Memorial Shows

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Anyone else think they feel staged and contrived? Some aspects of them are really touching. I thought the Benoit one was really nice. But moments in the Owen Hart & Eddie Guerrero ones made me cringe.

For example the ending of the Owen show. Steve Austin came out. He did his usual shit with his beer and that was the end of the show. But why? Because he was WWE's biggest star? Shouldn't it have ended with one of Owen's friends making a speech? Austin even stated in his book that he was resentful towards Owen because he didn't call after he broke his neck.

One of the Eddie Guerrero shows started with Batista coming to the ring. Not Benoit, Malenko, Chavo or even Rey Mysterio. But Batista. A storyline ally. They might have been friends. But were they close like he probably was with Benoit, or his cousin Chavo?

And what about the Rey Mysterio speech. I believe it was a pre taped interview. He cries. I'm sure he's sad. But at the end he removes his mask. Why was he wearing it anyway? Fans wouldn't care about seeing him without his mask if a well loved wrestler has just died. It just felt so staged to me.
I was personally disgusted by Steve Austin and the Owen Hart tribute show. Because to me, guys like Triple H., Jeff Jarrett, Debra, Mark Henry.. especially personal friends of Owen, they all showed tremendous emotions.

Then you have a prick come out, cut his normal in-ring segment with the beer, and basically say "Here's one for ya." He drinks, raises a can to the sky, then leaves it in the ring. Absolutely distasteful in my opinion.

As far as the Chris Benoit tribute show. I feel as if it was too sudden. I understand being the live event Raw is, that they had a pre-arranged 3 hour special, but to turn the entire thing into a 3 hour special to Chris Benoit, only for them on the next night during E.C.W. to basically say they jumped the gun on the whole thing, and more or less say it was a mistake. Thats distasteful and disrespectful to me too.

What they should've did, was aired some type of "best of" W.W.E. moments show, instead of doing the Benoit tribute show instantly. Especially when the whole issue of his death was surrounded in such mystery. But instead, they didn't think, they just ran with a tribute show.. then apologized for it the following night, making it out to be nothing but a mistake, which is heartless to me.

If you really think about it, the Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero tribute shows, were nothing more "special" or "individual" (meaning about them) than the fricken 9/11 tribute Smackdown.. its nothing but staged, and put on for the fans.

That being said. I appreciate the tribute shows. I cried during them. I loved them. But as you've said, they have moments in them, where you just feel sick watching it unfold, because apart of you knows its not real so much as staged.
I didn't have a problem with the Benoit show. Because really what happened is one of the last things you would and WWE would have expected to have happened. I thought it was a fitting tribute to a well respected wrestler.

But what I also don't like is all this pointing to the sky stuff. I just feel it's all for the fans. Which it shouldn't be if a wrestler has died. They maybe should have matches, but it should be between wrestlers who didn't really associate with the deceased. When Chavo beat JBL at the Eddie tribute show people were like OMG Chavo beat JBL. Which is the wrong reaction in my opinion.
But what I also don't like is all this pointing to the sky stuff. I just feel it's all for the fans. Which it shouldn't be if a wrestler has died. They maybe should have matches, but it should be between wrestlers who didn't really associate with the deceased. When Chavo beat JBL at the Eddie tribute show people were like OMG Chavo beat JBL. Which is the wrong reaction in my opinion.

The pointing to the sky stuff if more of the "on-paper" religious aspect of things. As most people relate to a lost love one, to pointing/looking to the sky, as in knowing/feeling they're in heaven looking on. (I know you knew that) I think when its done on television, its just another aspect of the whole thing being non-real, so much as "what they think you want to see."

I fully agree that they should've had matches in place of a best of career show. Especially since it was a 3 hour special. But at the same time, the surrounding of the Chris Benoit death not only took his life, but his immediate Family's lives. I think that in itself was just cause on why they completely cancelled the entire show. Because I can imagine how close Benoit was to a lot of them, and how emotionally broken up about the whole situation they all would've/could've been.

Again, that being said, I would've liked to seen a tribute show. But as you said, people also give crap reactions just because someone you wouldn't see winning, wins. All in all, had they of done it, they would've done it wrong. The main event would've likely seen Triple H. v. Rey Mysterio, or something along those lines.. when in reality, the Main Event for a Benoit tribute show should've been.. Rey Mysterio v. Chavo Guerrero, or Dean Malenko returning for one night.

As you've also said, to showcase their closest friends and family, not just the biggest on-screen stars who've worked with him and presume to know him.
The pointing to the sky stuff if more of the "on-paper" religious aspect of things. As most people relate to a lost love one, to pointing/looking to the sky, as in knowing/feeling they're in heaven looking on. (I know you knew that) I think when its done on television, its just another aspect of the whole thing being non-real, so much as "what they think you want to see."

I fully agree that they should've had matches in place of a best of career show. Especially since it was a 3 hour special. But at the same time, the surrounding of the Chris Benoit death not only took his life, but his immediate Family's lives. I think that in itself was just cause on why they completely cancelled the entire show. Because I can imagine how close Benoit was to a lot of them, and how emotionally broken up about the whole situation they all would've/could've been.

Again, that being said, I would've liked to seen a tribute show. But as you said, people also give crap reactions just because someone you wouldn't see winning, wins. All in all, had they of done it, they would've done it wrong. The main event would've likely seen Triple H. v. Rey Mysterio, or something along those lines.. when in reality, the Main Event for a Benoit tribute show should've been.. Rey Mysterio v. Chavo Guerrero, or Dean Malenko returning for one night.

As you've also said, to showcase their closest friends and family, not just the biggest on-screen stars who've worked with him and presume to know him.

this right here IMO was what made the Benoit show good was it was all personal reflections on him from people close to him, you had CM Punk talking about his career and all the respect he had for him and how hed wishes he could have worked with him more, you had Rey and Chavo close personal friends talking on his behalf, there was John Cena who I have no idea about but was probably just there because hes the top guy but the interview that made that show for me was with Edge, Edge was a wreck and really gave a good emotional reflection on Benoits career and that if it didnt make you just a bit emotional I dont know what will. thats why IMO that was the most meaningful tribute show
Austin was the WWE's top guy, him being the final guy to say good bye to Hart represented the WWE saying good bye as a whole.

Rey's mask isn't there just to shift merch but is part of his heritage, removing the mask is a sign of respect.

How do you know how close Batistia and Eddie were off camera?

Who are you tell people how to remember their loved ones? We don't know these people nor do we know their personal relationships and shame on all of you for claming those shows were staged.
Austin was the WWE's top guy, him being the final guy to say good bye to Hart represented the WWE saying good bye as a whole.

Main guy doesn't mean shit when somebodys died.

Rey's mask isn't there just to shift merch but is part of his heritage, removing the mask is a sign of respect.

Which he removed in WCW in 1999. Does he really wear that thing all the time? No.

How do you know how close Batistia and Eddie were off camera?

I'm not saying they weren't close. But how come he got more of a spot on the show than Chris Benoit. How come Dean Mslenko only got a quick promo. How come Chavo didn't make a speech to the crowd.

Who are you tell people how to remember their loved ones? We don't know these people nor do we know their personal relationships and shame on all of you for claming those shows were staged.

Austin celebrating with beer in the ring not staged? Batista laying his WHC on the low rider not staged?
Main guy doesn't mean shit when somebodys died.

He's representing the whole company saying good bye to Owen, it was touching and classy
Which he removed in WCW in 1999. Does he really wear that thing all the time? No.

Yeah and regretted since and was bored in TJ because of it. The mask is important and removing it was a sign of respect. That is a fact.
I'm not saying they weren't close. But how come he got more of a spot on the show than Chris Benoit. How come Dean Mslenko only got a quick promo. How come Chavo didn't make a speech to the crowd.

Benoit was in the main-event and he and Malenko closed the show. Maybe Chavo didn't want to.
I can't answer any of that because I don't know the people involved and I'm not going to judge their intentions because I don't know them.

Austin celebrating with beer in the ring not staged? Batista laying his WHC on the low rider not staged?

No, staged implies something designed to create fake emotion. Neither were fake.
He's representing the whole company saying good bye to Owen, it was touching and classy

With Austin doing his usual deal? Beer classy?

Yeah and regretted since and was bored in TJ because of it. The mask is important and removing it was a sign of respect. That is a fact.

But when you're in an emotional state as I'm sure he was why would he put the mask on? Does he wear that thing at home? Will he wear it to his mothers funeral?

Benoit was in the main-event and he and Malenko closed the show. Maybe Chavo didn't want to.
I can't answer any of that because I don't know the people involved and I'm not going to judge their intentions because I don't know them.

Then why participate in the thread?

No, staged implies something designed to create fake emotion. Neither were fake.

Austin drinking beer like he usually did. Then laying a can in the middle of the ring to end the show not fake? Please.
With Austin doing his usual deal? Beer classy?

Yeah it was, that's why it got so many positive reviews.
But when you're in an emotional state as I'm sure he was why would he put the mask on? Does he wear that thing at home? Will he wear it to his mothers funeral?

He put his mask on because showing his face at a wrestling event goes against his heritage which is why taking it off was so powerful

Then why participate in the thread?

Because I'm trying to make you and othres understand that you have know right to cgo after these guys for how they choose to remeber their friends after they died. We don't know these people, or their relationships or what is important to them and to sit in judgement of them in this way is wrong and shameful

Austin drinking beer like he usually did. Then laying a can in the middle of the ring to end the show not fake? Please.

Who are you to tell us what Austin intentions were at that moment? Do you know him personally? Did you ask him how he felt at the time? I'm betting the answer is no, which means that not only do you have know right to sit in judgement of him but also no basis to do so.
Yeah it was, that's why it got so many positive reviews.

It got positive reviews because it was the first WWE show dedicated soley to a deceased wrestler.

He put his mask on because showing his face at a wrestling event goes against his heritage which is why taking it off was so powerful

But he wasn't wrestling. He was being himself. Not a gimmick.

Because I'm trying to make you and othres understand that you have know right to cgo after these guys for how they choose to remeber their friends after they died. We don't know these people, or their relationships or what is important to them and to sit in judgement of them in this way is wrong and shameful

I'm not judging just them. I'm judging the company as well.

Who are you to tell us what Austin intentions were at that moment? Do you know him personally? Did you ask him how he felt at the time? I'm betting the answer is no, which means that not only do you have know right to sit in judgement of him but also no basis to do so.

IN AUSTINS BOOK HE SAID THAT HE WASN'T REALLY FRIENDS WITH OWEN. Do you understand? So why did he end the show? Because he was the companys top star. Not because they were friends. I'm convinced that the Austin in real life is not the same as the Austin you see on TV screens. So why wasn't he being himself?
It got positive reviews because it was the first WWE show dedicated soley to a deceased wrestler.

No it got postive reviews because people felt it was a classy show.
But he wasn't wrestling. He was being himself. Not a gimmick.

The mask isn't a gimmick.

I'm not judging just them. I'm judging the company as well.

Which you have know right to do because you don't know what mind set the company as a whole was in.

IN AUSTINS BOOK HE SAID THAT HE WASN'T REALLY FRIENDS WITH OWEN. Do you understand? So why did he end the show? Because he was the companys top star. Not because they were friends. I'm convinced that the Austin in real life is not the same as the Austin you see on TV screens. So why wasn't he being himself?

They were friends, they had a falling out over the injury.
Yes he was their top star, he represented the entire locker room and the titan sports family, the WWE was saying good bye together through Austin.

Austin didn't speak, didn't go up on the turn buckles, didn't give anyone the finger or the stunner. He called for two beers, toasted Owen Hart, drunk one and left the other. At many funerals people will do something similar. What's the problem?

Again how do you know he wasn't being himself? Who are you to tell us he wasn't?

People mourn loss in their own way, nobody has the right to judge anybody on how they mourn. You didn't know Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit, you don't Vince McMahon, Steve Austin, Rey Mysterio, Batistia, Chavo Guererro, Dean Malenko or any of the people involed. Therefore you don't know how they react to grief, how close they are with each other or how their relationships work. You may think you do because you read internet reports or listen to interviews, but you don't. You have no right to attack people on how they react to death
I personally hated the ending to the Owen Hart tribute show. You could tell and to this day know, that Austin really never cared for Hart, so to have him end the show was just silly. WCW trumped this Tribute show anyways with one match, Benoit vs. Hart. Benoit vs. Hart is what a tributes show should have been about.

The Benoit one was the best in my opinion. It wasn't scripted, it was a complete shoot and a work in progress. If people were upset about their decision, what else could they have done. If it came out that he was murdered and didn't, then they would have been seen as classless. They did what they could with the situation they were in, and no one would have guessed that Benoit was the culprit.
Memorial shows are a great way to show respect to a deceased wrestler, if done correctly. By "if done correctly" I mean true feelings, not staged ones. So you have close friends, and family talking about the wrestler, not someone like Stone Cold, or Cena, because at the time they were the top guy. The Owen show, left a distasteful feeling. You have a guy do whatever he does every week (drink a beer), to end a tribute show about a wrestler he did not even consider a friend. That in my opinion is a tribute show done incorrectly. The same thing with the Eddie show, Batista comes out to start the show. Batista and Eddie were only storyline friends, but yet he's the one who does the big promo to Eddie. As for the Benoit show, that was, in my opinion done very well, except for some minor points. For example, again just because someone is the top guy (Cena) doesn't mean he can do a good reflection on a deceased wrestler, because they were never close friends. I also did not like the way WWE made the Benoit show so fast, but later regretted it.
Persoanlly I think the Memorial shows are certainley better than nothing. Personally I see the point behind Austin ending the show for Owen, as the WWE was having their most over, popular, important guy paying respect and mourning along with everyone else. They chose their most important popular guy to represent them, and I understand it. Was it the best thing to do? Probably not, but I still liked it.

The mask isn't a gimmick.

So he wears it every second of every day in his life??? lol

I dont see how anyone can criticize them for the Benoit show. They didnt know for sure what had happened, and the news that he was responsible wasnt totally out til the next day. Anyone criticizing WWE in that situation is foolish anyway....It was during some very very very extreme conditions, thos eof which can never be planned for. There are no other incidents, to my knowledge, of one of the top 5 guys in a company mysteriously coming up dead, alongside his family. They did the best they could.
No it got postive reviews because people felt it was a classy show.

Yeah. But still contrived.

The mask isn't a gimmick.


Which you have know right to do because you don't know what mind set the company as a whole was in.

So by definition I have no right to criticize WWE or any wrestler because I don't wrestle myself?


I did that because you can't read.

They were friends, they had a falling out over the injury.
Yes he was their top star, he represented the entire locker room and the titan sports family, the WWE was saying good bye together through Austin.

Vince McMahon as the owner of the company would have been a better representative. Yes?

Austin didn't speak, didn't go up on the turn buckles, didn't give anyone the finger or the stunner. He called for two beers, toasted Owen Hart, drunk one and left the other. At many funerals people will do something similar. What's the problem?

When people enter a church for a funeral service do they do it to their own personal entrance theme?

I came out to Loco by Coal Chamber at my mothers funeral.

Wrestling & real life are different things.

Again how do you know he wasn't being himself? Who are you to tell us he wasn't?

Because he came out as ''Stone Cold'' Steve Austin. You can say he is his gimmick, just as you say Rey Mysterio's mask isn't a gimmick but you're wrong.

You have no right to attack people on how they react to death

Who was attacking? I was stating.
I think memorial shows are a really good idea to pay tribute to wrestlers. I personally loved the Eddie one. Most of what was said you could tell was coming from the heart, and emotion from people such as Rey Mysterio was obviously what he felt. You can tell by these shows who reallly was affected by through what they say and how they react.

However I also hated when Austin ended the Owne Hart show. As has been said, the two weren't particularly close, and this showed through the usual segment Austin has. A few beers, and then the end. I don't believe their was a point to this at all. It went from being completely about Hart and his career, to Austin just being distasteful. And I know it wasn't his choice to be out there, and that was his gimmick, bt honestly, for a show like this the gimmick could have been left behind.

The show would have been so much better ended with a member of his family, or a true friend in the business just talking about him, it woulsn't even have needed to be a proper speech. Austin gave the show a bad taste when really it should have been something we were all praising, which we are I guess, but this is what will be remembered as well.
Memorial shows are the only way the WWE can pay tribute to the wrestlers that have made the fans happy and the company on whole money. I don't remember the Eddie and Owen shows that well it was a long time ago but I do remember the Beniot show as it was only last year. The WWE had to make up the show quickly. Don't forget Beniot had been text messaging them that weekend and they are the ones who called the police because they believed something was wrong, he also missed the PPV. I didn't like the way that they did it though by having wrestlers that somehow were just there for appearance sake only. The only one who moved me was Chauvo, he was really upset about Beniot's death talking about how he would trust Chris with his children and all. If the WWE had waited any longer and the news had come out about the murders they wouldn't have been able to do a show. It would have looked like they were insentitive to Beniot's wife and son if they had done one at a later date.

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