

There is one HUGE road block all you "peeps" don't seem to notice,
I take that back,
You notice,
You choose not too acknowledge,
Not only does he not like him,
But Christian went big in TNA,
He will Never,
Be at the top,

I don't understand where this rumour started. Where is the legitimate source that confirms Vince McMahon's dislike for Christian? Why would Vince rehire someone that he dislikes?
Sorry if you think this thread is similar to other ones out there, but just read my question and you will see it is not. Now it seems to me that Christian is indeed going to start some kind of feud with Alberto Del Rio. This feud would really help put over both these guys in so many ways, but this thread is about Christian. I think Christian has the ability and charisma to basically be the top face on SD! I mean who is your top face now? The Undertaker should not really be considered the face of SD! because he rarely shows up on SD! and he only does when he is involved in storylines, Rey is injured, and Big Show just no comment. It's not Taker's fault he can't perform every week, so I really believe he is more like a veteran of SD! and not the main face of SD! Anyways. Christian has always impressed me with his talent, promo skills, and funny segments. I think they really need to start building Christian right now before they get all these big names coming over from RAW. Christian is by far one of my favorites in WWE if not probably my favorite since Matt is gone.

So, where do you guys think Christian should go after his feud with Alberto Del Rio and do you think he has the ability to carry Smackdown every Friday night?

Also, how would you want Christian too be built as a main eventer?
How the hell does The Undertaker not count because he only appears once a month? Last time I checked Undertaker has appeared on almost every Smackdown since Summerslam. The top face on Smackdown now is without a doubt Rey Mysterio even though he's taking a break now I expect him to be back by the first episode on SyFy. Now to Christian can he be a top face? Yes. Will he be a top face? No. Obviously Del Rio is going to get the better of the two in their feud. It wouldn't make sense to have Christian come on top of Del Rio in their feud and then have Del Rio feud with Mysterio. That makes Del Rio look weak. I would like to see Captain Charisma feud with Punk or even Edge if he comes over from Raw.
How the hell does The Undertaker not count because he only appears once a month? Last time I checked Undertaker has appeared on almost every Smackdown since Summerslam. The top face on Smackdown now is without a doubt Rey Mysterio even though he's taking a break now I expect him to be back by the first episode on SyFy. Now to Christian can he be a top face? Yes. Will he be a top face? No. Obviously Del Rio is going to get the better of the two in their feud. It wouldn't make sense to have Christian come on top of Del Rio in their feud and then have Del Rio feud with Mysterio. That makes Del Rio look weak. I would like to see Captain Charisma feud with Punk or even Edge if he comes over from Raw.

Well Undertaker is more of a legend and I am pretty sure that the true face of SD! appears on every SD! show with no breaks. Taker is like Mariano Rivera. They only bring in Mo when they have to and if they want to. Taker is not used in the summer because he heals up for the fall-Wrestlemania. This is when the WWE must use him to build up the streak match. Do you see Mo as the face of the Yankees because I don't. That title belongs to Jeter and the true face of SD! should be someone like Christian because the fans love him, he has the talent, the promo skills, and can lead a show just like he did in TNA.
Christian is NOT going over this feud. Christian will lose this feud. It's just a longer way for Christian to put over more talent. I like it though, I like that Christian gets to show off his pro mic skills. I like that Alberto said no to Christians challenge. It adds more suspicion to the feud. Will there be a match at NoC? Probably not. But you never know.

I don't think Christian will EVER be the top face of, anything. As much as that sucks, it's true. It's reality. Vince is one to move FORWARD with the company. He won't put a 39 year old as the face of SD!

After Taker and Rey are gone, it's probably gonna be Kofi.

As Mikey said, I would LOVE to see Christian feud with Punk or even Edge.
Damn good post I must say and after the Undertaker/Kane feud finally ends, this feud should really come into play. This would be great to see for SmackDown! and Edge versus Christian has been teased for a while now and I hope that most, if not all what's on the initial post here does happen.
Look, as much as I like Christian... do you really think he'll ever get a World Title? He's charismatic and good in ring, but he's been around for so long and never even gotten a look. He must be doing something wrong. Now, I'm not sure if VKM really dislikes Christian, but if it's not that than there must be something. Christian deserted the 'E for TNA, that might be a problem... But he did get a ECW Title reign, actually a few and he looked great. I just don't think he's suitable to be "The Face" of the company.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Christian world championship reign. Although, I'm not disappointed if he doesn't get one. I see Christian's career mirrored to Mr. Perfect's. They both were respected wrestlers who could be count on to put on good matches on a given notice. They have multiple tag team and mid card title reigns. They even achieve world championship status in other promotions outside of the E. I think Christian has had a great career and is perfect in his role in helping put over new talent such as McIntyre, Rhodes, and Del Rio. If he happens to get a world championship then I would be happy for him, however I like where he's at right now.
Fantasy booking is one thing, but by now Christian is established as the credible mid-card veteran that puts over the rising young stars. I don't see this changing anytime soon. Him and Hardy are in the same role. Hardy is tired of it and probably jumping to TNA. Christian seems to be fine with it.

He had his time in TNA, was world champion. Now he's back in the big leagues and has a solid, respectable role which he excels at. So will he get a short tribute reign before he retires? Maybe, and I'd like it. Will he transform into a regular main event title contender or multi-time world champion? No, almost surely not.
As much as I'd love to see Christian in the Intercontinental titel picture, it's very clear that he will now job to Alberto Del Rio and put him over. Christian is one of my top 3 favorite wrestlers of all time along with Edge and Shawn Michaels.

I hate how the only title opportunity he's gotten all year was last minute against Kofi and didn't win.

If This Del Rio feud doesn't put Christian back into the Intercontinental title picture, then I say PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS AND HAVE E&C FEUD FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

Hey, I know that's a ridiculous demand, but I can dream can't I?

I mean...Christian does NOT have to be the face of the company. In fact, I'd go on a limb and say that's the last thing he'd want. His mic work is not as good as Edge's, granted. But he is still on the better part of the Smackdown! roster. For him not to even be a CONTENDER for the Intercontinental title is RIDICULOUS!!!
I think there is a decent chance of an E&C reunion, but more likely a feud....IF EDGE DOES NOT DO A FACE-TURN! that in itself is unlikely because smackdown has enough heels with CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Cody, Drew, and Dolph Ziggler.

The current faces except Christian are week and not entertaining to anyone over the age of 14.

Even though Christian will never be the face of SD! (and to be honest, I think he's ok with that) I think for him to consistently win non-title matches week after week serves no purpose.


Let him at least be a contender to not only put him over as a face, but also give the title some credibility again!

I'd also love an E&C ladder match at TLC....maybe even put those 2 up for the World Heavyweight Championship...You could argue that given their history, and their relatively young age considering their still in their 30's and are considered veterans, it could be a major PPV match if not a Wrestlemania caliber match.
I love Captian Charisma, I really do, but it just seems like my hope of ever seeing him as world champion are fading. Never say never though right? If christian retires without a wwe world title under his belt (no pun intended), I wont be upset in the least. He got 2 world title reigns in TNA. No matter what those are considered world titles regardless and he can be called a former world champion i dont give a shit if wwe doesn't classify him as never being world champion, it cant stop his fans from considering him as one. christian has gotten so much praise and is a great worker vince just doesnt like him for reasons i wont understand. It cant be TNA, christian left to prove to himself he could be world champion material and did prove that. I think he obviously didn't come back to WWE to win a world title, i think christian is a little smarter then that to know how crowded the main event always is in wwe. I really think he just went to TNA got his shot at glory and decided he should come back to wwe to train/put over the younger guys. Which he is doing an excellent job at, in christian's ECW title reign he made Swagger look like gold and also did with rhodes a couple months back. I think if christian was ever to be given the opportunity to hold a world championship it would be a "pity" reign like jeff hardy got. Where he wins it then a couple weeks later loses it and it would only happen if vince opens his eyes and realizes like he did with jeff that people really love this guy i think we should give him a title reign. Then if he did give christian a title reign it would just be vince's way of saying to all of us peeps "there i gave him the title happy now?" then just take it off him as fast as he gave to him.
I've always been a fan of Christian. I think it's unfortunate that Vince has never given Christian a shot at being World Champion and I do think that's been a mistake on his part. However, I do believe that Christian's ship has sailed where being a World Champion in WWE is concerned. Christian has been in the mid-card for a very long time and has long since shown that he's willing to do just about anything management asks of him. If it was going to happen, it probably would have happened a long time ago.

Christian is almost 37 years old. While he's certainly not "old", he can't really be looked at as a "young man" either and the WWE is right in the middle of a youth movement producing new stars. Christian just doesn't fit that mold or fall into that category now. Judging by SmackDown last night, Christian is going to be feuding with Alberto Del Rio. I think it'll be a good feud that'll will produce some very high quality matches, but Del Rio is almost certainly going to be the one elevated in the feud and Christian is going to be used to elevate him. For the most part, I have a feeling that's how Christian is more than likely going to be used for the rest of his time in WWE. Christian is a great wrestler, he's got loads of charisma, he's great on the mic and he's great in the ring. To top it off, fans of the WWE still love the guy and he's a team player. A wrestler like Christian is a valuable guy to have in your company.

I would have liked to have seen Christian as a World Champion in WWE but I've long since resigned myself to the probability that it's probably not going to happen.
i have like most of the others who have posted on this thread been a fan of christian for a long time.but if you think hard i dont think christian is stagnating in the midcard due to lack of chances.yes they pushed edge before christian but didnt they give christian a breakout feud in 2001???well it didnt garner that much interest.christian then wrestled jericho at wrestlemania,kayfabe dated trish when she was very over,got a "problem solver" in tomko plus a great entrance video as well(the original just close your eyes by waterproof blonde)

that was christian's peak i believe in wwe.he even mainevented a ppv in a triple threat match.but well once again something snapped within.he had awesome chemistry with tomko but dunno what happened there.

so the fact is i dont see christian being pushed the same way again.but hey no one expected kane to win the title either.so i believe that though christian will lose his feud with alberto del rio,i believe if he can deliver a few great promos or matches christian may come under vince's radar once again.

the thing is i think very highly of christian.i believe punk is the best heel promo man in the company.christian as a face can go up against him.perhaps christian is the only babyface who can do so.but there are certain facets of his character that he needs to change.like he's become too goody good.i hate the way he started feuding with alberto about how alberto had injured his friend rey.i think with christian's charisma he can even get away with making fun of rey.

hence i know we should never say never but i believe christian will stay the way he is.a useful commodity who isnt a maineventer

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