MEM/Frontline in WWE


I'm better than you!
If you could have a similar storyline in the WWE to what TNA has in the Main Event Mafia v The Frontline who would you use. Who would lead and who would hold the titles, who's fueding with who etc etc. The MEM has to obviously be main eventers or at least have been and are still top guys and the Frontline has to be mid carders that maybe deserve to be main eventing and are newer than the MEM...

Also MEM would be heels and frontline would be faces. Here's my choices:

Main Event Mafia:
HHH (Leader)
Chris Jericho

Mr Kennedy
CM Punk
Shelton Benjamin (turned face)

These are what i'd like, i thought Morrison would be good as a Frontline member but wasnt sure if he'd work as a face well. I'd have Trips and Kennedy fighting over the WHC. Punk and Y2J fighting over the IC title and Shelton/MVP taking on Edge and Orton for the tag titles.

I really liked the idea of the Veterans taking on the Rookies, it's always a good story wether it be in movies, books or TV the classic young good guys beating the older more experienced bad guys is always great to watch and get into.

What would your ideas be?
Mafia -
Triple H (With Stephanie McMahon and Vince)
Shawn Michaels
Big Show (Vickie)
Edge (With Vickie)

Frontline -
Cody Rhodes
Ted Dibiase
CM Punk
(and others, the importance lies on the Mafia here having fewer members but all the power, in complete control with vickie and the mcmahons meaning they might have less members but its gonna take a slew of people...especially combat them.)
It would be very interesting to see just how the MEM/Frontline angle would work in the WWE. There are a number of the 'older' wrestlers that could be involved in the MEM. Of course it is important to make sure that their gimmicks can be utilised as well with the MEM. I would like to see The Undertaker in the MEM, but his gimmick as the dead man puts that one out to me. Just dont think it would be great to see the deadman come to the ring in a suit.

So thinking about it my MEM would be

Triple H (leader)
Big Show
JBL (Financial backer)

No one better than Triple H as the leader, the boss's son in law. HBK fits the mould as well as he has been the main event slot for a longtime. Edge whilst still youngish is a guy that would do anything to remain on top and has done in the past he would be a good fit. Big Show is one that maybe a bit iffy. I have him ion as some added muscle, also being a multiple world champ and his currently relationship might also help. Everyone loves to hate JBL and with his gimmick he would be a glove like fit with the MEM, if he cant go ion the ring then just as a financial backer or manager would be great. I would also leave it open for the MEM to 'subcontract' out to other heels (yeah Id have them be heels) to help get the job done... etc using their Russian connectio, Koslov, to do a 'hit' for them.

The Frontline is probably the more difficult of thee two factions to decide on. It would be important to at least have a few guys that the crowd already cares about to help them along. I was thinking of having Cena as the leader seeing as he is still young however his multiple and long title reigns puts him out for me. Therefore I would go with:

Randy Orton
Jeff Hardy
Cody Rhodes
Evan Bourne
Jack Swagger

Having Orton as leader is an interesting on but he is still very young and while he has been champion a bit has been involed with Triple H trying to stop his ascent. Same with Hardy , the crowd loves him and he has been on the cusp of being a real main event star. MVP as the cocky up and comer complaining about never getting a real go, sort of a tweener. Rhodes, Bourne and Swagger are young a relatively new enought to get a good rub from the angle. Swagger perhaps after a move to Raw or Smackdown and getting mired in the midcard fixtures. Bit of forward planning would be required.

Both sides would be open for new members especially the Frontline. WHilst the MEM would get guys willing to help them do their dirty work but not let them into the group and discard them once their usefulness is up.

Also leaves guys like Undertaker, Jericho, Cena to be able to continue with seperate programs so that the whole sho does not just revolve around the angle. Also meaning their is a chance for them to be involved briefly.
Personally I don't think we'll ever see this in WWE. I can't see Vince acknowledging anything TNA does storyline wise, especially copying one. However, with that said my teams would be...

Main Event Mafia

Shawn Michaels
Big Show


John Cena
Mr Kennedy
CM Punk
Kofi Kingston
This is easy for me as I made a MEM on 09

I got

Triple H,Y2J,Big Show,Undertaker,and JBL as the MEM on my game with the MEM theme song also lol.

Now if I had to make a frontline...

John Cena,CM Punk,Randy Orton,MVP,and Evan Bourne

It would probably go better in WWE.
i aswell made a mem and frontline in svr09

mem comparisons



the hardyz-lethal consequenses

people are forgettin aj isnt a midcarder

The McMahons

DX + Evolution + Rated RKO + Cena and Vince = New Corporation. Easily more powerful and better skilled than the original.


Chris Jericho
Mr. Kennedy
Jeff Hardy
CM Punk
The Undertaker (not actually in the stable, but frequently could assist them)

I would have Chris Jericho be the tweener, with both groups are always trying to get him to join.

It's a good enough angle, and the WWE hasn't really done it. WCW did (the New Blood vs. Millionaire's Club) and TNA is obviously doing it now, but I think it would be pretty effective in WWE even more so, because it finally gives Cena a heel turn, and it would be a real David a Goliath feud. Especially with Vince on one side stacking the deck.
I don't want to see this angle in WWE, we've sorta had it with the new breed v ECW originals as well as the WCW millionaires club.

If I would choose a MEM it would be;

HHH as he has been around for quite some time and can be a great heel, HBK would also be a good addition for the same reasons, Edge & Orton are naturally heels and would fit in very well witht he group and I would also have Cena as the big face guy who turns heel.

The problem with the group is who would be your mega faces in the frontline? can you really see the crowd liking Batista, Christian, Jericho over HHH, HBK, Cena, Edge & Orton? I cannot. Whilst on paper it's a good idea, as a whole I can't see it working as these guys have not come from elsewhere, but have worked their way up in WWE.
I think you would need key veterans to be a part of the WWE MEM. Triple H, HBK, Big Show all as possibilities. I think Kane should be an option but who knows.
Randy Orton CANNOT be in the MEM because he's young and also at this stage in his development he needs to be one of the main heels on a show, and this would stunt that.
Alright, I am thinking outside the box on this one, but let me know what you think.

Triple H
Big Show
Matt Hardy
Ric Flair (manager type)

CM Punk
Jeff Hardy

Ok, let me explain some things. Ric Flair on the MEM makes perfect sense. Whereas, if Flair is there, and with Jericho's gimmick, Jericho is perfect for the frontline. JBL can say he only invests in "up and coming stock" and stays away from those on declines. HBK is too popular to be a heel. and Orton can get screwed by the McMahons and Triple H out of the group. I think this would be a very fun stable v stable and its definitly different.
Main Even Mafia
Triple H
Shawn Michaels

Randy Orton
John Cena
CM Punk
Mr. Kennedy
i dont like the stable v. stable story. i think its better when you have a dominating heel stable like the 4 horsemen, evolution, the nwo or even the triple threat in ecw. by having a war divide the locker rooms there isnt as much support for just one side (the babyfaces) as there needs to be to really make a story line sizzle. when the four horsemen turned on sting, nobody, i mean nobody wanted to see the horsemen beat up on that guy and people went absolutely ape shit when sting was able to fight them all off. same with austin v. the corporation and sting again with the nwo. the point of this thread, however was who would be in each faction. so clearly you have trips as the leader, the mcmahons as the backing, the big show or batista as enforcer, and maybe jericho and punk as main eventers on their way to legend status. i like the idea of including punk because he's not truly main event but he has had a world title and it would be an awesome swerve to get him to turn heel for this one because no one would ever think he'd fit. as far as the faces, orton is just to vile to be cheered for, cena has had too much main event, and i think you keep taker and hbk out of it, which leaves kennedy and mvp as the up and comers santino could be a great mouth peice and someone like jeff hardy as the leader.

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